Chapter 8:Liza

Note: I'm beyond late. I'm sorry. Hope you like this one. Lots of work. Didn't have time but still did it ! Plz keep reviewing.

'That man must definitely be a figment of my imagination', she thought to herself, her eyes still transfixed on that little patch of skin showing through Charles's shirt as he reached for something high up in the cabinet. Still lost in her thoughts, she lifted the cup in front of her and brought it to her lips, reflexly taking a small sip, her breath coming out in a low whistle as the coffee slightly burnt her tongue. Snapped out of her reverie, she almost dropped the cup back on the counter, intrigued, almost annoyed, at how easily Charles distracted her from everything. She giggled softly, her mind wandering over the past year, the number of times she had caught herself subconsciously thinking of him - her heart skipping a beat everytime their eyes met, restlessly scanning the office without realising that he was what she was looking for. And she had to admit, she had thought of him a lot.

Pushing away from the counter, she got off her perch and walked towards him, her arms outstretched - she needed a hug, she always needed one. Hearing her chair screech against the floor, he turned his head, a bright smile on his face as he saw her approach. He stood there, leaning back against the shelf, his arms folded across his chest, looking more like a Greek god than he could ever know. 'How am I ever going to get enough of him?', she thought as she slipped her arms around his waist, her hands finding their way inside his shirt. Pulling her into a tight embrace, he leaned to down to touch his lips to her forehead, running his hands gently through her hair. They waited there for a while, letting the quiet linger, just wanting to be close, just letting the moment be.

"I'm going to miss you at work, you know?", she whispered softly, her voice slightly cracking. He pulled her against his chest, resting his chin on her head as she snuggled into his neck. "I'll miss you too.", he sighed, closing his eyes. A small tear rolled down her cheek, falling on his shirt, and she hugged him closer for comfort. He pulled back, his eyes widening in alarm at the crying mess that she was. Cupping her face in his hand, he brushed her tears away hastily, lifting her up and placing her on the kitchen counter so that they were face to face.

"Hey, it's going to be ok, you know? Stop crying.", he said, laughing gently, the sound calming her slightly. He reached his hands to hers, intertwining their fingers. "We'll make it though together, remember?", he said, raising their clasped hands. "And I need you to be strong for me. Because if you give up already, I don't know what I'll be doing.", he mused, tilting her chin up until she looked into his eyes. She rubbed the back of her hand against her cheek, wiping the tears away as she nodded vigorously. "I know we'll be fine, Charles. I have you. And we have each other.", she said, almost a declaration, her eyes lighting up as she saw the smile pushing at his lips.

She pulled him closer by his neck, and pressed her lips to his, as if sealing her words with a kiss. Like the night before hadn't been enough, they started pulling each other closer and closer, tangling their arms in each other's hair. As if on queue, his phone began to ring, the tone resonating, making them both jerk apart in surprise. Pecking him one last time on the lips, she got off the counter, giggling, skimming her thumb over his cheek when he pulled her back to his waist.
Pulling his phone out of his pocket, he answered it, his face falling almost as soon as he got the response.

"Oh hi Quinn.", he spoke into his phoe, his voice almost a drawl. Oh God, that woman again, she thought. What's wrong now?
Almost like he was replying to her thoughts, Charles's face lit up.
"Really? Oh alright I'll be there.", he said, the quirk back in his voice.
"Guess who's coming to work with you today?!", he asked, holding her face in his hand as he kissed her face, her lips, her forehead. Seriously, his excitement was nearly as adorable as a five year old.
"Since it's the first day, they just wanted a meeting with all the new investors, and then they'd introduce kelsey as the publisher. So im coming too... God, I know it's just one more day. But... Still counts."
She ran her hands up into his hair, pulling him down for another kiss before he headed back to make them some pancakes. Always counts, she thought to herself, smiling.

With the pancakes in their belly and both of them ready for work, she went back to his room to get her jacket from her bag.

"Could I just leave tour bag in my room. It'll be easier that way. Won't have to carry it along everytime.", she said, smiling at the look he gave her. She liked the thought, having a little part of her left behind with him. Like she was a part of his daily life now. Yeah, she definitely liked that.
"That sounds nice. Especially since there seems to be a lot of times you're gonna need that bag here... sounds perfect to me.", he replied, making her blush scarlet. He knew what she meant. But spending every single night with him was something she had dreamt of since forever. Waking up together. Being together. Just them.

Both of them ready to leave, she almost reached for the door knob when she caught sight of his key on the side table.
"Oh right, I used that key under the doormat to get in last night. Should I just put it back there?", she asked, picking the key and turning to open the door.
"Hey, you know what? You should keep it.", he said slowly, thoughtful. Stopping in her tracks, she turned around, unable to find the words to break her stunned silence. "What?", was the only thing she finally managed to say.

"Yeah well, you'll be coming around often. So won't it just be easier for you to have a key?", he said, shrugging like it was obvious.
"Really?", a small smile pushing at her lips as she walked towards.
"Don't sound that surprised! It's almost as if you're asking me not to trust you.", he laughed, reaching out to hold her hand.
"No really. I really want you to have a key to the house Liza. I can think of no one in the world that I could trust more than you.", he said, the pure honesty and vulnerability in his voice making her heart skip a beat.

Slipping her arms around him, she pulled him into a hug. "Thank you.", she said, her voice surging with gratitude as she gripped the key tight in her hand. "This really means a lot."
"You mean a lot to me.", he whispered, pulling back to look at her again. "Well, now since I'm not your boss and you clearly have-", he looks down at his watch with mock sincerity, making her laugh, "...13 more minutes to reach work. Maybe we can...", his voice low and husky, he leaned in close to her lips.

"No!", she laughed, pushing him away playfully as she finally opened the door. "We've got a long day ahead.", she called behind her, tugging on his arm as he climbed, reluctantly, down the stairs.
"We still have some time in the car...", he said, matter of factly, as he opened the car door to let her in, both of them laughing as he got in after her.
Leaning to rest her head on his shoulder, she smiled, reaching into her pocket to hold the cool, metal key again.
Could her life be more perfect?