Hey guys! I'm back with a new chapter!! I finally finished it...I'm so sorry for the long wait. This one was difficult; I didn't know how I wanted it to play out. A lot of angst in this one and quite a bit of fluff. I really hope you like this because I really do. If you find an error, just tell me and I'll try and fix it. Grammarly, as of right now, is my only Beta Reader, so sorry if I don't get everything. Anyways, enjoy your new chapter!

Chapter 11

"You what?" Harry couldn't quite believe his ears. Die? For being rejected? Draco rolled his eyes at the ridiculous look on Harry's face.

"You heard me, Harry. Don't make me repeat myself. You know how I despise repeating myself." Harry looked up at him coyly.

"Draco...you just repeated yourself." Draco sputtered in indignation as Harry laughed at him. In his mind, Draco was glad that Harry let it drop; he didn't think he would be able to say it with a straight face again.

"So, do you have any idea who it could be?" Draco stiffened at the innocent question. Could he tell him? Should he tell him?

"Erm, no, not yet…" Harry stared hard at Draco, trying to tell if he was lying or not. When Draco thought he would say something, Harry simply shrugged his shoulders and said, "Okay." Harry pushed the rim of his glasses up, making his sweater sleeve fall past his wrist. Draco's eyes widened in revulsion.

"Harry! What is that?" Harry cringed as he realized too late what had caught Draco's eye. He hastily pulled his sweater sleeves down and put it in his lap, hoping that Draco would leave it alone. Of course, he was wrong.

"Harry James Potter, you give me your hand right now!" Draco grabbed Harry's hand roughly and yanked down his sleeve, revealing the scabbed-over scar. Harry tried desperately to pull his hand away, but Draco's grip was too strong.

"Draco, it's nothing, please, let me go," Harry begged Draco but the blonde held firm. Draco didn't say anything, he didn't do anything. He just held Harry's arm so tightly it hurt.

"Who did this?" Harry stopped struggling for a moment to look at the flashing grey eyes, flecked with amber. He felt himself jerk in fear at the burning hatred harbored in those eyes.

"I asked you who did it." Harry shook his head back and forth, refusing to let Draco get himself in trouble for doing something stupid.

"It was Umbridge, wasn't it?" Harry stopped shaking his head as he felt Draco's grip give out, allowing Harry to clutch his hand to his chest, hiding it once more underneath his sweater sleeve. Draco sighed shakily and bowed his head low, almost to the floor.

"Harry...I'm sorry." Draco pushed out a puff of air and touched his head all the way to the floor, unable to look Harry in the eyes. He could feel Harry shifting his weight and could hear his heavy breathing.

"Sorry? For what, Draco?" Draco almost let out a laugh at that. He kept his head bowed as he spoke.

"For being so...s-selfish. I should've been there for you, Harry. I left you for a stupid reason. It was my fault you got into so much trouble, and my fault you got on Umbridge's bad side. Harry, I-"

"Shut up, Draco." Draco flinched and raised his head slightly, still not looking at Harry's face. Was he angry? Disgusted? Draco couldn't tell. But he stayed quiet, not wanting Harry to leave him.

"None of this was your fault. I got in trouble because of my actions, not because of your raging hormones. So stop having a pity-party and look at me." Draco shook his head, willing the tears that were threatening to fall away, not wanting to look weak in front of Harry.

"Draco, please look at me," Harry said, voice soft, pleading. Draco slowly raised his head to look into watery green eyes. Harry was crying. Draco looked at him in stunned silence. Why was he crying?

"Draco, can you make me a promise?" Draco used all of his willpower to keep his eyes locked on Harry's and nodded his head, blinking his tears back with even more force than before.

"Please don't ever leave me again." Draco couldn't help it. His tears fell, and yes, he felt weak and pathetic, but he also felt warm as he shook his head up and down, making Harry smile. Quickly, suddenly, Harry's lips were on Draco's, salty and wet from their tears, but familiar and pleasant. If Draco had only one wish, it would be that he could stay in Harry's arms forever.


