Okay, well now. Here we go again.

So I'm glad people appreciated my interpretation of how a teleporting Devil Fruit might work. I don't like creating Devi Fruits that are too OP, so glad everyone was on board with the Portal-Portal Fruit. Neat little concept.

Anyway, this chapter is going to be heavy on the Monarchal System of things. I tried really hard to get the terms correct and make sure everyone was speaking in proper, flowing language. The same you'd expect from high society. Took a few references from some movies and TV series, hopefully not ripping them off too much.

Also, seeing as I've already established that Moldovien has their own language, anything in italics is the native language to the land. But written in that fashion is going to get annoying, especially since Tamara doesn't understand it so someone would constantly have to translate things. So to simplify things, I'm just gonna say the the common tongue is known by the people even though they've been isolated. That's how Zou and Wano was in the cannon storyline. Despite being mostly isolated, they could still communicate normally with everyone else. It just makes writing everything a lot easier.

There will also be a great deal of foreshadowing in this chapter, little nuggets to get everyone interested in the future arc. Hopefully what I've done doesn't put some people off. I swear it will all make sense in the coming chapters.

Once again, love everyone of you and please drop a review and tell me what you think so far.

Caspian had brought the ship to rest on the west side of the island. Mihawk suspected he'd done that on purpose, a way to get him to cool off as they were forced to sail around Moldovien to the east where the closest port city to the capital was. As disrespectful as the servant had been, Mihawk had to admit that even though it had been decades, Caspian still knew him well.

He'd taken over the helm, finding the act of controlling the ship soothing and familar, something to distract his mind from churning thoughts. Tamara had briefly went below deck, returning a few minutes later with Virgil on her shoulders and wearing a black ankle length cloak with a wide hood. She hadn't left his side since, silently standing nearby and waiting for him to speak if he wanted.

Bringing the ship over the crest of the north shore, Mihawk honed in his vision, faintly seeing the midsized metropolises of Trago. He'd deliberately kept a long distance from the island, leaving several kilometers between the landmass and them as he circled around. Letting the ship drift for a bit, he exhaled softly through his nose, raising a hand to rub at his eyes tiredly.

He wasn't ready for this, not in any way. But as he'd said, there really was very little choice. Trying to traverse the New World in a ship designed for Paradise and without the proper navigation tools was suicide. There was no way he could manage that, no matter how skilled he was. Landing on the shores of Moldovien was the only way to ensure their survival.

Turning his head, Mihawk looked to Tamara, standing strong and steady beside him. She gazed back at him, eyes clear as daybreak, without fear or hesitation, shining with complete and utter trust that he would protect her and guide her to safety. It bolstered him, helped to settle his turmoil somewhat. Shifting his eyes back to the island, Mihawk gently turned the helm, angling the ship towards the shoreline.

As the vessel moved closer and closer towards his native land, Mihawk felt confusion started to rise. The island increased in size as they sailed nearer and still nothing happened. He hummed softly, unaware that he spoke out loud,


"What is?"

Tamara's soft voice made him blink a bit and his eyebrows pulled together slightly, "I'd have thought it would have reacted to your presence by now."

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

Before he could response, something unbelievable happened. From the heart of the island came a massive shockwave of energy, a pulse of pure power that burst outwards in a gargantuan surge and hit the front of the bow, sent it reeling backwards. Mihawk reached out and pulled Tamara against his side, bracing against the propulsion that struck the ship. Virgil leapt to the deck floor, howling in displeasure at the waves that crashed over the sides. She shrieked in shock, grabbing a hold of his coat and struggling to keep her balance.

Finally the ship came to rest, rocking violently back and forth, turning in the water till the starboard side faced what now surrounded the entire island of Molodvien. Tamara released her grip on him, staring in stunned awe at what had come into existence.

A huge, semi-circular dome encompassed the entire landmass and a large part of the ocean surrounding it, the edges disappearing into the waves. It was absolutely beautiful, a shimmering crystalline rainbow colored bubble that shifted constantly with hexagonal, geometric shapes, almost resembling a turtles shell. A faint thrumming lit the air, sounding almost musical in sound, like the shield was singing softly. In the bright light of the sun, it appeared almost peaceful and serene, a magnificent structure of immeasurable proportions.

