Hello there!

If you are a big fan of Kung Fu Panda fanfiction, you may be familiar with my previous work, The Lion and the Leopard. This story, The Lion and the Peacock, is a direct sequel to this one. It takes place over the second KFP movie. If you have not yet read my first story, The Lion and the Leopard, then I recommend you read that one first, and then come check this one out.

This story will likely contain recurring characters, epic battles, and plot twists, so buckle your seat belt and let's get going!




The red light of the setting sun glowed on the mountain trees. The snow was crisp and smooth over the ground. It was a peaceful evening. The silence was only broken by crickets chirping, and the occasional mountain winds blowing harmlessly throughout the trees.

A quiet village lay snugly in the valley of the mountain. It was picture perfect. The residents were harmless. Many of them were farmers. Some were cooks, others lived as dancers. It was, without a doubt, one of the most serene villages in all of China, maybe even the world.

However, not everyone was happy with these villagers and their utter peacefulness. Attackers loomed in the shadows. Ominous, glowing eyes broke through the darkness. Countless figures stood, lining the edge of a hillside, ready to charge. Not a singly creature, not even a bird, stirred as the enemies crept towards the village. They made not a sound, for fear of breaking their precious cover.

Then, as if on a silent signal, torches lit and howling wolves leapt into the clearing. Alarmed pandas screamed in surprise as savage wolves destroyed their homes. In less than a minute, the entire village was alive with shrieking pandas, growling wolves, and the crackle of fire.

Homes were torched and leveled. The wolves, equipped with knives, bows, and swords, struck down the pandas. Screams of fear became shrieks of agony, and, quickly, were silenced altogether.

The cry of a baby alerted several wolves to a lone panda cub, wailing for it's parents. A chilling cry broke the night air,

"Get them all!" The leader of the army commanded. He was a silvery-white peacock. His tail feathers were unfurled, and he pointed a wing towards the crying babe.

A pair of wolves charged towards the panda cub, eager to dig their evil fangs into it's fur. The baby panda could see the whiteness of the wolves teeth, and the gleam in their eyes. The child gasped, clutching his toy to his chest in fear.

However, a large, burly male panda leapt in the way. It was the cub's father. He swung a mighty hammer. He hit the larger wolf right in the chest. The wolf was knocked into his companion. The smaller wolf landed, unconscious, into a fiery building while the larger one landed at the feet of the peacock, who stood shocked.

A female panda approached behind him. The male lifted his head as more wolves wrecked the village. He turned to his wife,

"Take our son, and run away!" He ordered, "Go!" He pointed towards the forest that lined the edge of the village. It led into the mountains. The panda's wife scooped up her child and stumbled towards the tree line. Several other panda survivors raced with her.

The panda cub dropped his toy, watching it fall into a burning building. A pile of lumber fell on top of the toy, leaving it buried in rubble. He cried as his mother carried him into the woods.

The mother felt tears running down her large cheeks as she ran into the cold, snowy night. The wind blew against her. Little snowflakes hit against her fur. She breathed heavily, holding her child in her arms. Her gut told her to turn around and search for her husband, but her maternal instincts demanded that she find a safe home for her child.

She heard growling and the snapping of jaws to her right. The mother saw a wolf galloping towards her. She felt dread rising in her. The wolf snapped his maw at her and leapt, his teeth glittering in the pale light. Desperate to survive, the mother ducked underneath the canine. The wolf crashed behind her in the snow.

The female panda ran through the snow, as fast as she could manage. Her eyes caught a cliffside nearby. She looked over the edge and saw..grocery crates! She slid down the edge and walked over to one of the crates. Radishes filled the crate, but there was room for more.

The mother lifted her sweet baby and placed him delicately in the box. Someone had to find him here. The child cried as she moved to run away. Fearful of the wolves hearing her, the female quietly shushed the child, moving in closely to hold his tiny paws.

"Ma.." The baby said innocently.

The baby giggled softly, nibbling on a large radish and staring at his mother lovingly.

She began humming a soft tune. It was a lullaby. A lullaby that would always put the baby panda to sleep. She tried to draw out the moment as long as she could. The baby, hearing the familiar tune, began to grow drowsy. He yawned and the mother giggled.

The mother kissed her child lovingly on the head, and, taking in a shaky breath, hummed the last few notes of the lullaby. With the little baby too sleepy to make noise, the mother turned and clambered up the hill.

She made it to the top. In the distance, sniffing on the ground, she saw the wolves. Behind them was a young white peacock.

Casting one last sorrowful glance to her sleeping babe in the radish crate, the mother waved her arms, catching the attention of her assassins.

The wolves charged at her with angry snarls, with the white peacock in close pursuit. The mother ran as far and as fast as she could away from her child.

She felt the hot breath of the wolves closing in on her. Not even three seconds later, a wolf collided with her and knocked her onto her back.

Then, suddenly, the peacock loomed over her, his scary lance held in one wing. The mother, helpless on her back, held out her arms in feeble defense.

When the lance fell, she didn't scream, for fear of awakening her poor baby.

She had one last thought before the cold steel struck her down,

{I hope my dear little Lotus will be ok.}

Authors Note: Lord Shen has destroyed the panda village! Now a certain baby panda with a certain destiny to fulfill has been orphaned. What will happen in the present time? Be sure to follow, favorite and review! Those three things are some of my best motivators!