So, if you came here from my DxD fic, you will know that this's a side project that somehow is born during the writing of PDE. Compared to PDE, this fic is so heavily AU that it borders on being crossover, except that it doesn't have the foreign characters, so it's still considered DAL in my opinion. Anyway, that's all I have to say now. Happy Reading.
P.S. I own nothing except the plot and OCs.
Days of Judgement
Divine Intervention
A sound of fighting could be heard from an unfinished building on the outskirts of a city. On one side was a young man with spiky silver hair and sharp red eyes, wearing a black and red battle suit resembling something out of a science fiction film. His enemy was another young man wearing a robe with strips of cloth with runic patterns crisscrossing around his robe. He had long dark blue hair and golden eyes, which were shining eerily right now.
"Heh, just stop, [Trismegistus]. You know as well as I that I'm born with the sole purpose of ending you and everything you stand for. Resistance is futile," the man with red eyes said while grinning like a wild predator.
"*snort* And you know as well as I that I can't let you do that, [Demiurge]," the other young man said with a calm smile, as if unafraid of his enemy.
"Why the change of heart? After all, I'm born because you craved your own end. Heh, is it because of that slut and brats you call family?" Demiurge asked.
"Well, I can't deny that. But please refrain from calling my wife a slut, or I will have to erase you from existence," Trismegistus threatened.
"Really?" Demiurge drawled out. A blood red spike then appeared from his palm.
"Then try and do it if you can!" Demiurge shouted as he charged towards Trismegistus.
"... Aurea Mediocritas," Trismegistus said as a golden cross appeared and blocked Demiurge's charge.
"Tch, you think this's enough to stop me?! Coedwig Farwolaeth!" Demiurge shouted as dozens of blood red spike appeared from the ground that branched into more smaller spikes.
"Kuh," Trismegistus grunted as he frantically evaded the spikes.
"Ga, ha, ha! What's wrong, Trismegistus?! Tired already?! Then just let me end you! Llafn Gwaed!" Demiurge charged against Trismegistus as the spikes on the former's palms transformed into blades that covered his arms.
Blocking Demiurge's attacks, Trismegistus saw a chance and did his counterattack.
"Sequere Naturam!" Trismegistus shouted as star-like orbs of light appeared and condensed, unleashing a blast akin to a Supernova towards Demiurge.
As the light subsided though, the result was the unexpected. Demiurge's hands, now shaped like giant claws, could be seen going through Trismegistus' chest.
"*cough* Looks like... My effort is not enough, hm...," Trismegistus said, still with an unchanging calm smile.
"This is the end, Trismegistus," Demiurge muttered as he pulled back his claws.
Falling on his back, Trismegistus could only stare at the retreating figure of Demiurge as blood leaked out from his mouth and wounds.
'So... Is this it? Is this the end? Mio... Shido... Mana... I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. I can't protect all of you like a proper father and husband should,' Trismegistus lamented.
But then, Trismegistus once again reminded of what his wife once said a long time ago, although it felt like just the day before.
"You have taught me so much, My Love. You taught me about the world, about life, about kindness, about love. And so, it's my turn to teach you. Live, My Love, because there's more to life than just peace and ideals. Live, for me, for our children, for our family. Live, Tsukasa."
As the reminiscence ended, Trismegistus' eyes regained their shine. Demiurge, who was walking away from the place to chase after his target, the First Spirit, suddenly felt someone grasping his leg, stopping him on his tracks.
"You... Still haven't surrendered yet?" Demiurge asked in disdain.
The only reply Demiurge got was whispers from Trismegistus.
"Tch, what are you even trying to do-"
Demiurge was cut off by bright runes shining on Trismegistus' skin and robes once the latter finished whispering.
"Y-you! Are you insane?! This will at least end in your death!" Demiurge shouted.
"And at most will end in both of our death," Trismegistus replied.
"Why bother, Trismegistus? Why bother risking your own existence?! Even if you can survive, you will need years until you can return!"
"Well, I have my responsibilities as a father and husband, you know. Gotta fulfill it anyway I can," Trismegistus answered cheekily, still with a calm smile on his face. The runes on his skin had become really bright.
"You! Curse you, Takamiya Tsukasa!"
"Heh, right back at you, Westcott!" Tsukasa replied, his calm smile turned into a condescending smirk.
"Vive Memor Mortis - Acta Est Fabula!" Tsukasa shouted as a really bright light appeared, not unlike those of a star, to the point of turning night to day.
As the light subsided, the smoking form of Westcott could be seen thrown out of the light and slammed to a wall. His silver hair dulled to that of dark ashen color and his red eyes became lifeless black color.
