Here's 8, with a new opening and closing
Fairy, where you going?
I will gather all of the light
And make it shine on your tomorrow
A fairy flying in the darkness as getting tired and weaker making her light goes faded. She begins to fall but she got caught by human hands...she looks up to see Lincoln who looks at her with a smiled, he lifted up his hand as release light to shine as the title appear.
TLH: Doujinshi
Oh yeah, can you hear that voice that is calling
Oh yeah, it's hoarse from shouting
Lincoln walking down the streets until he reaches the park to see Gwen waving at him as so does the others, making him smiled runs towards them.
Oh yeah, it will last until I can hear your heart
Oh yeah, oh yeah
Lincoln sits on the building, looking at the mid-afternoon that having orange and dark blue in the sky, he sees the stars until the stars having everyone back in home in those stars above him.
The high of the touch moon and the sun
Is it something that I'd left behind?
it's strange when you're not here
I can't find what I want
Lincoln tries to reach out to them but all of them spark away until he's see a bright light that makes him cover his eyes. Lincoln waken up by the tap on his head, he wakes up to see Gwen smiling at him...he got up to see everyone surrounded him making him bashful.
Snowing, I could smile honestly
Both of us, close together
Because our "time" is connected
The gang flying through the sky liking a race of Buttercup in the lead, having lunch in the pizza joint as the TMNT eating most of them, in the concert making the rest sweat drop, and the dance makes Bubbles and Jade bringing Lincoln and Gwen together while their faces turning red.
Fairy, where you going?
I will gather all of the light
And make it shine on your tomorrow
Cosmo flying around until Wanda grabbed him to bringing him to Timmy, as the Epix fighting off a monster that near the Academy. Watching and cheering for them from teachers, students, even the principle of the Academy.
In the end, The Epix relaxing on the grass while Lincoln sitting against the tree, he opens his eyes to see the spirit of the angel who smiling at him.
Chapter 2: Page 1
Lincoln is seen sitting on a grassy hill, seeing the view of the place. Until he saw the same blond girl who sits next to him, the boy raises his eyebrow at the girl. She's been helping him for a long time ever since he's sleeping and met great people who passed away.
"You still won't tell me your name?" Lincoln asked
The girl just smiled. "No, you're gonna go hang out with my brother."
"Who's your brother?" Lincoln asked
"He's your team's genius," she answered makes Lincoln eyes wide.
"Wait for what?" Lincoln question
Lincoln opens his eyes, waking up to see his room, as he begins to stand up and walked to his dresser and pulls out his new school uniform.
"Well, time for my first day of middle school," Lincoln said as he begins to dress up.
「Mega Academy」
"Whoa...this is it..."
Lincoln is in front of the place; a place that is like it's own full whole town. While inside are students like any other either metahumans, mutants, aliens, even monsters.
Lincoln is seen wearing a jacket that is a dark orange Boris jacket with the Mega Academy patch on the shoulder, black shirt, black pants, and orange shoes. Carrying a brown book bag on his back.
Lincoln takes a deep breath and let it out " goes..."
He walks through as he looks around. He saw many students interacting as he saw a booth. The booth is run by a blond teenage girl with golden eyes, fair skin wears a blue jacket with a white button shirt with a blue bow. She wears a blue short skirt and blue ankle boots. It appears she's here for the schedule.
He goes to the booth as he spoke "Excuse me, but do you know where can I get to my class? My name is Lincoln Loud and I'm supposed to be at Homeroom 1-A."
"Ah, you must be one of the Hero Course takers." she spoke as she stands up "My name is Asuka Tenjin, I'll be your guide."
"Really?" He asks her, "What about your-"
"It's already covered, almost every student volunteer is just showing around the new students here at Mega Academy. Also, I've seen you on the news, you and your team really did a good job rescuing those teens from that facility." Asuka states with a proud smile.
"Thanks, but I couldn't do without my friends. Superboy went to the Justice League to be Superman's apprentice, Kamala's with the Avengers, Cammy said she goes back to work, and Rebecca...she's said she'll stay in the city for training. As for Beast Boy, he just...disappeared and I tried to find him."
Asuka smiled at him. "Don't worry, you will meet him soon as you think." make Lincoln confused. "Let me show you around the school."
"Here's the School Ground."
Lincoln sees the back having three times bigger that have a very own football field, soccer field, basketball court, even an ice rink. There's a big playground, a garden, and a picnic area. There's even a large fountain.
"This is where we go to either training for sports, having fun, and eating lunch outside," Asuka explains
"This is so cool," Lincoln said as he looks at the environment of the school grounds. "My old school doesn't have anything like this."
Asuka responds "Well then, let me show you to another location."
Lincoln echoed though a room that happens to be a pool that reaches long enough that sees two squares pools, having fountains inside the pool, even having bleachers in stadium-sized area. Also having two water slides at each end of the pool.
"This is the pool room, it's here for those to do water sports, volleyball, and help beat the heat," Asuka said
"Are sure is this pool room? It's like a water park!" Lincoln shout
"Well, this is a big school so it's expected to be like this." Asuka states with a sigh "We do have an amazing principal who no one has ever seen."
"Really? No one has seen him?" Lincoln asks her.
