

"Mmmmmmm...this is so good, Mino." Harry moaned after the first bite of a cinnamon bun fresh from the oven.

The house elf looked quietly pleased at the compliment, pouring Harry some more coffee before ducking back into the kitchen.

Draco had a similarly decadent breakfast, a Nutella crepe with a big dollop of whip cream. "If we get to eat like this the whole honeymoon, I might just stick around."

"At least we are working off the calories every night." Harry joked back.

They were a week into their honeymoon, and everything was going well so far. Harry was easing back into work, going in for half-days and catching up on paperwork. Draco found he could feel when Harry was away, the Manor seeming strangely empty, and things didn't feel right until his husband was home. He greeted Harry with enthusiastic kisses, often working off his Auror robes right in the front hallway, dragging Harry over to a sofa. Not even making it up the stairs. The house elves had learned to keep to their wing of the house as much as possible when Harry was home.

Tupper approached. "A package for Mr. Potter, sir."

Harry took the small box and thanked the house elf. He unwrapped it, opening the box and stared in shock at the contents. After a moment, he grabbed the outer wrapping, looking at it closely.

Draco set down his coffee cup. "Another wedding gift? You know, we really should get registered so you get the stuff you need for Grimmauld Place."

Even though they hadn't had a public ceremony or announced it, word had spread somehow. Perhaps some people had overheard them discussing everything in the kitchen of that party. Gossip spread fast. Wedding gifts had been trickling in almost every day.

Harry shook his head, and lifted an object from the box to show Draco. It was a small glass cube, beautifully displaying a deep red apple with a bite taken out of it. The exposed inner part of the apple was still bright white, the apple still appearing fresh.

"Who the hell sent you that? It's 'the' apple, isn't it?" Draco got out, a spike of pure dread going through him.

After all they had gone through, was that only the initial phase of some larger evil plan? Was this going to harm them somehow even more?

Harry nodded. "It's definitely the apple. The wrapping has a return address in...Austria."

Draco's stomach felt like it dropped ten feet. "42 Bösehexe Strasse?"

"How did you know that?" Harry gasped.

Luckily, they were fully dressed. Draco put the cube back into the box, and shoved everything into the roomy pocket of his robe. Grabbing his wand, he apparated them to the nearest train station.


A few hours later, they were standing in front of 42 Bösehexe Strasse. Draco had paid extra to arrange for the most direct port key connections. He used the large ornate knocker to bang hard on the thick wooden door.

Harry was looking around the elegant Austrian neighborhood, looking a little nervous. "What if they aren't home?"

Draco sighed. "They are home."

The door was answered by a very cheerful house elf wearing a smart navy outfit. The tunic had an elaborate M stitched on the right sleeve in gold. "Master Draco. Please come in. Welcome, Mr. Potter."

"Is my mother at home, Gorkey?" Draco drawled, stepping through the doorway.

The house elf nodded, leading them to a beautiful garden conservatory, with glass walls and dome ceiling letting in the afternoon light. The large room was full of greenery and lush flowers. Water fountains tinkled, small birds travelled between the indoor trees.

Within a few minutes, they were sipping tea. Harry still found himself tense, although the drink was most welcome. He was a bit tired after the journey.

Draco set his cup down, and stood up. An older woman rushed straight to Draco, hugging him tight. "Darling."

She pulled back, and took Harry in, standing beside Draco. He was looking at her just as closely. Her hair had gone almost white, but she wore it in a style similar to how she had before, shoulder length and with a fringe that stopped above her dark eyebrows. Her eyes were as dark and direct as ever. Her makeup was flawless, with bold red lipstick, and she wore well-tailored dark grey robes.

"Harry Potter. It is good to see you after so long." She finally said, motioning for him to sit down.

He took her invitation, sitting accidentally a little closer to Draco than he intended to on the wicker loveseat. "Hello, Mrs. Malfoy."

"Call me Narcissa." She smiled then, looking between Draco and Harry. "What brings you two for such a lovely surprise visit?"

Draco scoffed. "You know very well what." He reached into his pocket, and pulled out the box. "We got your package today."

"And you are here to return it to me? Certainly, if it's not to your taste, I can find a more suitable wedding gift." Her grin reminded Harry a little of the Cheshire Cat.

Draco jumped up, tearing the cube out of the box to hold it right up to her face. "You sent Harry this cursed apple. Why? Why would you do such a horrible thing to him?"

