Chapter 1: Missing

AN: This takes place during the episode, You Say You Want a Revolution. Everything was the same until the ceremony at the end.

It was almost the end of the trip. It made Alison sad, she was finally enjoying herself and counted herself lucky that she got to be a part of the historic moment in front of her. She knew she shouldn't take it for granted. She had been taking pictures of the ceremony all day. She would take pictures of the US flag and the way it flew in the breeze, and of her mom and her dad and the look of love in his eyes. She had been about to snap a picture when she heard faint ticking...and then BOOM.

The scene of the bomb was chaos. People were scrambling in every possible direction, there were people who had been hit and the McCord family were being ushered to safety. When Elizabeth and Henry were reunited inside the consulate mere moments later, the were relieved. Inside they patiently waited for Alison. "Hey Matt, do you know where Ali is?" Elizabeth asked. "Let me find out Ma'am. He speaks into his walkie talkie, can any one give a whereabouts on hummingbird?" (Hummingbird is Alisons code name). "This is Frank, not with me." "Officer Moore, not with me". "Officer Patterson, that's a negative over here." "Code blue hummingbird, Matt said into his walkie talkies and into the room. At that moment every DS agent stopped what they were doing and scrambled off in every possible direction looking for Alison. Code blue was something that they didn't use often, being the internal code for missing. "Ma'am, it appears that none of the DS agents has Alison with them. I have sent them all off to find her. It's possible that in the melee she just got disoriented. We will find her." Matt said.

"Missing". The word hung in Elizabeths mind. She almost passed out when she heard that her daughter was missing. She had been through this before, in India after the chemical explosion and they couldn't locate Alison for several minutes, but this time something felt different, more serious. It made Elizabeth nauseous and faint. Henry, who saw the colour drain from Elizbeths face reached out to try and calm her in any way he could. "Hey honey, DS will find her, she is probably under a chair or table or something. If not that then she is probably on her way back here trying to get into the consulate to be reunited with us. Don't worry okay." He took her into his arms and hugged her.

Word had travelled back to the White House and the presidents office about the bomb. "How are Elizabeth, Henry and Alison?" Conrad asked Russell. "From what I gather from her staff and DS, Elizabeth and Henry are safe inside the consulate, it is on lock down and DS are looking for Alison. They think she just might have hidden under something when the bomb happened." Russell said. "I hope so. Please keep me posted. This is my priority today." Conrad said.

"How long have they been looking for her?" Elizabeth asked Henry. She felt like time had stopped. "It's been almost 30 minutes." He said. "That's a long time, I don't know why they can't find her. She couldn't have gone far. Ali, where are you?" Elizabeth said. Henry didn't really know what to say to her. He was worried about Alison, the bomb, whether or not she was injured and that was why they couldn't find her. He also knew that to avoid a full blown panic attack from his wife he would put it to the back of his mind and just focus on Elizabeth. He figured it was a better way to be productive than to check his watch every 5 seconds. "I know that Alison is a smart girl, I also know that she could be scared. What did she always do as a kid when thunder would come by?" Henry asked his wife. "She used to hide." Elizabeth said while cracking a small smile, clearly thinking back to an earlier memory. "See, so this is nothing new. She's probably just hiding and waiting for the chaos to die down. I'm sure we will have her in our arms soon." Henry said.

"Perimeter secure. No sign of Hummingbird." said Officer Patterson. "Hummingbird is a negative in the staging area as well" Frank said. After that Matt received a few more radio calls from various areas of the scene all with the response that they didn't find Alison. Matt, took a moment. He wasn't exactly sure how to deliver the news that he and his agents had spent the last two hours scouring every possible part of the site, confirming with emergency services personnel and visiting every hospital in a 2 hour radius and no one had Alison, nor had anyone recalled seeing her in the moments after the blast.

"Ma'am, Henry, please sit down" Matt said. "Where is Ali? Is she okay? How fast can we get to her?" Elizabeth asked. "We have spent the last two hours scouring every inch of this site, we have looked in things, under things, behind and above things. No one has seen Alison since prior to the blast. We have spoken with emergency services personnel in the event that she was injured, and had an agent search every hospital within 2 hours of here. There is no sign of her. We will not rest until we find her. I assure you of that. I'm sorry that this isn't the news that you want to hear." Matt said as he got up to leave.

"Oh my gosh. Henry, what has happened to our girl?" Elizabeth said. At that moment the nervous feeling in her stomach became a noticeable ache and nausea. She went pale again, put her hand over her mouth and ran out of the room, Henry trailing behind her. Once she was finished vomiting, she sat against the bathroom wall beside Henry. "What if something really bad has happened?" She asked. "Then we will deal with it when we know what happened. Until then, we move heaven and earth to find out where she is." Henry said. With that Elizabeth got up, rinsed out her mouth and grabbed her phone from her pocket. She called her team, she realized that she hadn't checked in to see if they were all okay. "We are all okay. Thank you for asking. I got the staff on a plane. Blake and I are still here. We got checked over by medical and released. We are on our way to the consulate now. DS told me about Alison. Is there anything that we can do?" Nadine asked. "Thanks Nadine, I really appreciate you handling the staff. Henry and I are okay. I'm trying to reach the President Barzan but he isn't returning my calls." Elizabeth said. "Okay, Ma'am, my phone is about to lose power. Blake has lost his in the blast. We will be there soon." Nadine said to Elizabeth. "Change of plans she told the driver, President Barzan's office. NOW". She said.

10 minutes later, she was standing in front of the president of Cuba. She patiently waited for him to finish his phone call. "Hello Ms. Tolliver. How can I help you?" the president asked. "The bomb at the embassy has separated the Secretary and her daughter. Her private security hasn't yet been able to find her. You need to get your chief of police involved in this. Alison will be back with her parents unharmed or so help me, I will find a way to implicate you in this bombing." Nadine said in her no-nonsense voice. "Ms. Tolliver, I can assure you, the chief of police and his officers are trying to find the culprits and that I have NOTHING to do with this bomb. I will talk to the chief and get them to look for Alison."President Barzan said.