"Nope, come on let me show you around more." She said as she leads Lincoln away.
"This here is the library."
Lincoln looks around and is shocked to see a large room full of large shelves of books. So many books around here even a computer cafe area.
"Okay, this is like, college style." Lincoln comment
"This library happens to have every book you need for science, math, social studies, and history homework. Even for stories of meta-humans and mutants on their lives. there's also a state of the art computers to help you doing research."
"I guess I'll study here for now, plus it's super quiet." Lincoln comments
Lincoln and Asuka are now in the cafeteria; multiple different tables, having serving different food from around the world.
"This is the cafeteria, you can eat different types of food from different places in the world. Even the outer world for the alien's students." Asuka said
"Let me guess; the tables for the groups?" Lincoln asked
"Yeah but it's more free-range around here. Anyone can sit at any table. There are no labels around here, most students don't eat at the cafeteria and just spend time around to eat." Asuka states. "It's more like just hang out with some friends."
Lincoln looks surprised that usually where he's from, student tables always have labels whether it's for the popular kids, the nerds, goths, jocks, etc.
"This here is the theater auditorium."
The theater is more like Omaha, with the golden and brown colored wall, stadium chair is red, and the stairs are black stairs.
"This place holds students of every class for plays, movies, and including graduations," Asuka said.
"Whoa, this place is so huge!" Lincoln states.
"With so many students, of course, it's big," Asuka replied.
Now Lincoln and Asuka are at the entrance of the school as the girl spoke. "Well that's all I can tour for you, Lincoln Loud, or may I say, Link."
"Thanks, Asuka, really glade meet a girl like you," Lincoln said as hear rumbling. "Uhhh what's that?"
A black liquid coming out of the sewers, as forming red eyes. "ARGGHHH!"
"What's that?!" Lincoln asked
"A slime monster, monsters usually appears through the city and school-EEEP!" Asuka said suddenly got grabbed by the leg.
"Asuka!" Lincoln panicked.
Lincoln is about to transform but he got tangled up by a sludge arm, getting a big squeeze. "ARGH!"
Asuka gets tangled up in her sludges by arms, legs, even through the stomach. "HEEELLLPPP!"
"Full Break...Times x2!"
A purple static blurred appear as goes in front of the sludge monster, make a full blast of force that makes the sludge monster shattered in pieces.
All the sludge splat around. Garfield lands on the ground with Asuka in his arms. Lincoln land safely on the ground, as he spotted Garfield.
"You okay?" He asked her.
Asuka nodded "Yeah, thanks, Garfield."
"Asuka, are you alright?" Lincoln ran towards them as Garfield set her down on the back on her feet.
"I'm fine," she winced, felt a sting on her ankle "But I may need to see a doctor."
Lincoln then noticed the familiar boy with short dirty blond hair with bangs, "...Beast Boy?"
"Hey Link," Garfield said he wears a stylish purple jacket with black pads and has a Mega Academy Patch on the arm, black shirt, blue jeans, and purple strap boots. "Just call me Gar now."
"Beast Boy- I mean, Gar...where were you when we were seen with Justice League and Avengers?" Lincoln asked
"I'll answer your questions when lunch start, meantime, go to class," Garfield answers as he takes Asuka to the nurse's office.
Lincoln wanted to ask Gar more, but he looks at his watch, finding that he has to get to his class.
Lincoln walked through the halls seeing lockers and classroom doors with letter numbers on it. "I wish Asuka showed me-"
"Oh, man! I'm late, I'm late-"
Lincoln suddenly got tackled to the ground, he was a little hurt but mostly dizzy. His eyes came back to their senses and to see a girl laying on him.
This girl has white skin with pink color cheeks, brown hair with blue headband, and blue eyes. Wearing a light blue sweater with Mega Academy patch on the left chest, black skirt, and black shoes with white socks.
The girl realized she was laying down on Lincoln." O,h sorry!" It appears she has braces.
"I'm fine, just going to my homeroom class 1-A," Lincoln said as both stand up.
"I'm in Homeroom 1-A too- wait a minute!" she said as take a good look. "Hold the phone, you're the leader of the Epix, Link! EEEK! I'm Mabel Pines, a big fan of yours!" she said while shaking Lincoln's hand up and down.
"Nice to meet you, but can you show me-" Lincoln was interrupt as Mabel grabs his hand and took off.
"Of course, just follow me!" Mabel shout exciting
[ Nurse Office ]
At the nurse's office, Garfield places Asuka down on the bed, as he massages her sprained ankle until the nurse heals it up. The nurse is Tsunade Senju, a blond-haired woman with golden eyes, pale skin with a blue diamond on her forehead, and red lips. She wears a green robe with a gray blouse, black pants, and heels.
"Thanks for healing my ankle up," Asuka said, feeling her ankle better twisting her foot around.
"It's the least I can do," Tsunade replied "Both of you have about another 30 minutes until you get to class. I'll be heading out to get more supplies." She states as she walks out.
Garfield decides to pass the time as he sits beside Asuka on the medic bed, "Now that we're alone for 30 minutes, do you wanna-"
"Really? In school hours?" Asuka asks while laying on the rest bed. "I wish I guide Link to his class."
