Chapter One: Frigid
"Iggy, I found him!"
Prompto's eyes fluttered open as he heard that familiar voice drifting to his tired ears. It sounded so muffled, as if he were underwater and someone was shouting from above the surface. Maybe he really was underwater? It was so dark, so cold. It reminded him of unpleasant memories, of test chambers filled with a green liquid. Of being submerged, liquid filling his mouth and lungs but not quite drowning him. He felt like he was floating but at the same time his limbs felt as though they were weighed down, made of lead.
Prompto vaguely registered a sudden warmth on his face, making his nose scrunch up uncomfortably as his nerves lit up. Then it was gone and he was left to the cold, the chill of his own body. Why was he so cold, again? Ah, that was right: he'd been stabbed. He was bleeding. Why wasn't he dead then?
A voice spoke his name, the noise a little clearer now. He liked that voice.
He felt himself grow impossibly colder as his fuzzy mind finally comprehended, realised that this was it. He was, in fact, dying. He felt his previously shallow, rhythmic breathing hitch, a sudden surge of adrenaline rushing through him, panic setting in.
He didn't want to die. Not when the face behind that precious voice was so close.
"N-Noct..." his voice was so quiet he didn't hear the words, only felt the vibrations of his own throat. As his body forced itself back into action he was bombarded with a mix of sensations. Cold. A bitter freezing cold, right down to his bones. Before the cold felt like a blanket, swaddling him and slowly draining his energy. Now it felt like a blade trying to saw him in half, painful in its intensity.
The pain... oh, the pain was almost unbearable. The slice in his chest was emanating with the kind of pain that made his gut twist, and he was sure he would've thrown up by now if there was anything in his stomach. It hurt. It hurt so badly, left him thinking perhaps the blissful numbness was preferable after all. If he just let his body shut down again, he was sure...
"Prompto. Look at me, Prom"
That voice. That voice, giving him a reason to hold on. He forced in a ragged, gurgling breath, his lungs burning in protest. His fingers twitched as he heard another noise, a gasp. Not his own. Ignis? Was he here, too?
"The little fucker's alive. Igs, get a potion!" Was that.. Gladio's voice? He registered the new wave of fear the man's presence inspired, but he didn't have the energy to really feel it. There was a commotion, urgent whispers and the fumbling of.. something. He couldn't tell. He didn't know if he really wanted to. He was so tired.
Prompto's mind was a mess. He found himself panicking again -he didn't want to go to sleep without seeing Noctis' face one last time- but his distress didn't quite reach his limp body. It was dark. It had been dark for a long time. He couldn't see. Why? Why was it so dark? He wanted to see Noctis.
"Open your eyes Prom. Come on."
Oh. His eyes were shut? That... that explained the dark. It took a few moments of concentration but he managed to pry his eyes open, only to squeeze them shut again as he was met with a blinding white light. Astrals, that was too much. He hissed in protest and whoever was holding the torch seemed to get the message, as he felt the intensity of it shift away from his face.
Gingerly he opened his eyes again, ignoring how they stung. There were more important things to care about right now. He realised his head was hanging -he didn't have the strength to lift it- but he could make out those familiar black leather boots. Noctis' boots. Suddenly the warmth was back on his face again, and he realised it was a hand. Noctis' hands, one then another, cupping his face and gently lifting his head up. He felt his lips twitch once as he finally, finally met eyes with his smiling Prince. Noctis was here. Noctis was really here, holding him.
He was safe.
Noctis felt his anger flare as he cut down yet another daemon, the imps irritating him beyond belief. He'd been swarmed by them, a group of maybe twenty oozing out of the walls, from the shadows. Even in a group the creatures didn't pose much of a threat but they were still jumpy little buggers. They left him spinning wildly in circles as he tried to land a solid blow, Noctis acutely aware of every second he was waisting dealing with the imps.
With a frustrated cry the Prince threw a fire flask to the ground, warping out of the impact zone and watching with satisfaction as he managed to wipe out all the remaining imps at once. With that annoyance finally dealt with he continued to walk, the sound of his own footsteps echoing back to him in the metal corridor.
Prompto had left them five days ago now. When he hadn't come back the second day they'd immediately started searching for him, struck heavily with guilt and a desperation to save their friend. Nobody was quite sure what welcome would be awaiting Prompto when he returned to Niflheim but they'd been certain it wouldn't be anything nice.