"You're in an awfully good mood today, Harry. What's up, mate?" Ron asked Harry later the next day in Transfiguration. Harry looked over at Draco who had an incredibly sexy smirk on his face and felt a blush heating his face. This morning he had found a charm to cover up the trail of purple bruises Draco had left on his neck, and he put a hand up to his neck self-consciously. He turned back to Ron who had a slightly disgusted look on his face and laughed.

"Oh, great. This stuff again. Does that mean I have to hang out with the prick again?" Ron huffed, but he was smiling slightly. Harry threw his arm around Ron's shoulders, ignoring Draco's look of jealousy, and walked to their seats where Hermione was already sitting.

"It's about time you two, I mean three, got here. Wait, three? Draco? What are you doing here?" Hermione rambled all in one breath. Ron rolled his eyes and plopped down next to Hermione, patting her shoulder.

"They're all lovey-dovey again. Bloody brilliant, right?" Ron chuckled and threw himself back in his chair, leaning it on two legs. Before Draco or Hermione could get their snarky replies out, though, Ron suddenly was on the floor with a loud thump, rubbing his backside and wincing in pain. All eyes flew to the four students in the front of the class who were standing in shock and slight amusement at Ron still on the floor. Light titters could be heard from the Gryffindors, but it was quickly drowned out by the tumultuous laughter from the Slytherins. However, that laughter was quickly cut off by a loud banging from the back of the classroom. The door flew open to reveal a very irate Professor McGonagall sweeping into the room with pronounced steps.

"Weasely, care to explain why you are currently sitting on the floor instead of in your seat?" McGonagall's thin lips were pressed into an even-thinner-than-usual line as she stared Ron down while he got up, still rubbing his backside. When he was fully standing, he looked at his feet and shuffled them side-to-side, his ears a brilliant scarlet as the giggles of the Slytherins floated into them.

"Erm, I was, er, sitting back in it too far, I guess…" Ron mumbled with embarrassment. McGonagall nodded tersely and waved her wand, replacing the chair to its original spot at the desk and swished up to the front of the room.

"Today will be relatively simple. We will be reviewing-" Harry was deaf to the rest of McGonagall's lecture. He had more important things on his mind right now. The important things were, of course, Draco Malfoy. He was imagining being in his arms rather than in class and his fingers roaming his-

"Mr. Potter! For the third time, I asked you why must we transfigure Crups and Kneazles under all circumstances?" Harry jumped at McGonagall's sharp voice cracking through his daydream and blushed, mortified at where his thoughts had gone after such a short time back with Draco.

"Oh, erm…" Harry looked over at Draco, who's eyes had glazed over in boredom, and then at Hermione, who was physically restraining herself from blurting out the answer that he didn't know.

"Mr. Malfoy nor Ms.Granger are going to give you the answer, so I suggest you look at me, Mr. Potter." McGonagall snapped, making Harry blush even further. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Draco smirking. Bastard.

"Uhm...because it's...the law?" The classroom was silent for a minute before Seamus called out.

"Well, technically he's not wrong, Professor!" Now that McGonagall's critical glare was pinned on the Irish boy instead of Harry, Draco felt it would be a good time to run his hand over Harry's leg in a frail attempt at comfort. Harry looked over at the pale boy and smiled a weak smile, getting an incredibly sexy smirk in return. Quickly, Harry swiveled his head from side to side to make sure no one was watching when he slid his hand into Draco's under the table.


Two weeks later, one could find Harry and Draco side by side all the time, sometimes with Blaise and other times with Ron and Hermione. Whether it was out by the lake doing homework or in the hallways simply chatting, it was a rare sight to see the boys separated. Rumors had begun to spread throughout the school; things as harmless as whether they were secretly gay and the more radical and crazy theories, such as the one stating that Draco was using Dark Magic to put Harry under his control. The boys hadn't come out in public yet, but Harry wanted to tell Sirius. He hadn't talked to him since last year and he missed him terribly. So he had sent his godfather a letter asking him to meet the two in Hogsmeade as Snuffles for a brief meeting in the cave Sirius had previously lived in.

