Chapter 1: What's Wrong with Ginny?


Ginny sighed heavily, rolling off her bed. She stood up and glanced out the window, scowling at the rising sun with bitterness. She wished that the endless nightmares would stop tormenting her.

She walked over to her mirror, and stared at her pale appearance. Her eyes were puffy from lack of sleep, and her usually vibrant red hair was limp and dark, falling flatly against her heart-shaped face. She had lost a lot of weight, though only she seemed to notice that her pants were now hanging on her unfashionably, and her shirts were getting too big, yet the very thought of food sent her stomach churning.

Maybe that was the first problem? She mused.

She let out a long slow breath before leaving her dresser, thoroughly disgusted with herself.

She picked her journal up from her nightstand, and walked towards her door, after throwing on an old pair of Muggle jeans and a T-shirt. She pulled the door open with effort, using all the energy she had.

Ever since her dreams had begun, when she woke, she wrote the dream down in her journal. She'd always thought that written words described something better than talking ever could.

She sighed and walked heavily down the stairs to face her family. She seriously hoped that her family didn't realize her dilemma. When she entered the small, but comfortable kitchen, she noticed that she was the last one up. All of the Weasleys looked up at her.

" Ginny honey, are you all right? You're so pale!" Mrs. Weasley exclaimed, rushing over to feel her daughter's forehead, while carrying a pan full of bacon in her free hand.

" Mum! I'm fine. I just didn't get a lot of sleep last night, that's all." Ginny said, pushing her mother's hand away from her head.

Mrs. Weasley gave her a hurt look. " Are you sure you're ok?" She asked, her eyebrows coming together in worry.

Ron gave his sister a funny look, before returning to his breakfast; his fear of food being wasted outweighing his sister's appearance.

" Why didn't you sleep well last night? Is it because Harry's coming today?" Fred asked. He sat across from Ron, a mischievous grin spreading across his face.

Ron's head popped up again, and he smiled over at Ginny.

Ginny didn't appreciate being teased by her brothers about something that she had got over two years before. She'd come to realize in her fourth year that Harry was just Harry. He was no longer the famous Harry Potter, but just Harry, the scared, and very human boy.

They'd finally been able to become good friends after that. Because she had got over her silly little crush, she didn't blush to the tips of her hair anymore, and she didn't slip her elbow into the butter dish anymore.

She admitted though there were sometimes when she would catch him doing something so extremely cute and thoughtful, and would be attracted to him for it. But when that happened, she would just recite, 'He was Ron's friend, and will never like you that way' to herself.

She mentally slapped herself for thinking that he was ever extremely cute and thoughtful.

" OHHH that must be it, Fred! Look at her face!" George joked. Fred and Ron chuckled into their cereal.

" Whoa Gin, What you got there?" Fred asked pointing to her right hand. She glanced down.

Her journal!

Her face grew even redder, as all eyes turned on her. She began to panic, sweat forming on the inside of her palms. She instantly hid the journal behind her back, clutching it tightly.

" Wait, let me guess," Fred said waving his hands above his head. " Is it a scrap book of Harry? Pictures dating back from the first time you laid eyes on him until now?" Fred attempted to bat his eyelashes.

Ron and George burst into laughter.

Ginny's face grew even redder if that was at all possible, but not from embarrassment. She was angry now. How dare them!

" Look! I'm not in the mood to be teased about something that I couldn't control three years ago!" She turned her head to face Ron, now bringing her journal in front of her, and hugging the leather tightly to her chest. " And you of all people know that I don't like him anymore, but that doesn't stop you from teasing me. I truly can't take it anymore!" She shrieked the last part, with a wave of her hand.

"Jeez. Sorry Gin, didn't mean to offend. No more light-hearted jokes from now on," Fred said hunching over his bowl of Quidditch Crisps. " Someone's got her panties in a twist," He muttered under his breath. Ginny didn't have to strain to hear the tone of mockery in his fluid voice.

She gaped at her brother, open-mouthed. They just didn't understand! Did her brothers actually care about her, or was it just her parents' influence? Come to think of it, no one really cared for her. Well except maybe Colin.

Ever since the Chamber of Secrets incident in the first year, people tended to shun her, unsure of what she could do.

Except Colin. He'd befriended her, and they had become very good friends.

Colin! That was it! The ghost of an eerie smile lifted the corners of her mouth.

He only lived a couple of miles away. Maybe she could go to his house for a week or two, to clear her jumble of thoughts. I wouldn't have to see Harry and Hermione either, she thought. That would make it easier on her to clear her thoughts, instead of trying to explain herself to Ron's friends. Maybe if I leave soon, I can come back in two weeks when they go to Diagon Alley.

" Gin? Are you going to have some breakfast?" Her mother's words broke though her train of thought.

It took Ginny a minute to collect herself again, before turning to her mother.

" No, I don't think so, Mum. I'm not really that hungry. I'm just gonna go outside."

" Nonsense, you have to eat something dear. Are you sure you feel well?" Mrs. Weasley asked, with concern lining her face.

" Yes Mum I'm fine, and I really don't want anything to eat. I'll have something later." That was a lie; she couldn't even think about eating.

" Ginny," a deep voice from the living room said. " You are all skin and bones. Your face looks like it's caving in. You will eat something!"