Their search had lead them to a place called Zegnautus Keep, in the heart of Gralea. They'd been close to the Niflheim border when they'd lost Prompto, but the real struggle had proven to be getting inside of Niflheim. It had taken a full two days of melitituous planning before they'd finally wormed their way inside.
Of course, they'd had to leave the Regalia behind. Cor had driven the car back to Insomnia, leaving them reliant on public transport and their own feet. It had been clear the marshal didn't approve of their plan, but with even Ignis in on it the man had realised he couldn't dissuade them. He'd left without even a comment, although Noctis was sure his father had already been informed.
It had taken them a long eight days of sneaking about Gralea and picking up whatever tips they could on where Prompto might be, but they'd finally made it to Zegnautus Keep. Prompto was in here somewhere, Noct was certain of it. Every clue and hint had pointed to this place. The Keep was a massive maze of winding corridors and prowling Magitek Troopers so the trio had split up to cover ground quicker, all heading in their own directions to find Prompto. To find their friend.
"Any leads, Gladio?" Noctis paused as he heard Ignis' voice crackle through his earpiece, Gladio responding a moment later. "None. How 'bout you, Noct?"
The Prince sighed in irritation and begun to walk again, far too aware of how quickly time was passing. "No, I've got nothing." He muttered, unable to keep the bitterness from his voice. He'd hoped that at least one of them would have found something by now. Ignis seemed to pick up on his tone, offering words of comfort.
"It's okay, Noct. We'll find him soon."
Noctis let a brief smile blossom on his face at how Ignis was so quick to comfort him despite their separation. In return he voiced his worries, hesitant to share them but knowing that Ignis wouldn't poke fun at him for it. They were all worried about Prompto and they were all showing it in their own ways; Noctis was hellbent on finding him, Ignis was formulating the best plans he could and even Gladio was more impatient than usual.
"I know, Igs.. but what if we find a corpse?"
Noctis heard nothing but the dull crackle of static over his earpiece, gritting his teeth as he continued to march forwards. Ignis wasnt even gracing his pessimism with a response, then. Typical. He felt a surge of violent anger as he was reminded yet again how hopeless this situation was, a furious cry echoing down the corridor as he slashed through the unlucky Magitek Trooper that had stumbled round the corner, glowing red eyes soon fading out to blankness. He'd cut the thing's head clean off.
"Noct? Noct, are you okay?"
He inhaled sharply as he realised his microphone was still very much active; Ignis had heard his shout, probably the mechanical whirring of the MT too. He'd cut through the metal casing like it was nothing. He forced himself to take deep breaths and nodded, before speaking as he remembered that Ignis couldn't see him.
"I'm fine, Specs. I just.. really want to find Prompto."
Noctis jolted at the sudden crackle of static that filled the air, not coming from his own earpiece this time. He span around where he stood as laughter reverberated through the air, grip tightening on his sword. The laughter.. it wasn't a happy sound. As it died out a voice spoke, Noctis' eyes narrowing as he tried to figure out who could possibly be transmitting over the Keep's radios.
"What a touching display of affection from his Majesty-to-be! Tell me, why are you so desperate to find the pathetic little machine? I know it's one of a kind, but it's not worth all this trouble, I assure you."
"Shut up!" Noctis' initial reply came in an angry shout, the Prince baring his teeth in a snarl in the direction of the speaker. He knew it was impulsive, childish behaviour, but he found he didn't quite care right now. "Prompto's my friend! Of course we'll get him back!"
Noctis wasn't expecting the response he got. The man -he could tell the speaker was male from the deep, rich quality to his voice- laughed once more, the noise only riling the Prince further.
"Oh? The Prince of Lucis, friends with the Niflheim Machine? How adorably revolting!" The laughter came again and Noctis forced himself to just ignore it, continuing his march through what seemed like an endless maze of corridors, telling himself it wouldn't be long now. He'd find Prompto soon.
He'd been reminding himself of that ideal since they'd gotten here, and that had been four hours ago.
"But ah, where are my manners? I haven't even introduced myself! It's Izunia. Ardyn Izunia. Grand Chancellor of Niflheim."
Noctis had to take notice at that, each foot step loud and angry as he continued stalking the corridors, listening to the buzz of static in his ear as Ignis spoke over their earpieces again. "Noct, this isn't good. This place is meant to be deserted. Why would the Grand Chancellor of Niflheim possibly be here?"
