Dear Guest Reviewer who wants Patch and the Halloween Tree, if you do not stop bugging me about that story, then I'm not going to write it at all. I told you that I'm not in the mood right now.

Our story begins on a very dark and cold night where there are some people trying to keep warm, but they weren't just any ordinary people, they appeared to be children. Two girls and three boys along with a puppy dog who belonged to one of the boys. They were all trying to keep warm as they found an old sled and set it on fire so that they wouldn't freeze for the night.

"S-S-S-So cold." One of the girls shivered.

The other, younger girl coughed a bit.

"Oh, are you okay?" The other girl asked.

"I'll be fine, Cherry..." The younger girl said softly. "It's no big deal. Really."

"You sure, Dot?" Cherry frowned.

"Uh-huh." Dot nodded softly.

"Did you just take someone's sled without asking?" One of the boys asked.

"Hey, what do you want from us? We're freezin' here!" The other boy defended.

"Fair enough." The third boy shrugged.

The group continued to try and stay warm for the night.

"Aw, poor boy..." The oldest boy frowned and hugged his puppy as he shivered from the cold.

A girl around the older kids' age looked out the window from her home after putting a little girl to sleep as her own big dog was fast asleep and the girl had a tiny dog with her as she saw the kids as they were homeless and they didn't seem to have any parents or homes of their own. The orphan boys soon put the sled in the fire to keep them warm.

"Aw... That poor group..." The girl said to herself as she pet her dog. "Maybe I should invite them inside."

"Absolutely not!" A brown-haired woman scolded the tomboy girl. "They're filled with germs and who knows what they might have?!"

"But it's cold out there, and they don't have anyplace to call home." The tomboy girl frowned.

"That isn't any of our business, now get some sleep." The woman told her before leaving.

"Yes, ma'am..." The tomboy sighed before gently stroking the blonde girl's hair in her sleep with a small smile. "Sleep tight, Mindy." She soon got into bed.

The girl seemed to smile in her sleep. The tomboy smiled back before she pet the bigger dog and fell asleep.

The next day soon came.

"How did it end up this way?" One boy asked Cherry.

"You remember, Atticus... The king made it this way..." Cherry said as she tried to think of a way to get them food for the day.

"Oh, right." Atticus sighed.

"Guys... I'm hungry..." Patch whined as he came to them. "Do we have any food?"

"None that I can find, Spot..." Cherry told the puppy. "We might have to beg."

"Great." Patch groaned.

"Sorry, Boy." Atticus told his dog.

'I have a feeling a song will soon start.' Patch thought to himself.

The biological siblings looked over as they tried to keep warm with the fire by the old orphanage that had shutdown for a while.

"Some folks say that life is cruel~" Yakko frowned.

"At the orphanage, they fed us inedible gruel~" Wakko added, taking out a bowl.

"We've slept on beds with springs that hurt~" Dot sang as she cracked her back.

"The faucets had cold running dirt." Atticus sang as he poured out a cup of what seemed to be dirt on the ground.

"Windows were broken and roof was leaky~" Patch sang as he showed broken windows as some icicles dripped out water.

"The walls were cracked, the floors were creaky~" Dot frowned as she stood by a crack against the building.

"They shut down the orphanage and now we know...~" Yakko added.

They all sighed together. "Those were the days. We miss it so~"

"And ever since then I've been feeling low~" Dot frowned as she sang at a low voice before coughing once.

Cherry frowned, showing concern for Dot.

"Another sub-zero morning~" Yakko sang as he tried to keep warm in his bed, but was still cold.

"And still, there's nothing to eat~" Dot frowned to the empty cupboards and shelves.

"My feet couldn't get much colder~" Cherry shivered as her feet were like ice cubes even with her shoes on.

"Our breath is our main source of heat~" Patch sang as he demonstrated.

"We're so far below the poverty line. We're off the graph~" Yakko sang as he showed a chart with the line going through a hole in the floor.

"But don't fret, guys, because things'll get better, In time, then you're gonna laugh~" Wakko smiled encouragingly.

"HA!" The others mocked.

"Poverty and hunger are abound here~" A cat sang to a dog.

"Yeah, looks like a city dump~" The dog sang to her.

"There's only one job to be found here~" Dot sang as a mime was in the middle of the street before getting run over.

"The town needs a new speed bump~" Yakko replied.

"Acme Falls was a favorite paradise~" A man with glasses sang as he and a woman were driving a horse-drawn coach.

Happiest place on Earth~" A beautiful blonde woman sang.

"But the tax collector's avarice, Took us for all we're worth~" The townspeople all sang.

"It sucks." Cherry muttered out.

The tax collector and traffic cop are soon seen with lots of food.

"My coffers are overflowing!~" The tax collector smirked.

"All of our shelves are bare~" The butcher, the baker, and the candlestick maker sulked.

"My profit margin is growing!~" The tax collector sang happily.

"We're broke, it seems so unfair~" The trio frowned.

"Since around here, we can no longer cope~" The townspeople sang.

"Ya gotta cheer up, and never ever give up hope!~" Wakko sang with encouragement.

"All of the shops are closin'~" Yakko frowned as he stood in front of a going out of business sign with his sister.

"Things couldn't get much worse~" Dot frowned back.

"Even my nuts are frozen~" A young squirrel frowned as he showed a cube of ice that had nuts in it.

"Be careful with that last verse~" An older squirrel told him.

"Hey, step up und try our elixir!~" The doctor invited from his travel cart with the blonde woman. "It's good for what hurts!~"

"Whatever ails you, it can fix her!~" The nurse added.

"And it's great on desserts!~" The doctor smiled, demonstrating on a bowl of ice cream.

"Drat, the temperature's falling!~" A big brain mouse complained.

"I love when the weather is cool!~" A skinny dumb mouse smiled.

