Original Posted On: Dec. 2, 2019

Beta Read by: Heckelman88, Crowfeast, Tachyon99, xhope14x, neostardustdragon101

Review Response:

Doomqwer: Yeah, I feel bad about what I had to do to her to make her use Fusion.

Autobot-Wolfsketch: Thank you man, hopefully this chapter lives up to the hype.

Guest: You will have to read the chapter.

Animaman: Eh, Pamela doesn't seem the type to do that, bargain for her life. Naruto having Reaper powers would be interesting down the line, maybe in the next Original Arc. Do you think I'd do that? Have an orgy after all that mayhem?

Guest: Maybe, but please continue reading.

Avjuan37: I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Current Harem:











Naruto's Current Peerage:

King: Naruto

Queen: Yoruichi (Bleach)

Bishop(s): Ravel, Kuroka

Rook(s): Toga, Koneko

Knight(s): Xenovia, Rio (Shaman King, Tokageroh is not sacred gear spirit)

Pawn(s): Oboro(x3), Ouga (X1), Rossweisse (X2)

Pieces left: 2 Pawns

Rias's Peerage:

King: Rias

Queen: Akeno

Bishop(s): Asia, Gasper

Rook(s): Chopper, Carrot

Knight(s): Kiba, Irina

Pawn(s): Issei (X8)


"Hey" = Speaking

'Hey' = Thinking

'Hey' = Memory

"Hey"= Sacred Gear Spirit/Familiar

Chapter 45: Absolute Destruction

Sirzechs and Azazel were tense.

Before them were the two surviving Dark Lords, Mikogami and Fuhai.

"Mikogami, Fuhai." Ophis said as they looked at her. "A powerful yokai is running rampant against the Red Dragon Emperor. I want you to deal with them, Mikogami, while you Fuhai, I want you to save Akasha's vessel."

Mikogami was gone before Ophis finished speaking, heading towards Issei and Yoruichi.

"Okay, fine." Fuhai stated as he sighed. "But you owe me some new manga."

Ophis's eyes thinned.

"Now." She said as she glared at the older man, who flinched at her gaze.

"I'm on my way." The tiny old man shouted as he fled from Ophis and the Faction heads as Michael joined the group.

"Sirzechs, Azazel, there are fanalis every… where…" Michael said as he realized Ophis was there.

"What are you doing here, Ophis?" Azazel asked in a false bravado as he pointed his Downfall Spear at the Infinite Dragon Loli.

"Isn't it obvious?" Ophis said as she curled into the fetal position, her blank smile creeping onto her lips. "I want my silence back."

Rating Game Arena…

Ravel and Koneko looked through the massive hole Yoruichi left behind after slamming Pamela through the wall, seeing the lightning infused Nekoshou enter the other ruins where Rias's group was, where they could feel an equally powerful presence grow.

"What happened, nya?"

Koneko turned as saw Kuroka standing up, leaning against one of the pillars, her clothing torn in areas.

"KUROKA!" Koneko shouted as she slammed into her sister, hugging her tightly. "DON'T YOU EVER DO THAT AGAIN! YOU ALMOST… ABANDONED ME AGAIN!"

Kuroka's heart ached as she watched her baby sister cry.

"It's fine, nya." Kuroka said as she patted Koneko's head. "Ravel, what happened, nya?"

Ravel looked at the other ruins that were several miles away, lightning and other magic swelling and moving.

"Well, it started like this…"



'Shit, she is up to something.' Pamela thought as she mentally prepared herself, channeling her magic into the poisoned earth trying to revise some of her Stray Cat plants.

Meanwhile, Koneko and Ravel carried the unconscious Kuroka to the other end of the room as it was too dangerous.

'Partner,' Koneko heard Shukaku mentally call to her. 'This is bad, Kirin and her partner have used Spirit Fusion. We need to run.'

Before Koneko could relay this to Ravel, there was a blinding light and a pained roar.

'Yoruichi?' Ravel thought as she covered her eyes, the light dying down.

Yoruichi, on all fours, bared her fangs as her wide, dilated eyes locked onto Pamela.

Her body, now in her Fusion state, was animalistic and her body oozed senjutsu as it was continuously pulled into her body.

