Chapter X

Arriving at Izumo Inn this time left Zeilla feeling uneasy. Ikki tried to impress upon her that it was the safest place in the city but all the Spartan could see was wood and nails. Material she could easily destroy by accident and certainly unable to withstand a Sekirei.

Yet with six Sekirei residents perhaps no competitors were game to attack it? That conflicted with her understanding of the competition however, for Matsu had told her how many Sekirei had been winged by the strongest three Ashikabi. If the east or south or even the west wanted to, they could use numbers to overrun Izumo's Sekirei.

Then there was the landlady. Polite, cheerful... Surrounded by an oppressive aura.

Miya welcomed Zeilla and her Sekirei as she did Minato and his without care for who or what, but something gave Zeilla the impression the woman did not like her. For an hour, there was a buzz of activity as Kagari's and Minato's burns were tended to and dinner was served for those who were conscious. Then things became quiet as everyone went to bed upon Miya's suggestion. The violette opened two empty rooms for the three guests.

Zeilla found Matsu during dinner and managed to draw out some general information, if you could call it that. Izumo Inn was known to be under the protection of a terrifying demon and Miya permitted no violence at all within her borders. The mere mention of taking action was enough to scare residents into compliance, and so far, nobody had chosen to rent a room besides Minato due to that very scary demon.

To the Spartan that was a load of bull shit. Still, it could be advantageous bull shit if it kept this oasis safe from the likes of MBI and the opportunist – Sekirei, Ashikabi or otherwise.

Zeilla's war adjusted paranoia kept her up especially late to the point that she gave up trying to sleep. Dwelling within those thin wooden walls was just too unsafe for her so she untangled herself from Ikki and took up a vigil on the roof. Kagari found her standing where she could see the most of the street at some time around three in the morning.

"Miya said you were up here." he said by way of a greeting. "Hanging out on the roof is usually a Sekirei thing to do." he added with a light smile.

Zeilla shrugged. "Feeling better?"

"Yeah, but weren't you right in the thick of it with me? Miya said you weren't hurt."

"I'm a Spartan. I don't stop for even plasma burns."

The male Sekirei shook his head. "You must be tough indeed. How did that cloak survive?"

"My clothes I soaked in fire-retardant not long after I got them – just in case I encountered heat-based weapons - leaving them only a little crispy after your inferno. It even smells much better now." she deadpanned, scowling at the red hair slowly growing across her vision before brushing it aside. "And I'm feeling like you are working up to something."

He started, then crossed his arms and looked away. "We need to talk about something... delicate." he ventured hesitantly. "Can we take this to the back yard?"

Zeilla nodded and they began to traverse the roof as silently as they could. As she walked behind him she noticed how feminine his figure appeared with only trousers and a thin white shirt. It wasn't something anyone would notice with his suit jacket or that coat he had on before it got reduced to ash. Also, a being's figure is the last thing on your mind when there is fire enveloping them.

Zeilla and Kagari both chose to land as far from the building as possible in the back yard. Surprising to them both too.

"Zeilla... I already told you how my power was unstable. There is more to my condition than that." the Sekirei began, turning a little to one side. "What do you see when you look at me?"

Zeilla narrowed her eyes and searched his eyes for clues. "An alien life form with an uncanny physical similarity to Humans who can command fire with mere thoughts. Is there something I should see?"

Kagari looked down. "Look harder. What... Do you see?"

The Spartan frowned. "A man with a feminine figure who once claimed to be a paid companion?"

"No... Look at my... Body."

"I've learned what you Sekirei are like by now. Hate to break it to you but I'm not into that sort of thing." she deadpanned.

Kagari reddened a bit then cursed and started undoing the buttons on his shirt, revealing the bandages wrapped around the most severe burns. "Look closer." he hissed, annoyed.

Zeilla blinked. "You put too many layers on your torso."

Kagari suddenly grabbed her hand and put it on his chest rather pointedly. "I've got boobs! Are you blind?"

