Lucifer's sleek, black sports-car took the winding curves of the road with ease. He and the Detective were on their way back to the city after tracking down a witness far in the hills. The wind whipped stands of Chloe's hair around her face, but the sun and the fresh air felt wonderful.

Chloe gave her companion a side-ways glance, "Lucifer, can I ask you a question?"

He kept his eyes on the drive, but leaned toward her a bit to reply, "Of course. What do you want to know?"

"Will you have to go back to Hell at some point?"

He pursed his lips, looking stubborn, "No. I'm never going back. I served my time. Dad can find someone else to run the place."

"So you plan to be in L.A., and run Lux for a while?"

"Yep. Why do you ask?"

She shifted in her seat, not quite ready to stop teasing him, "I guess I like having you around. And it's so difficult to find a good partner…"

"Ah, I see. It would be challenging to replace me," Lucifer stated seriously.

"If I say yes, will you try not to be too smug about it?" she asked with a smile.

Lucifer laughed and gave her a bright smile in return, "I'll try, but I do enjoy hearing you say it!"

Chloe rolled her eyes out of habit, but also placed her hand on top of his, feeling very happy. She watched his profile for a moment and knew the time was right. She shook her head at his Lucifer-ness, and smiled softly to herself, before she said what she truly felt, "I love you."

Lucifer jerked his eyes off the road to stare at her in shock. He passed an overlook, but then hit the brakes and put the car into just enough of a spin to turn it around 180 degrees and pull into the scenic viewing spot.

Chloe had both hands on the dashboard in a death-grip by the time he stopped.

"Lucifer, what in the world?" She asked in surprised panic.

He turned off the engine and reached for her in one smooth move. "Would you repeat what you just said?"

She smiled in sudden understanding. "Oh, that." She lowered her eyes and gave him what he desired, "I said I love y…"

His mouth was on hers before she finished the sentence.