She calmly took the glass cube from his hand, and set it gently on the coffee table. "I actually sent Harry three magic apples."

The fight went out of Draco with her admission. He sunk down again. "You still haven't said why."

"I'm getting to that." She poured herself a cup of tea, adding sugar and then taking a sip. "Harry, do you know what each of the apples were for?"

Harry swallowed before he could get the words out. "Um...the experts who looked at them think the green one was for youth, the gold one for money, and the red one...for love."

"Very good." Narcissa smiled at him before turning back to her son. "The magic of the apples can give the person what they deeply want, and Harry chose love."

"He was almost dead for weeks after biting into that damn thing, Mother." Draco could all too clearly remember Harry on the bed, so still and so absent. A chill ran through him at the memory.

Narcissa shrugged. "Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations. Here he sits, in love and married."

Before Draco could go off on another rant, Harry held up his hand. "What would have happened if I'd eaten the other apples?"

Narissa's eyes gleamed at the question. "This type of ancient magic isn't that predictable. I think the gold one would have affected your finances. The green one might have made you feel younger."

Harry sometimes felt much older than he was, having faced so much danger at a young age. But he had missed out on other things during that time. "I guess the red apple was the right one for me."

She shook her head, her eyes narrowing. "You aren't at all tempted by being rich?" She looked down at his ordinary clothes and boots derisively.

Harry scoffed. "I already have money. Lots of money."

She shrugged one shoulder elegantly. "Many people can never feel rich enough. They always want more."

Draco leaned forward. "But why did you send them to him in the first place? You haven't seen him in ten years and don't even live in England anymore."

"For you, of course." Narcissa picked up a piece of shortbread, calmly taking a small bite. "You were content to live the rest of your days shut up in that empty manor house, dabbling half-heartedly in making potions for barely enough to get by. That isn't living, that's just existing. I couldn't bear it anymore."

"So you sent Harry magic apples?" Draco thought he could figure out his mother's schemes, but this one had him lost and confused. Maybe his feelings for Harry made him unable to see the bigger picture.

She poured them all another cup of tea. "You don't pay attention to much in the outside world anymore, but I knew if something serious happened to Harry, you would get involved in it."

He was about to argue more when the cheerful house elf appeared, and called her away on an urgent manner.

Harry took Draco's hand. "In a twisted way, it makes sense. Things that happen to me usually end up in the newspapers, and you'd hear about it eventually."

"Hmmmm probably." Draco leaned closer to kiss Harry, and it led to a few more.

Narcissa returned, and they belatedly sprung apart, looking embarrassed. She just gave them a fond smile. "So, any other questions about the apples? I'm sure you want to tidy up before supper."

"What would have happened if Draco hadn't kissed me? Would I have stayed in that coma forever?" Harry had nightmares about it, a horrible state you can never escape.

The elegant woman shook her head. "No, it's tied to moon magic. You would have woken up after a month."

"And there are no lingering effects now? No curse remains? If Draco and I have a fight, the curse won't force us back together somehow?" Harry leaned towards Narcissa, his gaze intent.

Narcissa shook her head. "No. You remain together on your own free will. The apple was just a trigger. I knew people who loved you couldn't stay away if you were about to die."

Draco scoffed, thinking off all the people at the party. "Many, many people came to be with Harry."

Harry reached over to take his hand. "But I only woke up for you."

Narcissa smiled to herself on seeing that, looking far too proud of herself. "You'll be staying for the night, of course. Gorkey has already prepared the guest suite for you."

Sighing, Draco stood up, pulling Harry with him. "Fine." They followed the cheerful house elf to the ornate room.

The house wasn't as big as the Manor, but still had plenty of room for them to entertain elegantly.

"Please let me know if you need anything else." Gorkey gave a friendly smile, before leaving them

Harry looked around the guest bedroom, just shaking his head. A couple months ago, he had been living a regular life as a single man, going to work as an Auror. Now, he was married and spending the night at his new in-laws' house. Still recovering from the cursed apple his mother-in-law had sent him. Would he ever have a normal life?

"I've never seen a cheerful house elf like Gorkey before." Harry commented, stripping down to his underwear and performing a cleansing spell on his clothes to freshen them up.

Draco was doing the same with his clothing. "Gorkey has always been like that, even before the House Elf Emancipation Act was passed. He's great at organizing their social calendar and making guests feel welcome."

