Hope Dorea Potter put down her book on magical creatures that she had been reading. She put it amongst her other books on the floor in har small room in Potter manor. Hers was the smallest bedroom and it was empty besides a wardrobe and a bed. Her love of books and knowledge is vast and ever since she taught herself to read at the age of three two years ago she read every book she could get her hands on. 'I wonder if my parents have forgotten about my birthday again this year since they always are too busy with my twin James Jr. to care about me like every year?' She thought to herself as she lay back down on her bed, tears threatening to fall.
One might wonder what can cause a small five-year-old girl such pain, despair and loneliness. To find out one must look back to the Halloween following her first birthday.
Lily and James Potter had been called into an Order of the Phoenix emergency meeting. Not wanting to bring the twins they left Peter Pettigrew, also known as Wormtail, as a babysitter. That was sadly a costing mistake seeing that Wormtail in reality was a Death Eater. During the night Wormtail left the cottage in Godric's Hollow and fled to his master. Soon after a cloaked figure approached the house. Looking around the house seeing a garden full of lilies, the figure snarled angrily before shooting a curse killing them all. The figure entered the house and walked up to the second floor. Entering the nursery, he saw two cribs with babies in them. In the first crib a boy with wild red hair and hazel eyes and round face lay, this boy was James Charlus Potter Jr., in the second crib lay a girl with pitch black hair, angular face and killing curse green eyes. While the boy lay in the crib sleeping the girl silently sat up and looked at the figure. Standing face to face the figure couldn't help but feel slightly impressed by the child, it didn't show an ounce of fear.
"I shall reward your bravery by killing you first." The figure said in a high voice, raised his wand and said the words that had meant the end for so many others, Avada Kedavra. Green light flew from his wand impacting the child. Before he could react, the curse had rebounded of the child and was heading towards him. He gave a shriek before turning to dust, creating a shockwave. The shockwave collapsed part of the room making debris fall on James Jr. resulting in a V shaped scar under his left eye. Suddenly three figures entered the room in a haste. James and Lily Potter, followed by Albus Dumbledore ran and examined the children letting out a breath of relief, finding them both to be alive. Albus saw the scar on James Jr. left cheek and made the decision that this was the child of prophecy. He raised the child up and declared.
"Behold James Charlus Potter Jr. the-boy-who-lived for he has destroyed Lord Voldemort's body." With that declaration the parents immediately started cooing the baby boy ignoring the raven-haired girl with a lightning bolt shaped scar above her right eyebrow.
Since that day Lily and James seemed to have a belief that Hope would try and upstage James Jr. in everything. To prevent that they would ignore her as much as possible, when Hope did anything that they thought took time away from their baby boy she would be severely punished. Not even her own godfather Sirius Black cared about her, always doing anything for Junior. If not for the house elves she would probably have starved to death. Less than one year after the attack Lily gave birth to another pair of twins. Godric Fleamont Potter was a boy that was seen as a miniature version of James while Belladonna Lily Potter was considered a miniature version of her mother Lily. The wizarding world celebrated the birth of the twins jubilantly. The Potters were seen as a perfect family with their three children. Hope was soon forgotten by the public.
Hope still remembered the last time she had shown her parents that she was good at anything. It was a few weeks after she turned three and she showed her mother and father that she could read. She still had the occasional nightmares about the beating that she took. She had the scars to show for it. Their prince however was considered perfect in every way, no matter what he did. He was extremely spoiled, got everything he wanted, very rude and extremely stupid.
Hope sat up on the bed with a start as she was forcefully dragged out of her bed by her hair through the house by James. She could se the paintings of her ancestors glaring at her father angrily. She knew that they disliked her treatment and would often shout at James and Lily, they stopped after Hope begged them to since she was the one that would be punished by that. Reaching the fireplace, she saw the rest of her family grinning savagely at them. Hope barely had time to get her balance before she was thrown into the fireplace and was sent through the floo network.
Regaining her balance, she just managed to avoid falling on the floor. She was dragged by her father as he talked to a teller. Even though she was dragged violently through the bank she still tried to be polite and follow goblin traditions and mannerisms. The goblins that saw that starred at her open jawed, here was a small girl that showed them more respect then almost all older wizards. The teller led them through the bank until they reached a pair of massive golden doors. When they went inside the room while massive in size was surprisingly bare. The room was painted white, a few paintings adorned the walls, the floor was marble and at the end was a desk with an important looking gobbling sitting behind it with a few guards standing in the room.