Ginny didn't know what came over her, but she didn't appreciate being bossed around by Percy. She felt her blood begin to boil, She tried to hold her over-excited tongue, but when her tongue wanted to be heard, it seemed to make sure that it was.

" Percy, is it really your business?" Ginny burst out forcefully.

All the present Weasley's looked up at Ginny in amazement. Percy looked stricken, and backed off. Ginny had never spoken to him like that; she'd always looked up to him. "Why aren't you at the Ministry anyway?" Ginny said though gritted teeth.

" Ginny are you sure nothings bothering you?" Her mother's worried voice piped up from where she was standing.

Well so much for them not noticing anything! she thought bitterly to herself, clutching the sweaty leather binding of her journal, afraid that she'd drop it or someone would demand to see its contents.

" Yes, Mum, I'm perfectly fine." She swiftly turned from the questioning eyes of her family and made for the back door before anyone could get a word in.

The remaining occupants of the room winced as the metal of the old door slammed back into place behind the steaming redhead.

Ginny couldn't help herself. She stood outside of the kitchen window; she peeked through the glass, and watched her family. They must think she's crazy.

Ron sat staring at the empty space that his sister had just vacated. Something was definitely not right. She'd gotten so thin, and she had dark circles under her eyes, that he hadn't noticed until now. She never seemed to be her happy, joking self anymore, and that frightened him.

The rest of the Weasleys must have been on the same train of thought. Fred and George looked up at their mother.

" Mum I think something's not right with Ginny. She's not been herself lately," Fred said, with abnormal seriousness.

Ginny instinctively stepped closer to the opened window, straining to hear every word they were saying about her.

" Yea since when doesn't she like Harry?" George asked.

Ron had to smile at the thickness of his brother; people thought he was thick, but that was nothing compared to George.

Outside, Ginny cringed at what she'd over heard George say. She shut her eyes tightly before turning away from the house. She walked over to her favorite willow tree. It's long leaves danced lazily in the light summer breeze. She sat down and drew her legs up, and began to cry. She placed her head between her knees, and let all of the pain her dreams had caused to flow out of her.

Ever since Voldemort had risen back to the height of his power, she'd occasionally had horrifying nightmares, all of them pertaining to the Chamber of Secrets, or the Triwizard Tournament.

But recently, she'd been having only one terrifying, recurring dream. It had got so bad that Ginny hadn't had a good night's sleep in three or four weeks. Every time she attempted to sleep, she would wake up sweating, and shaking violently. It was always a battle, at Hogwarts, between Harry and Voldemort.

It wouldn't end; she never got a moment's peace. She couldn't tell her family, because all they would do was become more worried about her than they already were, and then resort to calling Dumbledore. She certainly couldn't tell Ron. He would get beyond worried, and not let her out of his sight, and she didn't think she could deal with that, physically, or mentally.

Then of course he would get Harry and Hermione involved, and they would take it upon themselves to solve the problem, and risk their lives in the process.

She couldn't have them do that. Especially Harry; the wizarding world needed him, whether he liked to believe it or not, and she wouldn't be able to live with herself if he got hurt or worse because of her.

She clutched her journal to her chest and cried, trying to release some of the pain eating away at her. She felt the knot between her shoulders tighten as the tears continuously streamed down her pale face.

The back door of the burrow opened and Ron poked his head out. Ginny's head slowly lifted from her knees to regard her brother.

" Hey Gin, you wanna come with us to pick up Harry and Hermione?" Ron stopped mid-thought as he noticed Ginny's red puffy eyes, and the unmistakable tear tracks standing out on her face. " Gin? What's wrong with you?" he asked with concern, stepping slowly closer.

" Nothing," she lied as she swiped the back of her hand over her swollen eyes. " I'm fine."

" No your not, Do you think I'm stupid?" He said his eyes swimming with something that Ginny translated as hurt. Her heart softened slightly. She knew that he cared for her, of course he did, he was her brother, but she couldn't bring herself to acknowledge it, and talk to him.

Ginny got up and brushed off the seat of her jeans.

" I'm fine," she said softly, not looking at Ron.

" Gin..?"

Ginny sent Ron a glare, warning him not to push it, but knowing that Ron was sometimes so thick he didn't catch on to the initial warning.

" Ginny, look, what's going on?"

" Ron! Look I'm fine, and even if I wasn't it's none of your goddamn business," Ginny growled, getting frustrated. " And don't you dare tell Mum I was crying, I don't need her fussing over me like a mother hen! If you so much as utter one word, I swear I will never speak to you as long as I live!" She prodded a finger into his chest. Ron stepped back, and looked at his baby sister, shocked.

" Ok, now I KNOW something's wrong!" He stepped closer, but she pushed past him hard, with a growl, and ran toward the Burrow.

Ron didn't know what to do, or say, so he said the first thing that came into his head.

" So do you wanna come to pick up Harry and Hermione with us?" Ron shouted after her. She stopped and spun around, fire in her usually warm chocolate brown eyes.

" No, all I'll do is intrude on the famous Hogwarts trio. How could I live with myself?" she said sarcastically.

And with that she spun around and disappeared into the Burrow leaving a thunderstruck Ron in her wake.


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