Hey guys, welcome to the newest chapter of The War of Blood and Fire. I would like to start out by apologizing for taking so long to get this chapter out. I don't have any real excuse except I was lazy. I'm sorry, I try to avoid letting this happen again.
Merek was conflicted about how to feel about today. On one hand, his best friend was marrying a man she didn't love today. On the other hand, he was finally going to enter the melee!
The day Grom started training him, he made Merek promise that he would enter the melee only after Grom gave his approval. Finally, after weeks of persuading, the former sellsword finally gave Merek his permission.
Normally, Merek would be traveling with Asa and a small group of traders from the village for protection against bandits. However, Asa was getting older and many of their traders were busy preparing for winter. Which meant Merek would be making the journey alone. Well, not completely alone.
"Eat up, Venator," Merek said to the dragon as it ate a deer it recently caught. "We are going on a trip." The dragon merely let out a rumble of conformation, not even looking up from his meal. As he waited for the dragon to finish his meal, unsheathe his sword, and began to practice.
Several months had passed since Laena Velaryon offered to teach him how to be a dragon rider. Merek spent many of those months being Laena's glorified stable boy. He shoveled dragon dung, scrubbed the mud out of Venator and Vhagar's scales, and picked the loose scales off their bodies. Laena claimed that the reason for this was so he would know how to take care of Venator, but he was sceptical. However, despite that the months he spent with Laena proved to be worth it.
When Laena wasn't using him for free labor, they were training. Each day, Laena would teach him something new about dragons, how to treat them, how to earn their respect, and most importantly, how not to get burnt to a crisp.
It was in their final month together that she finally let him try to ride Venator again. That morning, Laena arrived on Vhagar with a large object wrapped in cloth clutched in Vhagar's talons. Merek unwrapped it, revealing a large saddle big enough for Venator. Laena helped him put it on Venator when that was done and Merek was sitting securely on the dragon's back they took off without another moment's wait.
Rhaenyra once told him that the first time she rode on Syrax she never wanted to go back on the ground. She told him that the view from the back of a dragon made a person feel like they could conquer the world.
Rhaenyra didn't give the experience justice. The first time Merek rode Venator, his eyes were closed and he was holding onto Venator for dear life. Merek's eyes we're wide open now.
As Merek and Venator flew across the land, he couldn't help but let out a laugh of pure happiness. Merek directed Venator to go higher, they flew until they were just a few feet below the clouds, and that was when Merek took a moment to look at what laid before him. The sight was beautiful. He could see everything, he could see the smalls specks that were Asa and Grom, he could see the open field where the farmer's kept their livestock. In that moment, Merek felt completely free. That day, Merek truly became a dragon rider.
After Venator finished his meal, Merek began to fasten the saddle to Venator's back. As he buckled the final clasp, Merek felt a flash of annoyance in the back of his mind.
"I know it feels a little tight, but that's something you'll have to deal with until I can fix it," The dragon let out a snort of irritation as his answer. Choosing to ignore his friend's pouting, Merek got into a saddle and gave Venator the command to take off. However, Merek didn't say a word.
It began with the dreams, ever since Merek met Venator, he started experiencing these dreams where he was in Venator's body, experiencing life through his eyes. At first, the dreams were few and far between, but as he spent more time with the dragon the dreams became more frequent. These dreams seemed to create a sort of bond between himself and the dragon, it was almost as if they could read each other's thoughts on some occasions. For Merek he would get these flashes of emotions that he knew were not his own, but if he concentrated hard enough he could give Venator commands with his mind. After a little practice, Merek barely needed to think before Venator acted.
It didn't take long before Merek and Venator reached Driftmark, apparently, the person Rhaenyra was marrying was Laena's brother, Laenor. At least I can come to visit her more often. Merek noted dryly as he landed Venator in a forest near Driftmark. After getting out of the saddle and grabbing what he needed, he sent Venator a mental image of a small island not far from there and told him to wait for him there.
From what Rhaenyra told him, the celebration would last seven days. Merek chose to arrive on the third day. The tourney would begin the next day, starting with archery, then jousting the next two days, and ending with the melee. Merek planned to participate in the archery and melee part of the tourney. The wedding would be on the final day, after the melee.
When Merek arrived at High Tide, the ancestral seat of House Velaryon, he searched for the room Rhaenyra was staying in until the wedding. The wedding. The very idea of Rhaenyra needing to marry a man that she had no interest in, awoke anger in him that he didn't fully understand.
