The Eleventh Cup


Life for Harry somehow started to make sense for him. His relationship with his parents was on the upswing after being apart for so long, he had a job he liked, his home was somewhere that he loved being with an excellent roommate… and Draco. But more on Draco later, for today was Mr. and Mrs. Potters' last day in the city.

They decided to have dinner in a restaurant with Sirius and Remus. "Bring a guest too Harry," Sirius said after the shop was close for the day. "That way you have someone to talk to besides us boring adults! Not that I think I'm boring… you think I'm boring?"

"No Mr. Black," Harry said. "And thanks, I'll ask Draco if he wants to come."

"Excellent," Sirius smiled. He left and Harry immediately went to the staff room and pulled out his phone. Dialing Draco's number, he didn't feel like this is something to text about, he found himself hopping on the balls of his feet excitedly. "Hello? Draco Malfoy speaking," Draco answered.

"Draco, hey," Harry said. "It's Harry uhh what are you doing tonight?"

"Tonight? I have nothing planned, why?" Draco asked.

"Well… tonight's my folks' last night here and they and Sirius and Remus and I are going to a restaurant for dinner and they told me I can bring someone so…"

"I would love to go Harry," Draco said, which caused Harry to smile.

"Brilliant!" Harry smiled. "I'll text you later on what time."

"Perfect I'll drive you over Harry, I'll see you later," Draco said. "Goodbye."

"Bye Draco," Harry smiled, his cheeks blushing warmly from the call. Harry found himself smiling happily as he and Blaise made their way home. Blaise waited until they were safely in their apartment before he teased Harry.

"Someone's happy," he hummed.

"Oh really? Well it's nothing," Harry said. "I just invited Draco to come to dinner with my folks."

"Meeting the parents already huh? Are you sure you two aren't boyfriends?" Blaise laughed. Harry blushed and bit his bottom lip. Blaise saw this and patted Harry's back. "It's alright," he said, "I was only teasing."

"It's not that…" Harry said softly. "Can I ask you something?" The mood quickly changed, Blaise picking up that Harry needed sincere advice right now. He took Harry's hand and they moved to the couch, sitting close together. The apartment was silent. Harry was lost in his mind as he tried to find his words while Blaise waited patiently for Harry.

When he was ready, Harry looked at his friend and said, "I just don't know… I feel like it's too soon but… another part of me wants to date Draco. I still have feelings for Viktor but… somehow I feel like I'm staying single because I'm scared to let go of those feelings however, I just want to move on… am I making sense Blaise?"

"You are," Blaise nodded. He was silent for a moment as he thought. "As for if it's too soon or not… I honestly cannot tell you Harry. I can't dictate how you live your life, however I can tell you that it would be unhealthy closing yourself off forever. Viktor will always be your first, and that is fine if he keeps that small part of your life and heart, however that does not mean that he has to be the only one. If you want to bring Draco into that place in your heart… then go for it. If you think the time is right, go for it. If you want to talk it slow, talk with Draco about it. He will understand and I am positive that he will go for it too."

"How can you be sure?" Harry frowned.

"Because I know him, we are best friends after all," Blaise smiled. "He cares for you, he really does. Even if all you do during the first year is just hold hand and kiss… that'll be more than enough for him."

Harry nodded and closed his eyes for a long moment, trying to collect his thoughts and feelings. Opening his eyes slowly he let out a breath and looked at Blaise. "You know," he said slowly, "I think I might know… what I want to do with Draco… and my life."

"Really? And what is that?" Blaise asked. Harry smiled and pulled Blaise close. Leaning in towards his ear, he whispered, "I'll tell you while we find a perfect outfit for me."

Draco came by Harry and Blaise's apartment around seven to pick Harry up. When he arrived, Blaise welcomed him with a knowing smirk on his face. "What got you grinning?" Draco asked.

"Oh nothing Draco," Blaise hummed. "Your princess is in his room getting some finishing touches on his outfit."

Draco had a look of confusion on his face that only made Blaise's smirk turn into a loud laugh. The blonde brushed his friend off and went to the main living area to relax until Harry was ready. He heard his crush's voice through the door of his room as he yelled out, "Blaise! Is Draco here?"

"And waiting Harry," Blaise answered loudly.

