A/N: This is a totally random idea. It doesn't fit perfectly with the song, but oh well. This is after Loki gets knocked around by Hulk, and he realizes he was being controlled, but he's not anymore. Hope you enjoy! Just remember not to take it too seriously and if you don't know what song I'm talking about, feel free to look up "There's a Platypus Controlling Me" on YouTube.
Thor: Brother?
Loki: Oh, hi, Thor!
Thor: Loki, what are you doing?
Loki: Well I'll be honest I don't really understand but I fell off the Bifrost and I got a scepter in my hands. Now I got a helmet on my head.
The Avengers: Whaaaat?
Loki: I got a helmet on my head and I just can't stop.
The Avengers: Don't stop.
Loki: I can't stop I got an ugly grape controlling me.
The Avengers: WHAAAAT?
Loki: I got an ugly grape controlling me. Now let me sum it up it was a strange set of circumstance.
The Avengers: A strange set of circumstance.
Loki: I fell off the Bifrost, I got a scepter in my hands, now I got a helmet on my head and I just can't stop.
Loki: Well I would if I was able. There's an ugly grape controlling me he's on another planet.
The Avengers: There's an ugly grape controlling him-WHAAAT?
Tony Stark: Oh I get it, ugly grape is a metaphor for whatever is keeping him down. Like corporations are an ugly grape.
The Avengers: The government's an ugly grape, your teacher is an ugly grape.
Random Weird Kid: My teacher is a pumpkin
The Avengers: Society's an ugly grape, my parents are an ugly grape, the media's an ugly grape. It's all just propaganda. Yeah we all got an ugly grape controlling us.
Loki: No just me.
The Avengers: We all got an ugly grape controlling us.
Loki: I'd stop if I was able.
The Avengers: We all got an ugly grape controlling us.
Loki: I'm not speaking metaphorically the ugly grape controlling me is on another planet.
Oh, wait, no he's gone! Heyyyy! There's no ugly grape controlling me. There's no ugly grape controlling me!