"Why the hell did headquarters call us down here to deal with these fucking sidekicks?" Bakugou growled out. "I could have dealt with all of this on my own."

"Kacchan! We don't know what this guy's quirk is!" Midoriya yelled out.

Todoroki was off to the side, throwing up ice walls and capturing other villains. It is almost too easy.

"They sent us out here to deal with petty criminals! That is not what I signed up for! And definitely not with you two losers!" Bakugou yelled before blasting off with his hands, pissed he had to leave the comforts of his house to deal with this stupid bullshit.


"Go get him, I'll deal with these guys," Todoroki said, throwing more ice walls around.

Activating his quirk, Midoriya pushed off the concrete ground and took off after Bakugou. They had all be interrupted on their days off, he understood his reasoning for being pissed, but you can't go into these things irrationally.

"Kacchan!" Midoriya called out again.

"Fuck off, Deku! I want to get this done with and back to binge watching my show!" Bakugou growled out, pushing him away.

A huge explosion set them both off course- Bakugou crashing into Midoriya and them both tumbling back down to the ground.

"What the fuck was that?" Bakugou yelled.

"I have no idea."

They both looked over and saw more heroes were around Todoroki as small explosion were going off around them. The light from the explosion was bright, catching everyone's attention, throwing them all off guard. Around them more explosions set off. Both of them cursing and jumping away- they had no idea what they were up against, but something was setting off explosions all around them.

"Kacchan!" Midoriya yelled as when Bakugou stepped down, around his feet exploded. But Bakugou made it in the air just in time, only the soles of his boots melted a bit. Pushing off the ground again, Midoriya and Bakugou used the buildings as leverage to move around.

"Everytime we get close, another explosion goes off!" Midoriya yelled.

They looked over and saw Todoroki was fighting the explosion by casting an ice shield over them, encasing the explosion and fire.

"We need to stay in the air," Bakugou said.

"But that first explosion-"

"-was from some dumb ass under us setting it off!"

It was as if landmines had been dug into the concrete. Midoriya could not figure out what the hell was going on or where it was all stemming from. It was frustrating and only getting worse by the minute. They thought this would be a quick capture, drop off at the station and be home in time to make dinner.

They were all wrong.

Only three of them were called in, they needed more. Todoroki had his hands full down on the ground, but it seemed as if he had figured it all out and knew not to move or step around. Each flash of light and he was able to conceal it with ice.

Midoriya kept his eyes sharp, looking for anything that was making this all happen. It had to be there somewhere- just where? Bakugou was losing his patience and ready to just take off. Reaching out, Midoriya grabbed his wrist and held him still.

"Stop! Dammit, listen!" Midoriya yelled out.

"Let go of me!"

"Just hold still for a moment!"

Midoriya was trying to think- trying to figure out what was going on and strategize how to get them out of this mess. More explosions were ringing around them, making it hard for Midoriya to think, figure it all out.

"Dammit, you fucking nerd!" Bakugou yelled, trying to get out of his grip, "I know you are not using your fucking quirk on me to hold me here!"

"Shut up!" Midoriya yelled! "Let me think!"

More explosions and more ice forming all over the area they were in. Without even thinking, Midoriya kept his hold on Bakugou and quickly bounced between to buildings, dragging Bakugou with him.

"The hell are you doing?" Bakugou asked.

"Getting a better view," Midoriya said, pointing down below.

There were walls of ice everywhere. Every time a new explosion set off, Todoroki was fast enough to extinguish it before it did any damage.

Straining his eyes, Midoriya wanted the source of these explosions. He wanted to know who was behind them.

"There!" Bakugou said, turning Midoriya's head.

Off to the very back, hidden by a dumpster was a small man- almost looked to be a child. There was a glow to their eyes and their fingertips.

"That little fucker is the one causing all this?" Bakugou said, readying his stance to take off.

"Kacchan! Stop!" Midoriya yelled, grabbing the back of his shirt, keeping him in place. "We don't know how powerful he is!"

