Chapter 1
Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural or Dark Angel. There will be some violence and language.
"When will you learn to shut that smart mouth of yours?" John grumbled to Alec as he brought the ice up to his cheek. "Especially when mine or Dean's ass is on the line."
The X5 smiled cheekily at him, "It was an old lady, and it's not my fault that she thought it was you making fun of her shoes."
Dean snorted, "His voice doesn't sound that high. To old ladies, maybe, but to everybody else?"
Alec's smile widened, "He sounds like a grizzly bear."
John scowled at them, heading to the bathroom. "I do not sound like a grizzly bear."
Dean flopped onto the bed, rubbing his temples. Alec raised an eyebrow at the older man, "Headache?"
He raised his head and glared at the transgenic, "No, I just want attention."
The younger man chuckled and sat on the edge of the bed with a bottle of pills in his hand. Before he could grab it, though, he held it back slightly. "Now I expect you to use the appropriate amount, young man." He mocked in a gruff voice, sounding not unlike Dean himself.
Dean huffed, "That was one time. Once."
Alec rolled his eyes, "Try three times. As much as you complain to your dad about his mother henning when you get sick, you could give him a run for his money." His voice pitched higher, "Are you okay? Do you need to go to the hospital? I thought I told you that you can go to the strip club after you iced that knee, mister."
A growl erupted from Dean's throat, "Okay, first of all, you really should work on your impersonating, it needs work. Second, that strip club deal was ages ago, and that was dad not me." He looked up slightly in thought, "Well, dad didn't know about that part, just that we were going out. But that's not the point."
The bathroom door opened as John walked out, "Dad didn't know about what part?" He questioned with a raised eyebrow, looking at the two knuckleheads in front of him.
Alec smiled charmingly, and lowered the tone of his voice so he was whispering, "Shh, it's a surprise."
Dean moved over on the bed when Alec shoved him out of the way, making space for the younger man.
"No really, what was it?" They heard John ask. A moment later, a moment of Dean and Alec staring at the older man in mischief, he just sighed. "Hunt in the morning. Be ready."
"Yes, sir." Came the two identical voices. John had to smile at that.
Alec jumped awake, startled, when he heard a loud cough to his left and a sneeze to his right. "Are you guys gonna do this all night? One of you sneezes while the other coughs? If so, I could just go buy another room if you guys wouldn't mind-"
"Shut up, Alec." The older men both growled simultaneously.
He sighed in good humor and sat up, not turning on the light. "Symptoms?"
Alec scrunched up his nose when he practically heard all of the symptoms in their voice alone. "Nevermind, just stop talking you snotty brats."
Two grumbles came from the two men in the room, and Alec laughed at their indignance.
Alec hopped up out of bed and into the bathroom, checking the first aid kit for any kinds of medicine or pain killers. Only Vicodin. "So you guys only use this kit for injuries, not expecting just to get sick once in a while?" He called out into the bedroom.
"It tastes weird." Dean complained.
"Why would we need it for anything else?" John questioned.
The transgenic walked out of the bathroom, frowning, and got dressed, putting on a black shirt and a pair of jeans, not really wanting to put Dean's flannel on, not knowing what kind of snot and mucus made it on there. As he laced up his boots, he heard a loud snore coming from the bed he just vacated, and a shudder went through him as he made his way out the door as fast as he could, muttering a quick 'getting medicine' to the sick men inside.
The store wasn't open. He sat on a bench across the street from the pharmacy that should've been open 24 hours until he saw a manager unlock the doors, stretching and looking groggy. Alec exhaled, frowning at the cold weather and thinking he should've just taken Dean's flannel, no matter how sticky or germy it was. It's not like he could get sick.
Alec quickly walked across the street, hoping to just get in and out of the store so he wouldn't freeze his manhood off. He figured it wouldn't be crowded, just a few people, considering it was 4 in the morning and the store just unlocked its doors again. There were a few people who walked in behind him: an older lady with her just as old husband, a young woman and a child, a man, and another woman.
Immediately walking over to the aisle with the cold and flu medicine, he squatted down to find the right medicine on the considerably short shelves. Seriously, there were people in the world that were under five feet and still older than he himself, but still, some happened to be six foot and didn't need to add back problems to their list of things to complain about. He reached out to grab a bottle of the grimy liquid that he knew the men in the motel room would hate, just to piss them off, when a huge hand gripped his shirt and dragged him out of the aisle, a click of a gun's safety coming off.
A deep voice came from behind him, and when he looked up at him, the man was glaring back, a deep hatred in his eyes. The man was bald and tall, like really tall, taller than the eiffel freakin' tower tall, and had these dark brown eyes. The eyes flickered to the back of his neck and Alec knew.
"This is a robbery."