A/N: Hey all, the following is a new attempt at a sequel to the first story I ever penned for, my answer to the open-ended finale called Chuck and Sarah. I just could not write a convincing conflict in my original attempt to pen a sequel. Let me be upfront and say this reattempt is inspired by Back to the Future while borrowing science elements from the Flash TV show, which is my favorite of the comic superhero-related shows currently on TV. That being said this will have no interaction with either of those universes and is not a crossover. It is 100% a CHUCK story and something that has been forming in my head for quite a while and I wrote a prologue to test the water. I fully intend to keep going with my AU story that I started ahead of this one!

Take a peek at my Epilogue for the aforementioned story if you want a better backdrop for this story. It isn't included here because I did not intend to reattempt a sequel, like JK Rowling the idea just happen to fall into my head.

Final note the setup for this story ignores the finality with which its parent ended! It could be considered an indirect sequel.

Chuck and the Five Year Redux

Prologue: It's Hard to Say Goodbye

2014 saw the end of the third World War III or as it would be nicknamed the Intersect War. Chuck and Sarah used that peace to raise their six children: twins Liam and Lisa, triplet daughters Emma, Grace, and Megan, and a second son Stephen. By 2025 the Bartowski children's mutated DNA was no longer secret because the public connected already existing breadcrumbs that originated during the Intersect war. Over the years science made unprecedented leaps and bounds in understanding the intricacies of space-time manipulation and DNA mutation.

Now, in 2034 during the dead of night, lighting cracks the sky through a furious storm as it roars loudly outside the windows of GISA headquarters. The noise inside the Global Intelligence and Security Agency is just as perilous as the sounds of the raging storm outside. Footsteps rush and chaotic voices shout from various areas including just short of one area that was never meant to be more than experimental, kept within the agency as a means of historical observation, but driven by a desire to manipulate time the intruders breached the time vault-built wing built seven years earlier. Careful planning over that same period by the agency's oldest enemy over that same seven years was paying off.

A light airy voice orders his comrade while running quickly ahead, "Hold them off at all costs we have no more EMP bullets left and I'm nearly at the Time Vault!"

Another more demanding and rigid voice responds, "Hurry up dammit those damn children of theirs are probably already here, godforsaken link to their parents!" Groans could be heard on the other side of the entrance several hallways away.

Liam Bartowski was blasting his way through enemy agents, not with bullets from a gun, but solar energy from both hands. He shouted ahead of his path with an angry fury that bounced off walls, "EDGAR! YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS! I WILL FIND YOU I DON'T CARE HOW FAR BACK IN TIME YOU TRAVEL, YOU USED EVERY LAST EMP BULLET AND WITHOUT ANY MORE YOU CAN'T JUST SHUT OFF OUR BRAINS LIKE YOU DID HIS!"

Edgar was taunting, "Your father's life was nothing more than dumb luck kid, you really have no clue, but it won't matter because I'm going to make sure to alter the future to Fulcrum's liking, starting with your parents, why not comfort your mother while you still exist!" Liam shot solar radiation at Edgar just as he vanished behind a disappearing wormhole in spacetime.

The other siblings were lagging, having been preoccupied with killing several rounds of enemy agents themselves. Liam's twin sister Lisa was a twin in her ability as well. Though she was much more level-headed than her twin brother. Emma, Grace and Megan looked identical to their mother and had a true mind's eye and seer-like, as well as psychic powers. They sounded anxious and frantic. Emma was anguished, "Mom is already seizing because dad's death severed their connection, they were metaphysically tied to each other if she gets forced through the time gate we all fade from existence and the timeline from the past will alter to its own flashpoint!"

Grace was fighting tears filled with anger, "We can't let that happen."

The youngest sibling froze several agents on the spot just by uttering stop while he kept up with his brother and sisters, "I know, but they filled the building with gas based led, otherwise we would have teleported right to her." His abilities were an ability to control neurological functioning in the brain and use energy in various ways including defensively, offensively and for gravity-free movement.

Megan was rushed and seemed preoccupied with her mind, "I can see the past…he is going back to you know where…trying to stop the first domino, that is a fixed point in the past. Changes would cause a time quake with any number of consequences."

Lisa stopped, creating a transdimensional breach from her hands, "We may not be able to move in molecular space, but we can still move through wormholes." They stepped through the breach which vanished moments later.

Suddenly Edgar's comrade became fearful, "The kids are just outside the main doorway that leads to the sub-basement; destroy the gate as you pass through, I will hold them off as long as I—" The man's final word was drowned out by a loud blast that had no form, an invisible explosion that blew the door inward pinning him dead against a nearby wall. Laszlo Mahnovski's clone was lifeless.