"Takamiya!" Westcott screamed as he tried to summon his blood spikes, and yet none appeared.
"Damn it! But if you think this will hinder me in getting the First Spirit, then you're wrong! Just watch from where you lie there, Takamiya!" Westcott said as he continued his pursuit even while heavily injured, leaving the unmoving body of Takamiya Tsukasa behind.
"I'm sorry, Mio... Looks like... That's all I can do *cough* In the end... It seems I can't protect anyone that I love...," Tsukasa weakly spoke.
But as soon as he stopped talking, he could hear the voice of his wife from who knew where.
"It's alright... Tsukasa... It's alright... You have been giving all you can do... It's fine..."
"Mio... Are you safe?! What about Shido and Mana? Are they safe?!" Tsukasa asked in panic.
"Don't worry, they're in safe place. But... what about you, Tsukasa?"
"I... I failed... I failed to protect you, Shido, and Mana from that man. And I'm the reason why all of this happened!" Tsukasa replied as tears started to appear and streak his face.
"But it's also because of that that I'm born, that I can meet you, that I can have such a wonderful family, that I can experience such happiness... So please, don't blame yourself, My Love... It's fine, rest now. I will take care of the rest..."
"... No, I can't let you do that," Tsukasa said with conviction in his voice.
Gathering all of his power that was left, he formed an orb of rainbow-colored light. He then threw the orb to the sky where it split into many small orbs that spread to different places.
"Tsukasa, what have you done?!"
"A contingency plan. Even if I fail now, I won't let Westcott hurt those that I love."
"But... that will cause you to be..."
"I know. It will be a miracle if I can even regain my consciousness in less than a century, but this's something to do," Tsukasa said as his body slowly disappeared.
"Please, Mio... Tell Shido and Mana that... That I love them with all of my heart..."
"Tsukasa... *sob* I... I love you..."
"I love you too, Mio...," Tsukasa said as his body completely disappeared. And thus, Takamiya Tsukasa was no more.
(Insert Song - Unus Mundus from Dies Irae)
What if I said that one's entire life had been decided by fate?
That every single one of your actions, from the minute to the monumental, stemmed not from your own choices, but had already been decided upon?
That life being a journey of limitless possibilities was but an illusion, and no matter how fiercely man struggled, he stood at the mercy of a long-established path?
The wealthy shall know their riches.
The needy shall starve on the streets.
The wicked shall be wicked, the righteous just.
The beautiful, the hideous, the strong, the frail, the fortunate, the miserable... and finally the victors and the defeated.
What if I said that all such things had been into stone eons ago, allowing for no divergence?
If so, then sinners have nothing to answer for, nor do saints have any true virtue to their name.
What if I said that not a single action is carried out of one's own volition, but had been decided long ago?
That we are merely adrift in the current of time?
Tell me, would you feel content with such a world?
A world in which power is merely given, not earned - would you accept knees bent to a throne built upon such falsities?
A universe where the sinless have-nots are oppressed and downtrodden - would you allow such a world to exist?
Never, I say. Never.
Those in possession of such knowledge who can still laugh joyfully, oblivious of what it means to be truly alive, are but slaves, the lowest of the low, hardly deserving to be called human beings.
Nothing dampens the spirit like the stale wine of an unearned victory.
Nothing is more unbearable than bitter defeat against the chains of destiny.
Should ceaselessly repeating this farce - this slander of the highest order - be the fate of mankind, then I will struggle against those chains with all my might.
I shall walk this road to its utmost conclusion, and, at the distant place I can call my finale, compose an opera that belongs only to me.
And so, I require your aid, my dear ladies and gentlemen.
You, the oppressed, the downtrodden, the massacred - you who once were as brethren.
You were born to be defeated, to be massacred till the end of times.
Should you curse that fate of yours, come and stand at my side as comrades.
If a hundred battles yield no victory, fight a thousand.
If a thousand battles yield no victory, fight ten thousand.
Vow to struggle for an eternity, ceaselessly, till the light of victory finally shines upon you.
Any that has the strength to do this shall be permitted to become a means to that end - a part of the "sorcery".
All in order to claim eternal victory.
The Mane of the Beast, each and every strand of it, shall be from your flesh and blood.
You are blessed to be as such.
Although I, you, and he as well...
Are still bound by that miserable cycle at this moment...
Let us believe that the decision we are about to make truly holds a meaning...
That one day, we can break free from this perpetually repeating cycle.
My dear ladies and gentlemen.
Defeated souls of the present age.
I await your answer:
Will you rise to battle?
10 years later
In a place unconstrained by neither time and space, a round table in the color of gold could be seen floating. A tree could be seen carved onto the table with numerous crystals on it. One by one, 10 shadows appeared on the seats surrounding the table.