Koneko, being the only one who could feel the depth of her Queen's power, shook in fear while the silence ate away at her mental state.

Yoruichi appeared, mid-air, arm pulled back as she growled.

"GAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" She screamed as she threw her fist, blocked by a barely visible air bullet.

This gave Ameyuri and Gilga, who were keeping Pamela paralyzed, enough time to flee back to Ravel's shadow.

'Shit, that was too close.' Pamela thought as she could feel four of the Stray Cats be revived. 'I need more if I am going to defeat Shihoin.'

Yoruichi screamed more, her eyes watering with tears of sadness as she continued to punch at Pamela, the bubbles of air popping and diminishing her punches.

Pamela jumped back, but was grunted in pain as Yoruichi's hand impaled her left side, her blood-soaked hand flat to allow her claws to pierce her.

"BITCH!" Pamela shouted as she felt Yoruichi pull her hand out and go for another strike, which Pamela ducked and four air bullets hit Yoruichi, burrowing into the nekoshou's body and leaving holes through her chest, arms, legs, and head like swiss-cheese.

'Got her.' Pamela thought as she let her guard down as she healed her injury with a special healing plant that started sewing her organs and muscle back together.

"FUCK!" Pamela shouted when her ankle was grabbed by the bleeding Yoruichi, whose injuries were healing through lightning. 'She won't die!'

Yoruichi's grip was tight and unyielding as she opened her mouth and blasted a concentrated amount of senjutsu, slicing through the building and severing Pamela's arm as she narrowly dodged as she summoned a plant on her foot and kicked Yoruichi away.

'I need to get out of here.' Pamela thought as she summoned her wings, but before she could flee, Yoruichi landed against the wall and jumped off of it, hurtling into Pamela, ripping her torso open, revealing organs and plants desperately reconnecting and healing.

Shukaku and Chomei watched this as Koneko and Ravel hid themselves and Kuroka.

'It is very sad.' Chomei stated as it watched Yoruichi squash Pamela's organs, only to see them be regrown from an internal plant.

'Indeed,' Shukaku replied. 'To think Kirin would allow this again.'

Pamela, through all of this, screamed as she could feel every tear, rip, and slice Yoruichi, now covered in the Zagan Matriarch's blood, continued to tear into her body.

'Stray Cats….' Pamela thought desperately, throwing a bubble into Yoruichi, blasting her jaw off her face and sending the nekoshou back.

Pamela gasped as her body regrew from foliage while she crawled, as a blood-soaked stump, across the ground as Yoruichi's jaw reformed.

'I fucked up…' Pamela thought as her mistake dawned upon her, her eyes tearing up. 'Luca… I'm sorry…'

Pamela felt her head get grabbed by the healed Yoruichi.


Pamela's face was slammed into the floor maybe a hundred times from the speed Yoruichi moved before she spun around and flung Pamela through the wall, catching up to the dying devil in a blink of the eye, grabbing her by the back of the head as they flew into the other ruins, nearly a hundred miles away within seven seconds, leaving Koneko, Ravel, and Kuroka.

End Flashback…

Kuroka didn't want to believe Ravel, but the magic she could feel on the other side of the arena proved the Phenex correct.

"What caused this, nya?" Kuroka asked.

Koneko's arm shifted, allowing her to point.

Kuroka followed Koneko's hand and saw Naruto and Xenovia, now plant food for the Sinning Tree.

"Well, I thought no one was alive."

All three girls turned to see old man Fuhai at the massive hole in the wall, smoking his pipe.

"WHO THE HELL…" Kuroka started to shout, blinking and Fuhai was gone.

"Oh-ho, this is peculiar." Fuhai stated as he looked at Naruto and Xenovia's prison. "This seal is very impressive, one that uses the captives magic to keep it strong, the Zagan sure are ahead of the game."

"Excuse me." Ravel asked, getting Fuhai's attention.

"What?" Fuhai asked rudely as he looked her over. "If you want to be my girlfriend, I'm sorry to say, you aren't my type."

Ravel dropped to the floor, before standing up and smacking Fuhai's laughing face.

"THAT ISN'T WHAT I WAS GOING TO ASK." Ravel shouted as Fuhai continued to laugh.

"Take a chill pill, little lady, it was a joke." Fuhai stated in hysterical laughter. "I love 2D women more."

