Adventure and Battle Plans

Life is an adventure, don't be afraid to have oneā€¦ be terrified, but do it anyways.

No matter how many times he got Can't-go-on-this-island-itis or any other of a plethora of please-don't-make-me-go type diseases, Usopp always overcame them (or got dragged along anyways, those jerks) and there was usually at least one or two points of fun in the terrifying mayhem.

Be prepared to fight your problems. Unless you can run, then do that.

There were reasons that Usopp had his "bag of tricks." Among these reasons were things like: homicidal pirates, homicidal Marines, homicidal animals, homicidal plants, the occasional homicidal village, the list goes on (I believe you get the point). Because at the end of the day you couldn't always run, so you had to be prepared to deal with your problems and/or fight. But running was better (always).

It is not running away, it's a tactical retreat to shoot your enemies when they least expect it. *Traps to slow the enemy down are optional (and highly recommended).

Usopp was a sniper, he simply wasn't comfortable in close quarters combat. So he ran for distance, and sometimes he put traps down so that he had more time before he turned around and sniped them. It was simple tactics.

*No one is invincible, and everyone had a weakness. The trick is living long enough to find it.

Another advantage to generally running away: you had time to study the enemy. Having as varied ammunition as he did meant nothing unless he knew what he was dealing with. Otherwise you had shit like Caesar extinguishing his Firebird Star and choking him with the very air around him (but he got that asshole back for it with the Seastone cuffs).

*You can never be over-prepared. It's only too much if you can't run with it.

Sometimes Usopp wished he had a bigger bag. Mainly so that he could put more things into it. Unfortunately, there was a fine line between being prepared for anything and carrying your own weight in shit.

Author's Note

Welcome to the Book of Usopp. Since our favorite cowardly sniper has a bit of a cult following since Dressrosa, I figured a little fun character study/humor list was fitting. Asterisks mark Readings that I didn't come up with myself, though I still do the reasoning stories myself. So please, feel free to submit ideas.

This chapter's Reader Readings were provided by my good friend Black' Victor Cachat who is a very awesome writer themselves.