Tamara moved slowly to the edge of the ship, still staring at the towering, multi-hued arc. Mihawk approached from behind, gently placing his hands on her shoulders.

"Don't be afraid, it won't hurt you."

"I-I'm not scared...I'm just...It's incredible. What is it?"

Mihawk reached out, running fingers along the surface of the dome. Sparking energy jolted out at his touch, making his skin tingle. He'd forgotten the power behind it, forgotten how stunning and humbling it was to stand before it.

"It has many names. Most call it the Jaegath, the Watcher or the Protector. It extends down the sea floor and underneath the ground, preventing entrance from any angle. It has kept Molodvien safe from forces that would seek to harm the land and its people, preventing any from entering that do not have ties to the soil of the island. It sensed that you were an outsider and activated when you got too close to the shores."

She hesitated before reaching out, mimicking his movement and brushed against the barrier, shivering at the sensation before pulling away, "I'm not a threat though, I don't want to hurt anyone on the island."

"It doesn't matter, you're not of land, therefore the Jaegath refuses to allow you entrance. This is how it is, this is why very few have ever heard, let alone glimpsed at the island. It is why Moldovien is still independent, unclaimed by any Yonko or World Government power. Very few islands in the world can say such a thing."

"Unbelievable...it's so beautiful."

He nodded in agreement, "Yes, it is. I'd almost forgotten how much so."

"What powers it? Something this magnificent much have a massive energy source behind it. How does it know who's a native citizen and who isn't?"

Mihawk wince a bit, trying to decide how to answer, "It's...complicated. I'd rather not try to explain that at this time."

The two stood together, studied the awe inspiring shield for a long while before Tamara finally spoke again, looking up at him, "So how do we get past it?"

Glancing down at her, he reached up and unsheathed Kogatana from his neck. Holding his hand out, Mihawk ran the sharp blade across his palm, slicing cleanly through the skin till ruby blood welled up.

"What are you doing! Stop it!" Tamara quickly reached out to grab his wrist, alarm hitching her voice. He pulled his arm up out of her reach.

"It's alright, Mi Pequeña. Trust me."

Still upset, she hesitated but pulled back, worry pinching her expression. Reaching out his bleeding hand, Mihawk pressed his palm flat against the barrier. The connection was instant, the immense power filled his body and soul. It nearly overwhelmed him, but Mihawk pushed back, focusing his trust and love of Tamara to the forefront of his mind. There was resistance from the barrier, a pause of consideration before he felt the wall bend under his hand. Mihawk pulled his arm back, struggling not to pant softly. Gods, he really had forgotten how powerful it was. Tamara touched his arm in concern.


Shaking his head to clear it, he softened his expression, "I'm fine. There...see now."

She looked to the spot where he'd placed his palm, gasping as the hex's started to disappear, one vanishing after another, till a large hole formed in the barrier. Tamara stared in wonder at the sight.


"Indeed. Let's get the ship through."

Tamara was frozen at the railing, too overwhelmed to move. So he stepped back to the helm. Reaching out to grasp the wheel, he frowned down at his hand. The cut still bled slightly, not fully sealed as it should be after requesting entrance. Wiping the excess blood on his coat, he turned the vessel and guided it through the doorway.

As the stern passed fully through the Jaegath, Mihawk turned to look back at the dome. Slowly, excruciatingly slowly, the pattern restored itself, the geode shapes re-forming, sealing the breech. But it took so long, the ship was over a kilometer inland before it completely closed.

Exhaling hard, he turned back to Moldovien. It was worst than he'd thought. If the Jaegath was struggling this hard to stay active, he couldn't even imagine what kind of condition the Left Hand was in. Plus, he was certain its range had dropped, that the dome didn't extend out as far as it had in his youth.

Shifting his grip on the wheel, he steeled himself for the confrontation and landing on the shores of his home island.

There was more fuss than he'd been expecting as their ship moved into the bay. He'd of course known that the vessel, so obviously foreign from Moldovien design, would draw immediate attention. But he'd still not anticipated just how many of the citizens would gather to gawk, how many of the town guards would come running, prepared to defend their territory.

