Year 204X

The North American Union is a politic and economic union of 3 sovereign countries in North America, the concept had been discussed and proposed in academic, business and political circles for decades in the past, taking as an example the European Union, it was until July 1st, 2032 when the Treaty on North American union was signed, since that day, many changes began to happen, first, the peso, the dollar, and the Canadian dollar were replaced by the amero as the new currency, and a new superhighway to connect the road systems of the three state members was being built, everything seemed to go better, but the people from Mexico, Canada and USA didn't know something was about to happen that was gonna change, even more, the history of les three amigos.

Prologue: The Gate

The first time, it was actually unbelievable the news around the whole world reported it, this kind of news were the ones that used to be showed on internet, in sensationalist or conspiracy websites, not on international TV.

Strange temple appeared from nowhere in Mexico City at the middle of the street.

The only idea was crazy, how it even happened in the first place? did it really appear from nowhere?

Once everybody in the world knew it wasn't a joke or anything, many people came with many theories to explain it, saying some of the remaining corruption in the zone allowed to create that illicit building, however, it seemed to be temple from roman age which had no purpose, and it would have been impossible to build something like that on the road without nobody noticing it.

But none expected what the scientists said after studying the temple, it had the ability to alter the space-time around, the distort had similar characteristics that were predicted for black holes domesticated with antigravity, the temple was something like a wormhole, a portal.

It only increased the interest about the temple, the Nasa decided to send through the portal a replica of one of the robots they had on Mars, fortunately, the radio waves were able to cross the wormhole, allowing to continue controlling the robot inside, during 10 minutes the rover only saw darkness, but they knew it still was working since they were still able to detect it and send to it orders, even the lights the rover had been useless to allow see anything, it seemed to be a hallway, however, the rover couldn't move to right or left too much or it collided with.. an invisible wall?.

But at the end of the tunnel, there was light... literally, and once the rover reached the other side, the dream of every astronomer was found... apparently, the portal was a link between the Earth and another planet that was very similar to the Earth itself, the rover was on a hill, the photos showed a place filled with grass, an orange sky due a to a sunset, white clouds.. and after an analysis, it was determined that the air had a pretty similar composition, even the gravity and atmospheric pressure were almost equal.

Gigantic amounts of money were added to the budget to investigate the place that was known as the Special Region or the Second Earth, even the temple itself became into a tourist destination, but the governments of Canada, EUA and Mexico were more interested in the fact that the new world contained a lot of new natural sources... obviously.

This, however, caused a few political confrontations since nobody was sure in the beginning if they should consider the Special Region as a new part of Mexico, but in the end, they concluded that only the portal itself was Mexico's property. The world beyond the gate was not in Mexican territory and they hadn't summoned the wormhole, the Special Region was no man's land, but to avoid conflicts, the three nations began to update the NAFTA.

While that happened, the rover detected at the distance something very concerning.. and insane amount of.. soldiers?, yeah, Nasa's workers watched in horror how an army marched in direction towards the portal.

Fortunately, unlike all those movies where the aliens have superior technology, the case was the opposite, the zoom of the camera took photos of soldiers holding swords, lances, axes and using armors like roman ones, riding horses.

Even most of them looked human alike, of course, there were some beasts, but they were more like fantasy creatures, there were some tiny dragons.

Did they summon the gate? or they didn't but they knew what it was and they wanted to do the same thing the governments wanted?

But they weren't stupid, even if their weapons were primitive and obsolete compared to what modern armies had, if they crossed the gate, nothing good might happen.

All right, I wanted to write this since a few weeks, since I watched the anime and read the manga, I fell in love with the concept, I know the original story is not perfect, the author has a little of nationalism feeling and the story has much anti-American propaganda (not forgetting the rest of the countries that are showed as evil of course), the fanservice that I'm gonna eliminate here (especially that thing about Rory having orgasms when people die... seriously... fuck that shit), but I just loved the scenes and the concept.

For those who haven't read one of my stories before, I like to write realistic stories, by that I mean I'm gonna fix some plot errors the anime has, for example, in the anime, the gate opens and almost instantly the Empire's army appears... it only would be logical if they were the ones who summoned the gate, but time later we discover the gate appears by a god's will or something like that, so how did they know when the gate was about to appear again to prepare the army?... you see?.

While normally I would have released a complete chapter, first I wanted to know if people like the concept. I actually have the first two chapters already written in my notebook, I just have to translate it here into English. So... well, if you want to continue reading this... support me, please.

Unfortunately, I actually don't speak French, so when people speak that language here, it will be English in black, and the Empire's language is gonna be Spanish in black, Como esto (like this), of course, the translation is gonna be written.

Anyway, as I always ask because I don't speak English as my first language... is there a grammar error?... or a word that should be changed to make it more readable?