Hay fans so, their really is no good way to say this, sorry but I'm ending the story here, compared to my other story's I'm working on, this story is just bad, so, I'm sorry to say that this is the end of xy remake, but don't worry, when I get up to this point in my other story I'm working on, it'll be like this story, but the other one will be better, and to prevent a riot I'm making one last episode to end this story, enjoy
ok, so I'm gonna time skip in the story to post kalos league/Lysander incident, long story short ash beat Alain, then diantha to become champion, and now at a local Pokémon center is where this episode starts
i own nothing from Pokémon
The beginning of the end
Ashley said so, how does it feel being champion?
Ash said it feels great, but theirs one thing I must do, before we leave for kanto.
Ashley said I think I know what it is.
Ash ignored her and walked up into to Serena.
Serena said hay ash, I'm so lucky to have you as my boyfriend.
Ash said yeah.
Serena said you wanna have a date?
Ash said actually, I was thinking of something a tad more permanent.
Ash kneels before her and pulled out a small black box.
Ash said Serena, I've wanted to ask this to you for so long, Serena, will you merry me?
Serena said ash, yes, yes, a thousand times yes!
Ashley said congratulations, Can I please be Serena's maid of honor?
Serena said sure you can.
Ash said but who's going officiant the marriage?
Ashley said yeah, theirs that small problem.
Serena said I got an idea.
They told nurse joy about their plans to get married.
Nurse joy said wow, I guess that's love for you, I'd be glad to officiate the wedding.
Ash said thanks so much nurse joy.
Nurse joy said my plesiosaur.
Ash told Clemont and Bonnie about the wedding.
Ash said Clement, would you stand in for my best man?
Clement said um, okay.
Bonnie said what can I do?
Ash said you could be the flower girl.
Bonnie said yay!
The next day.
Ash was waiting in his tuxedo with Clement
After a while Bonnie came into view while scattering flower petals.
After Serena was walking towards to ash in her wight gown.
Ash and Serena were then standing only a few feet apart.
Nurse joy said dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the union between Ash Ketchum and Serena yonivel, if theirs anyone who believes these two individuals should not be married, speak now or forever hold your peace.
Miette shot out of her seat and said as a matter of fact, I object to this marriage!
Ashley said shut up miette, can't you be happy for them, ash don't love you, he never loved you, the only one he loves is Serena, so be quite or go away miette!
Miette sat down.
Ashley angrily said any other objections?!
The entire room started quite and almost in fear.
Ashley smiled and said good, nurse joy, continue with the ceremony.
Ash said you're scary when you're angry.
Ashley said yeah.
Nurse joy said ok, do you ash, take Serena to be your lovely wedded wife, for better or worse, , through tick and then, till death do you part?
Ash: I do.
Nurse joy said and do you, Serena, take ash to be your wedded husband, for better or worse, through thick and then, till death do you part?
Serena said I do.
Ash took Serena's hand and put the wedding ring on her finger and then Serena took his hand and put the other one on his finger.
Nurse joy said by the power vested in me I know pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride.
Ash said I've been waiting for this part all day.
Serena said just shut up and kiss me.
Ash said yes ma'am!
They shared a long and passionate kiss.
The next day at the kalos airport.
Serena said I'm glad to be going to kanto with you ash.
Ash said yeah me two
And so they left for kanto and ash and Serena stayed there to live together, whale Ashley goes off on her own journey
Ash and Serena lived happily ever after at a house they got for themselves so they could eventually live with their kids
As for Ashley, she decided to go to the alolan Reagan in ash's place
The end
Ok this is the end of my story, I'm sorry about ending it without getting into much of a story but I wanted to work on other fanfictions, goodby, hopefully the ending I gave you will prevent a riot