"He looks like a damn kid!"

"Even still! He is controlling all of this from a far distance it seems… he has to be powerful! We can't go into this irrationally!"

"But the more we fucking wait to more shit that is gonna explode!" Bakugou said, pushing Midoriya away and taking off.

"Kacchan!" Midoriya yelled, leaping off the building and following suit.

It was chaos. More explosion ringing around them- too many at once. Todoroki was trying his hardest to sustain them all. When he caught Todoroki's eye, Midoriya pointed where the villain was. Todoroki nodded and sent ice that way, though he was not sure where exactly the villain

Bakugou was almost at the dumpster when a huge explosion behind them went off. Todoroki was thrown and slammed against a building on the other side of the street. Midoriya was stunted and fell hard to the ground. He had no idea where Bakugou was.

"Kacchan!" Midoriya yelled.

The explosion was so bright he had to shield his eyes. Everything around him was a blinding white light that was not letting up. The last thing he remembered was how cold his face felt as Todoroki covered his eyes with ice- even from across the street.

Midoriya could feel the pulsing from the explosions around them, someone grabbed his arm, pulling him away.

"Kacchan!" Midoriya yelled.

"Deku! We need to get you out of here!" the voice said.


"I got him," Todoroki said, taking Midoriya's arm.

"But sir, you are bleeding really bad from your head," the voice said.

"I'll be fine," Todoroki said, lifting a hand to Midoriya's face, melting the ice away. "Sorry about that… was improvising last moment."

"What happen? Where is Kacchan?"

"We lost sigh of him in the explosion."

Midoriya was ready to take off again. The minute his feet started to run, another large explosion set off, blasting them all back against the building. Todoroki shielding everyone the best he could with ice- but the impact was hard. Midoriya could feel the coldness as his vision grew black and the sounds of the explosions echoed around them.


Everything in his body was sore. The sounds around him felt like they were far away. Soft beeping sounds mixed in with what sounded like… kissing?

Opening his eyes, it was blurry, but he made out the figure of Recovery Girl standing by his bedside.

"It is about time!" she griped.

His mouth felt dry and his tongue heavy. Smacking his lips, a cup with a straw was placed in front of him. Squinting, he could just barely make the figure.

"Oh deary… yes your eyesight will be an issue," Recovery Girl said, moving to sit on the side of his bed, still holding the cup. "I did the best I could, but your body is beat up and your eyesight even worse. Here, try these." with that, she took the cup away and slipped glasses on him. Opening his eyes, Midoriya could see a lot more clearly. Recovery Girl looked tired and worn out.

How long had he been here? The last he remembered he was in the town square. Everyone was fighting and a bright light…

"What…?" he managed to whisper.

"Well, it seems you were taking off before things got real bad. In the end there were able to get the villain, but not before you were knocked out. In a few months we can probably see more about your eyes. That bright light damaged a lot of people's sight."

"Kacchan…" he whispered. The last he remembered, Kacchan was hurling into the light.

"Well…" she said, looking over to the bed next to his in the room. "I did what I could. We won't know till he wakes up."

Turning his head, Midoriya saw where Bakugou was. His eyes were bandaged up, his hair a mess on top.

Moving his hand up, Midoriya played with the glasses Recovery Girl gave him. Lifting them up and back down, seeing just how bad his sight had been compromised. A mirror was handed to him and Midoriya peeked at his reflection.

"I thought they would be the most flattering on you," she said.

There wasn't much to them, but they were a greenish color that matched his hair. He had to admit, she did pick well.

"These are fine," he managed to say. His throat was scratchy and he was thankful the cup was handed back to him. Drinking small sips- it helped to sooth his mouth and throat.

"Well I will get you some tea and see if that is better. Now if you rest, you can go home in a couple days," she said as she left out the room.

Laying back on the bed, Midoriya kept lifting his glasses up and down, shocked that his vision was impaired that badly.