Harry could see how the Malfoy's would value that, having always been prominent in the wizarding communities they lived in. "So, he used to be at the manor?"

"Yes. All our house elves have been with the Malfoys for generations. When they moved away, they took four with them, and I kept Mino and Tupper." Draco walked over to the ensuite bathroom and started filling the tub.

Trying not to smirk, Harry gathered up the folded towels to carry them into the bathroom. "So, you had seven house elves, when you include Dobby? That's a lot of little men running around." He tried to picture what it had been like in the Manor when Draco was growing up, and just ended chuckling to himself.

Draco took off his underwear and stepped into the bubble bath. He eased down with a sigh, and motioned for Harry to get in. "You find the whole thing amusing, don't you? They all had their own jobs, depending on their personality. There's a quiet, shy one that serves as my mother's personal maid. My father's valet is the moodiest house elf I've ever seen, but he seems to like that. There's one that has very good healing abilities, so I insisted that he stay with my parents when they left. They are getting older, and it's comforting to know he's taking care of them."

Stepping into the hot bath, Harry arranged himself to be facing Draco. The water was almost too hot, but he felt it relaxing the tension he had unconsciously been carrying since receiving the package. "Why did you keep Mino and Tupper?"

"Mino has always had bad allergies, and when I started at Hogwarts, I played around with potions to help him. He was always willing to try them, and over the years, we've gotten to a formula that represses most of his symptoms and doesn't make him drowsy." Draco picked up a sponge, and lathered it up with some soap. He picked up Harry's foot, holding it out of the water to wash slowly. "Tupper is the oldest of our house elves, and basically semi-retired. He rests a lot. He could never keep up with my parents' busy lifestyle now. He's happier staying with me."

Harry relaxed under Draco's ministrations, enjoying the feel of the soapy sponge travelling over his lower leg. "Why did Gorkey have such a fancy uniform? I thought house elves just wore old rags." Creature certainly did, no matter how many clothes Harry gave him.

Draco shrugged. "My parents gave them all those uniforms on the Emancipation Day, and told them they were free to leave. The ones who chose to stay would be paid a good salary and work regular hours. They all stayed. I gave Mino and Tupper new clothes as well, but they are too old to change their ways now."

The discussion of house elves was soon forgotten as Draco's sponge moved higher. Harry shifted closer, practically wrapping his legs around his husband, and leaned in for a kiss. It had been weeks since they had first kissed, since the first real kiss in the shed, and Harry couldn't get over how good they still felt. Draco seemed to feel the same, his mouth opening to deepen the kiss, wet hands pulling Harry closer.

They got caught up in it, hands stroking over each other, kisses that went down their necks, nibbling on ears. Harry leaned back, giving Draco better access to his neck, and they lost their balance, falling back together in the water. It was a large tub, and they were only under water for a couple seconds before sitting up, sputtering and untangling their limbs.

Draco was laughing the hardest, and Harry couldn't help but grin at his husband, looking a bit like a drowned rat with his wet hair hanging over his face. Seeing him smiling and completely at ease with Harry just made him happy, in a deep way that he had never felt before. Few would see Draco unguarded like this.

"Come here. I want to wash your hair." Harry motioned Draco to sit between his outstretched legs.

They had done this often, but they both still really enjoyed it. There was something so intimate about sitting naked together in the bath, and taking care of each other this way. Perhaps they were both a bit touch-starved, rarely out of touch when they were together.

Draco let out a low moan when Harry worked the fragrant shampoo into his hair, firmly massaging his scalp in circular motions. There was a showerhead on a hose, and Harry used it to rinse his hair thoroughly.

Trading positions, Draco did the same for Harry, dragging his fingers through his hair. He seemed to enjoy how thick and long it was getting, almost to Harry's shoulders. At work, Harry usually gathered it back in a low ponytail to stay out of his face.

Eventually, they got out of the tub and dried off. Just wearing towels around their waists, Draco styled his own hair while Harry combed out the tangles in his own. Then Draco worked on Harry's, conjuring up products as he deemed necessary.

Harry had never really worried much about his hair, too busy in his teenage years fighting Voldemort to master this basic skill. Now, he found he enjoyed Draco touching his hair, running his fingers through it, and happily let him do whatever he wanted with it to keep that attention happening. As a result, Draco had it looking better than ever, tousled waves parted slightly on one side.

The other good side of letting Draco play around with his hair was that it usually ended with Draco yanking it back and kissing Harry senseless. Messing his hair up all over again.