"So, you are really female-"

"I'm not!" he snapped. "That's the whole problem! My gender is unstable and changes to suit my Ashikabi. The whole time I was reacting to Sahashi I kept becoming more and more what he likes without him even realising what his preferences were doing to me - so now I've got boobs. Got it?"

Zeilla blinked twice. "So, you are a male with mammary glands. Is this a Sekirei thing?"

"It's not- maybe- I don't know! Only number one knows anything about our species history and MBI edited us so much anyway- hell, who even knows how 'this' came to be." he rambled angrily, then cycled a few calming breaths and removed her hand to rebutton his shirt. "What do you think of me now, knowing how broken I am?"

"Not broken, just messed up. Besides needing some genetic tweaking, I'm not sure what you need from me." she sighed.

Kagari cycled another breath. "With conscious thought, you can change my body however you wish. At the moment, I suppose I'm stuck somewhere between genders. What I've been try to get you to say is... Which do you think of me as? That will ultimately determine if I return to being male... Or become... female."

Oh... Why didn't he say so? All I'm getting is a strange vibe from him via the bond.

"Well, what am I to you?" he asked nervously.

"You were born male? That's what you are." she asserted. "It's not something you can change with willpower and clever engineering. The things that make you male are already ingrained in who you are and cannot be taken from you. If you changed then you would be a man living in a woman's body. You say I have the power to choose your gender? Then let Sekirei number Six be the man he wishes to be."

Kagari stared at her for a few seconds, prompting her to speak again.

"Have I convinced you?" she asked, curious as to his stunned silence.

He put a hand on his chest. "I don't know enough about how this works but... Surely a surge of power would do something." he said quietly.

Zeilla began to wonder what that meant, then had a kind of sinking feeling like from risking bullet wounds to toss a grenade, only for the targets to be cut down by another means and make the risk pointless. The trepidation flared up with worry from afar - Yashima picking up on her Ashikabi's feelings.

"Sorry, but I'm going to do it again." he said as her grabbed her shoulders.

Kagari pulled his Ashikabi down for a kiss but ended up raising himself as she resisted. It was too late though as he made contact quickly and this time his wings of flame erupted instantly. The Sekirei retreated as they faded and groaned before doubling over and dropping to his knees.

"I pulled some burned skin." he hissed.

Zeilla frowned. "You stood in a furnace for several long minutes - in which time a small house could have burnt down - and came out with only surface damage." she muttered, grabbing by him one arm near the shoulder and hauling him up with relative ease. "Get over it."

"Ouch! That hurts bad. Damn your fingers are strong..."

"Of course. I'm a Spartan."

Kagari grabbed his chest vigorously. "It didn't work. Damn it!"

"Kagari-tan, how dare you experiment with Z-tan without telling me!"

Zeilla and Kagari whirled about to find #2 fake-pouting just inside the Inn.

"Matsu, get your mind out of the gutter." the Spartan deadpanned.

"Or I'll have to fry you, again." Kagari added.

The redheaded Sekirei flinched a little. "You two are so mean. I'm sure other Sekirei and Ashikabi are having all kinds of fun."

"If so then they are foolish." Zeilla countered. "This isn't a game, it's an experiment to see which Sekirei and Ashikabi is the strongest pair of all hundred and eight."

"That is what I wanted to talk to you about." Matsu replied, pushing up her glasses. "In my room where it is completely safe from all but Miya." she added, departing for the stairs.

Kagari looked to Zeilla and she nodded. They quietly followed the busty pervert.

"Is it just me... Or are all Minato's Sekirei besides Kusano rather... over developed?" she whispered to Kagari.

The male blushed a little. "They are." he admitted.

"I think the pukes at MBI tweaked DNA for more than the outline of the game. Either that or Minato has a dirtier mind than Matsu."

"Please, can we not talk about that? It's disturbing."

Matsu cleared her throat and held her false door open, tapping her foot. "When you two are finished speculating about my Ashikabi's company."

Well what do you know, the gutter-mind has a serious mode.

Once they had settled on her bed Matsu brought up the MBI files on Minato and Zeilla, along with those of the Sekirei winged to each.