"I'm sure he'll be fine," Gar said as he looks up the ceiling, wondering how Link will be doing on his first day.
「Homeroom 1-A」
"This is a homeroom?"
Lincoln sees a room that big and has a red letter 'A' even the other doors that have different letters.
"Yeah, we all got different letters in our school year and we were lucky to be number one with the letter...A!" Mabel said as she opens the door.
The room is like a college class type, having color brown and White even the chairs are blue. It was like a small auditorium.
'This is like a college.' Lincoln thought as heard a voice
"Mabel...there you are!"
A boy goes to Mabel that looks like her but his hair is short. With wearing the same jacket Lincoln's wearing but in a blue, red shirt, green pants, and black shoes. He wears a brown hat on him.
"Sorry Dipper, but I'm here to show Link to our homeroom," Mabel said with a smile.
"Really?" Dipper turns to Lincoln, eyes widen "Whoa, I can't believe- wow man, I'm meeting a real superhero. Mabel hasn't bothered you or something?"
"Hey!" Mabel pout.
"Hey, it's okay. She showed me to the classroom." Lincoln replied, "Besides, I'm no superhero, I'm just a kid who likes to do the right thing."
"Yes, a great hero always says that!" Dipper said in a straight body. "I'm Dipper Pines, training in becoming a hero, my powers are simply moving objects and float!"
"Yeah, he's my brother always keep things organized. I'm having powers or created energy things." Mabel said as she created a pink sparkle ball.
"Cool! You in class as well!"
Lincoln turn around and smiled. "Awesome, you guys in the Hero Class?"
"Yeah, the professor says that we need this to become true heroes," Blossom responds to wear a white blouse with a red ribbon, black skirt, black shoes with white stockings.
"Well, we don't wanna argue about his choices." Bubbles said to wear a light blue sweater, black skirt, and blue shoes.
"But still...we are true heroes!" Buttercup argued wear a blouse with a green jacket over it, black skirt, and green boots.
"That's great," Lincoln said as they all went to find their seats. As they wait, they find more students coming in.
Back at the nurse's office.
"Gar...oooh!" Asuka moans while Gar kisses her neck and roams around her "We get to class!"
"A few more minutes," Garfield said kissing her to her lips
"Ahem," spoke Tsunade as both teens stop, as they turn to the nurse who has her hands on her hips. "If you two are done, I suggest marching down to your classes."
Garfield and Asuka went straight up, adjusting and straightening their clothes. Asuka has to straighten her skirt while Garfield straightens his sleeves, both blushing.
"Honestly Gar, maybe we should do this after school?" Asuka told him.
"And then what, not having exciting things happen," Garfield responds wink at her.
Asuka blushes. "Anyway, I heard Link is the leader of the Epix? Are you sure he can handle it, calling himself a top leader?"
Garfield smiled. "I've seen him in action, the kid's got the skills and mind to be a leader. He even got a plan of stopping that big frog."
"You say you'll join them, are you okay with that idea? What about the other know the Titans?" Asuka asked
Garfield was silent for the moment, and then he replied: "I'm sure the Titans can handle without me."
Asuka looks concerned for him as she puts her socks and boots back on "Well, I guess if that's your decision about it-"
"You two have five minutes," Tsunade told them.
"Yes, ma'am," they said as they head out of the nurse office, going their separate ways
"I can't believe you three are here as well," Lincoln comments seeing April, Kamala, and Rebecca.
"Well I did move here from New York to get better control of my powers," April answered
"The Avengers assigned me here in this homeroom so that I can be a pro and be a member like them," Kamala replied
"I used to be in a normal class here in this school and now that I got powers, it's best to control them and use it for good," Rebecca respond
As soon the door came open as see Garfield and Asuka in. "We're here!"
Everyone turns to them as certain someone who happens to be Lincoln. "Cool, you guess guys are here too!"
Garfield turns to Lincoln. "Wow, can't believe you're here also."
Asuka only smiled. "A shocking moment."
"Sorry I'm late, stuck in traffic."
Everyone turns to the entrance of the door, that happens to be a green monster; his head is long and thin, and his ears and chin are pointed. He has green skin, long white hair, large gray ram-like horns that curl backward slightly, black eye(s), short nostril slits, sharp teeth and claws, and a scar under his patched eye. Other than that, he appears to be humanoid. He wears an eye-patch over his right eye, a dark gray tunic-like black suit, black shoes, and black gloves.
'A monster?' Lincoln question
"Hi Mr. Green!" said mostly the students.
Lincoln lean towards the Powerpuff Girls. "Who's that teacher?"
"That's Mr. Green, he's our homeroom teacher. He's the nicest guy ever!" Bubbles answered
"We know him since kindergarten, guess he works here now." Blossom respond
"Don't judge his appearance, we've learned that a long time ago." Buttercup state with a smirk.
Once Garfield and Asuka go their seats, Mr. Green goes to his stand. "Now class, I hope you all have a nice summer vacation. My name is Mr. Green, you're a homeroom teacher in Heroes Course. In the Heroes Course, you all are gonna be trained, taught, and getting the experience of becoming a new generation of protectors of Earth. Each of you is new in class, so come on up, state your names and you're dreaming in the future."
The newest students came up and say about themselves, really get interested. Until certain white-haired boy came to the front and spoke.