"My name is James Potter and we are here for the complete disownment of this girl here from the Potter family." James said sounding important as he pushed Hope to the floor in front of him. The goblins started seething in anger, children are considered blessings by goblins. To see one family treating one of their children like this made their blood boil. Hope quickly stood up and bowed to the goblin behind the desk.
"Greetings master goblin may your enemies fall at your feet." The goblins stared at her in shock, almost no witch or wizard ever even attempted to use the traditional goblin greeting when they speak to them, and yet this child does. The goblin behind the desk stood up.
"It can be done quickly, but I must warn you. The procedure itself can kill the child." None of the goblins expected the answer they got.
"Good, she doesn't deserve to live trying to upstage my little Junior." Lily answered, the goblin simply nodded and began the ritual. He magically vanished Hope's clothes leaving her naked in the spacious room, the clothes landed folded in a pile in front of the potter family. He then began chanting causing light to engulf Hope. The girl screamed in pain, a scream that would haunt her former younger siblings for years to come. As the goblin stopped chanting Hope potter no longer exist, in her place Hope No Name lay unconscious on the floor, weak, but still alive.
"It is done, Hope Dorea Potter no longer exist, luckily she is still alive." The Potters didn't even bother to thank the goblins as they just left without turning back.
As soon as the doors closed the goblin ordered the rest to send the girl to their healer to try and help her as much as could be done.
Hope opened her eyes and saw that she laid in a room she had never been in before. Slowly her memories started to catch up. She remembered being dragged through the mansion, being dragged through Gringotts, the disownment and the pain the ceremony caused. The doors opened and the same goblin that had done the ceremony entered followed by several others that seemed less important.
"Good, you're awake." Hope looked at him strangely before attempting to bow. "You do not need to bow before me child, you have already showed more kindness towards my kind than most witches and wizards do. I have yet do introduce myself. I am Ragnok, king of the goblin nation." Hope's eyes started to resemble saucers.
"Why would such an important figure as yourself visit me? I am nobody, surprisingly literal right now." She chuckled lightly to herself. The goblin knew that this was most likely a façade.
"I am visiting you since we have things I wish to discuss, let the healer here take a final look at you and then dress and then come to my office. He then left her with the healers, when they finished, and she was dressed another goblin led her to Ragnok's office. Entering Hope bowed deep.
"May your gold always flow King Ragnok." The goblin gave a light laugh.
"You may simply call me Ragnok. I must say that that was a good attempt at a traditional goblin greeting. Now on to business, since the Potters didn't appoint anybody as your guardian you are now emancipated. The good part is that you aren't subjected to the underage magic laws. As the healer looked over you he noticed dark magic emanating from your scar. It has since been removed and is being analysed. The scar will fade but it won't disappear sadly. The biggest thing we found was that you are heir to a few vaults and families in Gringotts." Hope stared gobsmacked at the goblin.
"How? I was disowned, wasn't I?"
"To quote James Potter "we are here for the complete disownment of this girl here from the potter family", you were only disowned from the Potter family line. You are the heir of house LeFay, Ravenclaw, Slytherin and Grindewald."
"Gellert Grindewald's firstborn son was a squib, but he wasn't disowned but took the name of Evans, Grindewald was a descendant from Salazar Slytherin and Rowena Ravenclaw's firstborn son. Rowena Ravenclaw was the descendant of Morgana LeFay."
"So, my name will be LeFay Ravenclaw Slytherin Grindewald? Isn't that to much of a mouthful?" Ragnok gave a small smile, he had almost forgotten that the child in front of him was only five years old.
"You can still be head of all those houses but only chose one of them that you will be known as. Similar things have happened before, but the people then has simply chosen the least conspicuous name. You don't really have that option sadly." Hope looked pensive for a moment before deciding what to do.
"Hope Dorea Potter is dead. In her place Dawn Morgana LeFay has been born." All the goblins in the room gave a smile at that.
"You will now be seen as Dawn Morgana LeFay in all official documents from both Gringotts and the ministry. I should warn you that since you are the heir of two of Hogwarts's founders you are required to attend Hogwarts. You are also richer than the Potter family, even including their Peverell and Gryffindor vaults. I would recommend throwing your former family from the Evans line barring them trying to gain access. Now let's talk properties, you own quite a few." Dawn just smiled and nodded as Ragnok spoke. This day that might have started off horrible has ended up being the best in her life and she couldn't wait to see how her life would improve.