"A new Ice Age is calling~" The other mouse glared.

"Look, I can freeze my drool!~" The skinny mouse smiled as he held out his tongue and his drool froze solid.

"I have dreams of ruling the earth, yet here I sit watching Pinky make ice sculptures~" The other mouse sang out of annoyance.

"Out of spit!" The skinny mouse smiled stupidly, making one of a horse. "Narf!"

"This old tree is finished!" The old squirrel complained.

"Our acorn supply's gone, too." The young squirrel frowned to her.

"So for dinner, we're havin' creamed spinach!~" The older squirrel then smirked.

"All I can say is, 'Spew!'~" The younger squirrel gagged.

"As a town we're so down so we mope~" Dot, Cherry, Patch, and Yakko sang.

"You gotta cheer up and never give up hope!~" Wakko smiled.

Atticus looked somewhat inspired by Wakko's words.

"We can't cope!~" The townspeople sulked.

"You gotta cheer up and never give up hope!~" Wakko smiled.

"Are you a dope?!" Cherry glared.

"Nope!" Wakko smiled.

"Just cheer up and never give up hope, hope, hope! Yeah!~" Everyone sang with a smile.

Cherry rolled her eyes as she looked as though she had already given up any possible hope she had left.

And so the folks in Acme Falls hoped through the winter, they hoped through the spring, they hoped through the summer, and they hoped through the fall. But after a year of hoping, hope was running out for poor little Dot, who needed an operation. Cherry put a blanket over Dot as she looked quite sick and miserable. Dot began to cough a little. And while Yakko stayed behind to look after his sister with Cherry's help, Wakko went out into the world to seek his fortune. Wakko was about to get on the train to leave town.

"Wait, Wakko, you're not going alone." Atticus said as he came to the boy.

"You sure you wanna come?" Wakko asked.

"You better believe it." Atticus told him.

Patch even came over to join them.

"I should keep an eye on Dot..." Cherry said to the boys.

"That's a good idea." Patch nodded.

"I better stay too." Yakko agreed.

"We'll be back soon," Atticus smiled. "Don't give up hope."

"Like that's gonna work." Cherry muttered dryly.

"I promise things are going to get better." Atticus promised.

"If you start singing, I'm gonna puke." Cherry said.

"Love you too, Cherry." Atticus replied before going on the train with Wakko and Patch.

The train soon left with a smoky trail behind. And the town waited for Wakko, Atticus, and Patch's return. They waited through the winter, they waited through the spring, they waited through the summer, and they waited through the fall. And by the following winter, they were still waiting when a young mouse's fancy turned to romance.

"No, no, NO!" Cherry glared into the fourth wall. "We are not talking about that!"

Sorry, but we have to, it's part of the story.

"I'm not going there..." Cherry crossed her arms in annoyance. "You can't make me! You can't make me! YOU CAN'T MAKE ME!"

Suddenly, we are shown a farm.

"He made me..." Cherry glowered.

The skinny and yet idiotic mouse soon came in the farm much to Cherry's dismay. "Oh, Pharfignewton, Pharfignewton!" Pinky called as he carried a bag. "Wherefore art thou, Pharfignewton?"

"Correction: this is going to make me puke!" Cherry glared in annoyance.

A horse soon came out and smiled down to the mouse.

"Oh, there for you art," Pinky smiled as he got on top of a bucket before bringing out a sugar cube. "And look, Narf!, I brought you a snacky wacky!"

"Who wrote this...?" Cherry grumbled, rubbing her temples out of frustration.

The horse licked up the treat, taking Pinky along with it, but had a silly smile much like the mouse.

"Tronsk! Feeding you is like taking a really smelly bath!" Pinky smiled as he nuzzled up with the horse.

"Pinky, I need you." A voice demanded.

"Pharfignewton, I didn't know you could talk." Pinky smiled at the white horse.

"Pinky, stop this foolishness." The voice growled.

"You know, Pharfignewton, you sound an little like Brain-Oof!" Pinky smiled before getting whacked on the head with a carrot top behind him. "Oh, and you bop like Brain, too!" He then turned around to see his fellow mouse. "Brain, hehe, we were just talking about you."

"I knew I would find you out here wasting time with this horse," Brain rolled his eyes. "Come!"

"Oh, but Pharfignewton and I have pledged our hearts to each other!" Pinky told him as he was being pulled away.

"Pinky, that is a horse. You are a mouse." Brain told him.

"Oh, Brain, don't be so intolerant!" Pinky pouted as the horse seemed to mirror his movements in the back. "Why can't the horses and the mice live together in harmony along with the fairies and the wood sprites and the bean sprouts?"

"I stand corrected, Pinky," Brain replied. "That is a horse. You are an imbecile."

"Thank you." Pinky smiled as the horse mirrored him again.

"Now, come, we must prepare for tonight." Brain told him.

"Why? What are we going to do tonight?" Pinky asked.

"Guess." Brain told him.

"Try to take over the world?" Pinky replied.

"Bingo!" Brain smiled as that was actually right.

"Egad, I love bingo! Narf! It's so much more fun than trying to take over-" Pinky smiled back as they walked off only to get hit again. "OOF!"

"Thank you so much for making come here," Cherry told the narrator. "Now can I return to the train station?"

"I don't see why not, off you go then," The narrator told Cherry. "I thought maybe you'd like some laughs away from the drama."

"Oh, yes, equine rodent romance is so humorous..." Cherry rolled her eyes. "Show me some more IF YOU DARE!" She was soon back at the train station.

"Will it kill you to smile?" The narrator asked.

"What's to smile about?" Cherry scoffed. "You better get on with the story before I come up there and give you a kick in the-"

The soon heard a train whistle in the distance.

"You're lucky that train whistle blew." Cherry glared up.