"I just need help with this one thing, can you come help?" Harry called out. "Draco! Can you please wait outside my room… I'm not ready."

"Okay," Draco said softly, not knowing what was going on. Blaise went into Harry's room and Draco waited, wasting time away on his phone as he scrolled through his social media. It was no time at all when the door to Harry's room opened up and Blaise walked out first with a piece of paper and envelope.

"Relax Harry, this will be plenty," he said, "and the store doesn't close till ten so it's good."

"I just don't want to put you out of the way, I was going to buy it tomorrow," Harry said.

"After what I heard what you wanted to do there's no way I'm allowing you to delay it," Blaise grinned. "Go and enjoy your night Harry, you'll have your gift waiting for you when you get home—oh and here's your stunning prince to take you out, princess."

Draco stood up immediately and lost his breath at the sight of Harry. He was dressed quite royally, or at least as royally you can dress when you have a budget. His pants were a smooth black with nary a wrinkle in sight and an elegant belt keeping it in place, the buckle almost shining its fake gold in the light. Tucked perfectly in the front, yet casually out in the back, was a dark green button down shirt, his sleeves had simple cufflinks, gold that matched his buckle, and his tie was silver and hung comfortably around his neck in a perfect knot. His hair looked surprisingly neat, as if conquered by hours of brushing and showering, and gave him a rather professional look. Harry smiled and raised his hand, showing off two simple rings he was wearing on his fingers. "Blaise let me borrow some of his jewelry," he said. "How do I look?"

"Heavenly," Draco purred, forgetting for a second to keep his crush a secret. "More beautiful than any princess alive."

Harry blushed and smiled, "Are you ready Draco? There's something I want to talk about with you on the way there."

"Of course Harry," Draco said. He didn't know why but he presented his arm, he was even more shocked when Harry accepted it and smiled softly. He turned to look at Blaise and opened his mouth, but Blaise stopped his roommate's fret by saying, "No buts Harry, just enjoy your night. Think of it as a congratulations present."

Harry looked like he wanted to fight but nodded, instead turning to Draco with a smile, "We don't want to keep my mum waiting," he said.

"Right," Draco nodded. He escorted Harry out of the apartment and asked, "Can I ask what that was about?"

"Hmm? Oh there's an important announcement I want to tell my folks and you… Blaise knows it because he saw my savings envelope, and well I told him, I was going to buy it tomorrow but he insisted on buying it right now," Harry said.

"And why is that?"

"Because for the first time in my life I feel like I have everything settled," Harry smiled. "I finally know what I want to do."

"Which is…"

"Not telling you yet," Harry said playfully sticking out his tongue. "But I'll tell you that Blaise is buying me a laptop."

Draco hummed, having a feeling that that will be the only thing Harry will tell him before the announcement. Thinking it would be better to let that matter rest, he did so. Once they were in the car, Harry took a breath as Draco started it.

"So… the thing I want to talk to you about is, well, it's about us," Harry said.

Draco felt something shock through his entire system. Suddenly very nervous, he looked at Harry and said, "Okay."

"I know you like me and, well, I like you too," Harry began. "I want… if there is a chance for us to be together, I want to take that. However, even though I know it's stupid of me, there's still a part of me that holds onto Viktor dearly. It may take a long time until we actually do anything sex related… it could be months or maybe a year… I want you to know that before we continue."

"As long as I am with you Harry, I can wait a lifetime," Draco declared.

"Thank you," Harry smiled. "That actually relieves me a lot… but there's more, but don't worry it's good news… I hope."

Draco chuckled to break the tension and began driving. "Well as long as I know I'm not friend-zoned, everything will be good news," he said.

Harry nodded. "Well… it's about the type of relationship I want… and the things I like sexually."

"Okay," Draco nodded.

"I love the type of stuff Viktor and I were doing," Harry admitted. "I want a Dom/sub relationship, I want kinky as fuck sex however… the more I read about it the more I realize that Viktor and I were doing it wrong. I don't know if you're interested in this sort of stuff… yet I just need you to know that I am."

Draco looked relieved, "Whew… to be honest princess, recently my porn searches have been kinkier and kinkier." Harry smiled at being called princess, sounded right when Draco said it. "I know that obviously porn doesn't show it the way kink life is actually is but… I can do more research into how to be a proper Dom for you."