Of course he could have avoided all the drama by docking in an isolated, unpopulated area. But his pride wouldn't allow that. This was his home, the land of his birth and place of his childhood. The people would show respect to him and his Mate, even if he had to cut them all down to get it.

Tamara reached behind her, pulling the hood of her cloak over her head and shifted closer to him, "Is this how you feel whenever people freak out at seeing you?"

"I really don't care much about the opinion of those beneath me."

She didn't respond to that, but he saw her bite her lip. He wonder what it was that was troubling her, but had little time to ponder it. The ship moved closer to the dock, which had several armed soldiers prepared to meet them.

Moving away from the helm and letting Tamara take control, Mihawk confidently walked to the rail. Blurring through the air, he leapt from the ship, landing on the end of the dock and causing cries of alarm to fill the air. Lifting a deadly cold gaze to the group nearly prepared to charge, he spoke with power vibrating through his voice.

"Thine kinsman turn to the rising sun and lay down thine arms, for the blood of Carpathi doth return to thine soil of home."

Gasp of shock and murmurs among the crowd filled the air. People shifted in place, looking towards the ship, then back to him, unsure and wary of the intrusion. Tamara guided the vessel alongside the wooden dock, moving forward and tossed the thick anchor rope to him. Mihawk secured the boat, speaking softly to her as he did.

"Stay put for the moment. I'll deal with them."

She nodded, pulling her hood further forward to cover her face, but remained tense, one hand resting on Nina. She would absolute react with violence if he didn't convince the guards to back down, of that he had no doubt. Turning back to the tense warriors, he watched one step forward. A broad shouldered man wielding an impressive longsword and wearing the ceremonial armor of a Captain, complete with a sigil of his regiment. Mihawk stared unblinking as the guard looked over Tamara before refocusing back onto him.

"Thine claims to be of the land. Speak then, why thine brings outsiders to the shores of thine birth."

Mihawk regally lifted his jaw, almost sneering at the so called leader of the defence team, "No outsider treads upon these shores. Thine ingrate gazes upon the blood of mine blood."

The solider jerked in surprise and the followers behind him chattered quietly before he spoke again, voice pitched in shock.

"Thine claims this female as Mate?"

He simply inclined his head, not bothering to verbally respond. The sword bearing man seemed to think hard for a moment or two before finally returning the gesture, sheathing his weapon.

"Apologises, my Lord. Outsiders have never landed in the port in all the years I've lived here. I was unsure of how to proceed." The dark haired man slapped his fist against his chest in a salute, one that was mimic by his unit, "I am Ezreal, leader of the Dark Wolf Regiment. I bid you welcome to Trago."

Mihawk turned back to the ship, grateful that Ezreal was speaking in the common tongue. Speaking his native language felt almost alien to him after so many years. Extending out a hand, he supported Tamara as she gracefully jumped down onto the dock, waiting till Vigil joined her before scooping up the feline and directing him to perch back on her shoulders. She said nothing, staying close to his side as he looked back to Ezreal.

"You reacted as you should, Captain. Swiftly and prepared to defend those under your charge. But take care in the future, not all of my blood are as lenient as I."

Ezreal had the intelligence to swallow nervously, but nodded none the less, "O-of course my Lord."

He turned back to the regiment behind him, ordering them back to their posts. Mihawk walked forward, the soldiers parting as he moved through. Tamara stayed glued to his side, though she raised her head and looked around as they moved through the city. The crowd started to disperse, though many still lingered. Particularly a group of children, who whispered and pointed at Tamara, curiosity and some fear in their movements.

The Captain escorted them along the street, along with few of the town guards that loosely surrounded them as they moved.

"If I might be so bold, my Lord, what brings you back to Moldovien? It is well known that you chose the Separation Vow. I've not known any that choose that life to have ever returned."

Mihawk turned and glared at Ezreal with a heartless, icy stare. The soldiers face grew pale and he started to tremble, sensing the rising Haki and Mihawk's anger working its way to the surface. Before he could act on his desire to slice into the man, his senses picked up on something else. An aura that was familar and much closer than he expected. Looking up the street, he narrowed his eyes. Standing at the end was the form of the rebellious servant responsible for this whole situation.