"How is it, Amon? Do you see something?" a voice asked.
"Yes, I have, Lucifer. It seems the time has come," Amon answered.
"It's really fortunate that Amon is the first one to awaken. But still, to think Therion would be the second to awaken...," another voice spoke.
"Hey, hey, no need to be so irritated, right, Abraxas? Our turns will come soon enough," a voice tried to placate Abraxas.
"*sigh* Only you can be so calm all the time, Abaddon," Abraxas sighed.
"Just be patient, everyone. In time, our turn will come. And the Grand Guignol that our Master has planned 10 years ago, its curtains will be able to be lifted in its entirety," a voice, that seemed to be the leader, spoke.
"For the Tree of Life. Res Novae."
"Res Novae," the other 9 shadows followed.
Then, once again one by one, they all disappeared to the nothingness they came from. And all was silent again.
(Insert Song Ends)
"Shido-nii/Nii-san, wake up!" two girls shouted as they jumped on a young man sleeping on his bed.
Both girls appeared to be around 13 years old. The first girl had long blue hair that turned into light pink styled into a ponytail with some bangs left out and reddish-brown eyes with a beauty mark under her left eye. The second girl, meanwhile, had long light coral-colored hair styled into twin tails and red eyes. She also let out a strand of her hair stood up on her head. Both of them had quite the developed figures. Their names were Takamiya Mana and Itsuka Kotori, respectively.
Opening his eyes, he rolled away from the drop kicks by reflex as he settled into a martial arts stance. Noticing that it was only his younger sister and his childhood friend, he relaxed himself.
"*sigh* Mana, Kotori, how many times have I told you to not wake me up like that? What if someone is hurt?" the boy addressed the two girls.
The boy seemed to be around 16 years old. He had an athletic figure with neck-length straight blue hair and brownish amber eyes.
"Sorry, Shido-nii/Nii-san!" both of the addressed girls answered without the slightest bit of remorse.
"*sigh* What am I going to do with both of you?" Shido sighed while facepalming.
"*giggle* Just come downstairs, Nii-san. The breakfast is already prepared," Mana said.
"Yeah! And just so you know, Rio also helped this time!" Kotori spiritedly said.
"Oh, really? Alright, I'll come down soon after taking a shower and putting on my uniform," Shido said.
"Make sure to not fall asleep again, alright, Shido-nii! Don't want us to jump on you again, do you?" Kotori said as she giggled.
Both Mana and Kotori then left Shido to prepare himself for a day. As he came downstairs after he finished wearing his uniform, he could see that all but one of the seats of the dining table had been occupied.
"Onii-chan, Onii-chan, I helped Mana-neechan and Kotori-neechan with preparing the breakfast," a girl around 10 years of age said with a really wide smile. She had eyes with the similar shade as Mana's while her really long hair was plum in color with one single braid.
"Really? Onii-chan is really proud of you, Rio," Shido kindly praised his youngest sister, Takamiya Rio.
"He, he, he. Thank you, Onii-chan," Rio giggled.
"Good morning, Shido-nii. Sorry for being imposing on you this early again," a boy around 14 years of age with bright red messy hair and black eyes said with an apologetic smile.
"*sigh* You've been coming here every day for 5 years, Rikudo. No need to feel like a burden. Besides, you're Kotori's boyfriend, after all. And their parents also asked you to take care of her while they're away, didn't they?" Shido assured the young boy.
"Thanks, Shido-nii," Rikudo replied. The boy was Tenma Rikudo, one of Shido's childhood friend and the boyfriend of his younger sister-like figure. Like Mana and Kotori, he also attended Keisei Junior High School.
"*giggle* Really, Rikkun? I thought you would know better after all of this years," Kotori teased her boyfriend.
"Well, I can't help it, Kotori-chan," Rikudo said while sweat dropping.
"Now, now, let's just eat the breakfast, alright? We can't be late for our first day of school, can we?" Mana asked.
"True that. Well, let's eat, shall we? Itadakimasu!" Shido said.
"Itadakimasu!" the others followed
As Rikudo, Kotori, and the Takamiya household walked to their school, Shido couldn't help but reminiscing the past years. 30 years ago, the phenomenon known as Spacequake first descended on Earth. The first Spacequake appeared on the Russian region, decimating the region completely. All of the area was flattened and incinerated, destroyed beyond any belief, leaving just a gigantic crater behind its wake. This unearthly force of nature killed a total of 150 million people, just by its first occurrence. Yes, after the first one, many other Spacequakes would occur continuously all across the entire Earth. There was nowhere to escape to, nothing to defend against these quakes. If a quake went off near where you lived, only distance would save you and even then, you might not be left unscathed, either emotionally or mentally.