Hardly touching, Draco and Harry walked down the path to Hogsmeade, enjoying the chilly breeze, kept at bay by their heavy cloaks, and each other's presence. They trekked up the hill to the meeting place and, after making sure no one was around, grabbed each other's hands for the rest of the way.

At the top of the hill, a large black dog waited for the two boys. With a wag of its tail, it ran off down the other side of the hill. Draco, not knowing that it was Sirius, gave Harry an inquisitive look when he began to follow him without question.

"Just come on, Dray." Draco smiled at the old nickname and followed Harry and Snuffles down the path to the old cave.

At the bottom of the hill and the entrance of the cave, the two boys and the dog stopped. With a light bark, Snuffles turned into Sirius in a blur of magic that made Draco gasp in surprise. Sirius, after brushing himself off, smiled and took Harry into his arms, hugging him close. Harry could feel wetness in his eyes and cursed himself for being so emotional.

"Harry…" Sirius whispered into Harry's hair, taking in the moment of bliss and easiness, where there was no war, no death, just...Harry.

Harry looked up and gave a watery smile to his godfather.

"I've missed you, Sirius."

"Me too, Harry." After a few moments of silence, Draco gave a slight cough that gave him Harry's full attention, as well as Sirius's.

"So...what's Lucius's kid doing here, Harry?" Sirius growled, obviously on edge. Draco, however, seemed to be completely calm and stared directly at the dark-haired man.

"Er, that's actually what I wanted to talk to you about...Sirius...meet my, uhm...boyfriend." Harry shifted uncomfortably back and forth in his trainers, trying to avoid Sirius and Draco's eyes. He could feel the tension in the air and felt that a storm was brewing and would be here soon.

"Ah, you're funny, Harry! Just like your old dad, eh?" Harry blinked. Once. Twice. Did Sirius think he was joking?

"Right, Harry? This is just a joke you're playing on me? Wanted to set the mood before talking about the real issue?" Harry could hear the desperation in Sirius's voice and felt torn; should he tell Sirius, or act as if the whole thing was a joke? Harry looked at Draco and suddenly his mind was made up.

"No, Sirius. Draco Malfoy and I are dating. I'm...I'm bisexual. I wanted to tell you first before anyone else." Sirius's reaction was instant.

"Harry?! You mean to tell me you're DATING the son of a well-known Death Eater? Are you mad? What is going through your head?" Sirius's accusing eyes and crazed voice made it clear he did not approve of their relationship. While that was troubling in itself, what really worried Harry is that Draco had yet to say a word. The blonde had remained quiet and calm, which was very unlike him. Harry went over to him and grabbed his hand, locking his pleading eyes with Sirius's furious ones.

"Please, Sirius. Draco is the only thing keeping me sane. He helps me through the bad days, and he's not who you think he is!"

"I don't bloody care if he's the nicest bloke in the world, he is the son of a Death Eater! A follower of You-Know-Who. The man WHO KILLED MY BEST FRIENDS?!" Sirius roared, stepping closer to Harry, trying to grab his shoulders. Harry flinched and drew closer to Draco, which enraged his godfather all the more.

"Harry...I can't believe you. How could you betray your parents like this?" Harry's jaw dropped. He let go of Draco's hand and drew himself up to his full height which just barely touched the tip of Sirius's nose.

"My parents would be proud of who I am. They would love me and accept me; trust me and my decision. So why can't you, Sirius? Why?" Harry could see the old, defeated soul in Sirius's eyes. Broken from years in Azkaban for a crime he didn't commit. For a murder he couldn't stop. In his heart, Harry knew Sirius loved him, so why couldn't he just...accept him?