It made him wonder how Bakugou's sight was.

That evening as Midoriya laid in his bed, the doctors came in as Bakugou started to wake up. Pulling the curtain shut, Midoriya couldn't see anything, but he heard them speaking. Recovery Girl was walking in, smiling and moving to the other side of the curtain too.

"Now Bakugou, before we remove your bandages, we need you to understand a few things," the doctor said.

A grumble of what seem to be cursing came from Bakugou.

"Your optic nerve was damaged beyond repair," the doctor said.

"What?" Bakugou asked.

"What he means honey, is that we are unable to repair your eyesight," the gentle voice of Recovery Girl.

"So… what you are saying is…" Bakugou trailed off.

"Yes, we were able to heal your body, as you were badly beat up, but your eyes… well there is nothing we can do," the doctor stated. "We want to remove the bandages from around your eyes, but be warned, the skin was damaged as well."

"So I'm blind and hideous?" Bakugou asked.

"I brought you some sun shades you can wear," Recovery girl said.

"Fucking perfect then," Bakugou said sarcastically.

"We will bring you in something to eat and drink. Rest plenty and we will see about accommodations for you to go home," the doctor said.

"The hell I need accommodations for?" Bakugou asked.

"Well sir, adapting is going to be rough," the doctor said.

"Yes, now listen to the doctor and don't give them a hard time," Recovery Girl chimed in.

Midoriya could hear the growl from Bakugou from behind the curtain. A few moments later, they pulled the curtain back.

"Now, your friend Midoriya is sharing a room with you, and I am sure he won't mind assisting if you need help," Recovery Girl said.

Sitting up, Midoriya nodded his head. "Yes absolutely!"

"Of course I am stuck with fucking Deku…" Bakugou said, turning his head away from Midoriya, before he could even really see him. Recovery Girl patted Bakugou's shoulder before her and doctors went to leave.

When Midoriya looked over, the bandages where removed, but all he could see was the back of Bakugou's head.


"Shut it, nerd," Bakugou said, a crack in his voice.

A heavy sigh and Midoriya just sat back. His body was still overly sore, but at least this time, his bones didn't get crushed. It had been a few years since he did that. Reminded him of being back in UA.

Bakugou laid in his bed, only wishing for a moment he could cry. As everyone left, he lifted his hand to his face, feeling the sore soft skin where his eyes were. It felt wrinkled and mangled. He could imagine how it all looked.

He really did not care how hideous he looked, what he cared about was not being able to see. He would walk around with scars covering his body as long as he could see. There was no blinking, there were no eyes.

He could no longer be a hero. He was worse than quirkless.

At least if he were quirkless, he could…

No point even going down that road. He was nothing now. All that he heard when they said he would not see was that he could not be a hero.

How would he use his quirk without sight? Sure many heroes managed without sight, but most were born that way and they were adapted to it. He was being thrusted into it, with a quirk that required him to see his targets. Going around making big explosions would be nothing.

He wouldn't ever see another sunset… not that he ever took a moment to really appreciate them. Bakugou wished he had. There was so much he wished he could have seen and appreciated more.

The nurse brought him in a tray of food to his bed table. Feeling around for his chopsticks, he felt a spoon.

"A spoon?" he asked.

"Easier for you to eat this way," the nurse said. "Do you want assistance?"

"I can feed myself," he growled.

He listened for her footsteps. Hearing how cheerfully she talked to Deku and even giggled at some stupid joke about hospital food.

Carefully feeling around his tray, he could tell there was a bowl of rice, a broth and tea. There was a biscuit and he decided to grab for that as it would be easy. It tasted different, but he knew it was just a regular biscuit.

Even the tasteless broth that the hospitals had, he was getting a hint of flavor to it. Maybe this was the part where your other senses get stronger when one is taken away.

Great… he could taste food and hear shit.

Just fucking great.

He still couldn't be hero.

