As Kara exited the basement to meet Luther in the living room something caught her eye. She stopped at the chain link bars of one side of the cage and stared deeply into them. The image of a little girl doing the same thing flashed into her mind. "Come on, Alice." She heard said in her own voice. She walked closer to the cage door, a blackened hand emerged from the darkness. "Help us." A disembodied voice said. Without hesitation she opened the cell door and she entered in cautiously.

"He ... erased her memory." She heard another voice say. It was too dark to distinguish who was saying what, but she knew there were physical bodies as hands reached out from all around and touched her.


"This can't be happening."

"You have to remember ... for her sake."

"He likes ... to play with us. He'll be doing the same with your friend soon. He likes to create monsters ... for his own amusement. But who is the real monster here? Look at what he's done to us." She could make out the silhouettes of absolute body horror. They were, by all accounts except that of the heart, monsters. "You must ... remember who you are. Otherwise the little one will die." Without another word she excited the cell. She made her way back up the stairs into the foyer. There was a large mirror. An image of hair falling in a dirty porcelain sink flashed through her mind. She entered into the living room where Luther was bent over the fire. "Masters dinner is ready. Take it up to him."

"Yes Luther." As she picked up the tray, her eyes caught the ashtray. A vision of the Master sitting across from her, speaking filled her mind. "And you wanna find a place that's safe for the three of you. Somewhere to start a new life." Obediently she made her way upstairs to the master. He was working on another android. It was a WR600 model android, it's face was severely burned. He was using pieces of another android to fix the damage that had been done. She ... recognized that android. She knew it, from somewhere. And it all came flooding back. Their escape, the squatting, their "Family meal", him protecting them from the police, their journey there. They were family and- ALICE. She needed to find Alice!

"Uh, just set that down right over there."

"Yes, Zlatko." She said in as neutral of a tone as she could. What he said he'd do to Ralph was true all along. Maybe he'd made so many monsters that it'd be a little challenge to properly repair an android. From the looks of it he was doing rather well. She set down the tray.

"Uh, and get rid of that carcass. Take it next door." She stood for a moment, staring at the work he was doing to Ralph. "Did you hear me?"

"Yes, Zlatko." She picked up the torso of another android. She'd have to play the part of an obedient android for now until the coast was clear.

"Luther! Luther!" Luther entered through the doorway.

"Yes, Zlatko?"

"I should be done with his repairs in about ten minutes. Bring the little one to me then and I'll have a look at her."

"Understood, Zlatko. I'll bring her to you in ten minutes." She shut the door behind her and gently set down the carcass. She had ten minutes to find Alice and get her out of there. She didn't know what to do for Ralph, she couldn't interfere with Zlatko or he'd get suspicious. She hated to think it, but she might have to leave him behind for now. He'd be alright, right? Right? It was all she could do to protect Alice. As she exited the room, she passed by Luther. As she stared up at him, he looked pained. "I-" He closed his eyes. "I'm sorry. About the little one." She was silent and went on her way. She entered many rooms searching and eventually found the right one. Alice was in a tight ball, crying in the corner.

"Alice." Her head jerked up at the sound of Kara's voice.

"Kara! You remembered me!" She ran to her and hugged her tight.

"How could I forget? We never should've come here. We have to go."

"What about Ralph?"

"We have to leave him, but we'll come back for him soon. We don't have any time to save him. Just follow me and don't make any noise." They exited the room softly and Kara made her way to the corner.


"Yes, Zlatko."

"I'm finished. Go get the little one."

"Right away, Zlatko." Kara ducked into the nearest room with Alice, pulling her down underneath a table. "Zlatko! The little one is gone!"

"Well, can't've just disappeared! Gotta be here somewhere! Well? Go look!" Luther entered the room, circling around. Kara felt the terror and dread with each and every step he took around the room. With a swift look under the table he found the pair. They took off running. He and Zlatko chased them throughout the house, through the bedroom, the bathroom, through the next room over and out into the corridor, all through the living room and finally out the backdoor. Things were looking well, they were gonna make it until they stumbled.

