Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter and The Twilight Saga. They belong to J.K. Rowling and Stephenie Meyer. I am writing this just for fun and no money is being made.
AN:It may seem like it in prologue, but this is not a copy Twilight Saga people. I am going to change the whole plot. Please be patient with me!
And, I would like to apologize for any mistakes in advance.
Summary - After coming back from Volterra, Bella tells him that she loves him and needed some time to get over the heartache he left her with. But he was sure, the real reason behind her request was Jacob Black and her indecision regarding the two of them! To take his mind of things, he decided to travel to Europe for some time, with a promise to be back soon. He unexpectedly stumbles in a whole new world and meet a witch, who will teach him more about life, than he had learned in his 100 years. Realization, that he was in love with her, hits Edward like a ton of bricks when it's time to go back to the girl, who's waiting for him in Forks. The decision is in his hands now. What will he do?
Edward wasn't sure how he got here, but he didn't care. After, 100 years of his torturous existence, he thought that he finally found happiness and love in a human girl, whose thoughts he wasn't able to hear. But, how wrong had he been! He had only been surviving until he met her, and that was what it was. Merely survival. He learned what living truly meant, after she bumped into him on the streets of London. He had never known what a truly blissful existence felt like, until he met this one girl.
He had never felt this peacefulness and contentment in all his life, that he felt when they both were with him and he couldn't imagine his life without them. His family had always been correct, he was just too stubborn to listen to any of them. Even though Carlisle never said it out-loud, but he always had faith, that once he found his 'Esme', she would make him believe, that he was not the soulless monster he believed himself to be. And she did exactly that, just not as lovingly as Esme would have or not even as Rosalie, who would have kicked his ass. No, his witch almost got both of them killed and if he had been human, he was sure he would have died of a heart-attack. He snorted at that thought. Yeah, that's exactly how she was.
But for the first time in his life he felt alive. Being with her was like a breath of fresh air. 'Love' was such a menial word for what he felt towards her. His life held no meaning without her and his existence had been empty before her.
She was his heart!
Every second he'd spent his life in misery, before he met her was worth it. She was worth it. The radiant laughter and beaming smiles from his son made it all worth it.
And that's why he was here. They were here, along with their family and friends. Fighting for their lives.
He would die a hundred times, if it meant that his family would live; but he would kill a thousand times, if that gave him even a single chance to have forever with them.
They were his, and he would kill anyone who tried to harm them in any way!
EN: You can tell me if you want to read anything else and I promise to look into it.
Thank you for reading. Have a nice day. 😊
Sept 10th, 2018