Only after a year did calamity end. By the time these quakes had finally stopped, it was estimated that humankind's former population of over 8 billion had become a mere 2 billion. Eventually studies were finally made about these unknown explosions, and studying the original footage captured by satellites it was revealed that these explosions were actually more like earthquakes.
A certain area of space suddenly began to vibrate, distorting the dimensional plane around that area and twisting it until it compressed as a singularity that could no longer shrink and further. After which, all that compressed energy burst apart, becoming like a miniature big bang, as such they were named "Spacequakes".
Initially, everyone believed they only brought annihilation, but somehow these Spacequakes after further study were revealed to have touched the planet, drastically changing the world as we knew it. It was revealed that within these quakes existed a material that was identical to one best known in fiction, man. Quite literally the world had been touched by magical energy, but not in the same way as stories of magicians or spellcasters, nor did there exist spells everyone could cast. With the fact that humankind could risk extinction if they didn't come together, all existing nations came together and created a united government to give hope to everyone in these dark times.
Very soon, a miracle happened. The creation of new technology using the very magic the quakes brought led to shelters that could let people survive Spacequakes, and the new technology also helped making repairs and recovery of lost items become as easy as casting the very spells in fiction. It wasn't just technology though, but the whole humankind itself gained new potential. A new breed of humans soon emerged from the generations born after the disaster, infused with magical power that granted them superior physical abilities and skills.
"Oi, Shido!" a shout sounded out as a boy with spiky golden hair and yellow eyes who wore a bandanna jumped from rooftop to rooftop before landing near the group.
"So, how is my best friend doing on this very first day of school?!" the energetic boy, Tsuchimikado Shinji, excitedly said.
"Uh, I'm fine, thank you for asking. Um, Shinji, are you sure you can just jump from rooftop to rooftop like that? I thought Yagami already forbid you from doing that?" Shido asked while sweat dropping.
"I did," a new voice spoke as the voice owner chopped Shinji on the head.
"Gah! Yagami, why you...?!" Shinji grunted in anger.
The newcomer was a boy who had shoulder-length straight black hair that was left a bit messy and unnerving blood-colored eyes. His name was Yagami Reichhart, the last name was due to his German heritage. Like Shido and Shinji, he was around 16 years old and also attended the Raizen High School. Both he and Shinji were also Shido's childhood friend and best friends.
"Good morning, Yagami. Looks like you have quite mastered your teleportation power," Shido greeted.
"Good morning to you too, Shido. Yeah, I can control it quite well now. Oh, and good morning to all of you too, kids," Yagami replied.
"Good morning to you too, Yagami-nii/Yagami-niichan!"
It had been the worst disaster we had ever known, but in a way, it had freed humankind from the chains that had been holding it back, at least mostly. Even now, though most have changed for the better there are still few who try to take advantage of others and use them to their ends. Still, with the population having slowly recovered to 3.5 billion, and many advancements in the world, it seemed that things were looking up.
Yet the existence of the Spacequakes, and how they suddenly came to this world, those were mysteries which even today were still without an answer. The last remaining darkness lingering in the present. Thinking about mysteries though, Shido couldn't help but thinking about his parents.
10 years ago, his mother asked the Itsuka family to take care of him and his younger sisters, including the newly born Rio then. After 10 years, Shido couldn't for the life of him remember anymore the reason for his mother to do it, except that it was something serious that also related to his father's disappearance. The only thing he could remember was the tears that fell from his mother's beautiful red eyes and streaked her beautiful face, and the breeze that blew her pale blue-colored hair that turned into light pink which wasn't unlike Mana's as she reluctantly turned away and left her children while crying heavily.
"Hey, Shido, are you alright?" a voice snapped Shido out of his thoughts.
The speaker was a 22-year old young man. He had straight grey hair that was parted to the right and blue eyes. This was Tsukihiko Kujaku, another of Shido's childhood friend and the group's role model, being the oldest member, and also the tallest. He had just graduated from university and now worked as a light novel writer.
"Ah, Kujaku-senpai. Yeah, I'm fine. How is apartment life for you?" Shido asked back.
"Meh, it's alright. Though my fiancée waking me up at 4 in the morning asking me to make her morning coffee can be a bit troublesome..." Kujaku sighed.
"Really?" Rikudo asked in apprehension.
"*snort* Of course not. I was joking. I love her very much. Making morning coffee for her is the least I can do when she is the one that cook and clean in the house," Kujaku answered.
"Oh, and Senpai also said that she also works as a manga writer, right?" Yagami asked.
