Hey guys I am back, sorry for the wait, our second term of our second semester just started and its been kind of annoying trying to get back into the groove of things.

I have been doing a lot of research into fanfiction and also just thinking about what I don't like about fanfiction in general and so I have decided to be transparent about this.

I have no idea where I want to go with this story and I am basically just winging it, so take that as fair warning that the story might go on a path you don't like.

Now that we have that out of the way lets get on with the story, now onward.


"NARUTO STOP YOU WILL GET YOURSELF KILLED." Shouted Sakura as she saw Naruto run towards Zabuza.

Naruto however ignored her and kept going seeing as he had something important he needed to do, when he got near Zabuza, he reached for the headband and grabbed it and Zabuza immediately kicked him after just as he thought he would.

After Naruto landed he was thinking what a good idea it had been not to heal the cut he got from the demon brothers. After that battle had ended he had decided not to heal himself to take out the poison and instead use it as an oath and he had to admit it had paid off when he wanted to run.

After he got back up he tied the head band around his head and started to speak "well put this in your bingo book, the ninja who will become the hokage of the village hidden in the leaves his name is Naruto Uzumaki and he never quits." He said with a big grin on his face.

When Naruto started putting his headband on Sakura realized that was why he had charged at Zabuza and when he started speaking she couldn't help but smile but as he was talking something amazing happened.

As Naruto was speaking his arm caught on some kind of blue fire and as he kept talking the fire spread up his arm and also started going down the other arm, ending with both his arms and his entire upper body except for his head covered with the flames.

Sakura wanted to say something to Naruto but it seemed like the flames didn't bother him and so she decided to just watch the sight in front of her and just see what happens.

Sasuke was surprised to say the least, he had never seen Naruto use a fire jutsu before and this seemed to be different from any fire jutsu he had ever seen before as most fire jutsu were projectiles.

As he was thinking about this new development Naruto looked towards him and so Sasuke decided that this issue will be dealt with later.

After Naruto's speech he put out the fire and turned to Sasuke "hey Sasuke I have a plan." he said and threw a demon wind shuriken at Sasuke.

Sasuke immediately understood what Naruto's plan was and commended Naruto for his plan.

Sasuke threw the shuriken at the real Zabuza and when Zabuza saw it he caught it but unfortunately for him there was another one behind it and so he had to jump over it, but after he jumped over it and it passed him it transformed into Naruto and he threw a kunai at Zabuza forcing him to let go of the water prison.

After Naruto and Sasuke saved Kakashi he and Zabuza had a quick fight but Kakashi overwhelmed him fairly quickly and just as he was about to finish him off a hunter nin swooped in and finished the job.

When they had finished dealing with the hunter nin Kakashi collapsed from his injuries and the chakra exhaustion and so they had to carry him all the way back.

After they had greeted Tazuna's family they carried Kakashi to one of the rooms and set him down.

All three of Kakashi's students were in the room but no one was saying anything as they were each in their own little worlds but Naruto could already guess what the others were thinking.

While they were thinking about Kakashi sensei's health and his new mysterious power he was thinking about using his power on Kakashi, he had never used it in the field but Tsunade and Shizune had helped him work on healing others with his power.

After coming to a decision he started moving towards Kakashi.

Sasuke and Sakura were both still thinking about today's events when they saw Naruto start to move towards Kakashi and then his hands caught on the same blue fire that he was engulfed in when he was fighting Zabuza.

Sakura saw him take his hands towards Kakashi's body and she stopped him with his forearm. " NARUTO YOU IDIOT, WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?DO YOU WANT TO BURN KAKASHI SENSEI?" she yelled.

"I know what I am doing Sakura so please just let go of my hand" he said.

Sakura seeing that he meant business let go of his hand and decided to just see what he would do.

Naruto's hands approached Kakashi's body and then he touched him and started moving them around all over Kakashi's body and then when he was satisfied that he had done all that he could to help Kakashi he let go and moved away.

"Well that should make it so that he is up on his feet by tomorrow afternoon but he will still be suffering from chakra exhaustion, my powers cannot replenish someone's chakra" he said with a big grin on his face.

As he was leaving Sakura asked "what did you do to him Naruto?", he seemed to have performed some kind of medical ninjutsu but she knew that Naruto did not have the necessary chakra control for that and so she was really curious about what he had done.

"Oh don't worry ill tell you guys tomorrow after Kakashi Sansei is back on his feet." He said with a smile on his face and then he left.

After Naruto left Sasuke followed him out but instead of going to the living room where Naruto Went he decided to go to the forest to do some thinking.

Sasuke was seating near the stream in a clearing that he had found.

He had been sitting here for about an hour and just thinking about all that had transpired today, he just couldn't believe how badly he had reacted when Zabuza had focused his killing intent on them, even Sakura had reacted better than him and he was pissed with himself.