"And I can look into how to be a proper sub," Harry said smiling. "I'm sure it's way more then being a stupid obedient cocksucker."

Draco laughed, "Wow Harry, did not expect you to say that," he smiled. "So… does this mean what I think it means?"

"Only if you want it to be," Harry said shakily, smiling widely though his cheeks were deeply red. "But… I think it would be better if I ask it out loud, huh?"

"Maybe," Draco said with a soft laugh, both young men had huge grins on their faces, it was all Draco could do to focus on the road as he drove. Harry giggled as he tried to take a breath to ask Draco the question. "Draco Malfoy," he began before breaking down into chuckles and giggles. "Ahem, sorry, Draco Malfoy… will you be my boyfriend?"

"Yes!" Draco said, smiling at Harry. "Yes Harry Potter, I would love to be your boyfriend!" They broke into a sea of laughter as Draco drove on. Harry's hand reached for Draco's, and the blonde took it in a tight hold as he drove one-handed perfectly. He brought Harry's hand to his face and asked, "Can I kiss my boyfriend's hand?"

"Yes," Harry breathed, his heart beating fast as, for once, all the confusion and anxious feelings inside him swam away, leaving only a clear straight path with Draco. He knew that Viktor was still in his heart and mind as his first love, he will never leave, but that does not mean that Harry cannot move on and live his life the way he wants to with the people he wants to. Draco's lips pressed against his hand only confirmed his feelings as he felt as though electric sparks flew through his body at the contact, making him happier than he ever was.


"Yes Harry?"

"Can I be your princess too?"

"You already are my princess Harry," Draco chuckled, "as long as I get to be your prince."

"Deal," Harry smiled. Happy that they are finally together, Draco kissed his princess's hand one last time and turned on the radio as the rest of the right was full of good music and good conversation.

It took Draco parking the car for Harry to realize that the restaurant his parents were talking about was the same restaurant he and Draco went to on their first date. It felt so long ago for some reason. "You know," he said, "I never did catch the name of this place."

"I think that was because you were too busy punching me," Draco chuckled.

"Well in my defense, you deserved it!" Harry said hotly.

"Of course, princess, and it was a good punch," Draco smirked. "Your prince is impressed."

"As long as you don't think I'm helpless," Harry sighed.

"Far from it Harry," Draco said in a serious tone. "Come on, like you said, we can't keep your mom waiting."

Harry agreed and the two got out of Draco's car. Draco walked around and offered his hand to Harry, who gladly accepted it. The two made their way to the restaurant, walking pass the small set of tables outside and Harry looked up to see the restaurant's name. Satisfied with his curiosity, he walked into The Lion. "Short name," he commented, "I almost expected something Italian."

"Please, the shorter the name the easier to remember," Draco chuckled. Harry laughed and smiled as he looked around the interior.

It was lavishly decorated with a design of reds and golds, reminding Harry of a prideful lion's victor against an unseen prey. "Your reservations?" a host asked as they entered.

"We're with another party, under Potter," Draco answered. The host look down at his computer and nodded, "Yes," he said, "follow me." He led Harry and Draco deeper into the restaurant, where it's theming of reds and gold continue, which sparked some ideas in Harry's mind. They were led to a table with six chairs, four of which were already full. "Harry, there you are," Mrs. Potter smiled when they were close enough. She got up from her seat and hugged Harry. "And I see you brought Draco too, hello it is nice to finally meet you properly," she smiled. "I am Harry's mum."

"It is nice to meet you as well, Mrs. Potter," Draco said politely, shaking her hand. "And you as well, Mr. Potter," Draco said, taking the initiate to introduce himself to Harry's dad.

"Good to meet you too Draco, please have a seat," Mr. Potter said.

Draco did so and looked at Sirius and Remus. "Hello," he smiled.

"Hello Draco, nice to see one of my frequent customers," Sirius smiled. "And I hope that you are treating Harry good here."

"I am, sir," Draco said.

"Good, and good to see you as well Harry outside the café, I hope this isn't too awkward for you," Sirius smiled.

"No Mr. Black, it isn't," Harry said.

"Harry," Sirius groaned, "how many times do I have to tell you to just call me Sirius? Ron, Seamus, and Blaise does!"