"Um name is Lincoln Loud aka Link," Lincoln said scratching his head. "I've been here in Epic City in only a few months and I love it here. My grandfather Albert Loud brought me to this school so I can learn to be a hero, and I'm gonna make him proud. You all know that I'm the leader of Epix and a superhero. I'm just not a type of kid who wants attention, fame, or glory. I just want to help people, doing the right thing for the world. My dream is to become a true hero and inspire everyone that there's hope in the city. With friends beside, I'm sure we can make a bright future."
The students here for Lincoln's introduction as Mr. Green calls up for Garfield. Gar stands up to give his own introduction.
"My name is Gar Logan, I was formerly known as Beast Boy of the Titans." He said "I was thought dead but was captured and was experimented on. It was thanks to Link and his team that helped save me and everyone else imprisoned in that facility. I don't look green or shapeshift anymore, but I do have this new power that I'm trying to work on since the drawbacks have me injured up. So I'm here to get better at my newfound powers."
Everyone take their talk about themselves as Mr. Green spoke. "Now everyone, let's get started today."
「Loud House」
We then get to see the family about to head out of the house, as Lynn Sr and Rita who ready.
"You kids ready for a new year of school?" Lynn Sr asked
"Yeah dad, a new year of getting into new challenges," Lynn said with a smirk. 'Not involving that jinx Stinkcoln in my high school.'
"Well, I my friends..." Lori states with tears flowing.
"Don't worry, Lori, I'm sure Bobby would still have a great time in Great Lake City," Leni said honestly, making Lori sadder.
"I just hope that I'll be able to make a good pose for picture day." Lola states.
"And all the new materials for my jokes," Luan said.
"A new way to eat some trash meals" Lana shout makes Lola shivers.
"I guess the club without Haiku would be different," Lucy said
"Guess this year without our brother would be an interesting change," Lisa replied
"Yeah, I've missed him for getting us ready," Leni respond sadden.
"Time for making music without Lil bro is sad times," Luna replied, sadden as well.
"Linco," Lily said sadden.
"I miss him too girls, I'm sure he wishes he'd be with us." Rita state as she opens the door. "Now let's go-"
"There they are!"
the family suddenly getting flashes of light on them realized there are lots of photographers on the lawn, as well as some girls screaming in excitement.
"What's happening?!" Leni questions covering her eyes.
"I don't know but I like it!" Lola shouts as making poses for the photographers.
"Yeah!" Lynn replied flex her muscles.
"No Lynn, don't you guys realized this. The photographers, the girls screaming." Luna states as others look at her. "With no secret identity, Lincoln one of those Celebrity Iron Man."
"What!?" The girls respond.
"Oh please, Luna. I'm sure they're here for me." Lynn boasts.
"No, me!" Lola argued.
"Excuse me, coming through." Spoke the reporter revealed to be Katherine Mulligan "Katherine Mulligan here, can you give our viewers about what you know about Lincoln Loud aka the Link, leader of the new hero team Epix and how you've raised such a good hero?"
"Seriously?!/Are you kidding me!" Lola/Lynn question
"Uhhh boy has always been a good kid, he's always taken charge of keeping things in order! He helps his sisters all the time, here's to mothers; a little love, compassion, even a little strict...your child became something great." Rita said with a smile as Lynn Sr starts the van.
"Sorry, but we're a little bit late for school." Lynn Sr said as the Louds head inside the Vanilla. Once they're all in, he begins to drive away from the place.
"Just great, Stinkcoln got all the glory for a few stupid months!" Lynn complained
"We've worked hard on our talents, why does he get all the fame!?" Lola question
"The twerp is so popular over a stupid watch and a group of kids," Lori grumbled
Leni smirk at them. "Looks like some of you are jealous."
"As if, Leni," Lynn told her while crossing her arms.
"Yeah, like I'd be jealous of the twerp," Lori responds.
"Well, you dudes better be prepared when everyone in school talks about him." Luna comments
"I mean come on you guys, how much is he that famous?" Luan asked
「Elementary School 」
Lucy, Lana, Lola, and Lisa sees lots of kids wearing orange while playing superheroes or wearing the same watches styled off of Lincoln's watches.
"They're playing superheroes!" Lana said in excitement.
"Everyone's wearing orange like Lincoln," Lucy replied
"'s so not fair!" Lola shout storming off.
"Even the toys are the same," Lisa said looking at the toys
[ Middle School ]
The talk in school is all about Lincoln, as Lynn just frowns whenever they talk about him. Even when they go confront her, all they want to know about her brother or congratulate on having a great brother.
'When can people understand that he's not that great!' Lynn yelled to herself, tired of seeing all the merchandise and t-shirts everyone is wearing. She then spotted Lincoln's friends, 'What are they doing here? Oh, wait, of course. They're in middle school now.'
"Oh man, I can't believe Lincoln's an all-time hero now!" Clyde spoke wearing a Link shirt.
"Gotta admit, Lame-O really did a good job leading a team." Ronnie-Anne comments.
"Hey guys, I think we should be the first fan club for Link and his Epix team!" Rusty suggests.
"That's a great idea!" Liam replied, "Clyde could be president!"