"While strength can differ from Sekirei to Sekirei there is something about the sequential order of our birth that gives Ashikabi certain levels of power as a baseline." Matsu began. Then she pointed to Minato's Sekirei. "See the numbers? Mina-tan may only have five Sekirei - no thanks to you - but he is still one of the most powerful Ashikabi. Despite the high numbers of Musubi-tan and Kusano-tan I managed to tip the balance which enabled him to reach Tsukiumi-tan and eventually Kazahana-tan and Homura-tan."

"Homura is my given name." Kagari chipped in. "I used the name Kagari around Minato and at work to maintain my cover as the Guardian."

Matsu turned from her keyboard and glared at Zeilla rather angrily for someone of her countenance. "Mina-tan has a capacity for love I have never seen in all my time spying on Humans. He even made me react before I made my move. That's when I began to forge my plan - a plan you have upset." she stated pointedly. "With another single number added to his flock Mina-tan would have been strong enough but then you had to show up when I least expected you to."

Zeilla didn't like where this was going.

"As such I am going to commandeer you and your own Sekirei to aid Mina-tan." she declared, with a dramatic key stroke, changing her displays to a list of the Ashikabi. "While you are not especially powerful you have five Sekirei. Combined with Mina-tan there is no question that you two outstrip all the other Ashikabi."

"I have my own plans to work, Matsu."

"And what exactly have you accomplished since you returned from helping Kuno?" Matsu challenged smugly. "Stumbled your way into kissing three more Sekirei and letting half of them get hospitalised by Karasuba. You really don't know what to do with your Sekirei at all so how can you follow any plan of your own? Face it, Spartan: you are a soldier with certain skills best applied under the guiding influence of a strategist. You need me, I need your skills and combat experience."

"I had a few pieces coming together until Karasuba turned up and temporarily removed Yashima as an asset." Zeilla scowled. "I was working on training her while we wandered the city. I bet you'd be impressed with what I can do now that I've seen what Ruso and Ikki are capable of."

#2 sighed and shook her head. "You have done a great job at that - I know because I have been keeping tabs on you and learned a good deal too. That would all go to waste if you charged off without information only I possess or can acquire."

"Cyber-warfare is not the be all and end all-"

"Zeilla, Matsu's idea is the best." Kagari interrupted. "While we may be following her orders, we will be working together with Sahashi's Sekirei who are some of the most powerful on their own. Zero-Three, Zero-Nine, Eighty-Eight and even Kusano. It's the perfect opportunity to grow our forces by both numerical and skill strength."

Zeilla raised her brow in surprise.

Matsu let out a short giggle and a trail of drool. "This must be a side effect of Zeilla's training and experience bleeding through the bond to give her Sekirei greater battle awareness. Perhaps it works both ways? One day Mina-tan might be the one to start the experiments…"

The Spartan brought a hand to her chin in thought. "I haven't seen such thinking from Yashima without my prompting, let alone any other. Do you have a mind for tactics, Kagari?"

"Not really." he replied. "It just seemed like the best plan."

"And you are correct." Zeilla added.

Matsu snickered. "I knew it. You are the perfect minion- er, leader for the war against Minaka and MBI. Together we can defeat that madman and free all Sekirei from his stupid plans!"

The Spartan sighed internally. "I take it you have a plan of your own ready, then?"

"Of course, I have a plan." #2 scoffed. "Who do you think I am? At the moment, I'm still gathering information. Attacking MBI is not something you can do on a whim and expect to survive - they have a large private army and three powerful Sekirei backed by the best technology in the world, after all."

Zellia frowned. "What's the gist of it, then?"

"Ah, no, not yet, Z-tan. If you want to know in advance then we will have a trade like before." the redhead snickered, a sinister smirk on her face. "You never told me about that theory."

Zeilla huffed and crossed her arms. "Let me start with a question: how does Yashima's Norito work?"

Matsu spun back to her keyboard and tapped away at a rate of knots until a window popped up on her monitor, displaying a grainy image of #84 sending soldiers and tanks flying with her hammer's shockwave. Zeilla's cloaked form was just visible at the top of the frame.