Caspian stood solemnly, dressed not in the concealing cloak he'd been wearing during every other encounter, but rather he was draped in pristine, formal regalia of the Carpathi house. The crisp dark red, black and gold colors were testament to the royalties status, as well as the emblazoned sigil. A circle entwined with a triangle and the image of a large starburst in the middle.

Tamara spotted the Devil Fruit user and snarled lowly before stomping forward. Caspian did not attempt to flee this time, inclining his head to her, as though anticipating what was about to occur. She responded by lashing out, swinging her arm in a wide arc and soundly slapping the teleporter. The crack of flesh on flesh echoed in the air before silence reigned, leaving only the sounds of Tamara's soft pants.

He walked forward as well, eyes locked onto the servant. Caspian offered no apology or explanation, remaining still and resolved to his fate. Mihawk stared down for a long while before finally sighing softly. He couldn't bring himself to kill the man, no matter how enraged he was with him.

"You are ever impetuous, Caspian."

The teleporter managed a grim smile in response, "Only when caring for my charges, my Lord."

He turned and spoke quickly to Ezreal in Moldovien and the guards saluted sharply before dispersing back into the town. There was still a small crowd that gawked from the edges of buildings and clustered on the walkways, but that was to be expected. Caspian refocused on the pair afterwards, bowing respectfully.

"At your leisure my Lord and Lady."

The blond turned her nose up with a humph, crossing her arms over her chest regally. Mihawk almost chuckled at the huffy image she made. While he was still quite upset at the servant, he understood Caspian's reasons for his actions much better than Tamara. Plus -despite his initial resistance of returning to the island- now that he was back on the shores, he found an odd sensation of peace and satisfaction humming through his blood. It felt right to be back, like some long, troubled part of his soul was preparing to set foot on a new path.

However, there was still a great many obstacle before him. But Mihawk had never back down from a challenge, and he wasn't about to start now. Gazing off into the distance, up the rolling hills to where he knew Wallaciahe was, where his brother resided, he spoke firmly and with convection.

"Proceed servant."

Moldovien was a beautiful, elegant, awe inspiring and confusing place.

The Jaegath had been something that literally made her knees weak. It was almost beyond comprehension, a force that defied all logic and reason. How in the world could something like that even exist? Tamara had seen a lot travelling with Mihawk, but that...it was so opulent and all powerful, like a fantasy or a dream. But it was very, very real. She'd touched it herself and confirmed this.

She still didn't understand much about it or about the country she now walked in, but that was fine. Mihawk was with her and she trusted him with all her heart, so when he was ready to explain things, she'd be ready to listen. As they walked through Trago, Tamara studied the architecture and buildings that made up the sizeable town.

The structures around were of Gothic design, with numerous ogival arches and pointed rib vaults. Most of the buildings were made of stone, though there were a few wooden homes. Some had magnificent stain glass windows with different pictures. One had the image of a small crowd of people with heads turned up towards a large, circular object that hovered in the air. Another showed a crude image of the Jaegath with what looked like an invading force outside of it, with the same circular image at the center of the barrier.

Glancing around, she noted that everyone was staring and murmuring quietly to themselves. A lot of them were pointing at her. That was understandable. If Moldovien really was as isolated as Mihawk claimed, she was probably the first person from off shore they'd seen in their lives. Tamara also saw that everyone she encountered had dark brown or black hair, with slightly tanned skin. No one was fair colored like her. Which was likely another reason she was drawing so much attention. She'd never considered herself to be particularly exotic in appearance, but on this island, she clearly was.

Virgil was tense on her shoulders as she walked, claws dug in and ears perked in alertness. He obviously sensed the unease of the crowd and was prepared to act if necessary. However, it appeared that Mihawk's status on the island was more than substantial enough to allow them passage without much incident. She hadn't understood what Ezreal and him had said to each other, but whatever it was had been enough to ensure their safety. At least for the time being.

A lot of what was happening was still very confusing to her, so Tamara kept her mouth shut despite wanting nothing more than to ask a million questions. She stuck close to Mihawk and kept one hand on Nina's handle, concealed under her cloak. Despite the populaces apparent acceptance of her as someone associated with the Shichibukai, there was still a lot of tension and obvious mistrust hanging in the air.

