Dear Matt:

Shiro's alive.

I mean, I already knew that. I've known since I hacked into Iverson's computer. But I never really thought I'd see him again.

He's sleeping right now. I'm outside Keith's guestroom waiting until he wakes up (and wow, isn't that a mindfuck and a half?). I have so many questions I don't even know where to start.

I'm afraid to ask though.

From what it looks like, you weren't having the best time in space. And he came alone. You and Dad are still out there somewhere.

[She tries to ignore Shiro's strip of white hair. Tries to ignore the scar on his nose. Tries to ignore her mind telling her that if that's what they did to Takashi Shirogane, her family is probably worse.

She can't ignore it.]

And to make everything worse, I still have Adam's necklace. I really don't think I should give it to Shiro just now. Maybe give him time to adjust?

[The necklace feels cold against her chest, hidden from view by Matt's hoodie. She tries to ignore that too.]

All I know is that the chances of getting you back are more real than ever Matt.

I'll see you soon.
