This will be a collection of one shots and short stories to go along with my story Tower Over Me. If there's anyone reading this that has not read that story, this could really just be fluff without any context for you.

For my returning readers, so it begins. I started with one idea that's its own series I'm calling, Snapshots - which are moments in Tower Over Me that I never actually wrote. So these are more canon to that story. I've got a couple more, and yeah, it's all mostly fluff between Lane and Sweet Pea. Some are longer like this one, others are pretty short.

I. Snapshot: Valentine's Day

The early morning sunlight streaked in through the blinds warming her bare back as she lay content beside him. She was usually up before him, he either woke to her climbing over him or from the slow conscious realization that she wasn't there. These soft gentle moments of him waking to her sweetly dreaming face were few and far between. So he took a moment to trace the delicate planes of her face, and he smoothed her knitted brow beneath his thumb as she began to stir.

"Morning," Sweet Pea said at the sight of Lane's pale green eyes as she blinked.

A smile graced her momentarily blissful face and she hummed reaching for him. "What time is it?"

Shrugging he answered with a sly, "why not be a little late?"

Her dark brows once more drew together as she sat up, looking for her phone to see they had less than ten minutes to get ready for school. "I'm never late," she told him sternly as she climbed over him and headed for the shower.

Sweet Pea chuckled faintly to himself as he slowly followed, seeing how serious she was about being on time when he climbed in the shower with her to see her brushing her teeth as she stood under the spray. And with a warm smile he stood in front of her deeply irritable face, which he knew was only for show, and reached around her to lather the shampoo in her thick hair. It ended in her eyes closed and her head tipped back as he rinsed out her hair while pressing soft kisses on her forehead and her cheek and her eyelids and her slightly parted minty lips.

"A little late," she said so quiet he could've thought he imagined it. He grinned pulling her up into his arms and backing her against the cold tiled wall that raised goosebumps all over her skin. "But only a few minutes," she told him with a finger raised in warning.

He nipped her finger gently and smiled at her pulling away too slow. "That depends on you, babe," was his cheeky reply. And her response was to roll her eyes and pull him into a kiss.

With her wet hair piled in a bun she flipped through her folder making sure she had all of her work, and when she was satisfied that she had everything she made her way to the kitchen to pack their lunch. But she was stopped at the sight of a vase on the kitchen table, containing a single orange dahlia. Her favorite flower.

"Sweet Pea?" she called hearing his muffled yeah from the bedroom, and she waited for him to shuffle into the kitchen. "What is this?"

He glanced casually at the flower before turning to where she stood staring up at him with a brow raised. "Looks like a flower," he answered slowly, as if she wasn't already aware. It served to make her eyes harden further. "You got another boyfriend I don't know about?" he teased and left her in the kitchen as he continued getting ready.

She huffed irritably and gathered things to make sandwiches, naively leaving her back to the table. With their lunches packed she turned around and her eyes narrowed seeing a couple white flowers framing the dahlia. Anemones, her father's favorite flower. "Sweet Pea," she called sternly, turning to where he stood in the living room pulling on his boots. "We said no gifts," she reminded him, even though she now remembered very clearly that he'd never verbally agreed to that.

"I don't know what to tell you," he said with a shrug. "Except we're gonna be late if you don't hurry up."

Sighing loudly she threw his lunch bag at him and moved to where she left her backpack, and she was stopped at finding yet another flower gently laid atop it. She looked up to see him dutifully putting his lunch into his own backpack, no sign on his face he was trying not to smile. "Do I need to bring the vase?" she asked wondering how many more were gonna pop up.

He looked up at her innocently. "Why are you asking me?" he posed instead as he pulled the door open. "There's another one on the doormat," he called over his shoulder as he made his way to her car.

With a growl she snatched the vase off the table, marched to the front door, plucked a more yellow orange dahlia off the mat, shut and locked the door behind her, and tramped her way to the car. "Sweet Pea," she nearly whined when she opened the door to find long stalks of leaves that were placed in bouquets to give texture.

"Those aren't even flowers," he commented as she climbed in beside him. Backing out of the driveway he snuck a quick glance to see her situating the still small arrangement the way she liked it. It left him rubbing his lips together to keep from smiling.

They only made it a short way before she asked, "what are you doing?"

His brows drew together as he shrugged. "Driving you to school. What are you doing?" he asked in return.

She scoffed rolling her eyes and turned on the radio, holding the not even half filled vase. Sweet Pea was many things but she'd never pegged him a romantic, and considering he was probably enjoying pissing her off she still wasn't sure if romantic was the right word. And yet she kept her head turned to look out her window pursing her mouth around a smile she had no control over.

They made it as the first bell rang, leaving them three minutes to get to class. And he walked her to her locker down a hall covered in red hearts and paper roses. "I'm gonna go," he said as they reached her locker. "If I kissed you would that be too much of a gift?" he asked grinning at her elbowing him.

"Just go," she told him knowing he'd find a way to be late without her. Without warning he bent and kissed her firmly on the cheek, and she turned smacking his arm hearing his deep laughter as he left her there. She turned from him pressing her smiling lips together hard enough she could feel the indents her teeth were leaving.

Opening her locker she found pale yellow baby's breath set atop one of her textbooks. She turned looking for Sweet Pea wondering how the hell he'd done that, but even in the thinning crowd of students she couldn't find his dark head that never failed to stand above the others. It had to be Fangs, she thought adding it to the vase and emptying her bag of what she didn't need for the period.