The sudden appearance of Caspian had a fresh wave of anger singing through her bloodstream and Tamara had marched forward before she was even really aware of her movements. She was tempted to shake her hand afterwards, the stinging sensation being highly unpleasant. It did make her feel a little better though and the red mark on Caspian's cheek was rather satisfying to see.

Mihawk seemed to have also waved his irritation with the man, something that was a little surprising given his temper. But then again, he did have a much more in-depth history with Caspian than Tamara did. Really, all she knew about the pair was that Caspian was subservient to Mihawk and they'd apparently known each other since Mihawk was very young. Given that Caspian appeared to be about 10 years older than the swordsman, it could be rationalized that Caspian had helped to raise Mihawk. That certainly would explained a lot of things.

She stayed quiet as the two spoke, turning to watch Ezreal leave. The Captain looked back at her, clearly still unsure of what to do, but unwilling to disobey Mihawk. As she turned back to the men, Caspian created a portal, enlarging it till the swirling circle was taller than Mihawk. Stepping aside, he bowed low at the waist, one arm extended out in invitation to step through.

Mihawk moved closer to her, placing a hand on the small of her back. She looked up at him silently and he nodded once. While she didn't really want to walk through anymore of the Devil Fruit users gateways, if Mihawk was okay with it, she'd put aside her trepidation for the time being. Together they glided forward, the electric tingling sensation making her hiss slightly. Tamara blinked rapidly a few times to clear her vision once the sparking feeling faded. She gasped loudly in shock at the sight before her.

A gargantuan castle stood in place, even larger than the one on Kuraigana. Huge steeples pierced the sky, with flags waving that displayed the image worn by Caspian. Massive windows and arches lined the sides, balconies with elegant railings and a huge meticulously maintained landscaped garden surrounded it. It was almost as breathtaking as the Jaegath had been.

Tamara stared at the sight, frozen in place as Mihawk stood quietly beside her. Finally she managed to get her brain working, whispering in awe with a voice almost unheard.

"Y-you're not just a nobleman here, are you?"

He looked out at the palace, seeming to almost wish it gone before responding soberly, "I am Dracule of the blood of Carpathi, second born son of Vladimir Carpathi, Sovereign of all Moldovien and Regent of the Sigil Throne."

She felt her lungs stop working as she gaped at him. Mihawk wasn't just an aristocrat or blueblood. He was a goddamn bloody Prince, a direct descendent of royalty! Mihawk looked back at her, seeing her shock and sighed quietly, "That is who I was once, a long time ago."

Shaking her head to clear it, she winced a bit. She needed to get her priorities in order. It didn't matter, Mihawk didn't care that she was a freaking Tenryūbito, so him being part of a monarchy shouldn't matter either. Fortunately Caspian choose to speak up behind them, giving her time to recover.

"King Vladimir no longer holds the Sigil Throne, my Lord. Your elder brother stands as Sovereign over the lands."

"Adrian rules now? I'd suspected as much." Caspian nodded in response and Mihawk continued with a harsh bite to his words, "Can I assume from your appearance and the fact that you arrive alone without an entourage that you've yet to inform my dear brother than I am here?"

"His Majesty is currently engaged in an advocate gathering, my Lord, and has been for several hours."

"Is that so?"

Mihawk ended that statement with an odd hum, making Tamara look at him curiously. What exactly was he planning? Without another word, he strode forward, arms swinging by his side, hands fisted and head held high with regal confidence. Jolting a bit, she jogged a few steps to catch up and fell in a step behind. Caspian let out a confused note before quickly following.

The trio marched straight down the perfectly even walkway, laid with pale white stones that were somehow devoid of any trace of dirt or grass, towards a large set of double door with curved archways. On either side was a host of guards, each one wearing in full plate armor and holding long spears. Each one straightened into crisp, militarized ranks as Mihawk approached. None spoke or attempted to stop their entrance into the castle.

Inside was even more opulent than the outside. Tamara briefly compared it to the interior of Kuraigana's castle, wondering if at its height if it could even compare to this place. Tapestries were elegantly hung, each one depicting a different scene. Many of them held images of the spherical object that was rapidly becoming a common sight. It had to be important in some way.