"That's not the look of a man going to see his best friend," a voice said from behind him. Merek turned, it was Rhaenyra's uncle Daemon Targaryen. Merek gave the prince a respectful bow, he interacted with the prince very little when he went to King's Landing to visit Rhaenyra, in fact, the man usually just ignored Merek, he wasn't even sure Daemon knew his name.
"The look in your eyes reminds me much more of a man that has lost his woman to another." This statement shook Merek out of his thoughts.
"You are mistaken, my lord," Merek said. "Rhaenyra is my friend, nothing more."
"Do you not find my niece attractive?" Daemon asked with a smirk.
"No, she's beautiful," Merek said, quickly.
"But you see her as simply a friend?"
"My best friend."
"Yet you're letting some pillow biter marry her instead of a man who truly cares," Daemon said. Merek was about to respond but stopped. He hated to admit it, but Daemon had a point.
"It's what she wants," Merek said, and with that, he walked away to continue his search.
"Rhaenyra's room is the first room down that hallway," Daemon directed. "Good luck in the tourney Merek of Dragonstone." With that Daemon left. Isn't Laena's room that way?
Merek decided to worry about that later, and continued on his way. He entered Rhaenyra's without knocking, she would be expecting him.
Ever since the nobles began calling those who support Rhaenyra's claim "the blacks", Rhaenyra would wear a black dress to every major event. Today was no different, Rhaenyra was wearing a sleek, low cut black dress that showed off her shoulders and she had her hair done up in a ponytail. Honestly, Merek thought she looked breathtaking.
"You got here faster then I expected," Rhaenyra said, snapping him out of his trance. Now that he wasn't just looking at how beautiful she looked in her dress, Merek noticed how worried she looked. Her hair had a number of tangles in them and she looked as if she was trying to use makeup to cover bags under her eyes.
"What's wrong?"Merek asked. "I know something is troubling you and it's more than just the marriage." Rhaenyra looked as if she was going to come up with some kind of excuse, before giving up, as if she was too tired to even try.
"It's not about the marriage exactly. I could handle a loveless marriage, it's about what the marriage represents." Merek sent her a questioning look. "Aegon is married to my sister Helaena and will likely soon be with child. Though my father has already acknowledged me as his heir, I am betrothed to a man that will have no interest in producing an heir."
"But that makes no sense." Merek pointed out. "If your father made you his successor, why wouldn't he let you choose your own husband or at least a man that wasn't going to fuck his squire behind your back." While Merek had no problem with two men loving each other, knowing that his best friend was going to be in a loveless marriage with someone that didn't appreciate how beautiful she was made him angry.
"He likely did it to appease that bitch Alicent Hightower." Profanity, this must really be upsetting her. Rhaenyra always claimed that as a member of the royal family she was above such vulgarity. "If I don't produce an heir Aegon's child will be next in line for the throne, and the Hightowers will have a direct descendant as king." Rhaenyra let out a tired sigh and collapsed into a nearby chair putting her head in her hands. "I haven't been preparing to rule all this time just for Aegon's descendants to be the ones to inherit the throne when I die. I can't break off the marriage or father will give the throne to Aegon, I can't marry Laenor because..." Rhaenyra looked at him quickly before turning her back to him to look out the window and continuing. "Because he prefers men to women. I don't know what to do Merek."
Rhaenyra looked to be close to tears at this point and at that moment Merek wanted nothing more than to go outside and cut Laenor Velaryon to pieces. Instead, Merek walked over to his friend and put a comforting hand on his friend's shoulder.
"I don't know how, but you will think of a way out of this. Do you know why? Because you are Rhaenyra Targaryen and when you want something, not even the Seven themselves can stop you." That made Rhaenyra crack a tiny smile. "Besides if you can't figure something out I can just assassinate Aegon before he can produce a son, while I'm at it I'll deal with Aemond and Alicent too." For that remark, he was awarded a laugh.
"Sometimes I forget how much I need you around. You're the only one I can be completely honest with without worrying about some kind of scheme or ulterior motive."
Well if that wasn't a sign to finally tell her, I don't know what would be. He was planning to tell her before the wedding anyway, now was as good a time as any. "Rhaenyra, put some riding clothes on and I'll get Syrax ready. I want to introduce you to someone."
It didn't take long for Merek to get Syrax saddled, she knew him and they were comfortable around each other. Rhaenyra arrived in her riding clothes seconds after he finished saddling Syrax. Her riding clothes consisted of a black and red leather shirt and black trousers.
In moments they were flying high above Driftmark with Merek sitting behind Rhaenyra. Merek soon guided them to a small island a few miles from the city and had them land.
