Boku No Hero is my favorite anime right now, Kohei Horikoshi's love letter to superheroes is phenomenal. His influences in American comic books can be seen heavily in his work, All Might is Superman, Deku is Spider-Man, and the list goes on (and frankly really all the parallels I care to think about). What I've seen in the cross-over fics of BNHA is a good amount of Spider-Man, but what I fail to see is an adult Peter Parker. Before the original Civil War plotline, Peter Parker was actually a teacher at his old high school and taught at the Jean Grey School. Peter is a good role model and genuinely cares for his students during his tenure as a teacher and I find that isn't as regularly written about here. So I thought I'd post a one-shot just to get it out of my system. If anything it would be like my GoWxPJO story I posted a while ago, 3-5 chapters at most.

New York

May Reilly Parker was dead, and it was Peters fault.

Peter had always been careful about his secret identity, so much so that the number of people who knew of his real name could be counted on 2 hands. May Parker was not one of them. When Peter got the call from Norman Osborn that he kidnapped his aunt, Peter was terrified at what he might do. Peter was careless and let his arch-nemesis learn who he was and he paid for it.

By the end of that night, May died in Peter's arms and Green Goblin was sent to the morgue after his glider killed him. Peter never killed, but he would let Norman die a hundred more time if he could for killing his aunt.

Tony Stark paid for the funeral, the casket, everything. Steve Rogers was there to give his condolences; the Fantastic Four came to comfort a long time friend. To say a number of the most notable superheroes in America came to the funeral was an understatement.

It was Mary Jane who contacted most of them and broke the news. Peter didn't have the heart (or will) to call any of his "friends from work".

The ceremony was small; Daredevil was able to bring in a Reverend from a church he went to. After the ceremony, May was laid to rest and the sky was as bright as it had ever been.

Peter stayed at home with MJ and their daughter for a few days; he had no interest in patrolling. Any of his usual rogues were taken care of by any of the other Spiders in New York while Peter spent time with his family. After a month away, Peter donned his usual red and blue and became the Amazing Spider-Man once more.

But something was noticeably different about him, the quips were rare and the otherwise jovial Spider was gloomy and silent.

So they gathered, some of Peter's best friends and met together with him in the Avengers tower. A small congregation of Iron Man, Captain America, the Human Torch and Reed Richards.

"Peter, we are just concerned about you; you haven't been yourself lately."Reed started.

"Yeah webs, I haven't heard you crack wise since you came back."Johnny seconded the sentiment.

"We know the death of your aunt was hard, losing a loved one is never easy. We've been thinking-"Steve started, but stopped himself before finishing.

"We think you should retire."Tony finished, leaning forward into his chair.

"Retire, I can't just retire! This isn't something I can just give up on."Peter rebuked, irritated that his friends would suggest such a thing.

"Peter, you have a wife and child at home they need you more than New York needs another hero, and believe me we aren't going to run out of that any time soon."Tony motioned to the city outside their window.

"You have nothing more to prove son, you've dedicated your life to Spider-Man. It's time Spider-Man did the same for you."Steve said with the highest respect he could give Peter.

Peter sunk into his chair, glancing out the window to the city skyline, "For the life of me, I just can't imagine my life without Spider-Man. I've been patrolling New York since I was 15. Its how I got through High school, how I learned that with 'Great Power must also come Great Responsibility'. I still have that responsibility, I can never ignore it."

"We know, you carry that badge around you wherever you go Pete,"Johnny remarked with a subtle hint of humor.

Reed was thinking (there was never a time he wasn't thinking); a million solutions to solve Peter ran through his head. Maybe medication? No that could spiral too quickly. Therapy? No, Peter doesn't strike him as an open person. Life Model Decoy of May? No that would be too insensitive. Peter was a smart man; he loved helping people and took responsibility to a degree that made Steve Rogers blush. Reed had to appeal to Peter's character; something that would service Peter's need to feel like he helping…and he just might have that answer.

"I promise you, a position and Stark Industries Head Software Engineer is no problem!"Tony tried to reassure Peter.

"I have a different proposition; something I imagine would be beneficial for you Peter,"Reed spoke up; Peter turned his attention to Reed as he pulled out a tablet. With a few swipes and taps on the screen, Reed brought up an email he had been sent.

"A few weeks ago I received an email from one Principal Nezu from a school in Japan. He asked if he could teach a semester at his school, I politely declined of course but I feel like this would best suit you Peter."He handed Peter the tablet.

Peter glanced at the emails heading, the name was, "U.A. High school?"Peter turned back to Reed in confusion.