This time, Harry pulled away from Draco with a chuckle before it got too intense. "We have to go down for dinner soon."

"We can be quick." Draco said, kissing down Harry's neck in a way he knew Harry loved.

It was seriously tempting, but Harry regretfully shook his head. "I'm nervous enough seeing your father after all these years. I don't want to arrive to dinner late and looking like I was just debauching his son."

Rolling his eyes, Draco smoothed Harry's hair back down, and walked into the bedroom. "Fine." He dropped his towel, standing in his naked glory as Harry came into the room.

Chuckling, Harry got dressed, but could help sneaking glances over at Draco. He took his time dressing, making almost as sexy as a slow strip tease, hiding his pale skin little by little. Draco was wearing indigo robes, perfectly tailored to show off his slim body.

Harry was dressed more casually in dark khakis with a white button-up dress shirt. All he could do was make sure there were no wrinkles and the shirt was tucked in. He would have picked something nicer if he had known they would be coming here. He shrugged, looking over at Draco. "Will I do?"

Draco grinned a little, coming over to give him a quick kiss. "I feel like the luckiest man in the world, having you as my husband."

The sweet statement warmed Harry, battling against his nerves as Draco took his hand and led him down the stairs to the dining room. Narcissa and Lucius were already seated, chatting as they sipped red wine.

Lucius rose as they entered, his gray eyes scanning over Harry and lingering on their linked hands. "Draco, Harry." He nodded to them in greeting.

It was hardly a warm greeting between a father and son who hadn't seen each other for a while, and Harry could feel Draco's hand tighten in his. He gave it a small squeeze before letting go to sit down on one side of the table.

It was a relief to see the table wasn't as long as the one at the Manor. This one could likely seat about eight people. Draco's parents sat at either end, and Draco and Harry sat across from each other on the sides. Gorkey and another one of the house elves soon poured them wine and started serving the first course. Harry felt more at ease around them, knowing they were free elves and getting paid for their work.

They ate the soup quietly for a few minutes, the tension in the room rising. Harry glanced at Draco for guidance, following his lead. Narcissa even seemed a little tense, glancing towards her husband. Was anyone going to say anything, or was this whole meal going to be eaten in complete silence?

As the house elves cleared away the empty soup bowls, Lucius took a sip of his wine and leaned back in his chair. "So, when are you going to have a proper wedding ceremony?"

Harry was glad he was done eating, as he probably would have choked on his food. He looked over at Draco, imploring him to answer, since he had no idea what to say.

"Father, we have no plans to have a formal wedding." Draco sounded calm, but Harry knew him well enough to hear the slight tremble in his tone. He met his father's gaze, not backing down.

Lucius had always had a quiet, menacing presence, but the years had been hard on him. His hair had gone from pale blond to white, and was now cut short. Deep wrinkles made his face even more craggy, but still handsome. Draco definitely took after him, and Harry wondered if his husband would look like this in thirty or forty years.

The biggest change was his demeanor. He held Draco's gaze for what seemed like ages, but likely was less than a minute. He was the first to look away. "Do you care nothing about family honor anymore, Draco?" His voice wasn't as firm.

Draco let out a long breath. "There's a muggle expression that comes to mind, about closing the barn door after the horse has bolted." He chuckled lightly, looking towards Harry and over at his mother. "You have fled the country, I barely have enough money to keep the manor in good repair, and I can hardly go out in public without being insulted or worse. Who exactly would a big ceremony be for? Our old connections are scattered over ten countries."

Narcissa shot concerned looks between her husband and son. "Perhaps we could host something in the spring at our villa in Umbria. The weather is mild that time of year, with all the flowers in full bloom. People would be willing to travel to your wedding, Draco."

Harry could tell Draco was about to shoot the idea down, and he stretched out his foot to press lightly against Draco's under the table. "You know, that actually sounds quite nice, Narcissa. It is still a little early for Draco and I to make any firm plans though. We haven't been a couple that long." He dared to give her a small smile, and even looked over at Lucius.

The older man nodded, and asked Draco about his potions work. The tension seemed to dissipate as the conversation got going. Harry felt his shoulders relaxing, and rubbed his foot along Draco's.

"You know, Neville Longbottom keeps hinting that Draco should apply for the Potions Master position at Hogwarts." Harry couldn't resist saying.