There was little time to pause and admire the sheer luxury of the fortress, as Mihawk clearly had a distinct destination in mind, navigating through the long hallways with an ease only one intimately familar with the layout would move at. Caspian suddenly seemed to realise where he was heading to and raced ahead, standing in front of the Warlord with a pale face and arms extended out to block his path.

"You cannot, my Lord! It is forbidden!"

Mihawk's response was somewhat expected, but still surprising. He raised up a fisted hand and backhanded Caspian with the force capable of crushing stone. In fact, the dark haired man was flung aside and slammed into the wall, creating a large crater in the structure, spiderweb cracks fanning out from the impact. The swordsman didn't pause in his walk, continuing forward without hesitation. Tamara winced a little, but kept following along. Evidently, Mihawk was still holding a grudge against the teleporter despite outward appearances.

They pivoted around a corner and at the end of the hallway was another set of double door. But these ones were much more elaborately designed, with gold and silver inlayed into it and a huge image of the triangle-circle sigil that was seen all around the castle smack in the middle of it. Mihawk marched straight towards it and Tamara felt a vibration through the air, a rising of his power. Something was about to happen.

As she got closer to the doors, a pair of arms were suddenly around her, holding her back from following Mihawk. Squawking in alarm and jamming elbows backwards into a surprising toned chest, Tamara spun her head around, seeing Caspian behind her, restraining her in a large bear hug. Virgil viciously slashed out with claws from her shoulder, tearing a gash in the mans cheek, but he didn't release her, accepting the damage without complaint.

"What the hell are you doing!? Let go of me!"

He wasn't hurting her, just stopping her from moving. Before she could grab Nina or command her to act, Caspian pleaded desperately, "Please, my Lady, you cannot enter the inner sanctum at this time. It is forbidden."

She paused in her struggle, the pleading of his tone causing fear to wriggle into her system, turning to look back at Mihawk just in time to see his shove the double doors open violently, causing them to slam into the inside walls with a thunderous boom.

The inside was exactly how he remembered. A long red carpet leading to the intricate seat. It hadn't changed, still massive and imposing, carved from the same stone that made up the Red Line, etched with hundreds symbols and images. Large pillars extended from the backrest, extending over the head of the man that sat on the throne. On either side of the room were the forms of a lesser nobles and important leaders, the council designed to act as the voices of the land, to offer advice and wisdom to the ruling head.

His entrance, dramatic and unexpected, had every head turning to stare as Mihawk confidently marched into the inner sanctum, eyes locked onto the man seated on the Sigil Throne. The spectators from the side started to speak rapidly among themselves, whispering and gasping at his reckless act, holding their breaths to see what would happen.

Mihawk heard Tamara enraged voice behind him and was grateful to Caspian for holding her back. He wouldn't have stopped her from entering, wherever he went, his Mate would always be welcome to follow, but it would be much easier to handle this without having to worry about her safety. Walking forward without pause, his long coat flaring out behind, he approached the Sigil Throne and its occupant.

Adrian hadn't jumped at the opening of the doors, though he had snapped up his head, straightening regally as Mihawk approached. He was much older now, taller than him with boarder shoulders. His hair, black as night, was slicked back elegantly, extending down the back of his neck. A beard without sideburns and a trimmed, flowing moustache graced his jawline. All accented by the opulent clothes only suited for the King of Moldovien to wear, complete with a circle of gold perched upon his head. The dark eyes inherited from their Father stared at Mihawk as he came to a stop directing in front of the elevated platform.

Silence filled the room as the observers stopped talking, waiting with baited breath to see what would happen. Mihawk didn't speak to his brother, raising his chin and waited. He'd known that entering during a sanctum gathering was considered heresy. None were permitted to disturb the council, save in the most dire of circumstances, like a meteor falling on the palace. Any who dared to do so were most likely going to be sentenced to death.

But Mihawk had sworn off his connection to this system, to his bloodline and all that it represented. He refused, even now, to acknowledge the command of the government he'd been raised to respect and aspire to. If Adrian wanted to have him beheaded for disobeying after going through such trouble to try and bring him back, he could go about it himself.