"He and Lincoln are the best friends in the world." Zach comments.
'Ugh.' Lynn thought in irritation, 'Now they're starting a fan club. Hopefully, Stinclon's not gonna be in people's minds when they watch my games.'
There is one person who shares Lynn's disdain, down by the other side of the halls is a red-haired boy with black eyes, tanned skin, some freckles, and wears a yellow shirt with white sleeves, a blue gear print, black buckle belt, dark pants, and white sneakers. He is Chandler McCann, who looks annoyed by all the Link merch.
"What's the big deal about that guy? He's just some nobody." Chandler said as he closes his locker with a shrug.
「High School」
Leni, Luna, and Luan see their school having their little brother aka the Link merchandise all over. The students wearing orange clothes as also the Link shirt.
"Wow, Lil bro's becoming a rock star." Luna comment.
"Yeah, I would like one of the shirts!" Leni says seeing a stand, "Yay!"
"Well, at least these merch looks good," Luan comments seeing the bobbleheads and foam fingers.
「Royal Woods Community College」
In a classroom, we see Lori just texting on her phone, still some pics of Link saving the day in the Epic City, making her frown. "Really?"
"Hey, Lori."
Lori turns to see Carol Pingrey, who seems wearing an orange collar shirt and orange headband. "Carol? Why are you wearing that? Don't tell me you've become a fan too?"
"Yeah, I never knew you have such an awesome brother!" Carol comments, "If he were my brother, I'd be so proud of him and support him cause he's doing a lot of good."
"Wouldn't you be like, I don't know, jealous of his fame?" Lori asked her.
"Why would I? I'd have to be super petty over something like having your sibling do so much good, we need kids like him to go out and do the right thing, you know." Carol states.
Lori looks down as look her phone, sees Lincoln smiled. "*Sigh* You're right, even my brother's doing this type of work's really giving me a headache."
"I know you have a big family, but still this is Lincoln we're talking about. Before this happened, the kid helps everyone he cares about even me. Should be proud of having a great and kind brother who always supporting you, think you gonna supporting him back?" Carol asked
This made Lori's mind realize that Carol's right, Lincoln's doing some good and she should be proud of it. "You're right, Lincoln has helped out a lot for all of us. Without him, I and my sisters wouldn't be as successful as we are now, he always helps me with my golf." then she realizes something "Wait, when did he help you before?"
"Remember the time I posted pictures in my blog?" Carol asked as Lori nodded. "I was getting nowhere until Lincoln shows up, he helps me follow the directions of how to plant my garden right on time. In a few months, I have the best garden ever. I've thanked your brother, he says he doesn't want anything in return...just doing the right thing."
"So the spring garden pic is all my brother's work, no wonder, he got that lesson from mom," Lori said rubbed her head. "Well, at least he's getting some time away in the country."
"Yeah, surprise that he's got no girlfriend yet," Carol replied Lori look at her.
"Well too bad for you," Lori said as think. "He's already taken and be with Ronnie Anne."
"Alright, now that we're here outside of school, it's time to test our powers and abilities." Mr. Green states, "Today, we will do this by partnering up with someone in your group as I assigned them. Ben, you'll be partnered with Dib, Dani you partnered with Gaz, Garfield you're partnered with Kamala, Lincoln, you'll be partnering up with Gwen Tennyson."
"Really?" Lincoln and Gwen asked simultaneously, "Cool, guess we're partners Gwen." Lincoln comments.
"Yeah, who knew huh?" Gwen asked little blushed.
Garfield stretching his back. "Let's show them what we got, huh Kamala?"
"Yeah, Gar!" Kamala shout with her fists up
"Can't believe I'm partnered up the Ben 10!" Dib said as he created blue static electricity. "My powers are Marvelous Superpower; Blue Electricity Manipulation!"
"Uh sure, good to be partnered with you, Dib," Ben said awkwardly.
"In these groups of three, each of you will test out your powers fighting these robots." Mr. Green shows them all the robots in rows, each group of robots is colored red, blue, yellow, and green. "Each robot can help you earn points depends on the color. Red grants you 1000pts, blue grants 2000pts, yellow grants 3000pts and green grants 4000pts. Try to beat each and most of these robots to get ranked for the highest group teams."
"So we just beat the most robots to gain the most points?" Ben asked.
"It seems that way," Kamala replied.
"Alright, all three groups get ready, set...GO!" Mr. Green blew his whistle as the teams start charging at the robots.
Three teams separated as go toward the robots; Garfield and Kamala charge in first.
"Full Break...2x!" Garfield shouts as summon his purple static.
Kamala flew up and her hand grows giant, she smashes a blue robot, as Garfield jumped up and hits a green robot and jumped to the red which he smashes it into pieces.
Ben smacks his watch to transform into a large, bulky humanoid blue diamond alien with yellow eyes, wears a sleeveless black and white suit with the watch icon on the center of his chest "Diamondhead!" he shouts as he stomps onto the ground, shooting up diamond shards that destroy the robots.
Dib is shown to use his electrical powers to magnetically merge ten of the green and yellow robots to send them to Diamondhead, who destroys them with his shards. "Nice throw, Dabster."
"Dabster? I feel so included!" Dib said in excitement.
