This little story takes place after Threads (how cliché).

Jack's slowly learning the different ways to distract Sam.

I've got a few more ideas for chapters but I'm marking this as complete as it can be read alone.

Jack was slowly learning how to distract her. The first time it happened they were stood in her kitchen.

Sam was talking a million miles a minute whilst refilling her glass of water from the tap. Jack had zoned out of the conversation about 10 minutes ago. Well to call it a conversation was polite. It was more like a boring maths lesson.

Since they started dating, he was trying his best to make sure he listened to everything she said. He wanted to play the part of the attentive… boyfriend? Eurgh no. They were far too old for the "B" word. The attentive partner? Were the serious enough for that word? Lover? That definitely conjured up some filthy images in his mind that he definitely did not need when he was introducing her to people. Hmmm… maybe they should *talk* about labels?

Oh no…he realised his mind had wandered again. He turned up his listening skills to max, he *needed* to try better at being concentrating when she speaks about… whatever the hell she was talking about. They'd only been seeing each other in a more personal sense for less than 6 weeks. He couldn't fail to pay attention so early.

But it was *so* hard. He understood the individual words she was saying but when she put them together in a sentence, they all just jumbled up in his brain. He tried his hardest to follow her train of thought but who was he kidding. He definitely wasn't the dumbest guy in most rooms, no matter how hard he pretended to be. But when he was in a room with her, he was definitely not the smartest. She was just so brilliant.

He was stood next to her in the kitchen ever so slightly leaning onto the counter and arms folded across his chest. One foot raised to scratch the back of his denim clad calf.

Okay, O'Neill….Pay attention….

He tilted his head to the side and nodded his head every few sentences to make it look like he was following some of what she was saying.

Okay so she was talking about the engine in the Daedalus. Something to do with the material and the hyperdrive and the hydro-exo-thingamy? Was that one word or 2 words? Surely, she knows by now that he didn't understand what she was saying.

His eyes drifted to the window behind her. It was a sunny Saturday morning and it would be a shame to waste a rare day like this. They both seldom got whole days off work, let alone whole days together. Usually, if he was off on the weekend, she would be off-world. When she was back Earth-side, he was usually elbow deep in paper-work and wanting to bang his head against the wall. So this was rare.

Maybe they could go for a walk along the hilly trail they'd found a few weeks ago. Nah… his muscles were complaining from the extra -long gym session he did with Teal'c yesterday and they hadn't quote forgiven him. God he missed the days he could burn off all the chocolate cake by casually running from the Go'auld. Sadly, enduring long diplomatic meetings and endless lectures about rocks doesn't have the same effect. In fact it has the opposite.

Maybe something more relaxing…like they could go sit in his big garden. He has a blanket somewhere and they could set it up near the giant tree where they could cuddle up together (dear Lord he was going soft). She could read that book she's had on his bed side table for a week. He could take a nap and then when he wakes up, maybe he could distract her from the book by trailing kisses on her neck to her ear lobe…The thought definitely made him happy and a small smile splayed on his face.


Jack's eyes shot back down as he saw Sam's hand releasing the glass she had just put down on the counter top. He realised he wasn't paying attention again. Why is he so bad at this? He cares about her, he respects her, so why can't he seem to just pay attention?

He brought his eyes back to her to make sure she hadn't noticed. Nope…she was on a roll. Had she stopped to breathe yet? How can she say so many words about one subject? Jack was sure he couldn't say that many words about every subject he could think of.

But god she was mesmerising when she did spew technobabble. Her hair was wet and slicked back from her shower. She was wearing a hideous oversized t-shirt that was slightly tucked into some very tight jeans. Her cheeks were faintly tinged red and she was out of breath from the excitement of her words. Her eyes were so bright and energised.

She was just so beautiful. And God…he was so in love with her. Jack had the sudden urge to kiss her. Not just a quick and casual kiss. A long hard kiss. He was restraining from any movement so hard…. When he realised…

He doesn't need to restrain himself anymore. He can kiss her whenever he wants. His mouth curved up in a leery smile and he got a predatory glint in his eyes.

Sam continued to prattle on "…use the remainder of the particles and integrate them within the engine to really…Jack… why are you smiling like that? Are you even listen-"

Within moments, Jack took the short step to be in front of her, simultaneously pulling her to him.

"Ooomph!" was the last noise Sam made as Jack's lips descended on hers. Her body relaxed instantly into his. Her hands went to his neck; one slowly trailing down to his chest whilst the other cradled his head. Jack spun them around so that she was pressed between him and the counter. The moment was hard and passionate.

And just as quickly as it started, it was over. The urge for oxygen became too much and he raised his head so that their lips parted ways. An act which was met with a hum of protest by Sam.

He looked down at her as he rested his forehead on her own. Her eyes had glazed over and were out of focus. Her lips had parted as she sucked in air and her cheeks were pinker than before. She was glorious.

"Sorry," said Jack. "You were saying…"

She looked at him, confused and dazed. "What..?"

Well, that was one way to shut her up.