Standard disclaimer-I don't own Young and hungry etc etc

After Josh proposed and Gabi accepted and he agreed to go to Seattle with her they spent the night celebrating. The next morning they were excited to tell everyone the news.

Josh came out of the shower to find Gabi sitting in bed staring at the diamond on her finger.

Josh smiled happily "Hey Fiancee" he said.

Gabi's face lit up at his words "Back at ya" she smiled. "I still can't believe this is all really happening"

"Well believe it baby cause it's happening" he smiled.

Gabi's face got serious "Josh, thank you for coming to Seattle with me, it means the world to me that you are willing to pick up and move your whole life for me without any warning. Having you there with me makes it so much less scary" she said relieved.

"Gabi, first of all you are my whole life. Second I'm happy to go anywhere with you, I don't ever want to be away from you. It's going to be great, you are going to do amazing and we are starting a new chapter in our lives together moving to a new city…"

"Temporarily" she interjected

"Living together" he continued

"Not temporarily" she grinned.

"And the best part of all is we are getting married" he smiled happily.

"Yeah we are" Gabi smiled and kissed him.

"Hey guys just so you know we are all down here impatiently waiting to know what happened last night, you know it's rude to keep your guests waiting" Sofia called up to them.

They laughed and headed downstairs. "Let's mess with them a little bit" Josh said and Gabi nodded in agreement turning her ring around so the band was facing outward. Josh held that hand in his effectively covering the band as well.

"To be a guest you would have to be invited over" Josh teased as they entered the kitchen where they were all waiting with a pitcher of mimosas.

"Hilarious now spill" Sofia said impatiently.

"We're going to Seattle" Gabi said excitedly without any reaction from the group.

"That's it? Well we didn't need to rush over here first thing for that" Alan said with a frown, walking away to sit on the couch.

"Come on guys this is a big deal, this is a big opportunity for her. Be happy for her, for us" Josh scolded.

" Aww Of course we are happy for you baby" Yolanda said hugging her.

"I'm not. I mean I would be happy if you were going away but you're taking Josh" Elliott grumbled.

"We were just expecting something else" Sofia frowned "But yay Seattle!" she said trying to muster up some excitement.

"There is the one other thing" Josh said

"Oh yeah" Gabi said "We're getting married!" Gabi screeched excitedly grabbing Sofia to jump up and down.

Nick grabbed Josh and they jumped around screeching as well teasing the girls.

Everyone congratulated them and took turns hugging them and checking out the ring.

"When do you guys have to leave?" Yolanda asked

"Alex wants me there as soon as possible to open the restaurant but we've got to find a place and get all packed here and everything"

"Oh who cares about that, when are you guys going to get married?" Sofia asked.

"Sofia we literally just got engaged"

"Well it's going to be hard to plan with you living out of state from your maid of honor. Wait I am your maid of honor right?" She asked

"Of course you are. I hadn't thought about that, we are going to be gone a while" Gabi said, looking to Josh.

"Oh my God it just hit me you're really leaving. What if we become those friends who move on with their lives apart from their best friends and we never see each other?" Sofia asked, worried.

"It happens all the time" Alan said matter of factly.

"Noooooooo" The girls said clinging to each other.

Josh glared at Alan.

"But I'm sure that won't happen in this case" he said trying to fix it.

"Guys Seattle is a 2 hour flight from here and I have a jet remember, nobody is going to lose touch with anybody. We're a family" Josh reassured them.

"I'll drink to that" Yolanda said raising her glass and quickly downing it's contents.

"You'll drink to anything" Elliott said in response, causing her to choke on her drink.

"Oooh we should have a party before you leave, a engagement slash going away party. I could help plan it, I've got nothing else going on" Alan said.

"Yeah about that, we should really talk about that at some point" Elliott said.

Alan rolled his eyes in response "You guys sure you want to get married?" Alan asked.

"I do" Josh said hugging Gabi close.

"I do too" she said smiling up at him.

Elliott made a puke gesture in response.

"I love the idea of a party but I don't know if everyone will be able to make it on short notice. Do you even know where Jake is?" She asked Josh.

"Oh my God Jake, Gabi I just realized he is going to be your brother in law. You made out with your brother in law" Sofia said laughing.

"Wait, what? Gabi made out with Josh's brother? How did I not know about that?" Nick asked, amused.

"Yes. I kissed Josh's brother prior to us being together" Gabi said.

"A lot!" Sofia added. Josh made a face.

"Not helping Sofia!" Gabi yelled.

"Anyway it happened I kissed Jake. And what did you do with him Sofia?" Gabi teased, getting her back.

Sofia glared at her. "I dated Josh's brother very briefly" she explained to Nick.

"You dated his penis" Gabi teased, causing Sofia to glare at her.

"Yep that might have been too far" Gabi said

"You'll understand when you meet him, that man is gorgeous" Elliott told him.

"Okay enough about my hot brother and all the stuff people did with him" Josh said, a little jealous.

"And if that wasn't enough weirdness for our family, my mom and Gabi's dad also made out" Josh added.

"Man I can't wait for this party" Nick said excitedly, loving the drama.