Note this is the first four chapters combined, run through Grammarly, and just polished a bit.

It's just something I've begun to do.

Please favorite, follow, share, and/or review.

"I did it," Jaune said as it slowly dawned on him "I did it! I actually got accepted into Beacon!"

Jaune arc slowly but surely realized just what the letter in his hand truly meant. In 6 months time, he was to go to his dream school and become a huntsman. He didn't have any real training but how hard could it be?

"This calls for a celebration if anything, maybe get a drink at that bar down the road?"

Now Jaune has a very basic mind and goes through life with his father's advice and what he's seen and read in films and books. So naturally, the only good place for him to celebrate his acceptance into his dream school is by drinking the night away at some bar. After all, it's not like the people in those stories get into any kind of trouble after all, right?


Sienna Khan was not having a good day. The humans got better at protecting their dust shipments, much better. Two elite teams all KIA on a single train! If someone said the lien hoarding SDC would start putting actual huntsman to protect their dust shipment, shed called them crazy. Not now, especially not now.

"I need this R&R right now, just to clear my head."

Sienna was cloaked walking down one of the middle-class cliffs of Mistral. Looking for anywhere to relief some of this tension she had in any way, she would think a male escort would be fine but the last thing she needed was to get a disease or knocked up. She was walking until a bar caught her eye.

"Hm, I guess this will do," Sienna spoke with a hushed voice. "A bar will be quick and easy, just one drink."

"Well, here we are. No time like the present!" Jaune though in a cheery tone.

He entered the bar, it had five tables on each side and the actual counter itself with nine seats in total. There had to be a least ten people inside which made sense due to how late it was. He approached a seat and sat down awaiting the arrival of the bartender.

"Hello, what can I get you, sir." An old man with a mullet said.

" I'm celebrating an occasion, what do you recommend?" Jaune merely wanted to infer to someone who knew the drinks considering this was the first time he was in a bar.

"Well if it's celebrating it recommend spirytus delikatesowy, it's a popular one when holidays come around."

"Well, I'll take one please."

"I'll need to see some ID first sir."

Jaune smiles and handed him 50 lien. "keep the change would you." He maintained a Cheshire grin but internally he was replying "Please take it." over and over again.

"... I'll be coming out soon sir" the man took the lien and left.

Jaune let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in.

Sienna sat down at the far corner of the bar counter and waited for it's tender to arrive.

"Hello, what can I get for you today?" The human asked.

"Whatever you have that's strong." Sienna snared as she said this.

"... Well, I would recommend spirytus delikatesowy the strongest I've got back here." The tender replied sensing her bad mood.

"If it's strong its find." Sienna snared some more.

"... I'll be right back with your drink." Years behind the counter taught him when to ask for the lien.

"Here's your drink sir, enjoy." The bartender said as a sixteen-ounce glass of liquid clicked down on a metal coster.

"Thank you!" Jaune merely replied.

"Well YOLO!" Jaune downed the whole thing in one go.

The bartender shook his head slowly. "He won't remember the next few hours."

"Here's your drink ma-" before he could even finish the drink was torn from his hand and some lien forced on his chest. Sienna then began to down the whole glass in seconds.

"... She is going to hate herself in the morning." He could only shake his head yet again.

"Uh, my head." Jaune felt as if someone took a mallet and bonked him on the head several times.

"Hey wait a minute, this isn't my hotel?" Of course, he needed to be away from home or his parents would find his acceptance letter and get all uppity over him not having any training and still attending Beacon.

"What is this pillow, It's soft but squish." He turned his head and saw exactly what was pressing into the back of his head.

"Um uh… " Jaune. EXE has stopped working. Trying to restart program.

When he finally rebound from the initial shock, he (reluctantly) moved his eyes up to see who those 'pillows' belonged to. A brown-skinned face with what appears to be a gem between her eyes, two feline ears with two gold rings in it?

"Mmm." She began to wake up with her amber eyes cracking open slowly, but surely. Her eye squinted at him no doubt needed to adjust as Jaune's did, but when they did her eyes shot open wide and then narrowed as she snared. And pushed Jaune on his back straddling him and forcing claws on his neck threatening to rip his throat out.

"Who are you?! Why are you in my bed?! How long have we been here?! What did you do to me human?!" She angrily demands answer he unfortunately only had the response to one.

"J-Jaune, Jaune arc!" He squealed.

"Jaune arc huh?"

"Well, I hope you enjoyed taking advantage of me because it will be the last mistake you'll do human!" Sienna voice became sadistic as her claws slowly began to pierce his neck.

"W-Wait! I don't know what's going on either!" The human squealed some more.

"His eyes bare clear fear, but no lie. It does seem odd for some rapist to stay in the same room as their victim."Her claws retracted in a minute and got off him and the bed.

"Get dressed human, and don't even think of peaking or I'll gouge your eyes out." She said in a calmer tone. She picked up her clothes and went into the bathroom.

"Ok. So I won't die at this point in time."

Jaune began collecting and putting on his clothes when she came rushing out with only paints and a bra grabbing his right arm and holding his hand up eye level.

"O Oum is she going to bite my hand off!" Jaune immediately expected the worse.

"So it's true and with a human of all thing." She said in a somber tone.

"What's true?" Jaune genuinely inquired.

"See for yourself human." She shoved a piece of paper in his hand.

Certificate Of Marriage

This certifies that Jaune arc and Sienna Khan,

Where united in marriage on this day,

the twenty-seventh of March in the year 2022

"... Wait aren't you the leader of the white fang?!" Jaune was sleeping with a terrorist leader.