Noctis felt himself grinding his teeth, jaw aching with the stress of it. Ardyn's sing song voice was doing his head in, and the man hadn't even said that much yet. He just wanted to find Prompto and leave this shithole. He was surprised to hear Gladio speak up with a suggestion. "Didn't sunshine mention somethin' about an Ardyn? He was his 'master' or whatever?"
Noct felt a chill sweep through him at the realisation that followed his Sheild's words, quickly driven away by the white hot heat of fury. "You fucker!" He roared, really wishing he had something to stab. Preferably Ardyn. "What did you do to Prompto!?"
That laughter again. Toxic and foul, the sound alone enough to make his skin prickle and itch. The excitement he could hear in Ardyn's voice really wasnt helping the Prince's anger, and he found a grim smile on his face as two Magitek Troopers rounded the corner, quick to cut through them. They were nothing, just pointless obstacles.
"Oh, your dear 05 is alive.. but for how much longer? I really can't say. You never know, Prince Noctis, perhaps one of the MTs you just cut down was your 'friend'. Ever consider that?"
Noctis froze momentarily before shaking his head, forcing away the cool trickle of dread as it sought to overwhelm him. "No. No, Prom said he's not like the other MTs. They're only like that when they're possessed by daemons. And he.. he can't be possessed. That's why you deemed him 'defective', you sick fucks."
What seemed like a disappointed sigh sounded over the speakers, although it was too loud and theatrical to be genuine. Ardyn tutted, "It's already told you it's origin story, then. What a pity, ruining my fun like that. Well.. I suppose you really ought to find him, hm? I expected him to bleed out almost twenty minutes ago you know."
Now that certainly caught Noctis' attention. He felt his breath hitch before he broke out into a run, a cold sweat beginning to form on his skin. Panic was seeping through him and he ran his fastest, warping right past a Magitek Trooper, desperate to get to Prompto as soon as possible.
His panic only seemed to amuse Ardyn, the man's vile laughter once again echoing down the halls. "Tick tock, your Highness, time is running out! Happy hunting~"
Another burst of static, and then the speakers fell silent. Noctis was wound too tightly to even feel relieved the man was gone, pace not slowing as he tore down the halls. Maybe they didnt have long left. Maybe Prompto was taking his last breath right now, alone, bleeding, certain his friends didn't care-
He cut the thoughts off entirely, eyes narrowing as he steeled himself, tuning out the burn in his legs completely. He would keep going. He'd keep going until he found Prompto - alive or dead.
"Gladio, hold him up. We have to cut him free, we don't have time to figure out how to work this.. this thing."
A grunt in agreement was Gladio's response, the man securing Prompto in a tight grip. The blonde was dead weight; he'd passed out seconds after they'd found him. Noctis pulled out a greatsword and slashed hard at the device holding Prompto's arms up, relieved as whatever mechanism kept the structure working broke. The cuffs secured tight around the blonde's wrists fell open. Without the device holding him up Prompto fell forward into Gladio's secure grip, the Shield carefully settling the boy on the floor so they could heal him.
Silently Noct pulled a High Potion, Elixir and Phoenix Down from the ether, shattering the curatives over Prompto in a glimmer of crystalline shards. He grit his teeth so hard he felt his jaw lock as he saw that telltale flaming halo of a working Phoenix Down appear for a few moment's around the blonde's head. He'd thought using the rare curative would be overkill, unnecessary, but it had worked. That meant..
Noctis felt like shards of ice had settled themselves in his gut. Prompto had ben dying, right then and there. If they'd taken even a few more seconds, a minute...
The first wet breath caught him by surprise, and then he was sobbing. Ignis crouched down beside him and pulled him into a firm embrace, rubbing a comforting hand over his back. Noctis was quick to hide his face in Ignis' pin-striped shirt, allowing himself this rare moment of vulnerability as he broke down.
"Shh, its okay Noct. He's okay. We made it." Noctis nodded and Ignis said nothing else, no more words needed.
They stayed like that for a minute or so, Noctis only realising he was trembling when Gladio came up behind him, pulling his jacket out the ether and wrapping it around his shoulders. Noctis shuddered, pulling the coat tighter around himself as he realised he was freezing. It was cold in here. His adrenaline had crashed completely, and even as he pushed himself up to standing he felt his legs wobble beneath him. That didn't matter right now. For once, he didn't matter.
It was time to take Prompto home.
(AN: I finally started the alternate ending fic! Be proud! And it's not over yet, oh no, this suckers gonna be multi chapter for sure. We've got I'd say four or five chapters to come after this? Depends how long I make them. Thanks for reading so far!