Harry Potter was lying in a pool of his own blood in Dudley's second bedroom. He had accidentally woken his uncle up from screaming so loud because of a vision from Voldemort. Voldemort was attacking a muggle town with his Death Eaters, raping, torturing and killing. It didn't matter if it was men, women or children, they were all doomed. He could remember the sick and twisted pleasure Voldemort had felt. He started dry heaving at the memory of a death eater sending a severing curse at a heavily pregnant woman, seeing her and her unborn child's life-giving blood explode from her body. The pain and confusion in her eyes before the life left them. The sight of a muggle man with a gun trying to slow down a group of death eaters so his wife and children could make a run for it. The sound of a baby screaming for it's already dead mother. Tears slowly started flowing down his dirty, bruised and bloodied face. Tonight was his 17th birthday and this raid was his 'early birthday present' from Voldemort.
Hearing a insistent tapping on his window Harry slowly tried to pull his pain filled body off the ground, only to slip and slam his already battered head into the blood soaked floor. He started to get up again, worried the owls would wake up Uncle Vernon once more, his vision starting to go black. Stopping he clutched his head, squeezing his eyes shut to try and push away the pain. As he made his way to the window he couldn't help but wonder why his life was the way it was. Why at home he was beaten, treated worse than a house elf, and starved. At school he was either a hero or the worst evil there was. All he ever wanted was to be loved, and to be just Harry. Not boy or freak. Not the boy who lived, just Harry.
When he finally made it to the window he opened it as quietly as he could. Hedwig squeezed through the bars that were replaced from his second year, followed by Pig and Errol all bearing gifts from the Weasleys, Ron, Hermione, and Sirius. He smiled slightly if there was someone he could count on, it was them. Hermione and Ron had been there through everything with him, from the sorcerer's Stone, the Chamber of Secrets, when they thought Sirius Black was his parents secret keeper and gave up his parents up to Voldemort to when he dropping it on his lap and quickly leaving. He gently picked up the letter and flipped it over. There laying innocently on the envelope was the seal of gringotts. Now he was confused, why would Gringott's send him a letter? Slowly he opened it.
Dear Harrison,
How I hope you never read this letter but if you are then it means your father and I are dead. This is your mother and first of all I want you to know that we love you with everything we have. Right now I can hear you splashing and giggling with your father having bath time. You need to know that you are special, and not as every parent says their child is special. The is not about the twice damned 'prophecy' but because of the blood and magic that runs through your veins. You, Harrison, are a king. You see my beautiful baby, you are not truly a Potter. Your true name is Harrison Vladimir Slytherin Gryffindor. No one knows that you are not our son by blood, but make no mistake you are the son of our heart.
Hey son it's dad. Your younger self wanted your mother. You are a little marauder! Bambi I'm going to tell you about the night you were left in our care. Man that was one night that I could never forget. Your mother and I were just getting ready to leave Hogwarts when a portal opened right in front of us. Out stepped two men, the taller one was dressed in emerald green old fashion robes with silver snakes chasing after each other around the hems. On the right side of the man's chest was the crest of Slytherin with one difference. On top of the snake was a large crown. The other man was more slender and was wearing red with gold lions around the hems. On the left of his chest was the crest of Gryffindor and on top of the lion's head was a circlet. Your mother and I noticed that the man in red was carrying a small bundle wrapped in soft blankets and silently crying.
The taller man introduce himself as King Salazar Slytherin and King Consort Godric Gryffindor and we learned that that bundle wrapped in soft blankets was you. In their time there was nowhere truly safe for witches and wizards, and they were heading into war. The muggles were coming to storm the castle and they needed a place to hide their child and heir to the throne. To say we were shocked was an understatement! As Salazar talked, Godric held you closer kissing you and huddled into Salazar. Your mother and I had been trying for a year for a baby. We had just lost hope of ever having a child when we found out I was cursed with infertility during my Hogwarts years. We, of course, accepted to take you, to love you as our own and raise you as your station deserved. But we had to hide who you were, to me it was the ultimate joke! Our son was actually my ancestor and a king and no one knows! As they handed you to us Salazar held you for the last time and as he kissed your forehead he shed a few tears and I knew then that he truly loved you. His last words to us before they stepped through the portal were "With you we leave not only the heir to the magical throne but our pride and joy, our son. We love him dearly but we must give him up and we may never be able to return for him, but it is for the best. Love him and raise him as your own." And we have, oh you are absolutely perfect and a great prankster already! Every time Padfoot teases you, you always end up levitating dirty nappies onto his head. You do me proud son!
It's your mother again. You must go to Gringott's! Until you go your life hangs in the balance! I hope that Dumbledore listened to our wills, under no circumstances are you supposed to go to the Dursley's. But if you are then DO NOT TRUST DUMBLEDORE! He doesn't have your best interests at heart. You should get this letter a few minutes before your 17th birthday, when every binding we placed to conceal who you are will come undone. Remember Harrison we love you just as much as your true father and your bearer did!
Love always,
Mom and Dad
As he finished the letter Harrison was confused and astonished. 'How could I be the son of Salazar Slytherin and Godric Gryffindor?! How is that even possible?! Men can't get pregnant!' was his last thought before hearing a clock strike midnight and his world erupted into pain unlike anything he had ever felt.