"As you have seen first-hand she uses her hammer to create a large shockwave." the female Sekirei said.

"Mechanics, Matsu. I want to know how it works."

Matsu stayed silent for several long seconds, then adjusted her glasses. "Actually... Minaka doesn't care how our powers work. MBI has no specific information like that on any one Sekirei's power."

The former ONI operative stared at her. "You expect me to believe that a mad scientist in possession of one hundred and eight alien life-forms that have impossible abilities... Has not attempted to learn how said abilities function?"

Matsu nodded sheepishly.

"Minaka seeks entertainment, really." Kagari added. "I suppose that knowing too much makes things less fun."

"Absurd. Absolutely absurd." she muttered. "Okay, let's try a different approach. Kagari, what can you do besides creating infernos around you or... I suppose you throw fireballs?"

The male Sekirei let his head fall to one side. "I've never really thought about it much. I've used fire and smoke screens to escape battle with winged Sekirei before."

"A good start." Zeilla said, shifting to rest her chin on one knee. "Now get creative. Try things - anything - to see what you could do to give you an edge. Think about the heat and the psychological impact of commanding fire. Think about the basic necessities of fighting."

He furrowed his brow and folded his arms. "I could make walls around myself and- or my opponent. Even though they can pass through quickly without too much trouble the heat and sight might make them hesitate. The flames could disguise me preparing to attack, perhaps?"

"Interesting." Matsu chuckled and leaned closer.

Zeilla flicked the pervert on the forehead. "You Sekirei lack imagination - probably because you were raised knowing you were limited and bound by the rules of the game. Just as I saw with Ninety-Five Kuno, investing time into toying with powers can reveal new techniques."

"I see." Kagari said, nodding. "If we do something our previous opponents are not expecting we can have the upper hand in an instant."

The Spartan gently punched him in the arm, grinning slightly. "That's the idea."

Sometime after sunrise Spartan B-312 awoke and her mood instantly soured. Ikki had been sprawled across the bedding when she returned and so Zeilla had propped herself up in a corner. At some point the Sekirei had crawled over and snuggled her way into her Ashikabi's lap, folding both of their arms around her.

Once Yashima is released from hospital... Crap, almost forgot Ruso... Bloody hell.

Zeilla gently set Ikki back in the bedding and checked the few weapons on her person, then eased the door open. As she peeked out into the hall the violet haired land lady rounded the corner at the top of the stairs

"Good morning." Miya greeted with a pleasant smile.

Zeilla almost saluted but managed to turn it into a short wave while approaching so they could speak without waking the others. "Thank you for your hospitality, ma'am. If there is anything I or my companions can do to assist you then please let us know."

Miya's smile became one of amusement. "I believe you may soon have your hands full. Five Sekirei can be quite exhausting to care for."

"Training should tire them out, I hope." she shrugged. "That said, I have no idea if I can handle any personality clashes."

The land lady laughed quietly. "Observe the interaction during breakfast." she suggested with a wise glint in her eye. "Please wake everyone on this floor and tell them breakfast is minutes away."

Zeilla nodded and watched the violette descend the stairs. It was strange. The woman seemed far less suspicious of her now for some reason. She shrugged it off as a good thing and returned to wake Ikki up and reclaim her cloak. Pushing the hood back Zeilla then went from door to door in search of the other Sekirei and one Ashikabi.

After checking every room save two she had only found one Sekirei she had never seen before who had seemed far too tired to keep her eyes open. Zeilla frowned and approached the last legitimate room, wondering if the task was a joke.

She opened the door, then blinked and frowned. Before her lay the Ashikabi with a well-endowed Sekirei on each limb. Kusano was sprawled contently over the top with the entire blanket to herself as well as a fist full of Minato's shirt. While she took in the spectacle the young man struggled to sit up, but when he saw her large frame and frown looming over him Minato was struck with terror.

The Spartan then noticed a certain Sekirei was a little too active to be sleeping.

Zeilla stooped and sized Matsu's skull in one hand, then raised the Sekirei off the floor. As a result, Minato got his leg pulled hard and he squawked, causing Kusano groan and Tskuimi to sit up like a spring.

