Greetings Everyone,

My dearest readers, strangers, and friends alike. I have returned. It has been a long time since we've last spoken, so I think I owe it to you. To us. To explain where I have been. I promise it won't be a long tale, but I should think it is a great one.

Over the past year or so, I have been working tirelessly on improving my life, as one should. Not only that, improving the situation within as many aspects of my life that I can. I was sponsored to start a business. One that could always do with a few more customers, the link I will provide down later. I have moved from being the active participant to becoming a very busy team leader across three different states. Never would I have imagined being responsible for so many people with all of their combined potentials and assets. It's been a very eye-opening and humbling position to be holding. I am so very proud of all the volunteers under my charge as well as all of their families who participate.

Now you might be wondering, well Nomad, you seem to be the busy bee, but what is your volunteer organization that I can look them up? Well, I'm glad you (actually me) asked! The Volunteer Organization that I'm now happily "working" for is called Operation Underground Railroad. Their primary focus is the rescuing of children that are sold into slavery to perform...acts...that would not be appropriate to say in the general public. This has been a long-time passion of mine and I'm now in the position to finally do all that I can to engage and support the efforts of the teams and field agents in this organization that conduct such rescues and the persecution of these terrible people.

I ask this. That if you are able, please visit this site, donate, or buy whatever merchandise they have and spread the news. If you are stateside, please apply, sign up and become a volunteer. We need as many people in this fight as we can. To uphold this promise. To rescue every single child, to bring them home. And to find and capture, every single monster that hides in the dark. Because this isn't just my fight anymore, or just your fight alone. It's OUR's. So c'mon. We've got work to do.

If you remember too, that I have a business. This is my sponsor, Amway. And if you use the link I provide, become a customer and set up an account, you'll be helping me in the fight. With the income made off of this, it will open up more avenues to expand in my local area. It'll come up with any shortcomings in fundraising, it'll help with logistics, marketing, advertising and so much more. With this link to my business, keep in mind, you are getting great products and my promise that your purchase is going to a good cause, but I am a for-profit business.

But if you donate directly to OUR, that'd be even better, as they are a NON-PROFIT organization and can use every penny that they can get.

Donate here:


Here you will find a wide variety of goods from home products, to edibles, nutritional supplements and other supplies you could find useful! My business offers only goods that are absolutely used around my household and eaten nearly daily! But you're not here for a sell-line. So that's that, help me, help others, and I will do my best to keep this story going for all of you! If you have any questions about my products, please, email me either through my website or through:



Donate or become a volunteer at

Support me, supporting O.U.R through my business: en_US/myshop/rtran1495

Any encouraging words or advice is always welcome, and as always, please enjoy. Fight on SKK's