Narcissa glanced over at her son, beaming. "Is this true? That would be perfect for you!"

Draco glared back at Harry, before answering her. "I know I could do the job, but would I really want to? Dealing with children all day long? Plus, I like working on my own, having the freedom to work on whatever I want to."

"You were good with Teddy when we visited Andromeda. I think you'd be fine with the students." Harry threw in. From Narcissa's comments in the conservatory, he knew she wanted Draco to get out into the world more, and Harry agreed. He had been hiding there long enough.

Narcissa pinned Harry with her dark eyes. "Andromeda Black?"

Harry nodded, noticing the flash of pain in her eyes. He hadn't wanted to bring up bad memories, but it was better they just faced hard topics and got past them, then tip-toeing around forever. "Yes. She's raising my godson, Teddy, so I see her often." He didn't correct her on Andromeda's surname of Tonks. Her marriage is what had made the Blacks disown her.

"The position at Hogwarts would be good step for you, Draco." Lucius commented as the house elves brought out the main course.

The conversation flowed again, discussing who was on staff at the school now, and the changes that had been done during the reconstruction. They kept away from the more sensitive subjects, getting through the meal relatively smoothly

"It's your turn to give me a massage, after making me sit through that." Harry joked as they finally closed the door to their suite. He rolled his shoulders, trying to work out the tension from being on his best behavior for the last few hours. "Besides, you don't have to go to any uncomfortable in-law dinners for me, so you owe me even more."

Draco scoffed. "What you lack in family, you make up in friends. I've been to the Weasley's and to Andromeda's place. They are your family."

Harry couldn't argue with that, and Draco had done pretty well coming with Harry to some social gatherings. It was all part of being a couple, and still felt really awkward at times. "I can't believe your parents want to have a big, fancy wedding for us."

"Yeah. How the hell would that not be a shit show?" Draco chuckled, undoing his robes and draping them over a chair. He walked over, working on undoing Harry's buttons.

Sighing as Draco drew off his shirt, Harry started undoing his own belt. Draco tutted, brushing his hands away, and unfastening it himself. Soon, he had Harry stripped down to his briefs.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Draco pulled Harry into position in front on him, his hands on his hips. He kissed over Harry's stomach, glancing upwards, his eyes getting darker. "I've been wanting to suck you off since we were in the bath. I kept thinking about crawling under that dining room table."

Harry grabbed his wand to cast colloportus and muffliato spells. He didn't want them to be overheard or interrupted. Draco was nuzzling his face against his erection, mouthing him through the fabric. Harry pushed a hand into his hair, loving the feel of the silky blond strands.

Draco tugged his underwear off, eagerly exploring him, kissing and licking. Harry widened his stance, to be more stable and give Draco even better access. He loved looking down, watching as his husband teased him, his hands and mouth drawing out deep moans and soft swears. Draco loved it, his eyes gleaming as he made Harry tremble and beg, taking him deep, making Harry pull at his hair. His hands went to Draco's shoulders, squeezing as he hit his peak.

Grinning, Draco eased Harry on to the bed beside him, running his hand over his heaving chest. He leaned in to lick up sone sweat along his collarbone, before moving up to give him a deep kiss. "Don't fall asleep. I'm not done with you yet."

Harry chuckled weakly. "Oh Merlin…" Draco, when he was in this type of mood, was a force to be reckoned with.

"Turn over." Draco murmured, taking a small bite of the skin on Harry's shoulder. Hungry, and wanting more.

Lying on his stomach, Harry spread his legs and sighed when Draco spread warmed lotion over his back, rubbing firmly into his shoulders. It was the massage he had requested, made even better by both being naked. Draco's hard cock often rubbed against his ass as he stroked over Harry's back.

By the time his hands moved lower, Harry was starting to feel aroused again. Draco worked his lubed fingers into him, taking his time. Before long, he was rocking back against him, moaning and begging for more.

Draco rolled him over on to his back, looking into his eyes as he slowly pushed in. Harry loved this, feeling so connected and intimate, watching Draco as they both got closer and closer to the edge. It got more intense, Draco almost folding him in half, moving fast and hard. It was both what they both needed, and they soon collapsed together.

"Mmmmmm…," Harry moaned, stretching out on the bed, feeling completely boneless. Well fucked.

Draco gave him a sated grin, looking pleased as he did a quick cleaning spell over them. "I soooo needed that." He rolled onto his back, pulling the sheet up over them.

