This beginning bit is turning into a whole story in and of itself... well, either the next chapter or the one after will be the last of the lead-in.

The Reunion

At the end of the week, all of the arrangements had been made. Syaoran called everyone he needed to, and so had Sakura. Eriol had found all of the books and things he needed and they were all trying to figure out what to do next. Eriol's mood had greatly improved from before, and even Yue was more lighthearted than anyone could remember him being, except for Eriol who said he could still remember when Yue was very young. But no matter how much anyone had asked, Eriol would not tell anyone of Clow's life until everyone who wanted to hear was there.

Tomoyo stood in the middle of Sakura's living room with a clipboard. 'So, who is coming?' She asked, getting right down to business.

'Um, well, Kero, Syaoran, Yue, you, me, and Toya, weird as it is, is interested in knowing.' Sakura turned to Syaoran. 'What about you? Who did you invite?'

Syaoran hedged a moment. 'Well….. my family didn't know that Eriol was the reincarnation of Clow….. I sort of avoided telling them, so as soon as I told them, I didn't even have to invite them. My mom said she would be on her way when I told her to come.' Syaoran turned red and forced the next words out. 'And….. my….. sisters….. are coming, too. As well as Meiling and Wei. I don't know what Meiling is saying, but no doubt she's told her whole family, and no doubt they'll be wanting to come.'

'Well….. I think we may need a bigger place to hold this reunion.' Tomoyo said conclusively as she wrote a few things down on her clipboard. 'I think we could do this at my house. My mom is going on a business trip in a few days for about a week and a half. I thing we can have everything ready by then. I'll just go get started. I may have to max out a few of moms cards, but she won't mind at all. I'll call you when everything's ready.' Tomoyo said her partings and left.

'A….. lot of people are coming…..' Eriol said, slight nervousness edging in his voice.

'Well, a lot of people want to know.' Sakura said. She smiled. 'You shouldn't worry, after all, these are mostly people related to you, hmm?'

'Yes, but they are people I've never met before, and apparently, they are all coming to see me.'

'Of course they are! You are a very interesting person, and a lot of people want to meet you. Especially Syaoran's family. After all, you are their ancestor. I mean, even I wanted to meet Clow Reed before I knew you were him. This is going to be fun! Tomoyo's right, this will be a reunion. It won't just be you telling your life's story, it'll be everyone meeting up with everyone else, and you can find out who all these people are! Haven't you ever been curious about them?'

Eriol sighed. 'Yes, you got me. I have been wanting to know about them. Who wouldn't?'

Sakura smiled. 'That's the spirit!'

'Come to think of it, there are a few people I would like to be there.'

'Like Ms. Mizuki?'

'Yes.' Eriol laughed softly. 'And Ruby, and Spinel, as well as a few people you probably wouldn't know.'

Eriol decided it would be better to use a payphone rather than use Sakura's phone to make long-distance phone calls. He didn't want to get her phone bill too high. Syaoran called his mother and told her that things would be ready for her to come over any time, now, and everything else would be prepared.

Tomoyo called a few days later and told them everything was ready and the guest quarters were all ready for the people staying from a long ways away, so Sakura, Syaoran, Yue, Kero and Eriol all went to Tomoyo's house and waited in the living room. Wei, who lived in Tomoeda anyway, said that he'd pick up Syaoran's mother and sisters, and Tomoyo sent a limo for Meiling and her family.

'What about the people you invited, Eriol?' Tomoyo asked.

'Oh, they can make it on their own. In fact, most would prefer to be left to their own devises. I think that they would like to stay separate from the others, but maybe Meiling's family will bring them out of their shell.' He said with a laugh.

'Who are these people?' Syaoran asked.

'Oh, just friends of mine, though they may be people you have heard of, it depends on how familiar you are with modern west-magic. All I could really give you would be names. The rest they would have to tell you themselves.'

'And what are the names?' Sakura asked, rather curious.

'Kei Hakkai, Kess Harrison, Darcy Price. Actually, Hakkai, doesn't live that far away.'

'Darcy Price?' Syaoran asked.

Eriol nodded. 'Why, have you heard of him?'

'I have, but I don't know where.'

'That's alright. You'll meet him.'

The front door opened, and there was a piercing screech. 'TOMOYOOOOOOOOO!'

Syaoran shook his head. 'Meiling's here…..'

Sakura, Syaoran and Eriol went with Tomoyo to go and greet them. The rest of Meiling's family was chatting amongst themselves, but silence fell when Eriol came into view. A noble looking woman came up to him and smiled a little. 'I am Yuan Li. It is a great honor to meet you.' She bowed her head respectively. The others followed her lead, even Meiling. 'These are my daughters Meiling and Mimi, and this is my husband Hong Tai.'

Eriol bowed back. 'It is an honor to meet you, as well. I am Eriol Hiiragizawa, and these are my friends Sakura Kinomoto, and Tomoyo Daidouji. I expect that you've already met Syaoran Li, as he is a relative of yours.'

Yuan nodded.

Tomoyo stepped forward. 'Come on, I'll show you around. And then you can settle yourselves in. I'm sure it was a long trip.' Tomoyo led them off.

Syaoran was starting to look nervous. Eriol was, as well.

'Oh, you guys.' Sakura said laughing. 'Your all worried over nothing.'

'My mother is not nothing…..' Syaoran muttered.

'I've met her. She's not so bad, you know. And, sure, your sisters are a little….. overwhelming….. but they're great too. And Eriol, you don't have to be so worried either.'

'I'm just so taken with the fact that all of these people are coming just because you told them about me. I've always led a sort of quiet life, and nobody really paid much attention to me, so this is all coming as a bit of a shock.'

'It'll be alright. I know most of them, and they're nice people. They'll like you, and not just because you're the reincarnation of Clow Reed. Everything will be great, I know it.'