The King remained in his throne, staring unblinking at Mihawk as his hand shifted to the handle. Sheathed at his waist was a familar looking weapon. A broad double edged bastard sword with a cross guard that curved downward and a rounded pommel on the handle. It had been a long time since he'd thought of the mighty weapon his brother owned, the sword named Sokushi.

Truthfully, Mihawk found the prospect that Adrian might choose to attack him right here in the sanctum quite thrilling. As children, their fights had always been fairly evenly matched. One brother would win a sparring match, the next would see victory go to the other. He was rather curious and excited to see if his skills had surpassed that of his elder sibling.

But, much to his disappointment, Adrian did not draw his blade. After a few moments he frowned deeply, removing his hand from the weapon. The King reached over, picking up a long handled sceptre. With only a moment of pause, he extended out the wand towards Mihawk. In response, he raised up a hand, touching the tip of the ornamental symbol with one finger.

Instantly, the atmosphere of the room became much calmer. Soft conversation started up again from the present council members. It had been decades since anyone had been granted the Seal of the King. Certainly his Father had never offered it to anyone. Adrian replaced the sceptre beside him, raising his head to those gathered.

"The honored council is dismissed. May the circle be forever unbroken."

"United as one, we stand!" the chorusing echo from the crowd was almost deafening. After the adjournment, the various nobles started to filter from the room. Many looked over to Mihawk warily, murmurs of voices flowing back and forth.

All were ignored by the brothers, who continued to stare at each other unblinking. As the crowd thinned, leaving only a few brave stragglers deliberately lingering, Adrian finally rose from his seat, standing tall and proud, with a slight smirk forming on his lips.

"You always have to do things in the most difficult way possible, don't you brother."

Adrian's voice was slightly deeper than his own, with the rolling Moldovien accent making every word sound harmonic and majestic, though it was currently tinted with some measure of humor. Mihawk almost scowled back, but resisted, keeping his impassive expression.

"You're one to talk, after all the trouble you went through to get me to return. Was forcing my hand the best course of action you could come up with?"

A small wince crossed the monarchs face, "I'd hoped time had helped to ease your pain, Dracule. I'd hoped you'd return willingly."

"You knew I wouldn't, don't try to justify your actions."

His brother exhaled through his nose, irritation filling his expression, "Are we going to start this already, Dracule? I'd rather not bicker with you the entire time your here. My allegiance is to Moldovien and its people, and much as you attempt deny it, that includes yourself. Whether you admit it or not, had you learn of this lands fall after the fact, it would've crushed you, this I know."

Mihawk finally broke his solemn expression, sneering cruelly at the King, "Do not presume that you know anything about me, Adrian."

With that parting jab, he spun on his heel and walked towards the door. It would be considered quite the insult, to leave the King's presences both without bowing and without permission, but Mihawk didn't care. He didn't want to be here, seeing Adrian again was causing a rise of old memories, things that clenched at his heart and soul painfully.

Adrian's footsteps echoed behind him as he tried to catch up, "Dracule! Hold on a second."

Exiting out into the hallway again, he turned towards Tamara, who'd moved against the wall as the crowd had departed. Caspian stood vigil next to her, head bowed in respect as Mihawk and Adrian approached. The cloaked blond tilted her head towards him, a question in her gaze, but didn't say anything. His brother on the other hand was quite interested in the lovely female.

"Well now, who might this beautiful young lady be?"

Tamara looked to Mihawk for confirmation, receiving a small nod in response before she bowed her head, pinched the sides of her skirt, pulling the cloth out and dipped into a low courtly curtsy. Her movements were smooth and graceful, absolutely perfectly executed as any lady of noble upbringing could perform. However, it still looked somewhat comical, seeing as Virgil was still balancing on her shoulders. Slowly rising back up, Tamara responded politely while holding out her hand,

"Your Majesty."

Adrian bowed back respectfully, gently taking her fingers in his hold and kissed the dorsal surface softly. A small smile graced his face as they both straightened, "Clearly you don't take etiquette lessons from my dear brother. I am Adrian of the blood of Carpathi, Sovereign of Moldovien. Might I have the pleasure of knowing your identity, my Lady?"