Sirius rubbed a hand over his weathered face that looked much older than it should. He took a step back and looked over Draco and Harry.

"I just...Harry…"

"Sirius, please. Just hear me out, okay?" Harry saw Sirius mull it over, running it through his mind, over and over again. Finally, he responded.

"Harry, I'm sorry. I just can't accept this relationship. I accept you; hell I WAS you. But this boy, no matter what his story, just...I can't let him be with you and feel that you're safe." Harry deflated and felt his eyes burning with tears. He had tried so hard, and yet...he failed. He turned to Draco to apologize, but the boy wasn't there.

"I am no longer a Malfoy." Draco's voice floated out of the cave where he had laid his bag. Sirius and Harry turned to see him strut out of the cave with a copy of the Daily Prophet in his hands.

"Read it." Draco threw the article to an incredulous Sirius, who picked it up quickly.

"Draco Malfoy: A Malfoy No Longer"

"Draco Malfoy, the 15-year-old son of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy has been publicly disowned by his father, who stated that "I can not have a son who cannot even be called human."

With teary eyes, Mrs. Malfoy explained that the former Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Mr. Remus Lupin, a known werewolf, had bitten the young Malfoy in a freak accident. According to anonymous sources, "Draco has been moody and snappish since Third Year; we just don't know why. We're worried about him, is all."

After several interviews with multiple sources, as well as confirmation from Mr. Malfoy himself, it had been reported that Draco Malfoy is indeed a werewolf."

The article went on to explain all the different reasons that Lucius could have had for disowning his son. Harry could hardly finish it due to the anger churning in his stomach. How dare he? How dare Lucius treat his son like that?

"So there you have it. I'm just like you're precious boyfriend, Black. We're the same." Draco's voice calmed Harry's anger slightly; it always did have that calming effect on him.

"What Remus and I had is beyond your understanding, Malfoy. You're nothing like him. Nothing." Sirius's harsh voice hurt Harry's ears and made him cringe. How could he be so heartless?

"Beyond my understanding? You think I don't know what Mateship involves? You think I haven't made that connection with someone yet? I think the only person who can't understand things is you." Draco snapped back at Sirius with such force that Harry had to blink a few times to understand what he just said. He had a mate? And what does Sirius mean by that? What did he and Remus have?

"I love Remus...he loved me, too. Something as complex as Mateship shouldn't be handled by a 15-year-old boy. You don't know any better. You don't even know why you have a mate, do you?" Harry's head was spinning; he had to speak up.

"Can someone please explain what the bloody hell is going on here?" Draco and Sirius's heads turned to Harry's impatiently. Rolling his eyes, Draco began to speak.

"Your godfather and Remus were mates, Harry."

"Why...why didn't you tell me, Sirius? Did you not think I could handle it?" Sirius looked at Harry with tired eyes.

"Harry...it wasn't important. It's over now; it's been over for a long time. Yes, he was my mate, but he...grew out of it, I guess." Draco huffed and stalked over to Harry.

"Can we please leave? It's obvious he doesn't want to accept us so this is just a waste of time. And he keeps making you cry; I can't stand seeing your eyes filled with tears." Harry gave one last long look at Sirius, hoping he would change his mind or say something. He didn't.

"Goodbye, Sirius."


All alone in his cave, Sirius mumbled to himself.

"Need to talk to Remus; he'll know what to do...should I? What does he think about it?" His rambling filled the cave as he paced its floors, hand on his chin. He squeezed his eyes shut and thought about what Draco had said.

"Beyond my understanding? You think I don't know what Mateship involves? You think I haven't made that connection with someone yet? I think the only person who can't understand things is you."

Suddenly, it dawned on him. Harry was his mate.


On the walk back up to the castle, both boys were quiet. However, they held hands, not even remotely worried about what people would think.

Harry's mind was racing. Why hadn't Draco told him about his father? Did he think he would leave him? Was he scared? Why?