Gwen uses her hex magic to destroy the blue and red ones, as she asks Lincoln "How's picking which to use for this?"
"I know just the guy," Lincoln replied, finding an icon as he smashes his watch. He starts to transforms. He now appears to be short but muscular, wearing a black and orange tiger stripe tank top, black cargo pants, orange boots. With black gloves with metal knuckle dusters. "Alright, bub. Savage is here to slice these robots up!" Savage shouts as he jumps at the yellow robots with a growl.
"Wait is that...Uh no..." Gwen said in fear.
Savage raises up his fists and release three metal sharp steel claws from his knuckles. He begins to slash three robots much he growls. Savage jumped to another robot while diving in as his claws are first to make contact. Savage now inside the green robot, in a second...the robot explosive, Savage jumped out of the back.
Gwen worried. 'Savage is a type of hero can slash off everything, but still, once cross his temper...he turns into a living animal.
Gwen sees more robots coming toward Savage, so she got a spell. "Camouphlat Vaporis!"
Savage sees multiple rocks come up in the sky, he begins to jump on them as once he gets to robots he slashes through the heads.
'Yes, three greens, one red, two blues!' Gwen thought didn't know a robot right in front of her. "Oh no..."
Bursting out of the robot is Savage, who quickly grabbed Gwen's bridal style and runs away from the robot which causes an explosion.
Gwen blushes of Savage saved her and carried like that. "T-Thanks."
"No probs, have we taking them all down?" Savage replied put Gwen down as turns back into Lincoln.
"Yeah, pretty sure we won," Ben said as Dib nodded.
"Um, you guys..."
Everyone turned to see Garfield and Kamala sitting top of a bunch of broken-down robots while they smiling.
"Aww, man! The teams said in union.
[ Royal Woods Dental Office ]
Rita Loud is at her dental office seeing all the Link merch around. She sees a lot of patients and the dentists wearing orange today.
"What's all of this?" Rita asked.
"Ah, Loud, there you are," spoke her boss, Dr. Feinstein wearing the Loud merch. "Ever since your son became a hero, the dental business is sponsoring the Link merch by the city's order."
"Really?" Rita asked.
"Of course, your son is putting Royal Woods on the map! You must be proud of your son being a superhero." He comments.
"Well I did raise such a good boy," Rita replied smiling that her son is accomplishing so much.
"That's nice, now wear these, they're our new dental uniforms." Dr. Feinstein said handing her orange dental uniforms as he gets called in, "Oh man, those teens have been trapped each other by their braces again. Gonna take care of it."
'My son the hero,' Rita said as she smiles when knowing her son can accomplish so much.
「Aloha Comrade」
Lynn Sr made it to his job, once he steps in, he sees all Link merch all over even a Link's cardboard standing at the entrance. Lots of people eating as kids are playing around.
"Ah Lynn Sr my favorite worker."
Lynn Sr sees Sergei who has an orange apron and a chef hat on him. "Sir what's going on?"
"Your son did this, your son is putting Royal Woods on the map! You the father of a hero, make people come to the restaurant! I even putting Link's sandwich on the menu!" Sergei shout happily
"Wow, that's...great!" Lynn Sr said, a bit overwhelmed by all of the merch of his son. 'Maybe this won't be so bad, guess I'm proud of what Lincoln is doing-'
"Also, we need you to do the dishes Loud. The special is quite popular." Sergei states.
Then, Lynn Sr saw the many dishes stockpiled up that not even the dishwasher could fit them all. "Dangit." he said as he starts wearing the gloves, 'That boy's gonna grow up to be a player when all that fame gets to him.'
[ The Megaville Maximum Penitentiary ]
Jazz Fenton is seen talking to Mojo Jojo, a certain subject she's been wondering. With her are some guards.
"Mojo, about a month ago you've had this talk with Ace about an escape plan." Jazz states, "You do know that there is in no way for you or any of the villains to escape out of here, right?"
Mojo is simply eating his banana split sundae as he responds, "Oh dear, naive, Jasmine Fenton, the psychologist. For I, Mojo Jojo, have calculated this plan from the beginning."
"And what kind of plan is that?" Jazz asked him. As suddenly, the lights start blinking as suddenly, the whole prison is shut down. "What?" she asked confusingly, as suddenly she hears the cell doors opened. She turns around, seeing villains like Vicky, Tubbimura, Monarch, Ace, Morebucks, Sandman, and Seduce coming out of their cells.
Jazz backs away, as Mojo grabs her wrists as he shouts "Breakout!"
From afar, a hand holding a single device. Belonging to the hand is none other than the same girl from Royal Woods...Bell!
"With this button daddy made, it not only makes a big breakout in that maximum prison...but every prison in this country. The Cube, Plumber's HQ, Raft, The Vault, Arkham, and the Big House." Bell states as she spots a SHIELD Helicarrier coming down as popping up is the Big House prison, which was shrunk down before.
[ The Vault ]
Explosions happen due to many technological villains escaping from the towering prison. The one popping out is Technus who comes out of the prison.
"I shall have my vengeance upon Epix." Technus states, "But first, I'm gonna need to set up a team."
Also coming out of the prison, was a boy with a black bowl-shaped haircut with black glasses, pale skin, skinny and wears a button shirt with a black tie, blue shorts, knee socks, and brown shoes.