If he couldn't handle some second rate ninja like Zabuza there was no way he was ever going to be able to stand up to the prodigy of the Uchiha clan.

He had thought that he had vastly improved ever since Kakashi had humbled him but it seemed that he was still a novice.

Now his thoughts had turned to Naruto and he just didn't know what to make of him, he had always kept more attention on Naruto than the other students because he felt that out of all of them Naruto was the one person who could understand him.

Deep down he had always wanted to be friends with him but of course he would never admit that and besides friends would only get in his way when the time for his revenge came.

Ever since they had graduated he had seen Naruto improve by leaps and bounds and he had to admit that he was a little bit jealous of him and then there was also the fact that he had outshined him in the battle with Zabuza by coming up with the plan that helped them win.

All of that paled in comparison when he thought about the fact that Naruto knew some fire style jutsu.

He had seen that after he had engulfed himself in flames when the flames had receded Naruto's injuries were gone and he had even seen him heal Kakashi the same way, meaning that these were some kind of healing flames.

He had never heard of fire that heals before but he couldn't be sure that they were not a thing because the Uchiha clan had died out before he could learn all of the clans techniques.

They were not an impossibility but the fact remains that he had never once heard of fire being able to heal and so his mind went to another place. Could it be a kekkei genkai? He had been thinking that ever since he had seen the uniqueness of the flames.

If it was a kekkei genkai it definitely meant that Naruto had a chance to surpass him which irked him but then again it also meant that he and Naruto had something else in common, after thinking about that particular fact he couldn't help but let a small smile grace his face.

After all of that thinking he decided to go back and wait for tomorrow so that he could see what Naruto will have to say for himself.

"Ok Naruto now could you please tell me what the hell is going on?" Sakura asked with a bit of a tic mark on her forehead.

They had waited for Kakashi sensei to wake up and after he woke up he told them about Zabuza being alive.

After he had told them about that he had told them that they were going to train and right now they were in the middle of the woods getting ready to start their training but Sakura was losing her patience.

Just as she was about to say something else Kakashi cut in "Sakura you as a ninja should know that Naruto doesn't have to tell you anything about his techniques if he doesn't want to. He is doing us a favor by telling us, so please stop behaving like he owes you an explanation." Kakashi said with his eyes focused solely on his book.

After Kakashi said that Sakura blushed and looked away as she knew Kakashi sensei was right but she just couldn't help herself as she was a naturally curious person.

"its ok Kakashi sensei, you guys are my teammates so its only natural that you know what I can do so that we can work better as a team. Anyway the short answer is that I am a phoenix." Naruto said with a grin on his face.

After he said that they all gave him the same look on their faces and he just burst out laughing, he knew they would have no idea what he was talking about and that's why he had kept his answer vague to see the looks on their faces and they definitely did not disappoint.

"what the hell do you mean you are a phoenix?" she asked after she had gotten herself back together.

"I mean exactly that…" he said as he then proceeded to tell them about his powers in a general sense " and that's about it, I don't know if there are other things I can do but for now that's about it." He finished.

"so what do you think Sakura I am pretty awesome aren't I? definitely more awesome than Sasuke right?" he said with a huge smile.

"You turn into a bird Naruto that is the lamest Kekkei genkai ever." She said with a snort but inside she was thinking how useful that power would be. She had seen Sasuke frown a little during Naruto's tale and so she decided to make him feel better.

After Sakura said that Kakashi saw the smile on Naruto's face drop a little bit and so he decided to make him feel better "That's a very powerful ability Naruto but I have never heard of a kekkei genkai like that." Kakashi said as he was thinking about the fact that Minato and Kushina did not have anything remotely similar to that.

Sasuke's suspicions about Naruto having a kekkei genkai were proven true and it was definitely a powerful one he thought, maybe more powerful than the regular sharingan but from what he had gathered it was not as powerful as the mangekyo.

"That's because its not a kekkei genkai its more like a mutation caused by outside factors, anyway Kakashi sensei you said we were going to train so show us this new training." He said now wanting to take the topic away from his powers after Sakura dismissed them.

Kakashi seeing that Naruto wanted to get on with his training and not talk about his powers anymore decided to start the training.

Naruto was flying towards the bridge and even though those two bandits he fought confirmed that Zabuza was probably moving in today he still couldn't help but be happy, it had always felt amazing when he was training his flying back when they were testing his powers and it still felt amazing now.

As he got nearer to the bridge he saw that it was covered with mist which totally ruined his plan of an awesome entrance where he just drops in but as he was thinking this he saw something reflecting light and flew over it, as he was hovering above whatever it was he decided to just drop in and if that thing was dangerous he would just heal.

He turned back into human form and fell from the sky.

Sasuke was having trouble with the fake hunter nin, he had trapped him in a dome of ice mirrors and was now pumping him full of holes with his senbon. He really wished Naruto was here so that they could perform some kind of pincer attack with Naruto on the outside.