Another dahlia was waiting for her on her desk, and then in the next period, and at the lunch table. She added it to her growing bouquet and set the vase on the table, noticing the way Toni smiled as she reached a hand to touch one of the petals. "I'm getting a soda," Lane said looking down at Sweet Pea with hard eyes. He still looked too innocent, her boy was always getting into trouble.

"These are really pretty, where'd you get them," Lane heard Toni ask Sweet Pea as she walked away.

And she heard Sweet Pea's reply: "yeah, those aren't from me."

A deep crease etched between Lane's brows as she made her way to the student lounge where the vending machine was. With her back to them Toni and Sweet Pea shared a knowing smile.

She found flowers on her desk in her last two periods as well, though she didn't remember the name of them. One was yellow and the other white, their layers of petals arranged in a delicate wide circle. And more baby's breath in her locker at the end of the day.

"How was your day?" Sweet Pea asked leaning against the locker beside hers, and held the vase when she forced it into his hands so she could grab her stuff.

"Fine," was her simple reply.

The corner of his mouth curled as he looked down at her. "Just fine?" he asked, daring to goad her.

She raised her shoulder offhanded. "It's not like you're gonna answer me," she said more to herself. Grabbing the last thing she shut her locker and took the vase back. "I was thinking of ordering a pizza for dinner."

"Yeah?" Sweet Pea asked, slinging an arm around her shoulder as they made their way out to the car. "I mean, it is Valentine's Day. We can go out if you want."

Looking up at him with an amused expression she told him, "no, I wanted pizza. Do you wanna go out?"

"Nope, pizza's fine," he was quick to agree. She was spoiling him. She'd told him last week no gifts and he knew she meant it, none of that crap about her saying she didn't want anything and still expecting a present. So when she said she didn't wanna go out, he knew she meant it. "I really like you," he said kissing the top of her head.

She knew that's what he'd been looking for, confirmation that what she said was actually what she wanted. He was still trying to figure out how to do this, and whether what he was doing right. "I like you too," she told him in kind.

Reaching the car he looked down at her, thinking she looked very pretty in the afternoon light, and he bent to kiss her softly. They both climbed in and he pulled out of the parking lot.

"I did technically get something," Lane told him. "But it's mostly for me."

"Chocolate cake?" he asked with a smile, having already turned down the street that would take them to the bakery.

They entered the heavily decorated shop and she happily breathed in the warm smell of sugar and cake and chocolate. "Vivian," Sweet Pea told the owner, who knew Lane well enough she hadn't really needed a name. But she returned with the box, and a smile, and set it on the counter ringing them up.

Lane blinked at the pinkish orange dahlia taped to the side of the box. "I'm pretty sure this is yours," Sweet Pea sighed sounding annoyed as he handed her the flower and headed back to the car.

She'd ordered the cake when he was out of the house with Fangs, he shouldn't have known they were gonna stop here. She stared at his back with a gaping mouth and wide eyes, and she took a breath and collected herself. "What the hell?" she muttered following him. "How did you know?" she asked when she got in the car.

"When you said it was mostly for you," he answered easily. "That always means chocolate cake."

Shaking her head she sat back with a mildly irked grin just barely curled on her mouth. She had to admit he was good at this. She would've had no idea what to get him, a new switchblade was the closest thing she'd come to before deciding it was too soon in their relationship to do this. And yet this rough angry boy had littered flowers in every corner of her life, and behind her annoyed sighs was a smile she tried to hide.

When they got home he put the cake in the fridge and she ordered the pizza while absentmindedly arranging the flowers the way she thought they should be. Familiarity hit her all at once as she hung up, and she stared at the orange yellow and white toned flowers wondering what was missing.

Sweet Pea came up behind her and placed two more flowers in what Lane had felt like were empty spaces. Red marigolds – her step mother's favorite flower. He'd recreated their wedding bouquet.

Tears flooded her eyes as she turned to look up at him seeing his handsome face made soft by his small smile. Everything in her life had gone in some way, and for some reason he'd decided to stick by her. And it wasn't just that she loved him, which she did, some days it was everything to feel how much he loved her. But what she said in a voice that broke was, "what happened to no gifts?"

He shrugged and stepped further against her, so he could feel her when she breathed. "I thought you deserved one," was the best answer he could find. He'd gotten the idea a month ago when Lane and her step mom were packing up her old house and they'd come across the wedding album. There'd been something so soft in the way Lane told him how she and her dad and Rebecca had picked out the flowers they loved most for the bouquet so that a little part of each of them was there. It was a glimpse of how happy she used to be, and he'd wanted her to feel that again. But he didn't know how to tell her any of that.

"I didn't get you anything."

"I know." His eyes fell from hers and he cleared his throat, his mind slow to catch up to the words his mouth was saying. "I don't think there's anything else I'd want." More than you, but his throat seemed to close and he couldn't finish. Looking at her he saw her trying to swallow the new onslaught of tears that filled her eyes too full, and he reached a gentle hand to brush away the few that had escaped. Sometimes it floored him seeing how much she loved him, that he got to have her.

Unable to get out what was in his mind he wrapped his arms around her shoulders forcing her head far back so that her face was upturned to see him, and he kissed her. Hard. In a way he knew would take her breath away. The same way her smile could take away his.

I hope you guys enjoyed this first snapshot. If anyone has any one shot ideas you'd like to see written, please leave them in a review. If I can envision them (which is sometimes kind of hard for me) I will add it to my growing list of future one shots.

Also, a sneak peek. I think the next chapter is going to be a fun little mock proposal idea that I had. Anyways, thank you so much for reading!