"Yes, she does," Kujaku said proudly.
The group then settled into a temporary silence before 3 more people joined the group.
"Yo/Hello, everyone!" two boys who had dark green hair and deep violet eyes said at the same time. Both were clearly twins. One was named Ekirei Miroku while the other was Ekirei Misaki. Miroku was the older of the two with his hair styled into a small ponytail that was positioned in front of his right shoulder while Misaki's was on his left shoulder. Between the two, Misaki was the silent one. The two of them were also Shido's childhood friend and were the same age as him.
"Good morning, Senpai, Rikudo, Mana-san, Kotori-san, Rio-chan," a boy around Rikudo's age greeted in refined manner. He had shoulder-length cerulean hair with electric blue eyes. His name was Hyoko Nanaya, also Shido's childhood friend and Rikudo's best friend.
After returning the greeting, the bigger group then continued walking until they arrived at Danny's, a diner located at the crossroad path between the Keisei Junior High School and Rio's elementary school, and Raizen High School.
"We'll be waiting for you here in front of the restaurant after school ends. Don't break your promise, no matter what happens, if it's still possible eat here than we are going inside and eating!" Kotori said, Shido nodded and petted her head.
"Right, I promise. Just don't let something a Spacequake count as 'still possible' at the very least." Shido joked, making Kotori pale a bit as Mana and Rio giggled at her expression.
"Don't worry, Shido-nii. Nanaya and I will protect them if anything ever happens," Rikudo assured as Nanaya also nodded in confirmation.
"Don't worry, Shido. As my university is also located along this path, I will accompany them to their school first," Kujaku said in assuring tone.
"Alright, I will leave the two in your care then, Rikudo, Nanaya, Kujaku-senpai. You three, be careful on your way to school, okay?" Shido asked in slight worry.
"Okay!" the girls answered.
As the groups split into two and went on their own way, Shido's group met another one of their members and childhood friends.
"Oi, Obito!" Shinji called over the brown-haired boy walking in front of them.
"Eh? Ah, good morning, everyone," the boy greeted back in a soft voice.
The boy was Kurenai Obito. He had shoulder-length reddish brown hair that was parted in the middle with some strands of hair left out in the middle and warm crimson eyes. On his back, a violin case could be seen.
"Obito, I heard that there's going to be a violin competition soon. Are you interested?" Shido asked the shy boy.
"I have heard about that too, but I don't think I'm skilled enough," Obito politely declined.
"Obito, as much as I'm about maintaining the status quo, even I know that you should seize this chance," Yagami tried to convince Obito.
"Yeah, Obito. We all know how talented and hardworking you are about violin. You should join," Miroku said.
"Agree. We will cheer on you," Misaki said after his twin.
"Um... Alright, I will think on it," Obito smiled as he nodded.
The group then once again settled on comfortable silence as they continued walking to their school. The group didn't notice though, a young girl with attractive looks and slender but gifted figure, blue eyes, and short, silvery-white hair arranged in a bob cut with three hair-clips in the right part of her hair, looking at a certain member of the group with teary eyes.
'It can't be, but it really is... it is him!'
"*whistle* Who would have thought that all of us will be in the same class?" Shinji said with a grin.
"*sigh* My assumption is... I think they want all of the troublemakers in one class," Yagami sighed.
"But we're no troublemakers," Miroku denied while his twin nodding in agreement. Meanwhile, Shido and Obito just laughed awkwardly on the background.
"But still... to think that the talkative trio would be in the same class as us...," Miroku whispered.
The talkative trio was known as Ai, Mai and Mii. Ai was the tallest of the three and had blonde hair tied in a short ponytail, but a lot spikier than Mana's was and had yellow eyes. Mai had short brown hair and born eyes, her eyes tended to look partially closed as if something was always on her mind. Mii was the shortest of the three with long blue hair and blue eyes, and she wore glasses that she couldn't see well without. They were called that since they usually gossiped about things they saw or heard. Ai's the unofficial leader who started the talk, Mai followed up and Mii made a final comment.
"Miroku... that's not nice," Obito reprimanded.
Before Miroku could reply though, a voice suddenly cut in.
"Um... e-excuse me?"
The group turned to see the white-haired girl from before looking at them, her face blushing a bit as if she was hoping she didn't actually have to talk and she could talk with her mind, which unfortunately wasn't a thing she could do. Shido got a good look at her, trying to see if he had seen her once before.
"Oh, um, hi there," Shido said, making the girl blushed a bit more and fidgeting to his confusion.
"I-If you don't mind me asking... what's your name, and by any chance do you recognize me?" The girl asked, surprising Shido and the group.
