This not a chapter update it's a long overdue update concerning lack of updates for the CHUCK stories I have left in limbo for ages, which there are several different reasons for. First, college is mentally draining and during the semester I have little time or desire to write. The coming fall is my last semester (thank god) so that obstacle will end in the not too distant future. Second, my condition CP means its only possible for me to type one keystroke at a time, a bit annoying but not a major issue, many who are familiar with me on here know I wrote a lengthy post finale story [my first fan fic period] and it has been completed since 2016. I have and am still writing stuff for other fandoms during my CHUCK hibernation. The biggest reason for my absence is that I put two years of thought into my post finale story its core was always in my head and though I started other longer stories I hit a point where I just needed a CHUCK break, that break now has an end in sight. My unfinished CHUCK stories have not left my head even during my time away but real life and other interests [both writing and gaming] took over for a while and when you empty the CHUCK tank on your first try sometimes you hit a wall even if you start other longer stories at a good pace, that happened to me but I will be updating before too long. Thanks for listening😊