An 11-year-old Dawn LeFay was walking with quick steps through Diagon Alley to Gringotts wizarding bank. At 11 Dawn had a regal look about her. Her face was angular with a sharp jawline, and her wavy raven hair reached her lower back. She wore expensive dark green robes and her head of house ring on her right index finger. The LeFay head ring is two ravens facing each other with an amethyst in between them. She also had two ravens, one on each shoulder. The ravens are her bonded familiars and are named Huginn and Muninn after Odin's ravens in Norse mythology. She carried herself like a pureblood head of house. Walking up to the nearest teller she spoke in near perfect gobbledegook.
"Greetings teller, I am Dawn LeFay and I am here to see Ragnok." The teller was so shocked that he fell of his chair. The goblins that knew who Dawn is did their best to hide their smiles and chuckles. The teller quickly stood up and led her to Ragnok's office.
"Greetings King Ragnok, may the blood of your enemies' flow by your sword and all your vaults fill with gold." She gave an exaggerated bow before taking a seat opposite of him.
"Ah young LeFay. To what do I owe this pleasure?"
"I have been abroad for a while and I need to collect some money to buy some school supplies."
"Ah, so it's time for you to start school. I have something for you, after you explained muggle credit cards we have created these." He reached behind his desk and pulled out a credit card. "This works in both the wizard and muggle world. We won't charge you interest using it since it was technically your idea, instead you will get a small amount for each used card. Have you heard about your former family?" Dawn know the goblins too well to decline the offer and graciously accepted.
"Thank you Ragnok, you are too generous. Regarding my former family even on the other side of the world I know how spoiled the children are and how big attention whores my former parents are. Outside of Britain they are often the source of ridicule to the British wizarding society. I have a bet with a friend of mine, I bet that no broom would be able to fly with Junior on it." Ragnok gave a small chuckle. They soon finished their business and Dawn left the bank to begin shopping for school supplies.
She decided to buy her school robes first, so she headed over to Madame Malkins. As she arrived she was brought out of her musings by a voice she recognized.
"Fancy meeting you here Dawn." She quickly swerved around and stood face to face with Blaise Zabini and his mother Cassandra Zabini. Together with them was two people Dawn did not recognise.
"Always a pleasure Blaise. Mrs Zabini you look beautiful as always." Cassandra looked at the girl in front of her and smiled.
"How many times must I ask you to call me Cassandra Dawn?" Dawn simply smirked. "Dawn meet my good friend and her daughter, Angela and Daphne Greengrass. Daphne is also starting school this year" Dawn gave a court bow to the pair.
"It is my pleasure meeting you Mrs Greengrass, you too Daphne."
"Children, why don't you go into Madame Malkins while me and Angela wait outside, afterwards we will get your wands. As the children entered the store Angela turned to her friend.
"So, this is the famous Dawn that you have talked about. I must say that she carries herself like a pureblood. Is she pureblood? I didn't hear you mentioning a name."
"That's because we never did. Didn't you see the ring she wears." Angela became thoughtful before her eyes widened in shock.
"The LeFay ring. But I thought that line was extinct."
"The girl was apparently disowned by her own pureblood family at the age of five. The goblins found out that she was a descendant to Morgana LeFay, so she took up her name. Since she became emancipated at the disownment she has travelled the world. I met her last a few months ago before she left for China and Japan."
A while later the children exited the store and they left for Ollivander's. Dawn couldn't help but feel creeped out by the man. She sat in the store not really listening while Blaise and Daphne got their wands. Her attention was brought back when the man spoke to her.
"I think it's time for you now don't you think Miss LeFay?"
"Sorry to disappoint you Ollivander but I already have a wand." Dawn summoned her wand from her wand holster and held it so Ollivander could see.
"It is tradition that new students of Hogwarts acquire their wands here to secure the quality and to make sure the tracking is in place on it."
"Sorry, but I won't switch. Considering the tracking of underage magic use, I was emancipated at the age of five, that means that the underage magic law doesn't apply to me. And speaking of quality, this wand was made by the de la Roche family." Ollivander had to puck his jaw up from the floor after that revelation. He managed to squeak out. "The quality is good, hope to see you in the future." When they left Daphne begun her questioning to the amusement of the others.
"Why did he look so chocked when you showed your wand?"
"The de la Roche family is an old pureblood family that has been selling wands for longer than Ollivander's family. I'm the first person outside of France to have received one of their wands."