"M-My name is Tobiichi Origami... You and I met each other when I lived here 5 years ago. Though I moved away some time after that."
"Oh, that explains things a bit. My name's Takamiya Shido, and I'm sorry about this but, by chance, did we meet during the Tenguu Fire?" Shido asked.
"Y-yes, that's true," Origami stuttered.
"Ah, as I expected. I'm sorry but the truth is, I've lost my memory around that time. All I can remember is waking up in the evacuation shelter," Shido answered honestly, making Origami's eyes widen slightly before she gave a sad look.
The Tenguu Fire was a nasty "natural" disaster that happened around 5 years ago. Without any kind of warning, flames suddenly broke out across Tenguu City, mainly in a neighborhood called Nonco.
"I'm really sorry, but, could you tell me about how we knew each other?" Shido asked, wanting to honestly learn part of what he could possibly forgotten. Origami blushed shyly when he said it, having been caught off guard a bit.
"O-Oh yeah! Well truth is we had only met for about two times. The first was when I had gotten lost when the Tenguu Fire began, and after that... I was sure I saw you die trying to save my parents' lives from some flaming debris." Origami quietly answered, Shido was surprised not for the act he did, but how little Origami had actually known him. He couldn't blame her though, that one act must have made her really grateful.
"I-I'm sorry. That's all I know. Please forgive me for getting your hopes up!" Origami bowed in apology. She then left for her seat hurriedly, with Shinji frowned upon seeing her.
"*whistle* So that's your preference, huh, Shido? The genius transfer student... Never knew you can be so brave," a voice spoke from behind Shido.
"Well, what can we say? Beneath his calm demeanor actually lies an aggressive beast. Who could have guessed?" a mew voice also spoke.
Turning his head, Shido could see the speakers. One was, once again, his childhood friend, while the other was his classmate.
"*sigh* It's not like that, Shukuen, Hiroto," Shido denied.
Nagaku Shukuen was a boy with shoulder-length white hair whose right side was trimmed and jade eyes, while Tonomachi Hiroto had swept-back spiky black hair and blackish grey eyes. Both of the Casanovas of Raizen had roguish smiles and charmer looks on their faces, while Hiroto was also holding his phone, probably still playing his dating-sim game.
"Whatever you say, Shido," Shukuen shrugged.
"Whatever makes you sleep better at night, Shido," Hiroto continued.
"Stop it, guys. You know that Shido is being honest here," a new voice spoke out.
"Agh! C'mon, Kensei. Stop ruining our fun, will you?" Shukuen asked his best friend.
"No. Someone here clearly has to be the one sane one besides Yagami, and I can't trust anyone besides Shido and Obito to do it," Kensei bluntly said.
Ougon Kensei was a young man with straight dark violet hair and golden eyes. Out of the group, he was the one with the sharpest tongue, even compared to Yagami, but that didn't mean he was a bad person. He just liked to say whatever he wanted to say in a straight-forward manner, but he was a good guy in heart.
"Hey, hey, hey, no need to fight over this thing, okay? Look, class is going to begin. Shukuen, how about a bet? If our homeroom teacher is Tamae, you owe me lunch," Hiroto offered.
"Heh, you're on, Hiroto! But, if our assistant homeroom teacher is more beautiful than Tamae, then I win," Shukuen replied.
"Challenge accepted!" Hiroto accepted.
Soon everyone's attention was turned to the front of the room as class began and their homeroom teacher came in alongside her assistant teacher. A lot of the students cheered as they saw who their teacher was.
"And it's Tamae! I win, sucker!" Hiroto shouted, proclaiming his victory over the bet.
"My lunch!" Shukuen cried in sorrow.
"It's Ms. Okamine. Now please, quiet down. *cough* I'll be your homeroom teacher this year. Pleased to meet you," Tamae said with a smile. She was a young woman in her late 20s with short slightly curled brown hair and glasses. She was really popular among the students. Almost all classes wanted her to be their homeroom teacher. She soon motioned her hand towards her assistant.
"And this is your assistant homeroom teacher."
"I'm Murasame Reine, and I'm excited to be here," Reine introduced. She had long pale blue hair tied into a ponytail and blue eyes, wearing what seemed to be a lab coat over what pajamas and a skirt. Shido noticed she had dark spots under her eyes, implying she didn't get a lot of sleep, or probably had a condition like narcolepsy, and right as he thought about it, she fainted to the class' shock and worry.