Stephen shuddered, "Remind me never to make you three angry. I never did get used to those psychic blasts."

Lisa shot Stephen a look, "Let them concentrate."

The triplets turned their attention to their mother with as calm a telepathic plead as they could muster. All three trying to cut through the fog in her head, a triple echo. "it's okay mom, we're with you just let us take over…"

Sarah was herself but faintly and soon her mind would leave her entirely, "Never forget how much I love you all, Edgar he already went back, he isn't trying to destroy the Intersect he is trying to change fate and erase you from existence."

They inquired caught off guard, "Why didn't he just drag you with him into the past and wait for you to die there, the paradox would claim the old you soon enough."

Sarah's mind continued to strain with the effort of staying maintaining her reality, "To suffer in the future and the past, across two lines of time and claim the Intersect for Fulcrum without your father in their way. Chuck's motivation is tied to me, he was fueled by a desire to be my equal. You must travel back, the six of you are the only ones left with the knowledge of the future to oppose Edgar. We had gone so many years without operating as spies we were unprepared for Edgar's attack, Laszlo must have created the EMP ammo. I guess we should not have let it rust in us after the war. Everyone else that had the joint Intersect is dead and I will be comatose soon, now go."

They responded with sorrow filled anguish, "it's hard to say goodbye."

With nods, the other Bartowski siblings kept going and soon they caught up to Liam. He was blunt, "I caught up to Edgar just as he passed through the time gate, it won't turn on anymore, and mom is already…" The realization caused the last word to die in his throat and it crashed over the others just as quickly.

Lisa's anguish left her too overcome with grief and frustration, "What are we supposed to do? Our parents are dead and if we don't get back to the past it could create any number of time paradoxes or split one timeline into multiple flashpoints."

Stephen was anxious, "All those years watching The Flash…aren't we risking that by default, not that our present could suffer more at this point."

Liam turned to his trio of younger sisters expecting confirmation of his younger brothers' words, "Well, you're the super genius's?"

They all shrugged clearly unsure for the first time ever despite an infinite IQ. "knowledge of the future should allow all of us to retain our powers, if mom and dad die in the past we are gone, but time travel is newly realized and trying to gauge its effects based on how it is presented by a TV show that ended 10 years ago is pointless."

Lisa sounded no less keen to do nothing, "no one is supposed to alter the past on the level that Edgar will if we don't follow him."

Liam punched the air angrily, "Well he made sure we couldn't follow him!"

The triplets were examining the time gate, they looked at their older twin siblings. "There is traces of dark matter still, trying powering it by yourselves. It is still set for September 23, 2007."

Liam and Lisa nodded, they shot breach energy from their hands concentrating hard. Eventually, the time gate sprang to life. All the siblings looked uncertainly at each other.

Stephen shrugged, "Mom before she was our mom…this, is going to be weird."

Liam shook his head, "The weird part is how slow we age, we're mentally all in our 20's but we look like children."

Lisa folded her arms, "We should not make ourselves known to them unless it is absolutely necessary."

Stephen looked upset, "Why can't we say we're someone else? I want to talk to mom and dad again, it's not like we're interacting with ourselves…"

Lisa met her little brother kindly, placing her hands on his shoulders, "You know they won't be our parents where we are going, you can't interact with them just because you want to see them again." He hung his head sadly.

Emma looked back at the time gate before sharing a nervous look with her identical sisters. Her words were quiet, "We're the ones who really have to worry. We look like kid versions of mom in her twenties. She was always thankful that we did not get her awkward teen looks. How will she react if she sees three children that look like her to every detail?" The triplets all shuttered trying to comprehend that they could not comprehend something, it was entirely odd.

Grace was blunt, "We need to go, the past present or present past is in flux already. Edgar is not far from throwing a wrench in Bryce's plan…"

Liam took the lead, he looked back at his siblings with a sigh, "I'm worried."

Stephen shrugged again, "All I can think of is…mysterious thing time, powerful and when meddled with dangerous'." Liam shook his head with a half-smile knowing they were headed to when Harry Potter's original arc was only recently completed, as all six Bartowski siblings stepped through the time gate.

The past of Chuck Bartowski was about to collide with the last remaining traces of the future and neither was safe if they failed to thwart Edgar Sloan…back to the future was no longer just a movie.

A/N I have always been intrigued by time travel, the unpredictably of it, fictional or not is so broad and Chuck and Sarah are such interesting people that I wondered how their canon selves would react to meeting future children, the superpowers are because I like superpowers.