When they got back into the castle, they unlocked their fingers and walked down to the dorms. Once inside, Harry stripped off his cloak and turned away from Draco.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"You know why." Harry turned to Draco, his face heating up in anger. Draco wasn't looking at him.

"Why? Think I couldn't handle it?" Draco's head snapped around to Harry's, his grey eyes flashing.

"You bloody idiot! After all you've been through, it would be an insult to say you couldn't handle something like this!"

"Then why, Draco?" Harry's chest was heaving and Draco had his fists clenched at his sides.

"Because you're always so worried about me...all the time. All you do is worry, and I hate myself because of it. I hate that I make you worry so bloody much. On the nights of the full moon, you pace about and fret…" Draco's voice rose in pitch, a sign he was trying not to cry. What was it with him and crying all the time? Harry felt himself calm down as he heard Draco's words. He took a step forward and cupped his hands around Draco's. Since the beginning of the year, his cheekbones had become less sunken and more like they used to be before his father had begun to abuse him. His hair had been cut by Harry after they had first gotten back together and it was in a long undercut that made him look older. He was beautiful. When was the last time Harry had kissed Draco? When was the last time he hugged him or told him how amazing he was?

"Draco...you make me so happy. I don't think that I would have gotten this far in my life without you. I'm sorry for making it seem like I always worry about you...I just don't think I can lose any more people that I care about." Harry felt his face heat up. Bloody hell he sounded like a girl. He looked away from Draco's amber-flecked eyes, trying to avoid embarrassing himself by crying. He felt strong hands grab his chin and then Draco's soft lips on his own. They were salty from tears but so delicious and safe that he melted into the strong body against his own. He dragged his hands down Draco's back, clinging to him, taking him in. No matter what happened, no matter where they were, Draco could always make Harry feel whole and complete.



As soon as you get this, floo me. Please.


That was what his letter contained. That was it. Draco was to be away this weekend with Remus, learning more about werewolf culture, so Harry was alone in his dorm for the next three nights. He called Hedwig over from her perch on his dresser and tied it to her leg quickly. With a treat from Harry and nip from the snowy Owl, Hedwig was off into the morning sky, going to Merlin-knows-wherever Sirius was. Now all that was left to do was wait.


In the Great Hall Saturday morning, Harry sat down next to Ginny and Hermione at the Gryffindor table, Ron nowhere to be seen.

"Morning, Harry." Chimed Ginny and Hermione in unison, making Harry smile. It seemed so surreal; the chattering of students and the clacking of plates as food was put on them. This year had been so hectic; an emotional rollercoaster, full of ups and downs, so sitting down with his friends, who he hadn't talked to in ages, felt so nice. It was peaceful...something he hadn't felt in quite a while, not even with Draco.

"Morning, guys. How are you Ginny? I feel as if we haven't talked in ages. I quite miss you, actually." Harry replied blearily, barely even awake. The red-head in question giggled and put some buttered toast on his plate, smiling.

"That's because we haven't talked in ages; you're too busy making goo-goo eyes at Malfoy all the time." Harry's eyes widened in shock and he turned accusing eyes onto Hermione.

"Harry, I don't know why you're looking at me like that. I haven't done a thing. And anyway, Ginny, you shouldn't be talking. I see the way you look at Luna." Hermione turned back to the huge book she had been reading, ignoring the looks of irritation on Harry's face and the look of mortification on Ginny's. The famous Weasley-red blush rose on Ginny's cheeks as she bowed her head, avoiding everyone's faces.

"So Ginny...Luna, eh? Draco and her are actually pretty good friends." Harry said to Ginny, a sly grin on his face. Ginny's face darkened further and she put her hands on her face trying and failing, to hide her red cheeks.

"She's just so pretty!" Harry laughed along with his friends and felt a sort of bliss that he wasn't quite used to. Maybe, just maybe, he could become familiar with it.