"Dexter...prepare to meet your demise!"
「Arkham Asylum」
We see the prison of most Gotham wanted criminals and villains has been destroying in flames and crumble apart. We see two cops pointing to a certain villain, one of them spoke.
"Return to your prison cell-Argh!" he said got hit in the head as so does the other one.
"Aww what's wrong, can't take a hit?" spoke a girl who has white skin, blond hair with red and blue tips, and blue eyes. Wearing a white shirt, blue jeans shorts with red overalls, black boots.
"Oh, my aching back."
Coming out of the rumble appears to be a skinny man with a hunchback, with black hair, glasses, and pale skin with his ears located to his neck. He wears w white button shirt, blue tie and black pants with shoes.
"Timmy Turner, it's time I, Denzel Crocker, shall enact my revenge, and prove to the world of the existence of FAIRY GODPARENTS!" he jumps around until he fell onto the rumble. "Ah, my ribs!"
[ Plumbers Headquarters ]
All the alien villains come out of their prison, as many Plumber guards keep trying to stun them, but are attacked by the likes of Frightwig, Zombozo, Clancy, Charmcaster, and of course Dr. Animo.
"AHA! Finally, I am free!" shouted a small, green alien with purple eyes, wearing a velvet cloth with black gloves and boots, with a white and purple spotted pack on his back as it grows spider-legs. "I, Zim, shall find GIR and escape this facility!"
「The Raft」
The place holds the tops and most evil villains leads in organizations they created as well as the most profiled dangerous villains on Earth.
Walking through the place as stopping SHIELD's guards; by using metal...Magneto as along is a man who's whole head is red; Red Skull.
"At last, we escape the cursed place!" Red Skull shouts.
"We are, but you are not." Magneto states as he slams Red Skull to the wall, "I will not work with someone from HYDRA."
"Insolent, fools!" Red Skull shouts as he saw a floating large head being in a golden chair, known as MODOK.
"Let me help you, master," MODOK said as he helps Red Skull up. "Forget Magneto, we have bigger plans."
"Yes, indeed." Red Skull said as he hangs on to MODOK.
Elsewhere, a stretchy woman by the name of Madame Rouge came out along with the other members of the Brotherhood of Evil: Brain, Mallah, and General Immortus.
"The world shall know of despair." Rouge states.
「The Big House」
In the small prison in the SHIELD's Helicarrier, happens to be The Big House. Holds the most New Yorkers' top villains ever attack the city.
The prison, somehow, grew extra large. Many villains that were genetically altered were released and escaped from the Helicarrier.
"What's going on?" shouted the black man with the eye patch and wears a blue uniform, he is Director Nick Fury, director of SHIELD.
"Sir, all the prisons have been reported to have blacked out!" spoke a SHIELD agent.
"What caused the blackout, Sitwell?" Fury demands.
"We don't know, sir. But all we know is that this has never happened. The Big House is destroying this Hellicarrier after a faulty of the Pym Particles used to keep this prison small." the agent, Sitwell, told him.
"Sir, the prison is getting too big...the Helicarrier won't hold the much weight!" other shout
Nick Fury groaned as this. "Everyone, evacuate the Helicarrier...escape the Hellicarrier! Cause this place going down to the sea."
The Helicarrier begin to fall down to the sea, while five big quintets came out of the place. As well The Big House fully big, sees a bunch of villains come out of the prison.
"Well, this is a good day." Spoke Rhino.
"Yes, it looks like it's time to bust out of here," spoke Livewire as many villains come out of the wrecked Hellicarrier.
The class has been good recently. Other teams have come and go with the exhausted look.
"Well done, class. You've all tested out your powers well. Now, why don't you all have a little break once I set up the results." Mr. Green states as the students talk among themselves.
Lincoln seems sitting on the ground, take a breath. "Man, who knew to be a hero is tough work." he got a water bottle from Gwen. "Thanks."
"For a reward for saved my life," Gwen replied drink her water.
"Well, you guys take a lot of enemies down including you Gar." Rebecca comment
"Thanks," Garfield replied while drinking his own water.
"Say Gar, I've been meeting to ask but...why did you leave after we saved you?" Lincoln asked him, "Don't you want the world to know that you're alive?"
Everyone looks at Garfield who simply looks at the sky. "It's just that...I thought you guys would think that I was too dangerous."
"What?" April asked
"Back when I got my animal powers, it's was unstable in my DNA. Including the time I becoming..a WereBeast, I've been a big jerk to the Titans and especially Raven; I was so angry that turning into something deep inside. It was some no-named who attacked Raven just to get to me, but my team turn against me...even my leader threatening me of putting me in jail for getting answers. But when I realized that when I punch that mutated frog powers are unstable again, so I got no choice but to get into hiding so no one gets hurt because of me." Garfield said as turn to the others. "I wanna asked you guys; do you really want to trust the people who promised to protect you?"
The students of A-1 feel Garfield's pain now, his life is crumbling apart from time to time. Lincoln knows the feeling, his older sisters promise to take care of him and little sisters, but now he alone thanks to their superstition.
"Okay, now it's time to trust in new people then," Lincoln said as he walked to Garfield. "How about you join us, the Epix."