Trying to eat his rice, even with the spoon, was making more a mess than anything else. Each bite into his mouth, he felt the rice tumbling to his hospital gown. His hand was steady, but he couldn't fucking see the rice in the damn bowl.

Another attempt, and the entire spoonful fell. Not even thinking, he blasted the tray and the table to the other side of the room as he screamed.

"Kacchan!" Deku yelped, his dished clattering on his tray.

"Fuck all of this," Bakugou said, trying to brush the rice off of him before he rolled over and tried to sleep.

He was in pure hell.

The next day, as Midoriya was starting to wake up, he heard the door open and a bustle of people come in.

"Deku!" the familiar voice of Uraraka rang out as she ran over to his bed, hugging him tightly.

Everything was blurry, and when Uraraka let go, he was able to sit and grab for his glasses on the table next to him. Iida, Todoroki and Uraraka had come to see him. Looking over at Bakugou's bed, Kirishima and Kaminari stood quietly.

"Is he asleep?" Kirishima whispered.

"No, fuck off," Bakugou said, pulling the blanket over his head.

A shrug and they came over to the group by his bed.

"Todoroki! You are ok!" Midoriya said, sitting up more.

"Yeah, only had to be checked out and a couple bruises," Todoroki said.

"What happen?" he asked.

"Let's not get into all that now!" Iida said, "Right now you need to worry about getting better."

"I really like the glasses," Uraraka said, taking them from his face and putting on. "Wow, Deku… these are strong."

Midoriya shrugged, probably wasn't the best to talk about all this while Bakugou was laying in the bed next to his, with no sight.

"Can we… talk about something else?" Midoriya asked.

"Fucking talk about what you want!" Bakugou growled out, sitting up and facing them.

It was the first time Midoriya had seen him face on. He had stayed with his back turned the entire time. Around his eyes, the skin looked as if it had burned, his eyelids were fused close with deep hollow sockets and the skin very shiny, a purplish color.

"Bakugou!" Kirishima exclaimed, running over to his bed and grabbing his wrist. Bakugou jerked out of his grasp. "Does this… does this-"

"-I'm fucking blind and done for," Bakugou said.

"Well… It doesn't look so bad," Kaminari said, running his hands through his hair.

"Yeah! Not bad at all!" Uraraka chimed in.

"Fucking lies! Icyhot, how bad is it?" Bakugou asked.

"Really bad," Todoroki said.

"At least he tells the truth," Bakugou said, pulling the blanket over his head and laying back down, turning his back to them. "Visit with Deku and leave me the fuck alone."

Everyone turned to face Midoriya, all he could do was shrug.

"Why don't we go for a walk?" Iida suggested.

"Yeah, let me get my slippers," Midoriya said.

The nurses were bothersome. Always poking and prodding at him. Bakugou was sick of needles and ointments on his face. Every time he got upset, they would stick him with another needle and he would fall asleep.

He had a right to be angry! None of these assholes were going through what he was. Sure, Deku had to wear glasses… big fucking deal. At least he could still see.

The worst part about it all? When ever he slept, he dreamed in sight. This battle never happen, this accident never happen. He could blink his eyes, he could see across the room. There was no eternal darkness he could ever escape from. There was no feeling or hearing his way around.

Then the bright lights would happen. Even in his dreams it was blinding. If he had just stayed back… if he had not rushed in… if he just hadn't been so… so… him . The light came to him, and he would scream to himself to stop! Turn back!

But he never did.

He would wake up, encased in darkness. Crying out, he had to no way to fix this, no way to ever recover.

A hand on his shoulder, and he could tell it was Deku. There was a certain way he smelled, and a certain way the scars on his hands felt. It was something he had never realized til recent. He could tell most people by their smells. Even which nurses came in.

Fucking blindness.

He wanted to curse Deku, he wanted to blast him to the other side of the room. What good would it all do? He still would be blind even if he did. It was easier to accept his comfort, and the cool cloth he used to wipe his brow. He never heard or sensed any hesitation to his grotesqueness on his face.