"Ouch-ouch-ouch-ouch-ouch- that hurts, Z-tan!" Matsu whined, grabbing the Spartan's wrist in futility.

Zeilla dropped her unceremoniously. "Hey Minato, does this 'gathering' occur often?"

The shaken Human nodded hesitantly.

She pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. "Shit. I don't need to have that happen to me every morning."

"Well, at least it wasn't Miya." Tskuimi muttered.

"Agreed." Matsu gritted out, massaging her skull.

Zeilla clapped her hands loudly to wake the other two females. "It's breakfast now or never, people. Get moving."

At the sound of the word 'breakfast' Musubi snapped out of her contented slumber and leapt to her feet and a somewhat incoherent woman wearing almost nothing rose up on an elbow. The five Sekirei shared a glance for just a fraction of a second before scrambling out the door and down the stairs, one dashing back up to retrieve a garment from another room before whipping past at an unnatural speed.

Minato picked himself up off the floor and laughed hesitantly.

Zeilla sighed. "I hope I don't have to put up with that once my bunch are all together. They're wanton and possessive, aren't they? With their powers and strength that can be dangerous."

The male Ashikabi's face fell. "Yes. But... The landlady takes good care of us all, Human or Sekirei."

"You are lucky." Zeilla said. "I suppose your Sekirei are also lucky to have you. If you can be strong and lead them when they need a guiding hand, they will be more focused. Matsu has explained to me many things about this game."

The Spartan carefully placed a hand on the boy's shoulder and ducked her head closer to his level, causing him to look up as she spoke.

"You love your Sekirei. Love them more and more. Hold them close, deep in your heart. Share things with them - talk about things together and grow even closer." she told him softly. "Learn about them and understand them. Determine how to take charge of a situation by using your understanding of who they are. Even a young Human with so much he does not know can become strong this way - a good Ashikabi. They are capable of almost anything and willing to do it all for you, so all you need to do is ask."

As she straightened up she had a thought. Zeilla decided to act on it.

"Why don't you ask Miya to teach you how to control your Sekirei? I'm sure she will if she agrees to their sparring requests."

Minato looked up at her with surprise. "The landlady?"

"She already controls them for you. I don't see how asking for her help in this could possibly be a bother. If anything, it would take a load off her shoulders."

The boy nodded. "Okay, I'll ask her after breakfast. Breakfast! Hurry, we will be late!"

The two Ashikabi quickly followed the sounds of Sekirei arguing and seated themselves at the table. Just in time too, for Miya, Musubi and a now 'dressed' raven haired alien brought out the many dishes and set the table.

Minato was almost instantly absorbed into his Sekirei as they argued of who would sit next to him. Zeilla watched him for a moment as he tried to settle the possessive females, then found Ikki pulling on her arm to a pair of cushions beside the sleepy woman. Said woman's figure told the Spartan she was a Sekirei. She had learned that much by now, seeing the Izumo gang sharing the same figure - save for Kusano.

"Good morning." she greeted the unfamiliar alien as Ikki sat her down.

The brunette blinked, then smiled. "Good morning. Are you a new tenant? My name is Uzume."

"Zeilla. This is Nineteen, Ikki. We just met Minato and company last night after the winging of number Six."

Said male Sekirei entered the room quietly but failed to escape notice.

"Kagari! You're just in time for breakfast. Feeling better?" Uzume asked cheerfully.

He came over and sat at Zeilla's side. "Yes, much better. I'm starving too."

The female Sekirei blinked several times as Ikki gave Kagari a suspicious sidelong glare and pulled Zeilla's arm closer, causing the Spartan to frown and retrieve the limb.

"Wait... Kagari... You?"

He exhaled gently and smiled. "I'm a Sekirei, and last night I found my Ashikabi. I'm no longer crippled by a defective body. Number Six is ready to take on MBI itself." he declared.

The food drew their attention as it was set before them.

"After breakfast." he concluded with a gulp.

Zeilla didn't miss the mixed emotions churning about in Uzume's eyes as the assembled beings began to eat at Miya's command.