"And I do too, but sometimes I forget Sirius," Harry said. "Anyway how are you and Remus doing?"

"Good Harry," Remus answered.

Harry nodded at that and hugged his father hello before taking his seat across from Draco, both of them were sitting at the far left side with Mr. and Mrs. Potter in the center and Sirius and Remus on the right. Menus were already sitting on small white plates, with two baskets of bread between the three couples. "So Draco," Mr. Potter began, "how is your life going? Do you work?"

"Honestly James of course he does," Mrs. Potter said.

"Yes, I do," Draco said. "I currently work with my father at his company, however I have plans of going independent when the funds and plans come together. But I'm in no rush."

"So you're a man of business, huh? Good man," Mr. Potter said. "Always thought business was a reputational line of work."

"Thank you sir," Draco smiled. "However, I thought I would go into publishing."

"Publishing?" Harry asked, intrigued. "You never told me this."

"It was just a thought," Draco shrugged. "I mean, I would try something with my garden, but I rather keep hobby and job separate. That way I can enjoy them both at times."

"I guess that makes sense," Harry shrugged. "Actually, that works out pretty good." He gave a small smile.

"Oh? Why is that Harry?" Draco asked.

Harry just smiled mischievously as he picked up his menu. "I'll tell you later," he said and buried his head in the menu, determined to actually eat the food this time. A waiter came and asked for their orders, and soon the four adults gotten into a conversation that neither Harry nor Draco were interested in. So instead the two quickly lost themselves in their own conversation, mainly talking about Blaise and his love life as well as Harry sharing gossip about his coworkers.

"Ah Harry, that reminds me," Mr. Potter smiled as the main course started to arrive and warm plates full of delicious smelling food starting piling onto the table. "Thank you," he said quickly to the waiter, "Harry, have you start thinking of what you would like to do, after working at Sirius' of course. It is a good place, Sirius, but I do not want my son to be stuck doing retail forever."

"James! I'm so offended!" Sirius said in a mock voice, "To think my best friend would think I'd allow his son to stay in retail working so low wages until the day he dies! Why perish the thought."

Harry saw this as a perfect opening for him. Smiling faintly, he looked at Draco for a moment and said, "Actually Dad… I've been thinking about that lately… ever since Victor and I broke up in fact. I just haven't told anyone because I was a bit unsure… however after talking about it with Blaise today, I'm certain that I want to do it."

"Which is what sweetie?" Mrs. Potter asked.

"I want to write and publish a children's book," Harry said.

"That's a very neat idea," Mr. Potter said, "I hope you have a premise."

"Of course, I do," Harry smiled. "Hogwarts!" Mr. and Mrs. Potter started to laugh while Draco, Sirius, and Remus looked at the three of them confused.

Draco frowned, "I'm sorry but what is Hogwarts?" he asked.

"It's a place I made up when I was little," Harry said. "It's this school for witchcraft and wizardry."

"He and his childhood friends would run around our backyard swinging twigs around like they were wands," Mr. Potter laughed.

"So, you're going to turn that real huh? Then it must be a swell idea then," Mrs. Potter said supportively. "Got a story idea about Hogwarts?"

"Some but I want to take my time with them… but they're going to revolve around one boy's time at Hogwarts," Harry said. "Hopefully if it sells well, I can make this into a whole series… maybe seven books, one per year, but I'm getting ahead of myself. What I want to know is if I can umm… use you guys as inspiration for characters in Hogwarts."

"Gee I don't know," Sirius said. "My character would have to be dashingly handsome and devilishly mischievous…"

"And it sounds like my character needs to make sure that Sirius' doesn't get himself hurt… or in trouble," Remus sighed, causing his husband to laugh.

"Of course," Harry grinned. "I was thinking… maybe your characters could be Vincent's godfathers, that's my character's name by the way, Vincent Balk."

"Strangely unique and ordinary sounding," Sirius said. "I like my characters to have outstanding names! Like Orion, or Frodo… or Jim. Nah scratch that, not Jim."

Remus sighed and leaned forward to look at Draco with an apologetic face, "Yes unfortunately, this is how Sirius is normally," he said. "If I did not know better, I would say the man to be a giant child."

"It's alright," Draco chuckled, "he's like this whenever I run into him at the Three Broomsticks too."

