December 3rd 1952.
Peter Christopher Reagan
On a snowy day in 1952 a little boy was born into a family, to a loving mother and doting father. No one knew that that child wouldn't make it to his second birthday, but that is a story for another time. This is the story of his birth.
Betty Reagan felt anticipation at the up coming arrival of her first child. Would it be a boy would it be a girl? She didn't have a preference. She was young, a new bride and she couldn't wait to hold the child that she had Henry had created.
She smiled thinking of her handsome officer husband. She thought of how he' d lied to her for months after they started to go steady telling her he had an office job. That was until the day he was shot on the job and had to come clean. She chuckled and shook her head. She loved that man even if he drove her up a wall most days. A knock came on her door and she opened it to see her mother in law.
She beamed at Nora Reagan. "Hello." She hugged her "I come in out of the cold."
"Thank you dear." She shook the snow from her coat and looked over her daughter in law. "Any day now I'd say."
"I hope so." Betty beamed rubbing her stomach. "it will be amazing to hold this baby.
"I know I felt that way about all my children Nora said thinking of all her pregnancies." Of course only two had ended up being live births. She prayed her daughter in law wouldn't suffer the same fate.
"Would you like some tea?" Betty asked
"Yes please dear but you sit down I'll make it. "Have you decided if you are going to have a home or a hospital birth yet.
"I think I will have a home birth. I know more people are going towards the hospital but I think I feel more comfortable here and my doctor and the midwife have all agreed I should be fine."
Nora patted her hand and went about making the tea. Just as she sat it down, Betty made a face.
"Are you okay dear?"
"I think. I just felt a weird pain. I've felt them off and on all day but this one was stronger."
"Betty I think you're in labor." Nora said. "Why don't you go upstairs and change into something more comfortable and I'll phone the doctor and midwife. If they agree then I'll phone Henry's precinct.
Betty nodded agreeing with her mother in law as she headed upstairs to change and Nora called up the doctor and midwife.
"Okay dear they are on their way." Nora said bustling into the master bed room. They should be here in about half an hour. She smiled and started to gather the things she knew they would need.
Half an hour later a doctor and midwife showed up to the younger Reagan's house and assessed Betty. "Well my dear it looks like a baby will be born sometime tonight you are at a six but your water hasn't broken yet. If you would like your husband here you might want to call him.
"My mother in law can call him but tell him to stay he doesn't need to be here." She said as Nora started to walk out the door.
"Okay dear." Nora went down stairs and dialed the number to Henry's precinct.
"Hello." The desk Sargant answered.
"Hello this is Nora Reagan I am Henry Reagan's mother I am calling to tell him his wife is in labor but she requests he stay at work. I will call if I have any other information.
"Okay Ma'am I'll pass the message along." With that phone call finished Nora went back up to the room.
Henry was informed of his impeding father hood and tried to keep his nerves at bay as his partner ribbed him. He couldn't wait to get off for the night and rush home maybe even the baby would be born by then. He smiled.
Betty's labor was long. It was hard and finally her water broke but she wasn't sure she could give birth she was exhausted. For a moment she wished she had asked Henry to come home. Even if father's were not typically there at the birth. She used her mother in law as support and wished her own mother was here, not states away. Just as she gave a final push and the Midwife announced it was a healthy baby boy and the doctor looked him over the door opened and Henry called up the stairs. Nora beamed and rushed down the stairs ingulfing her son in her arms. Henry listened as he heard the cries of a baby.
"Come up and meet your son." Nora wiped a tear from her eyes.
"was great." The two walked up the stairs just as the doctor and midwife were finishing up and backing up to leave both offering their happy thoughts. Henry walked over to the bed peeking down at the swaddled bundle in his wives arms.
"A boy." She beamed.
Henry reached out and touched the babies fist. He bent down and kissed Betty. Do we have a name?"
"I was thinking Peter Christopher."
"Peter Christopher Reagan. I think it fits him." The new parents beamed down at the little boy not knowing the nightmare that would be the end of this short light. The child they would bury and never speak of again. The child that would just become an old faded picture in a wallet.
A/N so that's Peter's birth and next up is Franks and you will see how it will be so different from Peter's because of all Henry and Betty went through. I figure Mary is born in 55 so I put Frank in 54 and Peter in late 52. As for Henry I don't think it's ever been mentioned if he had siblings or not so I just made a back story up.