"A teaching career, really Reed, that's lame."Johnny gave a chuckle at Reed suggestion.

"Not just any High school, this one is a prestigious university for superheroes. In Japan, being a Hero is a job, and kids go to school for a chance to achieve that dream. They asked me to head their science department, but my work here is much more important. Peter, I believe this would be a great fit for you."Reed explained.

"A superhero school, color me surprised."Peter looked back at the tablet.

"Think about it, a chance to impart your knowledge to the next generation of heroes is a worthwhile endeavor. You've been in their shoes, more than anyone. I can't think of a better person to accept this position."

Peter gazed over the contents of the email, the Principal (who looked like an overgrown hamster [no offense]) was obviously eager to invite Reed to the High school. It listed the income for the job, benefits, and what it would entail. Peter loved science but teaching it wasn't something he did for years. Peter thought about it more for a minute.

"I'll have to talk to MJ about this if I made a decision like this without telling her I doubt she'd talk to me for a month."Peter looked back at the four people in front of him.

"Of course, take your time. When you're ready just tell me, I'll make the recommendation. Go be with your family Peter."Reed said as Peter stood up and left with the tablet.

The Next Day

Reed was in the middle of simulating another equation to another problem. It wasn't necessarily important, but it was work nonetheless. A knock came from a door at the other end of the room and in stepped in Susan, a phone in hand.

"Peter says he'll take it,"Susan said with a small smile.

Reed stopped his work immediately and made his way out of his laboratory to send out an email. Besides, helping a friend was more important than creating a cure for baldness.

One Week Later

The flight to Japan was long, 10 hours of non-stop flying. Even in Tony's private jet, the effects of jet lag could be felt on the family as they moved from New York to Japan. Peter looked at his wife and daughter, both sleeping in the chair beside him.

"Do you require anything, Mr. Parker?"Tony's A.I. Friday asked.

"I'm good, thank you."Peter dismissed the A.I. as its bodiless voice disappeared.

The interview with the Principal had gone well; the two had come to an agreement concerning some of Peter's requests. Pay was, of course, one of them, but the most important was the need to keep his mask on. Japanese heroes were different, they had their government to help, but American heroes needed privacy from their government. It was hard to explain, the differing cultural ideology confused Mr. Nezu.

Thankfully he relented and Peter was able to keep his mask on full time. After the interview, the only thing that needed to be done was a wardrobe change. Tony had insisted the old red and blue needed to be retired, saying something along the line of 'New country, new suit.' The new suit was definitely better than the older version, but it made Peter a little sad seeing the old suit go. That said, the new Advanced Suit was definitely cool. It had a lot more gadgets and gizmos than his old one ever was able to carry. The color scheme also changed with a lot more white and blue than ever before.

Peter looked at his wife and daughter, Mary Jane and Mayday Parker. His suits were only material, and easily replaceable, but his family wasn't. The night Peter and MJ talked about the move was a long one; constantly going over the pros and cons of moving to an entirely new country with a different culture was a scary proposition. With their daughter, it was even more daunting. Eventually, the couple came to the agreement to move and no less than a week later they were flying to Japan to start their new lives.

Japanese culture was probably going to be the hardest to get used to. He's never officially stayed in Japan other than his quick escapades around the cities as Spider-Man. So it was pretty clear that Peters understanding of the daily life of a normal person in Japan was vastly different than his New York upbringing.

"We will be landing in 10 minutes, please prepare to exit the jet," Friday spoke over the intercom.

Outside the window, Peter could see the city of Tokyo, somewhere down there was his future as a teacher.

Tokyo Airport

MJ had to put Mayday in a seat as the couple had to drag out their entire luggage from New York. The plane ride was a hassle; add it being Mayday's first flight and it took a considerable amount of time to get her to sleep.

"Mr. and Mrs. Parker?" A man spoke behind them.

A quick glance at the man that spoke quickly set MJ's view of how weird Japan was going to be. The 'man' was a huge cement block. His skin was grey like one, his head was perfectly cubical like one, and the rest of his body mimicked that cubical design all the way to his feet.

"Um, yes that's us," MJ responded the only way she could.

"A pleasure to meet you, my name is Ken Ishiyama-or my hero name Cementoss-I was sent by Principal Nezu to pick you up from the airport. We have a moving truck ready to carry your luggage to your new residence. After that, when you're ready, we can depart to U.A. Academy." Cementoss made a quick bow before a half dozen men rushed out from behind him and took all their stuff.

"What, where are they-?!"MJ stood in shock by how fast the men came and left.

"Don't worry ma'am, those men are with the moving company we hired to help. Now if you will come with me we will be on our way." Cementoss made a quick gesture as the family followed him to the car.