Ravel felt insulted.

"Now, be silent," Fuhai stated as he turned back to the Sinning Tree. "I need to focus."

Before any of the three girls could say anything, Fuhai was enveloped in a flash of light and in his place was a tall man.

He was very handsome, with long black hair, and small circle glasses with a tattoo creeping through the edges of his kimono.

'Now to undo this parasite of a seal.' Fuhai thought as he went through some hand signs, a matrix of unsealing appearing around him and his hands. 'This is seared into their bodies, so I need to be very careful.'

He touched the bark that covered Naruto's face and moved it down, his eye brow raising as the bark peeled off with little resistance.

'Now that is interesting.' Fuhai thought as he removed more, before he smirked. 'Ophis, you sly loli.'

Under the bark he moved, was the head of a magic serpent with Ophis's magic signature.

Rias's Peerage…

"ISSEI!" Rias shouted as she was dragged away by Kiba with the rest of her peerage.

Yoruichi had broke in through the wall and confronted Issei, and both of them were attacking each other.

Yoruichi was much faster that Issei and thus was successfully dodging his attacks as he mindlessly swung his arms around, boosting his power, getting faster and faster.

He snagged Yoruichi out of the air and threw her into the ground, her bones breaking and fracturing, before Issei's chest plate opened again, once more revealing the emerald.


Yoruichi was hit head on with Issei's attack, which went through the foundation of the ruins.

"GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" Yoruichi screamed as she erupted from the whole, her body mangle beyond belief as she rapidly healed, her breathing ragged and labored as she converted the senjutsu she pulled into her into a mass.

That mass of lightning became a twin tailed cat, with the same scar on its left cheek as Yoruichi's, which said Nekoshou being the core of the beast.

Issei was knocked back when she pounced him, swinging her massive paws at him and her claws tearing into his armor, ripping the breast plate off and etching gashes into the emeralds.


Yoruichi's avatar blurred as it was halved and when it diminished, she was punched into the wall by Issei, who roared in victory before it became anguish as Yoruichi twisted his arm 180 degrees.

"WE HAVE TO GO BACK!" Rias shouted with tears in her eyes as she watched her beloved Pawn and Naruto's Queen killing each other.

Chopper stopped, turning around as he scowled.

'Stupid, this is stupid.' He thought as everyone was confused while they watched him flying towards the monstrous fighters. 'I might as well hand my life to them on a silver platter, but I won't go down without a fight.'

As Chopper neared Issei and Yoruichi he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small yellow spherical pill.

'Rumble…' He thought as he tossed it into his mouth and crushed it with his teeth.

"CHOBRO NO!" Carrot shouted when she felt Chopper's magic spike and his body start to morph. "YOU CAN'T!"

Chopper grew bigger and he roared.

"MONSTER POINT!" He shouted as he pulled his arms back, hand open. "CLOVEN ROSE, PALM!"

Chopper palm thrusted into Issei, shattering most of his armor, but staying together as the massive Dragon flew into the wall and landed on the ground.

Chopper saw Yoruichi zipping around him and then on the wall, crouching as she growled at him before jumping from the wall at him, claws bared and charged with lightning.

Chopper crossed his arms, grunting in pain as his thick fur covered skin was clawed and burned when Yoruichi slammed into him, unable to go through him like she intended.

'Shit, these guys are monsters.' Chopper thought as he pushed Yoruichi off of him, grabbing her before she could recollect her movements.

He then jumped, landing heavily on Issei, preventing him from moving.

Both berserkers struggled to move, but Chopper's weight and strength kept them from moving their wounded bodies.

'Okay, now I hope someon…' Chopper winced as he looked at his massive hand and saw Yoruichi's hand, with lightning encasing it, taking the form of her Shiroi Inazuma no Kami.

Electricity shot through Chopper's body, prompting him to throw Yoruichi away, blood splattering from his burned hand.

"Seems you are having trouble there, young yokai."

Chopper turned and saw Mikogami as the yokai threw off his robes, revealing three sets of chains with holy etchings on them, each held tightly to his body with a single lock each. His body was muscled, his shoulders and upper arms covered in a vest like muscle shirt, and a fissure in his chest revealing an eye like protrusion. He had horns at his temples. (1)

"I guess I can lend some help." Mikogami stated as he undid one of the locks, his power blasting Chopper off of Issei.