Harry propped himself up on one elbow to look down at Draco. "Am I the first man you've brought home to meet your parents?"

This got Draco chuckling. "Well, they have known you almost as long as I have. This was hardly you 'meeting the parents'."

"Meeting them as your partner." Harry rolled his eyes at Draco's semantics. "Have they ever met one of your boyfriends?"

Draco scrunched up his face at the word. "No. It really hasn't been that open between us. I know my mother accepts me as I am, and my father is coming around to the idea. I wouldn't have 'shoved it in their face' by coming here with a boyfriend years ago."

Harry thought about it, considering the bigger effect of being with Draco. "Do you really think there's any way we could have a formal wedding? I would want my non-pureblood friends to attend, and your family and friends would have to treat them well. Plus, how accepting of us would everyone be?"

"I can't believe you are really thinking about this. We are only 'married' by accident. Without that curse breaking ceremony, we would probably only be sleeping at each other's places most nights, and gradually meeting each other's friends." Draco brushed Harry's hair back off his face.

Nodding in agreement, Harry knew that everything was strangely rushed between them. It was funny to imagine things happening in a more normal way, like running into each other at a café and ending up sharing a table to catch up. Regular chatting that eased into tentative flirting, somehow leading to making dinner plans. Going out on dates, and sharing a first kiss at the end of a date. Holding hands, more kisses, and eventually spending a night together. Letting things develop at a more normal pace.

Instead, Draco had kissed him awake, kissed him a dozen more times while he was unconscious, barely talking to each other most days. Living together in a forced situation, their underlying attraction slowly drawing them together. Then being together almost constantly since then, and 'married' within a couple weeks of their first real kiss. It had gotten out and seemed to be widely known now, without as big a backlash as Harry had feared.

"We could go back to that, you know. When the honeymoon is over. I love you and know I want to be with you, but it would be nice to let things grow between us in a more normal way." Harry said, lying back down flat on his back, looking up at the ceiling.

Draco was quiet for a little while, the room almost completely dark. "By the end of the honeymoon, you'll likely be working full hours again. Maybe it would be easier for you to sleep at Grimmauld Place than at my house some nights."

"Would you come there on those nights?" Harry reached out, taking Draco's hand.

He could hear Draco's small sigh of relief, and knew Draco had been testing the waters. Seeing if Harry wanted more space, to have nights apart. He definitely didn't.

Draco squeezed his hand back. "Yes, I could do that."

After the honeymoon, they fell into a new lifestyle. Spending every night together still, but split between both houses. At Draco's, they worked in the garden and the shed, and chased a snitch, enjoying the quiet, green surroundings. At Harry's, they worked on updating the décor of Grimmauld House, alternated picking restaurants to try out, and often visited with Harry's friends.

Full moons were always at the Manor, pulling the round moon bed into the yard, and building a more modest bonfire. Draco taught Harry some better dance steps, and laughed when Harry tried to teach him the Macarena. Some nights were cool or rainy, but they still slept outside, huddled together under a down comforter with an impervious charm to keep them dry. They always felt even more bonded after each full moon.

"I can't believe we are on another honeymoon." Draco chuckled, passing Harry an icy Gin and Tonic, before sitting down on a lounge chair with his own.

Harry took a long sip, savoring the refreshing drink. "I needed this week, just the two of us, after that wedding." He closed his eyes against the bright sunlight, and considered going for another dip in the ocean.

It had been a year, and they had weathered through the hard times, being there for each other. Harry had gone back to being an Auror, but found he wasn't as reckless, knowing he wanted to return home in one piece to his husband. Draco had overcome his reservations about the Potions Master position at Hogwarts, finally agreeing to trying it for a year. Harry tried not to be smug when Draco eventually admitted he loved it.

Visiting Draco's parents every couple months had made Narcissa drop more frequent hints about a wedding, and Harry had asked her about his concerns. In the end, they had agreed to marry at the villa at Umbria, with only twenty guests from each side. A quiet, intimate ceremony, making vows of love to each other in front of the people they cared about the most. It had been surprisingly freeing, sharing their commitment before everyone, knowing they chose to be together.

They served apple cake at the reception.


-A/N: I hope you enjoyed this epilogue. It gas been fun writing my first Drarry story.

-Seven House Elves: I couldn't resist thinking of the Malfoy's house elves as the seven dwarves. The idea of having Grumpy as Lucius' valet made me chuckle. :)