"Alright, we are here. Where is this friend you wanted me to meet?" Instead of answering, Merek let loose out a long, sharp whistle that was quickly answered by a bellowing roar. Out of the clouds, Venator landed on the island with a loud slam, causing the ground to slightly shake. Merek walked over to the dragon and gave him an affectionate rub on his large snout. Venator gave what was likely the equivalent of a purr in response to this show of affection. However, the arrival of an unfamiliar dragon caused Syrax to become wary and move closer to Rhaenyra while letting out a low hiss.
"Rhaenyra, this is Venator, he's my dragon." Rhaenyra's response to the introduction was to continue to look at Venator with absolute shock. "I suppose an explanation is in order." Merek then recounted the major events that transpired, from finding the injured Venator to meeting Laena. After he finished, Rhaenyra appeared to recover from her shock and gave him a look of irritation.
"So why exactly was Laena Velaryon the first person to find out about this? For that matter, why did it take you so long to tell me?" Merek knew that he only had a few seconds to answer before he became another victim of the famous Targaryen temper.
"It's like I said, she found me the first time I tried riding Venator. She noticed that I was an absolute novice and offered to teach me. As for not telling you, I wanted it to be a surprise." This answer seemed to appease Rhaenyra, though Merek had no idea why she was upset, to begin with. "Well princess now that explanations are out of the way, would you allow me to accompany me on a flight. That is if you can keep up."
"Why Merek that sounds a great deal like a challenge." Rhaenyra said, the smirk on her face matching his own. "First one to get to those twin sea stacks wins." The two quickly mounted their dragons and took to the skies.
Rhaenyra and Syrax took off first, but as soon as Merek and Venator were off the ground they made up for the difference and passed them. Merek made sure to give Rhaenyra a smug smirk as they passed. As they were pulling ahead, Merek felt something hit the back of his head and slide inside his tunic. When did she even have time to grab a rock?
Looking back, Merek saw Rhaenyra give him an innocent look. Well, I can't just let her get away with that. Merek gave Venator a quick slap on the side and pointed behind them. Understanding the gesture, Venator slammed his tail against the water, soaking Syrax, and Rhaenyra to the bone.
In retaliation, Syrax let loose a short blast of fire in the water directly in front of Venator and Merek, creating a blanket of steam. The race was quickly forgotten and turned into a game of tag, with Venator and Syrax circling and weaving around each other.
After a few hours, Merek and Rhaenyra were sitting on the sea stack, watching as their dragons continued to play with one another. After watching them for a few more moments Rhaenyra turned to her friend.
"Merek, thank you," she said.
"For what?"
"For taking my mind off things," Rhaenyra explained. "I know that after the wedding things are going to be different, but I'm glad I can rely on you."
"I'm glad I could help," Merek said. Noticing that the sun was setting, Merek began to get up. However, Rhaenyra grabbed his hand before he could leave.
"Could we stay like this a little longer?" Rhaenyra asked. Merek immediately sat back down next to her.
"Your wish is my command, princess." Without thinking, Rhaenyra rested her head on Merek's shoulder and he made no move to stop her. Together they watched the sunset as the dragons danced across the sky.
Many maesters argue when it was that Rhaenyra and Merek's relationship changed from mere friendship to something more intimate. Some argue that they became lovers the moment Rhaenyra grew into her womanly features, others argue that Merek took her virtue on the eve of her marriage to Laenor Velaryon. However, considering the events that occur hours before the marriage this seems unlikely. Surprisingly, it's Mushroom who gives the most likely answer. "Since childhood Rhaenyra and Merek were as close as two friends could possible be. While Rhaenyra realized her feelings for Merek long ago. Merek was raised among farmers and sell swords meaning his head was a little thicker. It was during The Dance when their relationship truly evolved." ~ Archmaester Gyldayn.
ChimChim84: Thank you. This is my own personal head cannon, but I always believed the Cannibal was about as big as Caraxes maybe a little smaller. This is based simply on the fact no one ever tried to kill it despite the fact the Cannibal would eat the eggs of other dragons.
Guest 1: Thank you.
Guest 2: No, Mushroom just likes to say things to screw with people.
Guest 3: To put it simply they're going to be pissed
Guest 4: Sorry, but there will be no threesome.
Guest 5: Glad I'm the exception to your rule. There is definitely something special about Merek, but I can only say that your guesses are wrong. Glad you noticed those little references to How To Train Your Dragon, it's one of my favorite movie trilogies.
lunacyvonklaus: Wish granted, sorry for the wait.
j1theking: This probably doesn't count as soon, but I did update.