Garfield looks surprised as he felt hesitant, "I don't know if I should..."
"I'll join Epix if you have any open positions," Rebecca told Lincoln.
"Yeah, I and the Turtles were thinking of joining you guys too," April said.
"I'll join if you needed an extra hand." Kamala states.
"If you guys want someone to handle tech, I can be useful for your team," Asuka said.
"...Then again, I think I'll join as well." Garfield told him.
"That's great, good to have four more members in the team," Lincoln said, proud that Garfield is willing to join the team.
'More like, he's joining because of the older girls.' Gwen, Penny, Gaz, Dani, and Jade thought t the same time, seeing through Garfield's reasons.
After training, Lincoln was walking down to the library, as he saw a jumbo screen which shows the big news on current events.
"This is Lois Lane with some breaking news," spoke the woman with black hair and blue eyes, wearing a purple suit "Multiple prison outbreaks have been happening simultaneously as even the Megaville's Maximum Petitionary is one of those prisons where all the villains are let loose. Reports read that every villain is scattering around, about 379 known super-criminals have escaped from their imprisonment."
Lincoln shocked to see this, he never knows villains all stats gonna be out like this. So he pulls out his phone and tap on a certain app; a symbol with an 'E and X' form together.
'Thank you for the app.' Lincoln thought type on the app.
The app opens up black and blue lines, shows all the Epix members, he selected all members as he spoke. "Attention all Epix members, meet me at the Mega Academy's entrance."
[ Unknown Place ]
Somewhere hidden in the warehouse district, a man who is covered in silhouette and smoke a pipe, yellow eyes is seen with an African-American girl with black locks, black eyes, and black and red armor, giving high tech to a redheaded girl with red eyes, green top, and black pants.
"Sweet, this tech is so good and profitable against twerps!" said Vicky, liking the blasters from her gauntlets.
"Glad you like them, Vicky. The Evil Teens would love members like you." Cree spoke to her.
"Yes, you'll be of awesome help against the Kids Next Door." Father told as he hears a beeping noise, "What is that?"
"Why settle only the KND?"
The four turn around and saw some coming out of the shadows. A pale ghostly girl with fiery blue hair dressed like a punk rock star, and Princess Morebucks as well as a boy with red hair, pale skin, red eyes and wears a black coat, he also wears goggles.
"Who are you, jokers?" Ember asked.
"Same we want to know as well." Cree states.
"I just picked up a transmission from a communication source." Jack Spicer said looking at his watch.
"That'll be me, cool cats!"
They all turn to see Technus, who levels himself down along with others with him. Brother Blood, Monkey Fist, Him, Phantom Limb, and Dao Lon Wong.
"Greetings, fellow villains, for I, Technus, has come to give you all an opportunity you'll never refuse, and it involves world domination," Technus told with a grin.
In the room, Lincoln put on his clothes, puts on his black t shirt...he's turn to his wheelchair, that his favorite one...his orange hoodie.
Everything surrounding me
Leaving me with nothing left to say
Imagine it grasping it
It feels so far away
He grabbed it along his disc on the table, he runs out of the room and goes outside.
Lincoln flying in the air with his Jet-Board, feels the cold air hitting his face while surfing, seeing the blue sky.
Every night I wake up in a dream
And I can't get too close
I let it slip away
Lincoln sees the sun coming up making the boy smiled, looking a beautiful day coming.
I can only hide from all the lights
Before I can hear a voice
That calls me to the day
At the background, Lincoln vision of him fist pump Ben and Gwen of stopping crime,
Giving it my all as I am
with Steven as their eating Cookie Cats while Sadie shocked to see a superhero while Lars just cross his arms
Wandering through the dark
and grumbles, with Star and Marco, finish up stops any monsters.
Could I find the Answer
Lincoln and three Epix take a picture in front of the city
And I wake up new
Lincoln seems waking up, sees the clouds and going through them as making a dive down into making a loop de loop until he sees the open sky. While forgetting the horrible last summer of his family treats him like nothing, make him frown.
Everything surrounding me
Leaving me with nothing left to say
Imagine it, grasping it
It feels so far away
Lincoln tries to annoying the awful memory, he keeps on surviving the sky but breaks hearing the voices what they saying leaving him every single leaving only to sorrow his sadness.
Do I throw all away?
Even means I cross the line?
Lincoln almost fall off but he keeps his balance, he keeps on focus the path he took since he left after so much hurt...only making him stronger, he shouting in the sky even a scream until he's finished.
All aloud
Scream it out
Even if I'm alone
Day and night, I'll win the fight
Now I can go beyond
Lincoln rubbed his eyes with his arm, as finally looking at the city from afar, he stops as admiring the scene front of him making the boy smiled, he looks at his watch as held up high to the sky.
Even if I take the fall
And losing it all
I'm my own hero
I know that I'll become something new
Lincoln hears beeping from his phone, he looks at it and gets serious, it's the Epix's alarm.
I'll shed all my tears
Lincoln puts on his Jet-Board at full speed.
Drop all my fears
Even if I don't bloom
Lincoln starts flying at full speed while leaving a blue trail of energy.
Time to see what new chapter gonna be...sign out 🌀