Murasame Reine had been her assistant teacher since last year. Apparently, she had a case of chronic fatigue and narcolepsy alongside insomnia, so she frequently tended to randomly faint while in class, provided she's standing for some reason. Besides that, she's also a widow due to the ring on her necklace and a stitched-up bear she's always carrying. The truth was, Shido somehow always felt this familiar feeling whenever he saw her. The same gut feeling whenever he heard about Tenguu Fire and the DEM, although it was suspicion regarding those two things. He didn't know why he had this feeling, but he had learned a long time ago to trust his gut feeling.
DEM, or Deus Ex Machina Industries, was a corporation based on England that was called as the true savior of humankind. They're the inventor of the Realizer technology, the biggest reason why humankind could quickly return to and surpassed what they're used to be. As one of the biggest, if not the biggest, corporations on Earth, its CEO, Sir Isaac Ray Pelham Westcott, was called as the most influential man in the world. But for Shido, he was someone that Shido couldn't help but feeling intense repulsion on seeing his image.
"Sorry about that everyone. I'm just a bit tired," Reine said as she quickly got back up, making the class relieved as she was alright.
'So, this is how my year begins,' Shido thought, turning to look at Origami one last time before focusing back to the front of the board, not noticing that Shinji also staring intensely at her.
"I take that back! This's so not how I expect my year to begin!" Shido shouted as he ran with all of his might across the street.
As soon as school had ended, an announcement about a Spacequake about to occur was suddenly rung out. Shido, knowing there's a high chance his sisters and Kotori might have been waiting a Danny's, quickly pulled his phone and called them, to no avail. Checking their GPS locations, he found them in front of the diner.
'Damn it... Kotori, why? I told you that Spacequake is in no way a safe scenario!' Shido thought as he kept running to Danny's.
'Mana, Rio, Kotori, please be safe... If you're hurt, I-I can't-,' Shido thought as tears started to appear on his eyes.
"Oi, Shido, don't you dare cry like a baby, alright? Don't worry, we will find them," Shinji said.
"Yeah, what Shinji said is true. Don't worry, Shido. Hiroto was also helping by calling his acquaintances all over the city to ask about their whereabouts," Shukuen continued.
"Less talking, more running, guys!" Kensei shouted from the front of the group.
"We saw it!" the Ekirei twins shouted as they pointed at the looming Danny's in the front. Only, except the three girls, it was Rikudo, Nanaya, and Kujaku that they found. The girls' phones were held in Rikudo's and Nanaya's hands.
"K-Kujaku-senpai?! Rikudo?! Nanaya?! I. What. You. Where-," Shido said frantically before his shoulders were held by Kujaku.
"Calm, Shido, calm. Take a deep breath," Kujaku ordered. After Shido followed Kujaku's order, he continued.
"I... What happened?" Shido asked in worry.
"As soon as the announcement rang, I quickly checked where the girls were, since I know how stubborn Kotori can be. And lo and behold, they were in front of Danny's. I quickly ran here, but the only ones I found were Rikudo and Nanaya," Kujaku explained.
"Rikudo and I left school later than Kotori-san and Mana-san since we had cleaning duty. By the time we arrived here, we only found the phone while the girls were nowhere to be found," Nanaya calmly explained.
"I-I see...," Shido said after hearing the explanations.
"... What should we do now, Shido?" Yagami asked.
Looking at all of his friends, Shido took a deep breath again.
"We split up. We can cover more areas that way," Shido said decisively.
"What if the Spacequake is already going to happen before we found them?" Kensei asked.
"Leave the search and go to the nearest shelter, is what I would like to say. But I know that none of you guys are going to follow that, so really, do anything that you wish," Shido deadpanned.
"Heh, well, you heard the Boss. What are you waiting for? Let's go!" Shinji shouted as he sped off to somewhere.
"Yeah!" the others followed.
"Don't worry, Shido. We WILL find them," Obito reassured Shido again.
"Yeah, I know. Thanks, Obito," Shido said. Obito only smiled in return before running off to somewhere as well.
'Now, to find my sisters...,' Shido thought as he followed a different path from the other 10.
As he ran past the many buildings though, Shido didn't paid attention to the building dimensional ripple. By the time Shido noticed it, the Spacequake was already happening. Dark purple colored dome of energy kept expanding while destroying anything in its path. In vain attempt to protect himself, Shido lifted his arms and closed his eyes.
After a few minutes, Shido opened his eyes, seeing that he had just barely escaped from the Spacequake, being outside of the blast radius by a very small margin. Pulling his phone out, he found out that all of his friends' signals were still there, with the exception of his sisters.
'Ha, ha... ha, ha, ha, ha! W-we're alive... I feel that I have just lost 10 years of my lifespan... But Mana, Rio, Kotori... Where are you...?' Shido thought in worry.
"So, you too?" a voice snapped Shido's out from his thoughts.