"I'll play around with names when I get to that point," Harry said. "I just didn't want you guys to be shock when, if you read it, there might be some characters similar to you…" He looked at Draco and smiled, "I know that I'm going to use Mr. Riddle," he said. "My book needs an antagonist and his other name sounds just right."

Draco laughed and shook his head, "The less I see of that man the better. In fact I'm happy that I barely see him at all. Just during our run in and whenever he and father have a meeting together." Harry smiled and nodded, "The last time I thought of him was our run in… he just leaves that impression."

"Very true," Draco hummed in agreement. "But what of my character Harry?" he asked.

Harry's cheeks goes red and he bit his lip. "I'll uhh tell you later," he whispered, glancing at his parents and Sirius and Remus. Draco chuckled and reached over the table for Harry's hand, brushing his thumb against it. "Alright princess," he whispered so only Harry could hear. The boy blushed and smiled, which, unfortunately, was caught by his parents.

"Harry," Mrs. Potter said, ruining their moment, "is there something that you and Draco forgot to tell us?"

Harry looked over at Draco, who nodded silently. Both men were red with embarrassment, letting go of each other's hands as Harry said, "Well Mum… Draco and I talked about it and we've decided to try out dating… and we have been dating now for uhh…"

"About an hour or so," Draco commented, looking at his watch to avoid their gaze.

"And you didn't tell us?" Mrs. Potter gasped, looking deeply hurt. "Harry!"

"Lily, I've told you, the boy's grown," Mr. Potter said. "He isn't our baby anymore."

"But James," Mrs. Potter said. She looked at her husband and rolled her eyes. "Fine, he's not our baby but that doesn't mean he's still our son and I worry about him."

"That's fine dear, but you need to give him his space," Mr. Potter said. "Now, boys, about this relationship…" he turned his attention to Harry and Draco, "I want no secrets about it, understand. Leave out the bedroom stuff, lord knows we don't want to think about that, but you both better treat each other good, or else."

Harry stared at his father. He was completely baffled that he tried to threaten both of them. He looks ridiculous doing it, Harry thought to himself however he kept his opinions to himself as he and Draco nodded silently.

"Good," Mr. Potter said, looking extremely pleased with himself. "Now, is that the last of surprise announcements? You have nothing else to shock us with?"

"No sir," Draco said.

"No that's all, Dad," Harry said.

"Very good," Mr. Potter said. "Now I can finally enjoy my fish without worry." And as though he was staring, and this meal was the saving grace he was looking forward to, Mr. Potter began to eat. After a couple of bites, he looked up and said, "It's very delicious dear, would you like a bite?" to Mrs. Potter.

The rest of the table took this as their sign to start eating as well, and Harry began cutting his chicken when he felt his phone vibrate against his leg. Curious, he pulled his phone out to see a couple messages from Blaise. Opening them, he saw a photo of Blaise kissing a cute slightly chubby guy's cheek very passionately as the guy held up a shopping bag. The message underneath read "Got your gift Harry! Ran into my bae so we're going out might be home late" along with a little smirking devil emoji. Harry giggled and got a devilish idea as he quickly typed back "Have fun, use protection. Pullout game is awful."

He didn't know where this came from, but he was happy that he could just act like this with Blaise. Is this what it's like to have a best friend? He wondered. Smiling, at the giddiness, Harry had to suppress a laugh as Blaise's reply came almost instantaneous.

"I use them but they're all too small."

"Harry?" Draco said. Harry looked up and giggled as he pulled out his phone. "Blaise texted me," he said, holding the phone out to Draco.

Draco took the offered phone and read it quickly. "Ha! As if," he said. "You mind if I?"

"Sure," Harry smiled. He watched as Draco sent a reply, a warm feeling unlike anything he ever felt surging up inside him. Though he had never felt it, Harry could have sworn that he felt something similar to it years ago back in college where, he felt, his life both began and became a standstill. Yet this time, as he watched Draco with rapt attention, he had a feeling that his life will never stand still again, yet keep on moving at a steady pace as he'll never be stuck again.

Chortling, Draco gave Harry his phone back and the boy quickly read what Draco wrote. "Remember summer of 2015 Blaise, there's a lot of condoms to fit that-Draco."

"What happened in 2015?" Harry asked.