"What is the difference between wandmakers and wandcrafters?"
"Wandmakers create a large number of wands that then match them to the wizard. Wandcrafters create tailor made wands for the wizard. It's a better fit but more expensive and rarer."
"What's with the ravens?"
"They are both my bonded familiars. They are named Huginn and Muninn."
"Why are you emancipated?"
"I was disowned at the age of five, my former family didn't pick a new guardian, thus emancipating me."
"Are you pureblood?"
Instead of answering she showed Daphne her LeFay ring. Daohne despite not recognizing the family the ring knew exactly what it was. The questions stopped, and they started talking about other things. They were soon done with the shopping and bid each other goodbye, but not before Daphne and Dawn promised to write each other. Dawn were happy to have found a female friend her own age. The Daily Prophet wrote a big piece about the Potters trip to Diagon Alley. They were painted out as the perfect wizarding family. The days passed and soon it was time to travel to platform 9 and ¾.
Dawn sat on the Hogwarts express and was reading a Japanese book on runes. Runes was one of Dawn's biggest love, together with languages, that she learnt of early in her travels. She always tries to find rare books on runes when she is abroad. She had already sent her ravens off to Hogwarts so they wouldn't disturb her reading. She was taken from her book by the compartment door opening. There stood three girls, the first with strawberry coloured hair worn in a plait down her back, the second girl had blonde hair with pigtails, the third girl was of Asian descent with black hair. The first girl spoke up.
"Is it ok if we join you in the compartment?"
"I don't mind." The girls sat down in the compartment while Dawn put down her book.
"My name is Susan Bones, the blonde is Hannah Abbott and the Asian is Sue Li." Dawn nodded to all three of them.
"Pleasure meeting you all, I'm Dawn. Do you have any relation to the Li family in Shanghai, China?" Sue looked surprised at that comment.
"My uncle is head of the house, my parents decided to move to England after they were married, how did you know?"
"I have spent a lot of time with the Li family, every time I am in China I live with them."
"You're that Dawn I have heard my uncle and cousins talk about?"
"That's me." They were soon joined in the compartment by Blaise and Daphne, the trip was quite enjoyable, but sadly it wouldn't last. The door was violently opened and there stood Draco Malfoy with his bodyguards Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle.
"Greengrass, Zabini, what are you doing here with this filth? You should sit with other people of your status." Draco put on his most arrogant sneer. Whatever he expected to happen probably wasn't laughter. He quickly looked at Dawn. "What are you laughing at filth? You should recognize your betters."
"By calling us filth you are in extension calling yourself filth. All of us here are pureblood." Dawn managed to get out between her laughter. This caused the rest of the compartment to join in the laughter.
"Wait till my father hears about this."
"What can your father do? I'm from an older and more noble family than yours, I'm also richer then your family. Now scram." She quickly closed the door before there was a rebuttal. Her answer got Hannah thinking.
"What family are you from, you never said."
"Forgive me, my full name is Dawn Morgana LeFay." She then held up her right hand with her ring. Susan and Sue looked surprised but intrigued while Hannah looked a little scared. Dawn rolled her eyes at the reaction. "I know that Morgana LeFay is considered a dark witch in Britain. However, what isn't that well known is that she spent the last third of her life trying to atone for the sins of her earlier life by working for the betterment of all magical creatures." This made Hannah relax, it didn't last as the door was slammed open again and there stood James Potter Jr. and his lackey Ronald Weasley.
"What do we have here? Two light families mixing with two dark families. This doesn't look good for you Bones and Abbott. And you two" He pointed at Dawn and Sue." you should join me, I am after all the-boy-who-lived, it would make the life as half-blood and muggle-born easier."
"No thank you, first of all you don't decide who talks to who, second of all me and Sue Li are both pureblood, thirdly magic is just magic, it's the intent that makes it dark and I doubt many eleven-year olds have dark and evil intent. Lastly you are an arrogant spoilt little mama's boy that is an embarrassment to magical Britain. Outside of Britain people are laughing at you and your family." Junior's face turned redder and redder, he was about to explode when he suddenly turned pale in an impressive rate as he saw the scar on Dawn's forehead.
"No, it can't be, you're supposed to be dead." Blaise quickly shut the door then turned to Dawn.
"I guess he recognized you then." Dawn didn't answer as she quietly sat down and didn't speak for the rest of the journey.