Looking up from his phone, Shido saw the most surreal thing in his life so far. Standing in the middle of the crater was the most beautiful girl Shido had ever seen, surrounded by purple colored mana which also covered all of the crater. From her appearance, Shido assumed she was around his age. She had very long dark purple hair tied back with a butterfly-shaped hair accessory and matching dark purple eyes with white pupils, which Shido noticed with a somehow another familiar feeling.
She was wearing what seemed to be a black, cream, and pink colored dress with a set of purple and cream colored plated armor adorning her shoulders and waist. The dress, to Shido's teenage hormones excitement, was opened at the back and made up into a black corset which exposed a part of her cleavage, which, if Hiroto or Shukuen was here, would say was around 84 cm. The dress also featured a two layered, knee-length skirt which has a pink to white gradient. Besides the dress, she also wore a pair of gauntlets which had petal-like cuffs and a pair of armored boots in the same color as her attire in addition to her plated armor. For the weapon, she was wielding a gold and purple colored broadsword, which to Shido's increasing anxiety, was directed towards him.
"Are you here... to kill me?" the girl spoke as Shido's eyes widened. Unnoticed by all, his eyes also glowed gold.
In the crater of a former Spacequake zone, an inhabited area known as Tenguu City stood, and no one knew that this city was where the answers to a decades long question would finally begin their revelation. All because of one single action.
[Dies Irae - Einsatz by Sakakibara Yui]
(Instrumental) The scene opened up to show Earth's transitions from before the Spacequakes calamity to the present age as the dimensional disasters could be seen all over the surface. Once the present age was reached, the scene zoomed in to Tenguu's City, showing the landmarks all around the city both during the Tenguu Fire and not. The screen then showed the words "Days of Judgement" written in gothic style.
(Why do our hearts feel a crisis in this broken world that we stand in?) The 11 members of Shido's group was seen walking through the city as the sky suddenly turned dark and 10 Spacequakes of different colors occurred simultaneously.
(Darkness rests everywhere, and the shadows creep up through my soul.)Takamiya Shido was shown up in front of a shadow of a spear, with Tsuchimikado Shinji on his right and Yagami Reichhart on his left, both in front of a cross's and a guillotine's shadow respectively.
(Luckily, I know that I'm not alone.) Tenma Rikudo, Hyoko Nanaya, and Tsukihiko Kujaku was shown with Rikudo on the lower right, Nanaya on the lower left, and Kujaku on the top middle. A shadow of a pair of claws, a pair of bladed greaves, and an opened eye could be seen behind the three.
(So, we stand together against the injustice of this world, with a unite wish!) The Ekirei twins was shown on the lower middle with Miroku on the left and Misaki on the right, with a shadow of twin sabers behind them. Ougon Kensei was shown on the middle left, in front of a scythe's shadow, while Nagaku Shukuen was shown on the middle right, in front of numerous flying blades' shadow. The last member, Kurenai Obito, was shown on the top middle with a crossed violin's and rapier's shadow behind him.
(Let's Rise Up) Eleven shadows was shown once the Spacequakes ended, covered by ten different colors. Both sides then prepared themselves to clash.
(This is the start of our date/war, so will we make it to the end?) All twenty-two participants from the two sides were fighting with each other through two shadows could be seen hanging in the back, just watching the battle unfolded.
(I can't see the see the future, so let us begin... Date A Live!) Westcott and shadows of his accomplices could be seen smirking from a dark place as they watched the battle. In Westcott's shadow, an image of a tree could be seen, radiating malice and negativity before it actually grew from Westcott's shadow into a gigantic size.
(Instrumental) Realizing who the true enemy was, both sides decided to work with each other and attacked the Tree of Death and the laughing Westcott, to the relief of the two shadows from before. As the instrument ended, the scene became really bright before all 11 guys were shown smiling in front of the golden Tree of Life.
Now... Let the curtains rise on tonight's one and only Grand Guignol...
Alright... So, how is it? I know some of you might be overwhelmed by the number of OCs, but I assure you they're needed and important, but rest easy you don't really need to perfectly remember who they are until the significant arc comes. Besides, I also can know that some of you might also have ideas on what roles these OCs have. Anyway, I know that most of you have questions, and I will try my best to answer those questions as long as they aren't spoilers in nature. So feel free to ask via PM or review, though review is clearly preferred. Regarding update schedule, that depends on when I will finish the 1st season of my DxD fic. That's all I got to say for now.
May We Meet Again.
P.S. To those that know what series which heavily influence this fic, I'll give you food for thoughts. We all know who does the monologue regarding "Fate" in the series, but, who is the one that does it here? But I guess it's obvious, huh. (Hint: Riddle me this, who is the cancer cell?)