"Hmm? Oh I'll tell you that story later," Draco grinned. "Definitely not parent-friendly. I'll just tell you that Blaise and I and a few others had… a contest and Zabini only got in second place while I won." Harry quickly understood the context and his eyes bulged.

"R-Really?" He asked almost eagerly causing Draco to laugh.

"Of course Harry," Draco smirked. "A Malfoy never loses." Harry laugh as his phone vibrated once more with Blaise's reply.

"Not cool Draco! Don't be stealing my bestie's phone! Harry don't listen to anything this snake says! He loves to slither in lies everywhere he can to make him look good. I WON NOT HIM!" Harry burst into laughter, getting the adults' attention.

"Sorry, just something funny Blaise texted Draco and me," Harry said through his laughing as he gave Draco the phone.

"Well, tell your roommate that we are eating," Mrs. Potter said. "You can talk to him later."

"Alright Mum, sorry," Harry smiled. Draco gave back his phone, laughing himself as Harry pocketed it and did his best to return his attention strictly to the table. "Good so Harry, Draco, do you two spend a lot of time together because of Harry's crazy schedule?" Mrs. Potter asked.

"Whenever we can," Draco answered completely calmly, as though he wasn't laughing just seconds ago. "Mostly during our breaks, but I've dragged him out on a few dates when I can."

"Decent places I'm hoping," Mr. Potter said.

"Of course Mr. Potter," Draco said. "I spare no expense with Harry."

"Good to hear," Mr. Potter said.

Dinner continued on, the conversation lulling at times so they could eat politely. Harry's stomach had never been fuller in five years at the end of it. Feeling completely satisfied and slightly drowsy, he did his best to hold in a yawn as Mr. Potter and Sirius fought over the bill.

"I've put the down the reservation so I will pay for it Sirius," Mr. Potter said.

"You are my guest, and I will not let my guest pay for my meal, James," Sirius said. The two glared at each other as Mrs. Potter sighed, standing up.

"Just like all month," she sighed. "Remus, why did we marry such stubborn men?"

"I don't know about you Lily, but I've married Sirius just to make sure he didn't hurt himself," Remus joked. "Anyway I wish you and James would spend just one more day."

"No, no, we have to be going," Mrs. Potter said. "It's getting dark and I would like to get back home before it gets too dark. We've told our jobs that we'll be gone tomorrow too so all I want to do is sleep. Now Harry," she turned to her son and stepped towards him. "Please promise me you will keep in touch with us? Even if it's weekly calls or texts just keep us in your life. Please?"

"I promise Mum," Harry said.

"Good, because I am expecting both you and Draco home for Christmas," Mrs. Potter said with a sly smirk. "No exception, this is your mother asking remember?"

Harry looked at Draco, who got up and instantly slipped his hand in Harry's. "We would love to come by for Christmas," Draco said. "

"Excellent," Mrs. Potter smiled. "Then I will see you both next month." She pulled Harry into a tight hug. "Mmm, be safe Harry," she said. "And remember to call or text or anything. Just keep in touch, yeah?"

"I will mum," Harry said, hugging her equally as tight as he hugged him.

"Good, and you Draco," Mrs. Potter said, giving the young man a light hug, "you better treat my Harry right, you hear? Dads makes the threats but it's the mums you need to watch out for, eh?" She gave him a cheeky smile.

"I understand Mrs. Potter," Draco said. "I'll treat Harry like he's royalty."

"Better than royalty," Mrs. Potter said.

"Better than royalty," Draco chuckled.

"Good lad," Mrs. Potter smiled. She turned to her husband and said, "James, we'll get the tip. Say goodbye to Harry, oh do you have your night glasses?"

"I do Lil," Mr. Potter said. "And fine Sirius, I'll get the tip."

"Always knew I'll win James," Sirius grinned. Mr. Potter just rolled his eyes as he took Harry's hand for a firm shake before pulling him in for a hug. "I'm sure your mother's already invited you for Christmas?" he asked.

"Yes," Harry nodded. "We're going."

"Good. Good, good, good. I would never hear the end of it," Mr. Potter sighed. "Your grandparents are coming from England for Christmas so it's sort of a big deal."

"Can't wait to see them," Harry grinned.

