Hi guys! YellowShadess here with a new story! This is completely AU and will focus in the 3rd season. Follow Booth and Brennan as they try to uncover a secret thats been hidden for 20 years. Here we go!
Please.. find me..
Booth bolted awake. The voice plagues his mind every year round this time. He turned over and grabbed his phone. March 27th. Yeah. its the day again. The day of the last time he ever saw her. This was different though, this year marks 20 years since she disappeared. He hated the day already. He sulked out of bed and made his way to the bathroom. He looked in the mirror and saw the results of restless sleep. He rubbed his eyes and thought back to when he was a kid…
Years ago...
"April! Come on! We are gonna be late for school!" 14 year old Seeley Booth called up to his older sister. She came trotting down the stairs with 10 year old Jared in tow,
"Relax Seeley! I wouldn't let you be late to your first day of high school!" She ruffled his hair, which she knew annoyed him, " We are dropping Jared off first then we will make our way to school." The 17 year old quietly peered into the living room and saw her father still passed out drunk from the night before. She thanked god silently and rushed her brothers out of the house before he would wake and cause pain. Seeley noticed his sisters uneasiness,
"Is he still sleeping?" She nodded and ushered them out the door and to school,
Booth finished washing his face and got dressed for the day. He hoped that today would go easy until he heard his phone ring. The ringtone indicated that there was a body to be examined. He sighed and answered the phone. Once he got the details he made the call to his partner,
"Hey Bones are you at the lab? I have a body for you." He tried to seem casual but was failing,
"Yeah I was just working on a limbo case. Want me to send me the address and I'll meet you there?" He shook his head thinking she could see him,
"I'll swing by and pick you up." He sounded defeated and she quickly picked up on it,
"Are you okay Booth? You sound different." He straightened up and spoke,
"Yeah I'm fine. Just tired. I'll be at the lab in 20 min be ready." He hung up. He didn't know why he just hung up like that on her, he never did that. He knew he would hear about that in the car. He pulled up to the Jeffersonian and informs his partner that he is here. He usually greets her in the lab but he was too tired to get out the car. 5 minutes later he saw his partner trotting out of the lab carrying her giant case of equipment. He instantly felt bad for not going in and helping her. He got out and quickly grabbed the case, threw it in the trunk and made his way back into the drivers seat. Brennan was sitting in the passengers side reading the file that was on the seat. He began driving and filled her in on the case,
"Body found in Lafayette Square. A woman jogging this morning tripped over the body. They said that the body is almost completely gone of flesh so that's where you come in Bones." She looked at him puzzled,
"Lafayette Square? That's a very public area how did no one notice the body if it's almost completely stripped of flesh?" He shrugged his shoulders,
"that's what we are gonna find out." She studied him for a moment, sensing something was up,
"Hey, are you okay? You seem off." He looked at her weird,
"What do you mean 'off'?" He sounded a little angry,
"You hung up today without saying goodbye, you didn't come into the lab and your tone isn't your usual tone. Is something bothering you? Do you want to talk about it? Because I would be the most logical person to speak to if something is upsetting you." He chuckled lightly, even if she didn't know it she always knew how to make him feel a little better,
"I'm okay Bones. I promise. I just couldn't sleep last night. I think I need a new mattress." He lied. The real reason he couldn't sleep was because every time he would he would dream about her and about the last time he saw her. Brennan seemed to accept this answer and started to go off about how a new mattress would be good for his back. They continued on until they got to the crime scene. After an initial examination and with the body shipped back to the lab the partners got back in the car and made their way on,
"So, I hope that limbo case wasn't important." She shook her head,
"I was at a standstill anyways. DNA didn't match anyone and dental records are coming up inconclusive. There are signs of homicide though, the hyoid was cracked suggesting that she was strangled." Booth nodded,
"You need help with an ID?" He asked and she nodded,
"Angela was working on a facial reconstruction, hopefully she has completed it and we can run it through to see if anyone matches."
"Well, what do you have so far?" She thought back to the case and listed off her findings,
"Female, 16-25, died 20 years ago. There are.. signs of abuse; some evidence of remodeled breaks and fractures all over the body." Booth inwardly shuttered at those words. Abuse cases always hit him hard. They made their way back to the lab and worked on their current case at hand.
By the end of the day they had their killer and was working on paperwork. The partners sat on the couch in Brennan's office, eating Thai and finishing up the case. Angela walked in and greeted the partners,
"Hey sweetie. Hey Booth! I'm leaving so I came to say goodnight. Also, Bren I have the facial reconstruction for your limbo victim." She handed her best friend the print so she could examine it. Brennan handed it to him after. When Booth saw the artists rendering his blood went cold.
"Excellent work Angela. I will see you tomorrow." The artist said her goodbyes and left. Brennan turned to her partner and saw his pale expression,
"Booth. Are you okay?" She places a hand on his shoulder and got his attention. He looked at her with wide eyes and spoke,
"You said this was a female age 17 and she died 20 years ago?" She shook her head,
"I didn't specify her exact age-" he cut her off,
"She was 17 Bones." She looked at him confused,
"How do you know that? Did.. did you know her?" She asked scared, he nodded,
"Her name is April Grace Booth. She's my older sister."
I hope you guys enjoyed the beginning! there is loads more coming! -J.A.