"Go! Run, Alice!"

"No! I'm not leaving!" Kara pushed her towards the exit.

"Run as fast as you can!" She rose to her feet just as Zlatko and Luther came exiting out of the house.

"I warned you! Dreams always end in tears, you should've listened to me." He cocked his shotgun and Luther stepped in the way. "What is this? Move."

"No, not this time."

"I said move or I'll shoot right throu-" In the bat of an eye the shotgun was in Luther's hands. "How dare you." As he stood in disbelief the androids he'd experimented on rose. They came limping out of the basement where he kept them, ready for his blood. He turned to face them. "What are you all doing here? Who let you out? Get away! Get away!" They easily overtook him and there he met a gruesome fate at the hands of his own creation. Kara shielded Alice's eyes from the scene. Luther turned back to the pair and threw the gun down to the side.

"I didn't want to hurt you. He programmed me to obey. When I saw the little one risk her life to save yours, it was like opening my eyes for the first time. Finally I could see." He paused, looking down to the mud beneath his feet. "I know you have no reasons to trust me, but I know someone who can help you across the border. I can protect you and the little one." Kara looked to him, she looked at him hard. She knew what it was like to just be obeying orders.

"Alright. I trust you." She held Alice tight to her chest. "I was so scared to lose you." She looked at Luther. The thought of losing someone had reminded her. "Do you know where Ralph is, Luther?"

"He should still be on the table where Zlatko left him. He just finished the repairs." They hurried back inside the dry house and upstairs to find Ralph. He was still in a sleep mode, sprawled out on the table. Standing over the bedside she shook him gently.

"Ralph! Ralph!" He squeezed his eyes tight, then opened them. He'd even replaced Ralph's damaged eye. He shifted to push his torso off the table with his elbows.

"Kara? Is your tracker gone? Is it Ralph's turn now? Is Ralph's face fixed?" She grinned before she flung herself into him and wrapped her arms around his neck, knocking him back onto the table. He smiled too. "Ralph is glad to know Mother Kara missed him." Alice came crawling up on top of Kara to hug Ralph. Almost having to leave someone behind seems to make you miss them way more than you would normally. "Can Ralph see his face now?" Reluctantly they got off of him and let him sit up. He made his way over to the nearest mirror. He was absolutely taken aback. His face was healed. The parts from the android Zlatko had used weren't the same skin tone as Ralph's, but his face was healed. It looked like a visible scar on a human would. He smiled wide, pleased with the work that had been done to his face. "Now Ralph won't be a giveaway, right Kara!"

"That's right Ralph. And we can all be one happy family. You, me, Alice and Luther." For the first time Ralph really noticed Luther. His face went sour as he looked him up and down before he turned his attention back to Kara.

"What is Luther's part of the family?" Kara raised a brow, confused.

"What? What do you mean?"

"If I am father, you are mother and Alice is little girl, what is Luther?" She smiled awkwardly, setting a hand on his shoulder. It had always been a strange analogy for them, but she'd much rather go along with it then have his temper flare.

"We can figure it out later, Ralph." He didn't seem satisfied with her answer. "Right now Luther's going to take us to someone who'll get us across the border." The thought of their dream life seemed to distract him. His face lit up like a young child on Christmas.

"Oh! Great! This is gonna be great! Great!" He lifted up Alice off the floor and spun her around a few times in some of the open space in the room."Let's get Ralph's tracker removed so we can go!"

"Actually, Ralph, we don't need it removed." His face dropped and contorted into one of confusion as he placed Alice back on the ground.

"But, Zlatko said-" She quickly took his hand and held it in between hers.

"He was lying. All that matters now is we make it where we need to go, alright. We'll move on as a family, okay?" Her bright blue eyes stared up into his and he nodded. He couldn't let down the mother, plus he still needed to find a place in his family for Luther to fit.

"Okay." She gently tapped her forehead against his hand before letting go. She turned back to Luther, who had taken to standing back.

"Please, take us where we need to go."