Was this what Deku felt like being quirkless?

Hell no… that idiot ran into shit head on with out any thought, without any quirk.

He was worse than being quirkless. He had a quirk, one of the best quirks in his opinion, but there was no way to use it. His fingers tingle, wanting to blast off- but what was the risk?

Deku was given a quirk, he would not be given new eyes.

It had bothered Midoriya as Bakugou was not accepting any help from the hospital staff. Even when he got up to use the bathroom, he kept bumping into things. A few times Midoriya got up to help lead the way, only to have Bakugou push him away.

After the third time Bakugou cursed at him and threaten to blast him, Midoriya had had enough.

"Look! I am tired of you bumping into things all over the damn room!" Midoriya said, taking his arm. Bakugou growled, sparks coming from his fingers, but he stopped pushing him away. Bakugou also refused to wear the sun shades, as he said it hurt the skin at the bridge of his nose.

"Aren't you disgusted by my face?" Bakugou asked.

Midoriya shrugged. "Just a scar… I have plenty of them."

Leading him into the bathroom, Midoriya was not sure what to do next. Positioning Bakugou, he turned and left out the room. "Call for me when you are done."

"I want a shower too," Bakugou said quietly.


A few moments later Bakugou called for him, and when Midoriya came back in, he had to figure out how they were going to do this.

"Um… Kacchan?"

"Just help me to the shower stall and I'll strip in there," Bakugou growled out.

That was how it went for the rest of the day. Bakugou wanted to move around, but wasn't able to see anything. Kirishima stopped by, giving Bakugou a thin black cloth he could tie around his head and wear over his eyes. Bakugou said it did not bother his skin, and he could at least cover up til the skin healed. Even when Kirishima offered to take Bakugou out to the back garden to walk around, Bakugou turned and barked for Midoriya to help.

He couldn't explain it, and he wasn't even sure why Bakugou wouldn't accept help from anyone else. Jumping up, he let Bakugou grab his elbow as they all walked together. Kirishima was good to just ramble and talk while they walked. At times, he wold say something that made Bakugou grab his elbow harder.

"So the nurses are getting you one of those sticks to walk with," Kirishima said.

"I don't need a fucking cane!" Bakugou spit.

"Kacchan, yes you do," Midoriya said. "How do you expect to get around?"

They sat on a bench out in the garden, the sun felt warm that afternoon. Kirishima continued to babble and it helped fill the void around them. He had noticed that Bakugou felt for things, and even spent time running his hands over items.

As they made their way back, the doctor stopped them.

"You gentlemen should be ready to go home tomorrow," the doctor stated, then handed the white walking cane to Bakugou. "You might want to try using this so you can get around easier."

The hand holding his elbow got extremely tight. Midoriya had to bite his lip to keep from yelping out. Once the doctor left, Bakugou threw the cane to the other side of the hallway. Kirishima ran ahead and grabbed it as Midoriya led him back to their room.

"If you want," Kirishima said, "I could always come stay with you for a couple days and see what we can do with your flat to make it easier."

"I know my own damn flat!" Bakugou said.

"Ok then hot shot," Kirishima said, "How do you expect to get there?"

"I um… I think his mother is coming in the morning," Midoriya said quietly, leading Bakugou back to his bed.

"She can keep her ass at home!" Bakugou growled.

"Whatever," Kirishima said, "if you change your mind, let me know."

With that, Kirishima left from the room and Bakugou sighed, sitting back on his bed.

"You should accept help from your friends," Midoriya said.

"Fuck off!" Bakugou growled. "At least you can still be a hero."


But Bakugou had rolled over and away from him. That was when it all hit Midoriya. Without sight, Bakugou's quirk would be almost pointless. He can't see his targets, and random blast would only make matters worse.

They were both given time off from the agency they worked with, but what would Bakugou do afterwards? How would he manage?