Alright guys I promise last new story and then that's it. This story will follow the events leading up to and during The Dance of Dragons with the inclusion of my Oc.

104 AC

Merek was so excited he could barely keep still. Asa was finally taking him with him to King's Landing. He had asked him to take him before and he had always said, "Not until you're ready." Now it appeared he was.

"Ready to go I see." Asa was a man of seventy with pale white hair and stormy, blue eyes. He lived in the village as it's healer.

"Of course I'm ready I've been waiting for this trip forever." Merek said.

It took Asa and Merek a couple of weeks to make it from their village near Dragonstone all the way to King's Landing. When they did arrive Merek's nose was greeted by the stench of shit and piss. The smell was so bad he almost retched. Seeing his face, Asa laughed and merely said he would get used to the smell. They made their way through the capital until finally, they arrived at the castle.

Standing at the gates to meet them was King Viserys Targaryen. "Asa, my old friend." Viserys said, bringing Asa into a hug.

"Your Grace," Asa greeted. "I am at your service."

"Come now," Viserys said jovially. "There's no need for formalities among friends." As the two adults talked Merek took time to observe the king.

King Viserys was a man in his late 30s, he had the Targaryen look, the violet eyes, the silver blonde hair. Though, to Merek he didn't look like a king, not to say he was hideous, but Merek always pictured a king as someone like Aegon Targaryen, a warrior king riding off on the back of his dragon to battle. Viserys was simply not that. He was without a better word to describe it plump.

"So who's this with you?" Viserys turned to him.

"This is my apprentice Merek." Asa introduced. Merek quickly remembered his manners, and bowed.

"How old is he?" Viserys asked.

"6 name days." Asa answered

"Pleasure to meet you, Merek."Viserys said, with a smile. "I'll find someone to watch him while, you and I continue my treatment." Asa had been coming to King's Landing every other month to check and treat Viserys' gout, back pains, and lung problems. Merek had never heard the whole story, but apparently Asa had helped treat Aemma Arryn, Viserys' late wife, which had resulted in the birth of their only living daughter Princess Rhaenyra. From that day onward Asa was the only one Viserys trusted to treat him and his family.

"That's fine, Merek can look after himself." Asa, then turned to Merek. "While I am treating King Viserys I want you to stay out of trouble, go to the library, and read whatever you want. Just make sure you put all the books back before we leave." Asa then gave him directions to the library and left with the king.

As Merek made his way to the library he heard the sound of crying. He followed the sound to a room, when he opened the door he saw a girl about his age crying.

"Are you okay?" Merek asked.

"Go away!" The girl snapped. Merek, actually too a step back, but he was stubborn.

"Look I don't know what has you so upset, but my teacher taught me that if you see something wrong you should try to fix it." Merek said, the girl just sat there quietly her back to him. "Look sorry for bothering you, if you need someone to talk to I'll be in the library." Merek turned and left the room.

When he made it to the library he looked around for a little while and found what he was looking for, Aegon's Conquest. He had read to the Field of Fire when he heard someone enter the room. He looked up and saw a girl with silver-blonde hair and violet eyes.

"You said we could talk if I wanted." The girl said. "Well, I want to talk."

"Okay, what's bothering you?" Merek asked.

"First who are you?" The girl asked. "You're not one of the servants, I would know."

"I'm Merek I came here with the healer." Merek said. "I'm his apprentice."

"You're Asa's apprentice." The girl said, surprised.

"You know Asa?"

"He helped give birth to me." The girl said. Merek's eyes widened as he realized he was speaking to Rhaenyra Targaryen, heir to the Iron Throne.

When Merek finally collected himself he asked. "So why were you crying, your highness?"

"Today is the anniversary of my mother's death." She answered.

"I'm sorry." Was all he could say.

"It's alright," she said and for a few minutes they just sat in silence. "You know what the worst thing is?" Rhaenyra finally said. "I don't even remember her anymore."

"I don't remember my mother either."


"Really, Asa says she and my father dropped me at the front of the village." He said, sadly. "Guess they just didn't want me."

"Well if you want we can be motherless children together." Rhaenyra said, causing Merek to smile.

"I would like that." After that the two talked about everything their homes, what they liked to do for fun, Rhaenyra even introduced him to her dragon Syrax, who took to the boy almost as quickly as her rider did.

A sour subject, Merek quickly learned was Rhaenyra's stepmother, Queen Alicent Hightower and her half-siblings Aegon and Aemond. Rhaenyra confessed that she was worried her father would put Aegon before her in line of succession. Merek could only say that from what Asa told him her father adored her so, he was sure that she had nothing to worry about. This seemed to alleviate her worries a little.

Merek would tell her about the duties he had in his village. When Merek wasn't helping Asa with patients or gathering herbs he would help the local farmer and shepherd with their animals. He seemed to have a natural ability with them.

Later, when Asa and Viserys came to check on the children after hearing about their day. They didn't find them in the library, but in the Dragonpit curled up next to a sleeping Syrax.

Merek of Dragonstone played a key role in the Dance of the Dragons. He began as nothing more than Princess Rhaenyra's playmate to her most loyal confidant. Eventually, Merek would become a name spoken of in infamy when referring to the Dance of Dragons.~ Archmaester Gyldayn

So that ends the first chapter of The War of Blood and Fire. I know not exactly the chapter you would expect with a title like that but I promise it will live up to the name soon enough. To deal with this in case it gets brought up later, I have changed events a little. For one thing Aegon and Aemond are older, instead of being 10 years younger then Rhaenyra, Aegon is 2 years younger and Aemond is 3 years younger. Which means Alicent married Viserys earlier, which means Aemma died earlier. What can I say butterfly effect. So until next time favorite, follow, and review.