"I am Tamara, you Majesty."

"It's an pleasure to make your acquaintance, Tamara." Shifting, Adrian looked to Caspian, then back to Mihawk, "You must both be tired after your journey here. My servant will arrange a suit for your comfort. You shall remain as my honored guests."

"I've no desire to remain anywhere near here, Adrian. Let's get this over with." Mihawk's low snarl would have sent nearly everyone else fleeing in fear. His brother, however, simply looked down his nose at him.

"You know full well proper preparations have to be taken before the ritual can be completed. Show some patience, little brother. I'll order them started, but in the meantime, you will stay here in the palace. Besides that, you've yet to meet your Sister-in-Law or your Nephew for that matter. Once you've rested, you'll attend a banquet with your family. I'm quite certain my Mate and son will be excited to meet you. They've heard much about your exploits as the 'World's Greatest Swordsman.'"

The Warlord paused, surprise flowing through him, "You're married? To whom?"

Adrian smirked back confidently, "Well, I suppose you'll need to attend the dinner to find out." He inclined his head to Tamara, "My Lady, until later."

The King bowed to the pair before straightening and marching off. From the shadows, two guards followed closely, watching over their change as they should. Once alone with only the three in the hallway, Tamara stepped closer, reaching out to gently grasped his hand, "Are you okay?"

Mihawk looked to the retreating back of his brother, feeling his emotions churning, unsure of what to say. On one hand, he was happy at seeing his sibling again. They'd been very close once upon a time, almost inseparable. On the other hand, he felt terrible anger and frustration at being forced to return to his homeland, of once again being pinned under the thumb of a higher power. It was all very confusing and difficult to deal with.

"I'm...not sure, Mi Pequeña. I'm really not sure."

Tamara squeezed his hand in comfort and Caspian choose to move, bowing low in respect, "By your leave, my Lord?"

He nodded to the servant and the teleporter walked ahead of them, leading the pair further into the castle.

Hidden in the shadows of the throne room, silently observing the encounter, a pair shadowed figures grinned malevolently at the sight, eyes tracing over Tamara's form as she followed Caspian, noting how close she stood to the younger Prince. Ones hissing voice whispered to their partner,

"So it begins again..."

"Indeed...The sect will want to know of this..."

"The Venerable One...we must inform them...the time of restoration is upon us..."

The two let out dark, deep cackles that echoed around the empty room, sweeping from the room and disappearing into some corner of the castle. The sensation of danger and dread filling ever crevice as the sun began to set in the sky.

Aaannddd...that's where we end it today. Little bit of a cliffhanger, because you know I love them. Hope everyone liked Adrian and how he was portrayed. Yes, there is a significant history behind the brothers. And yes, I did totally snipe their Father's name from the history of Wallachia. There will likely be a lot of references to Bram Stroker's book and the history of Vlad Tepes. Mihawk is partially based off that person, at least that's the theory in some peoples minds, so I'm rolling with it. Hope everyone is cool with that.

As always, shout outs galore.

dragonfire-217: Always glad to give kudos to my followers and I'm always so happy to see your words of encouragement. Thanks so much Dragon.

Douchaa: Glad you like the little doormat. He really is just trying to look out for his wards. Always a pleasure to see your reviews. Thank you so much. XD

Tnancemst22: Understandable. Hopefully I won't deviate to far out of the "normal" for the One Piece World. I have an idea of where this is going, I hope it'll still be considered believable.

Cookie-koko: Happy to hear that. Its always tricky to come up with Devil Fruits that aren't completely broken. So glad you approve. Might have some more fluff in the next few chapters, but it'll likely be pretty small amounts. A lot stuffs about to go down. XD

Venom Lady: So happy you liked it, Venom. Thanks so much for the review, it made me smile so much.

MissNoir11: While I don't want to be making you cry, Noir, I am glad that my story is able to affect you so much. Means I'm doing something right. Thanks for the review.

WhiteyWolf26: Hey Whitey. Thanks again for the review. Always happy to see your words. XD

TheComprehensiveJellyfish: Hope you like how I'm going with the arc, a lot of things are going to be explained as the chapters go on.