The car ride wasn't anything impressive, but the car was pretty nice. When MJ sat down she could feel an electronic massager in the seat. One press of a button and she was quickly forgetting about the long plane ride from New York. The car (really if felt like a limousine) was separated into two areas, the driver up front with a glass window to divide him from the second part of the car the passenger area. The passenger area had 2 couches that faced each other, with said accessories.

"Principal Nezu wanted me to go over some of the things you will be teaching and the classroom environment." Cementoss handed over a modest stack of papers to Peter.

"It isn't necessary to read it all now, but this will be most of what you will be teaching this semester. Also included are the class calendar, day to day schedule, your classes, and map of the school. Alternatively, most of these can be found on the school website and our internal operating system. The school doesn't start for another few hours so you have time to unpack and make it before classes start. Do you need transportation to the school?"

Peter thought about it, "No, I think I can make my way there. Just give me the address and I'll be there on time."

Cementoss simply nodded as the car stopped in front of a large looking hotel. "I thought we'd be in a house," MJ said.

"Japan is a highly dense area; this is the largest living space we could have gotten you without moving you to the mountains. Do not worry, there more than enough space for your family here."

As everyone got out of the car, MJ noticed the name of the building. "Omotenashi Suites?"

"This is one of the most highly respected apartments here in Japan; they can accommodate nearly every one of your needs. I hope this is suitable for you." Cementoss said as the group entered the building.

Everything looked…grand. There are large pillars that looked like they were made of marble; the floor looked the same too. In fact, everything seemed like it was made of marble.

"Whoa." MJ gaped at the lavishness of the whole lobby.

"Good morning, I assume you are Mr. and Mrs. Parker?" The woman at the front desk asked.

"Um, yes that is us. We're checking into our room."MJ said.

"That's good to here, just sign in here to verify that it is you and we'll have you in your room as fast as possible."The woman said with a smile.

"Oh, how fast?" MJ asked.

Five minutes later

"That was fast," Peter said.

"Very." MJ agreed.

The furniture was already in the apartment, the bags were neatly sorted, and the refrigerator was stocked with general items, which meant the only things needed to be done were unpacking their personal belongings and getting Mayday to bed.

"I can stay a little longer to help, I can rush to get to the-"MJ put her finger on Peter's mouth, stopping him as he spoke.

"Peter, we've gone through a lot when only just knew each other as neighbors, right?" MJ asked Peter nodded.

"And how many times did it turn out I didn't need any help?" Peter was about to answer when MJ stopped him again.

"Peter, I got this. Now go get 'em, tiger, now shows them why you're the Amazing Spider-Man."

Peter smiled; he looked at the open patio door leading outside with a mischievous grin. With a quick turn, Peter was in full sprint out the apartment, ripping off his clothes in the meantime as he jumped out the patio.

In the middle of the air Peter put his mask on, and anyone looking up would see Spider-Man skydive towards the ground.

"Japan here I come!" Spider-Man shouted.

Japan was a lot like New York, tall buildings, crowded streets, and onlookers with dropped jaws. Besides, who ever saw a man in red and blue swing across the city at double-digit speeds with a spider on their back? Izuku Midoriya sure never did.

Making his way to U.A. wasn't that eventful, a quick breakfast was all he could stomach after becoming super nervous about thinking of the day. Sure he broke his arm and leg fighting a robot that was pretty much worthless but he got in still by a hidden point scoring.

So it was quite a surprise when a red and blue blur swung right pass him, the whole crowd of people looked up to see what had caused the sudden gust of wind. In the middle of his swing was a man in red, white, and blue swinging from some sort of wire. Who this person was, Midoriya didn't know, and wouldn't know for quite a while as the person was soon 3 blocks ahead of him

"What was that?"

"Was that some new hero?"

"Never seen a hero like that before."

"He was so fast, is he like a speedster?"

The whole crowd started to talk, but Midoriya pushed on. There was time for speculation, and now wasn't one of them.

Peter landed on the roof of the nearby building and spotted his destination, U.A. Academy. While Spider-Man was more than willing to walk through the front door, Cementoss had told him to enter through the back door with a keycard he had given him.

Before Spider-Man jumped though, he took a second to think. This was the start of his new life with his family here in Japan. Why not savor the moment.

"Time to show them why I'm Amazing," Peter said with a smile before hopping off of the roof and swinging to the entrance of the building.

That was kinda a long read but I hoped you enjoyed this. Dunno when I'll make the next chapter but keep a look out on my profile page for details, and my next writing projects.