"Of course you miss the obvious human," Sienna said in a deadpan expression.

Jaune looked back down and realized the more pressing concern.

"I'M MARRIED TO A TERRORIST LEADER!" He abruptly fainted.

'One day you will be with your special man one night you will join together and embrace in a sacred union as old as Remnant itself.'

"At least that's what mother said would happen, instead my virginity is now lost to this blonde haired human sitting next to me."

After Jaune had regained consciousness he finally got dress and sat at the balcony of some cafe to discuss how this unwanted marriage came to be for the two of them. Sienna, as expected, was not pleased in the slightest of the coincidence that led this all to happen.

"Gods one drink. One was enough to be the result of this catastrophe." Sienna wined pinching her nose.

"Well, I think we both have what we need, so... I'll just be going." The human said putting some lien on the table and attempted to leave.

"No human, we are certainly not done here." Sienna grabbed his shoulder forcing him back onto the chair. "We're married now and this is an issue for both of us."

"Can't we just get a divorce somewhere? Fix the issue." Gods this human is so idiotic!

"Are you saying you'll willing to make this know to a courthouse?" The gears in his head turned and he realized the problem.

"Ok, so we're stuck with each other."

"No, I'm stuck with you, and if word got out about this we would both be in trouble with the White Fang." Sienna snared for what seemed like the fifth time today.

"Ok… so what now?" He realized he didn't have much choice in the matter.

"Good." Sienna thought.

"I'm going to take you with me so you can't cause much trouble, but first will need to get your things first so no one gets suspicious about it." She wanted no error in this, one big mistake and it would be both their heads.

They played their drinks and made their way to Jaune's hotel. He packed everything up into his bag, except his sword and armor Sienna kept that with her. They then made their way outside the city of Mistral on horseback. This continued for a mile or so until they came to a clearing.

"So why are we all the way out here?" Jaune was generally confused.

"To be picked up by an airship obviously." She said in a deadpan expression.

"To be picked up?" Now Jaune was really confused.

"Do you really have to do this every time you want to come to Mistrial?" Jaune said seeing the impracticality.

She looks back at him deadpan turned to annoyance. "Of course not! I'm taking us somewhere secluded enough where I can lead the white fang and keep you out of sight!"

"...So uh, Sienna what will happen if people in the white fang find out about our marriage?"

"They would kill us." Sienna said not looking at him.

"Jeez, exaggerate much?" Jaune didn't take her seriously, besides he had another pressing concern. "Oh man! Just how am I supposed to go to Beacon now!"

Jaune has been called dense, slow and stupid. However, while someone would say that following the terrorist leader instructions, following her outside the city, and boarding the bullhead without telling anyone is a whole new level of stupidity for him. IF he wasn't legally married to her, IF she couldn't kill him at any time she wanted to. IF he could call someone with her keeping a close eye on him, and IF he was more stupid enough to try anything around her instead of following her instructions and living another day. Seriously she could kill Jaune at any time to end what is clearly a horrible atrocity for her. The fact that she stayed her hand was a miracle of Oum himself.

"If only I hadn't decided to celebrate with a drink." Jaune wined. "No, this is the bartender's fault for not refusing to sell a drink to what was clearly a minor. No, then that would probably lead to the police being involved. Though that is a tad more preferable than sitting in the bullhead with Sienna fricken Khan and five other armed terrorists." He'd thought convincing them to come aboard would require some serious lie, but Sienna apparently thought of that.


"High leader." A Faunus said with respect. "If I may ask who is this?"

"Someone I'm bringing to the stronghold, his name is Jaune." Sienna said emotionless.

"He doesn't look Faunus." The grunt sounds suspicious.

"This may have taken some explaining if he was restrained." Sienna needed to get the human in. Having him tied would have required more lies, but without restraints, it was a simple out.

"Would you like him to strip naked so you can see for yourself?" Sienna raised an eyebrow at the grunt.

"A-Ah!" A look of understanding came onto him. "I see, uh no ma'am." He helped Sienna and Jaune on board.

"Easy parts out of the way, it's going to be difficult from here on out." Sienna didn't know how to rid herself of this human without an investigation and eventual exposing of there marriage. So she was stuck with him whether she liked it or not. And boy did she not like it one bit.

Jaune didn't know what to expect. His initial thoughts on the white fang stronghold were, it's probably located deep in wildlands or inside a sympathetic village or town. What he got was a massive underground temple converted to be a suitable living space. Location wise somewhere, Sienna didn't specify of course, in the inner territories of all places.

"This must have taken a minimum of a year to build! Then again the white fang has existed for a long time barely unopposed." Jaune rationalized.

"You will stay with me at all times, pretend to be a Faunus, and only move outside your room with me." Sienna said sternly.

"So where will I be staying exactly?"

"In my personal quarters." She said quickly

Certain pillows flashed into his mind and Jaune blushed red.

"D-don't get any ideas boy!" Sienna angrily stuttered a bit before regaining her posture. "What happened last night will be the only time you'll be inside of me! Be glad I didn't castrate you!" There was a visible red tint at her cheeks.

"Is this a bad time high leader?" A male voice spoke to the side of them, causing both of them to turn head.

Jaune saw a bull-horned Faunus with some red in his hair a black jacket and pants, a weird symbol on his left shoulder and a sheathed blade in hand. Sienna saw…