Mr. Potter smiled and searched his pockets for a moment before bringing out a glasses case. "Ehh… how are your eyes fairing up Harry?" he asked.

"Same as ever, why?" Harry asked.

"Don't get old then," Mr. Potter sighed. "You'll need special glasses just to see at night. Honestly dear it would not matter which one of us drives the car you know, traffic will be light."

"I will not drive out for so far so late at night James," Mrs. Potter said.

"Fine then how about we switch when we get back to town?"


"Never get old Harry," Mr. Potter sighed. "And never bicker with your spouse over driving…"

"I won't dad," Harry smiled. "Besides I can't," he muttered to Draco. "I still don't have my license."

"We'll work on that," Draco said.

"Well, Draco," Mr. Potter said, holding out his hand. "It was a pleasure to meet you. I know that Harry is in very good hands with you."

"Thank you very much sir, though Harry and I are taking it very slow," Draco said. "Since, well…"

"Ah, yes," Mr. Potter frowned. "Him."

"Dad please," Harry sighed. "This is my idea and… I just want to forget the person Viktor became and remember the boy I fell in love with. I know it sounds stupid to you Dad but… I need to do this right now."

"Blaise has been helping Harry a lot getting through this," Draco said. "He has personal experience with this kind of situation, however right now I want to pick up my slack and help Harry too."

"And that is exactly what I want to hear from you," Mr. Potter said. "Goodbye Draco, love you Harry, I'll see you both at Christmas."

"Goodbye Dad, Mum, love you," Harry said.

"Love you too sweetie," Mrs. Potter smiled. "Sirius, Remus, you both definitely need to come to our town one day, it's so much more peaceful than this city! And the air is so much nicer too."

"Definitely," Sirius said. "I'm sure the boys can handle the shop by themselves for a week or so… or hell maybe even a month! What do you say Harry?" He grinned.

"Sirius, be serious, won't you?" Remus sighed. "I'll see you later then Harry."

"Of course Remus."

"Harry, come here," Sirius said, pulling Harry into a very tight hug. "Ahh my favorite worker! I knew hiring you was the best thing to do! Good luck on your book now, remember give my character an extraordinary name! And doubly handsome! And a short goatee, you have to remember that part," Sirius said, stroking his own facial hair.

"I will," Harry laughed. The six said their goodbyes and Harry once again found himself in Draco's car. The music was playing softly as they sat in the car, watching Harry's parents drive off.

"So about your character," Harry breathed. "His name will be Drake I'm thinking… Drake Malloy. And… and he will be Vincent's love and prince, the protagonist's boyfriend… if you want to be."

Draco smirked. He turned on the car and hummed. "Drake Malloy and Vincent Balk… sounds almost as good as Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter. I'm sure Drake will be a caring character, spoiled and a prat at times, but he will do anything and everything in his power to keep Vincent safe and happy, even if that means causing trouble for Vincent occasionally."

"Of course," Harry smiled, "however through it all they'll stay together… because they both know that they have a secret power that nobody can defeat."

"Which is?"

"Love," Harry admitted.

"Love… sounds absolutely cheesy yet romantic," Draco smiled. "Do you think that Draco and Harry can find a love as powerful as Drake and Vincent?"

"Maybe one day," Harry said. "But until then, I think they'll stay happily together as they work through anything. Prince and Princess."

"Definitely," Draco smirked. He took Harry's hand and kissed it gently. "My sweet princess," he said, "I promise that I'll treat you and lavish you with everything you deserve, I'll support your dream as I know you'll support mine, and together we'll do unspeakable things! Both in the bedroom and out."

Harry couldn't help but laugh out loud, "Damn Draco," he smiled, "you almost sound romantic till the end."

"Well I need practice Harry," Draco said.

"Don't worry about that," Harry smiled. "If our lives go the way I think it'll go… we'll have a lot of practice together… Sir."

"Sir," Draco said, testing the word on his lips. "Think I'll stick to prince and boyfriend for now."

"Alright," Harry smiled. "Now, why don't you spend the night at my place? We can watch a movie or something since Blaise will be late."

"Sounds like a plan princess," Draco smiled as he started to pull away. "So how about on the way you tell me more about Hogwarts. A school for witches and wizards huh? Sounds exciting. Definitely the type of story my publishing business wants…"