Chapter 1: Beginnings

"Remind me, what were we supposed to grab again?" My best friend, Yumi, asked me.

"Ugh, you are so forgetful!" I reply, slightly annoyed. My long, blonde hair was flung into my face by a strong breeze. I should've put it up in a pony-tail.

"Hannah, that's why I have you around, remember?" She giggled.

"If my memory serves me correctly, and I know it does, I was the one who approached first." I gently punched her shoulder. We were walking into town to grab some ingredients for my mom, so that she could cook some dinner.

"Anyway, I don't trust you with the money, so I'll get everything we need," I snarked at her and opened the door to our favorite convience store in Musutafu. Yumi stuck her tongue out at me and waited at the door.

Yumi and I had been friends since grade school. We met on the playground one day and have really been inseparable since. It really shouldn't have worked, considering our Quirks are kind of polar opposites.

By the time we met, mine had already developed. I can build and store electrical energy and discharge it whenever I pleased. I eventually learned to channel this energy into my muscles, which enhances my physical strength, giving me an edge in hand-to-hand combat.

Yumi, on the other hand, can manipulate the water vapor in the air to form solid objects. Whether it be a cup, a chair, or if the need arises, swords or shields, they work. And despite being made of water, they function just as well their non-water counterparts. Just ask her about the time she hit a home run with a baseball bat made of water.

I grabbed the few things we needed and walked to the cashier, a nice, elderly man who looked to be in his late 60s. My mom and I come here so often, he's basically a friend of the family, and so greeted me with a warm smile.

"Sato-san, nice to see you again," he said as a smirk appeared on his face.

"Ha ha, very funny Touma. I thought I told you to stop greeting me so formally."

"Well, it clearly gets under your skin, so I'm going to have to formally decline."

"Smartass. How much?" I asked, getting my change-purse out and ready. "¥1,663."

"Wow, that's a bit expensive, is it?" I ask as I hand him the money. "You're lucky I'm working part-time now." He gives a light chuckle.

"It could be more expensive if you want it to be. Consider it a discount." He gives me a bag to put the ingredients into and gives me my change back. "Tell your mother that I said hello for me," he called to me.

"Don't worry, I will. See you around," I said as I walked back outside where Yumi was leaning up against the wall. Her shoulder-length jet black hair flowed in the breeze of a crisp afternoon. I pulled something out of the bag and tapped her on the shoulder with it.

She looked at me and, with child-like enthusiasm and the expression to go with it, grabbed the chocolate bar out of my hand. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I watched as she tore it out of its wrapper and nearly ate it whole.

I shook my head. "You really need to cut back on the sugar, girl. You know what it does to you." She looked at me as if I just suggested she kick a cat.

"Yea, so... I just love chocolate!" She replied, as she finished off the last of the now former chocolate bar. "It's not like you love sweets as much as me."

"Yes, that's true. But at least my love of sweets doesn't interfere with my Quirk." That's the trade-off of Yumi's Quirk. She needs to focus to use it and when she's hopped up on sweets, she tends to bounce of the walls.

"Yea, yea, I know how my Quirk works!" She gently punched my shoulder as we started heading back to my house.

Suddenly, explosions rocked through the neighborhood, the vibrations of which made standing difficult. Yumi and I held onto each other for support and we looked at each other.

"What the hell was that?" she asked.

"An explosion? Something must have happened. Let's go see if anyone needs help!" Forgetting about the ingredients, I dropped the bag and ran in the direction of the explosion, my legs moving on their own. Yumi followed closely behind.

"Do you even have a plan?!" she yelled.

"No, not really! I just want to see if I can help in any way!"

"We should let the Pro Heroes take care of it!" I could see people gathering where I presumed the explosion was. I joined the quickly gathering crowd and looked on in horror as some kind of sludge villian was fighting against a group of Heroes. I quickly recognized Death Arm and Kamui Woods. Mt. Lady was down at the other end of the street, protecting another group of people. But I couldn't see All Might anywhere. Where was he?

Yumi caught up and covered her mouth with her hands. "I think it's caught someone!" she yelled. I looked closer and saw she was right. There was a boy about my age with spiky, blonde hair and red eyes. He was almost completely engulfed by the sludge, only his eyes and nose still visible.

He managed to look towards the crowd. I could see his eyes, pleading for help. I was getting ready to channel some electricity into my legs, to try and help in some way, but before I could, a boy with messy green hair, wearing a black school uniform and red sneakers ran out of the crowd and charged towards the villian, to the shock of everyone there, including the Heroes.

He tossed his bag at the sludge monster, a book flying out and hitting it in the eye, causing it to recoil. He ran up to the monster and started clawing at it, but it being made of sludge, the boy wasn't able to make a dent.

The monster recovered and took a swing at the boy, but suddenly there was an explosion of dust and rock. Yumi and I covered our faces, pieces of road landing nearby. When we looked back, I couldn't help but cry out in awe.

All Might was here! He had stopped the monsters attack and protected the boy. He grabbed the boy that was engulfed in the sludge and pulled him out like it was nothing. As he did that, he unleashed his famous Detroit Smash, completely obliterating the monster and sending a rush of wind throughout the area.

It suddenly started raining, and it was at this point we all realized that with one single punch, All Might changed the weather. It left Yumi and I in awe, and the best we could do was stand there with our eyes wide and mouths open. We cheered along with the crowd as All Might raised his fist and looked back at us with his trademark smile, and we realized that we just saw the world's greatest Hero, the Symbol of Peace himself, in action. It was a day both of us never thought would come.

Yumi was the first to come back to Earth. She gently tapped me on the shoulder. "Hannah?" No answer. "Hannah?" I startled slightly and wiped away some drool that had begun to drip from my mouth.

"Huh, what? Oh, sorry." She laughed and looked back at me.

"Sorry? Why are you sorry? We just saw All Might in action. You have every right to fangirl."

"I wasn't fangirling," I retorted, blushing slightly.

"Yep, totally," she laughed. "Let's go pick up the groceries and head home." We walked back towards the store where we originally picked up the ingredients for dinner. Fortunately, no one had taken them. The time it took to get back home seemed to go by in a second, and before I knew it we were walking in the front door with smiles on our faces. My mom was in the kitchen preparing to make dinner and she turned to us.

"Oh, hey girls. Are you okay? I thought I heard explosions!" I nodded my head, eager to tell her our experience.

"Yea, we're okay. Mom... you won't believe what happened."