Just as he was thinking this something landed right in front of him and stared up a ridiculous amount of dust, when the dust cleared he saw Naruto most of his legs covered in flames. He assumed Naruto had probably broken a few bones during that landing but his power mitigated that.

"God damn Naruto you idiot why did you come in here?" he asked.

"Sorry I couldn't see something else except for these mirrors through the mist besides it looks like you need me to save you." He said while rubbing his head sheepishly.

Haku was very confused right now, he had been fighting and then all of a sudden someone had landed right in front of him but right now he couldn't think about that as he had to deal with these people.

Just as Sasuke was about to respond to Naruto he heard some whoosh sounds and instinctively dodged which turned out to be a good idea as he was missed by a few senbons.

While he was dodging he looked back to see flames scattered all over Naruto's body and while he had to dodge Naruto was just letting the senbon hit him and then taking them out. This was definitely one of the few times he would be jealous of Naruto.

While he was dodging he realised that he was starting to keep up with the hunter nin more and more and eventually he could totally see his movements and was now launching counter attacks.

Haku didn't know what to do he seemed to be fighting two people with kekkei genkai as the raven haired one now had red eyes and the blonde one didn't seem to be all that bothered by his attacks.

"Sasuke I have a plan…" Naruto said but just as he was about to continue he saw Sasuke's eyes "dude what's wrong with your eyes?" he asked.

Hearing this Sasuke looked at one of the mirrors to see what Naruto meant and when he did he saw them, the sharingan.

Just as he was almost jumping with joy he remembered that Naruto said he had a plan and so he asked him what it was.

"ill show you." He said and created about 20 clones to buy him some time and after that he immediately started his transformation sequence starting with turning his hands into wings and ending with his head.

After he transformed he used his talons to grab onto Sasuke's shoulders and started going up, "since you can see him, I want you to intercept him if he tries to stop us." He said while going up slowly relative to his normal speed due to the extra weight.

When Naruto had said he had a plan Sasuke had not expected him to be talking about turning into a bird and flying them out of the structure but he had to admit that this idea had its merits. When Naruto told him to defend them he took out his kunai and got ready.

Even though Haku was a boy he had always had an appreciation for nature and beautiful things and so when he saw Naruto's transformation he was mesmerized by the creature before him. He had never seen anything more majestic looking and so it didn't even cross his mind to stop them until they were fairly high.

When Haku eventually got himself back together he jumped after them from one of the mirrors that were closer to their height but Sasuke saw him coming and so he used both of his hands to hold onto Naruto and delivered a mid air drop kick that sent Haku flying through one of the mirrors and out the other side.

Of course the momentum from this action caused Naruto to lose his balance and start falling but lucky for them they were already high enough that on the way down they hit the edge of the structure and fell on the other side of it.

When they landed Naruto was the first one to get up because of his powers but Sasuke shakily got up a couple of seconds later and when they looked at each other covered in dirt they couldn't help but laugh at each other but as they were laughing they heard groaning sounds.

They looked towards the source of the sounds and saw that it was Haku and Sasuke immediately leapt into action, he pumped chakra into his legs and speed blitzed towards Haku and when he got near him he immediately kicked him to keep him down and took out some ninja wire and proceeded to tie him up.

Sasuke and Naruto sat Haku up straight and when he looked at them Naruto was shocked, the mask had broken on impact with the ground and so he could see the guy he met in the woods.

Naruto asked him about his decision to follow Zabuza and Haku proceeded to tell them about his past and then finished with asking for them to kill him. Naruto was incredibly hesitant but Sasuke decided to honor Haku's wish as a thank you for helping him unlock his eyes.

Just as Sasuke was about to pierce him with a kunai Haku stopped him and he body flickered away.

Team 7 was walking home right now but it was very quiet as everyone was thinking about their own thing.

Sakura was thinking about the fact that she didn't contribute anything at all to the mission and all she did was just cower with the client. Ever since her spar with Naruto she had know that she was the weakest link in the team but that mission had shoved that fact right into her face.

Now there was also the fact that Naruto and Sasuke have both unlocked new powers and it just seemed like her teammates were just getting further and further ahead of her.

"you guys can go home for now and you have 3 days free, ill tell the hokage what happened." She heard Kakashi sensei say and so she decided to address her issues but she waited for the others to leave.

"Kakashi sensei can you help me with my training?" she asked sheepishly.

Kakashi had been walking for a little bit when he heard Sakura ask him that and so he stopped and looked back at her. He realised that the mission must have drove it home for her that she is the weakest member of team 7 by far.

"Ok Sakura we have 3 days before we have to meet up with the team, we will use that time to train you. There is a genjutsu that I think would be perfect for you that I know" he said with a smile on his face and then he set off.

Sorry that this chapter is so short guys its just that I realised its been so long since I dropped anything and so decided to give you guys this chapter and then I will try to get the next chapter out by tomorrow.