"Sirius, please just try and understand, Draco is a good person!" Harry pleaded later that night in his dorm. After finishing a few essays in the library with Ginny, Hermione, Ron, and Luna (Who was quite oblivious to the looks Ginny was giving her, now that Harry noticed them himself), Hedwig had flown into the quiet room and drop a letter on top of his parchment. The handwriting was obviously Sirius's, so Harry made up some excuse to leave and get to his dorm as fast as possible to wait for Sirius to show up in his fireplace.

"Harry, why are you trying so hard to defend him? He's the son of a Death Eater! Don't you remember who they are? What they've done? Harry I-"

"He's not like that! He's not even Lucius's son anymore, and you know that! So why won't you just put aside your pride, Sirius? I love him!" All words ceased. The room grew quiet, with only the sound of the crackling fireplace breaking the silence. Harry slapped a hand over his mouth; he didn't mean to say that! Did he…?

"Harry...you don't mean that." Sirius's voice sounded so small, so hesitant, Harry almost agreed with him. Almost.

"No, Sirius. I-I think I love him. I do. Draco is my best friend; he was there for me through the ups and downs, through hard times and even Cedric's death. He has always been there. And for that...I love him." Harry smiled a little at the end. The more he said it, the more he knew it was true.

"Harry...are you sure about this?"

"Yes, Sirius. I swear. I love Draco." Sirius was quiet for a moment before he smiled and replied.

"Alright then. I trust you, Harry. I love you, too, you know that right?" Harry felt his eyes water and nodded.

"Yeah. I love you too, Sirius."


"So I reckon you've figured it out then, huh?" Draco drawled over his cup of tea in Remus's small shack. The man across from his just nodded silently.

"Well?" Remus raised his eyebrows and set his cup down on top of his coaster carefully.

"Well, what? What do you want me to say, Draco?"

"Anything! How you feel, what I should do. Bloody hell, what can I do? How am I supposed to hide this?" Draco had set his own tea down when he realized he was shaking with anger. Remus regarded him with a guarded look. He leaned forward in his chair and sighed as he ran a hand through his greying hair.

"Personally, I don't think there could be a better mate for you than Harry. He keeps you grounded and knocks your ego down a peg every so often. As for what you should do? Tell him. Your feelings will only grow stronger the longer you wait. It'll be better for both of you, however, if you kept this quiet. You're already in enough danger as it is, what with the entire Wizarding World knowing that you're a werewolf and no longer a Malfoy. You don't have your name to hide behind anymore, Draco."

"What will I do over the summer?" Remus looked at the boy in front of him; so scared and alone. This kid had already been through so much in his life and he was only fifteen. Just like Harry.

"I...I don't know, yet. All I know is that you're not going back to your father, pup." Draco curved his lips up at the endearing nickname. He dropped it quickly, however, when the reality of his situation crashed down on him. He had no home, no money, no name, nothing. He was nothing. What was he supposed to do? What was there to live for anymore?

Suddenly, Harry filled Draco's mind; his smile, his stupid round glasses. His gentle touch and soft lips. That's why he had to keep living. He had to keep going for Harry. He was his mate. He loved him.

"I think I love him, Lupin…" Remus's head shot up at the words Draco had muttered. Draco's grey eyes were steely and sure. Remus smiled and nodded his head.

"I know you do, Draco."


Sunday night, while Harry was resting in his dorm, Draco was coming up the steps of the castle, the full moon officially over. He planned on telling Harry about his mateship with him tonight and getting it out of the way. And if Harry rejected him...well, he'd cross that bridge when he got to it.

In the hallways leading to the Dungeons, Draco's anxiety grew to an insurmountable amount. He broke out in a cold sweat and his hands were shaking. He needed to calm down before he got to his room. He looked up. He was standing in front of his door. He took a deep breath and opened the door, slowly, quietly. Was Harry already in bed? Or-

"Hey, Draco." Draco snapped his head around to see Harry standing in the doorway of the bathroom, his hair still dripping from the shower he just took. Draco straightened his back and stood up to his full height, trying to seem confident.

"Harry, can we talk?"

"I was going to ask the same thing." Draco swallowed hard. He walked towards the bed and sat down, his hands clenching the silken sheets.

"Draco, I-"

"You're my mate." Draco cut Harry off quickly, not wanting to hear anything from Harry that would make him lose his resolve. He didn't look at Harry, but Draco knew he would have that stupid owlish look on his face that he made when he was shocked.

"I-Draco? What?" Draco blinked hard, trying to calm himself even more but unable to. He turned to Harry and locked his eyes to his.

"You're my mate, Harry. I've known for a while now...but I didn't want to tell you because…"

"Because why?"

"Because I was scared. I was scared of forcing you into a relationship you didn't want...that you didn't love me the way I love you." Harry was stunned. How long had he been keeping this to himself? Who else knew? Was that the reason for his mood swings?

"How long have you known?" Draco closed his eyes and put a hand over his face, hiding his watering eyes.

"I've known since fourth year." Draco felt hot tears making a trail down his face as Harry stayed silent next to him.

"Well? What now? Gonna leave me? Are you disgusted? What now, Harry?" Draco voice had gotten louder and now he was breathing heavily, waiting, waiting, waiting for Harry to say something, anything. He turned away from him and grasped his hands together tightly, trying to hold onto anything that could keep him from shaking.

"Say something, goddammit! Anything, just say something!" Draco felt hot and his chest felt heavy from the emotions coursing through him; anxiety, fear, anger, irritation. Suddenly he felt warm and calloused hands grab his shoulders and turn him around. He felt wet lips press to his own, and strong arms wrap around him.

"Draco, I love you. I love you so much." Harry murmured against Draco's lips that were salty from tears and dry from licking them constantly. Draco felt his heart flutter when those words came from Harry's lips.

"I love you too, Harry." Draco smiled a soft smile and felt as if he could stay wrapped in Harry's arms forever. Of course, he couldn't, but for tonight...that's exactly what he would do.


"Sirius! NO!" Harry anguished voice rang through the dark room as his godfather fell through the thin veil, a shocked look locked on his face. Remus held Harry back as he screamed and cried for the man he loved, the man who was supposed to raise him. He had just accepted Harry and his relationship with Draco; he was supposed to help him with all of this! Now what was he going to do? Now who was supposed to keep him in line and teach him? Who?

"Let me go, Remus! Now!" Harry screamed at the man holding him to his chest and he felt him shaking with pain. Sirius had been his lover, they had been through so much together? How could he just stand there as Sirius's murderer taunted them and ran away?

Using the last of his strength, Harry broke free of Remus's tight grip around his body and chased after Bellatrix who had been waltzing around, singing a wretched song.

"I killed Sirius Black! I killed Sirius Black!" She saw Harry racing towards her and her song stopped as she began to run away from him. Harry felt such rage in his chest as he yelled "Crucio!" and as the red light flew out of his wand and hit Bellatrix straight in the back. After that, everything went black.


"Harry! Harry, I thought I had lost you!" Draco grabbed Harry's arm, making him flinch but smile nonetheless. It was a small smile, however. Harry didn't think he could ever recover from the mental toll Sirius's death had on him. If he did...it wouldn't be a quick process.

"How...how do you feel?" Draco's small voice hurt Harry's heart immensely. He let Draco hug him tightly, being careful of his throbbing arm.

"Dumbledore said I could stay at Sirius's old house with this group of adults this summer. He said it would be the safest choice right now, now that the Dark Lord is back and my father is under his control." Harry felt a lightness in his chest over the darkness that had settled there since the Department of Mysteries at the news.

"I'm glad. He told me that I had to go back to the Dursely's though, so I guess I'll see you next summer." Draco felt a heaviness in his heart. He really would be all alone this summer…

"I love you, Draco. Don't ever forget it. I'll see you soon, but for now...just stay with me please." Draco kissed his forehead and whispered,

"I'll always be with you."