'He… It's the Kishin Mikogami.' Chopper thought as he landed on the ground, his body suddenly feeling weak. 'Shit, three minutes have passed… I'm… going… limp.'

"So, it was Juggernaut Drive." Vali stated as he and his team exited a portal from the Dimensional Gap while Chopper shrank to his Brain Point with Mikogami standing strong.

"ASIA!" Rias shouted when she saw the poor ex-nun in Arthur's arms, covered in his jacket.

Vali ignored everyone as he watched Issei stand up, only to get slammed into the ground by Mikogami, who promptly dodged Yoruichi, grabbing her tail and using her to hit Issei.

"He only partially transformed." Vali said as he cupped his chin, glancing over his shoulder to look at Asia. 'Could this have been triggered by her? It would explain a bit why she was in the Gap.'

"Rias?" Vali heard, pulling him from his thoughts. "Don't go!"

"I need to help him!" Rias snapped at Kiba as he tried to keep Rias from going.

"Chill out princess." Vali said as Itachi watched Mikogami manhandle Yoruichi and Issei, laughing like the battle maniac he is. "You are no help."

"Then help me!" Rias begged as she grabbed Vali's arm, tightly. "Help me save Issei before he and the others kill each other and possible Chopper!"

Vali glared at Rias and then down at the three-way free for all.

He sighed before activating his Divine Dividing and taking off, entering his Balance Breaker.

'This is stupid.' Vali thought as he started chanting.

Mikogami ducked backwards as Yoruichi jumped over him and into Issei's incoming arm, which was swiping at Mikogami.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA, give me more you two!" Mikogami shouted as he side-stepped Yoruichi, landing seven strikes on her body, her blood coating his knuckles as she gasped, blood bursting from her mouth and body as her organs ruptured before being healed.

Issei went to attack again, but was slammed by Vali, in his stable Juggernaut Drive, and away into the abyss, causing both to fly.

"Issei Hyoudo, you are my rival." He stated through his Drive. "And here you are, pathetically calling on a power you selfishly pulled out due to your weakness."

Vali's dragonic head took a bite out of Issei's barely stable armor.

"Divide." Albion stated calmly, weakening Issei. "Divide."

Mikogami glared at Vali as he grabbed Yoruichi by the throat, ignoring her sloppy punches.

'Damn White Dragon, ruining my fun.' Mikogami thought as he raised Yoruichi about his head, slamming his knee into her spine, shattering several vertebrae. 'That should take some time to heal, I want to watch them fight.'

He tossed Yoruichi aside, leaving her twitching and spasming as her back started healing.

Issei was slammed into a massive flying boulder, weakened from Vali's sacred gear.

Vali, pulled off of Issei, his Drive bursting from his body, leaving his Wings and then his Scale Mail reforming as Rias flew past him.

"Issei, it's me." Rias shouted as she touched Issei's face.

'Shit, that was anti-climactic.' Mikogami thought in disappointment as Issei slashed Rias's shirt, her titties spilling out, free for all to see.

Vali actually turned. His blushing face covered by his helmet.

Mikogami tilted his head as Yoruichi sloppily tried to ambush him.

"Stupid cat," Mikogami stated in irritation. "Learn when to stay down."

He pushed her punches to the side, got in close, and struck her organs again.

Yoruichi spun backwards and into the wall for the umpteenth time that hour, her body tearing itself apart to survive.

"Hey Yoruichi!"

Said nekoshou glanced up, the anger and hurt on her face vanishing with disbelief.

Mikogami turned to see Koneko, Ravel, and Kuroka with Fuhai (Still in his true form) carrying Naruto and Xenovia, both out cold.

Yoruichi's eyes watered with tears of happiness, and the moment she could move, she leaped across the room, slamming into Fuhai (Who disappeared and reappeared behind her) and she rolled across the ground with Naruto and Xenovia in her arms.

Like a cat, Yoruichi rubbed herself against them, but stopped, blinking.

"Nya?" She said as she propped herself up.

Koneko, Ravel, and Kuroka felt their hearts break as they watched their berserker Queen shake Naruto and Xenovia, neither of them responding to her shaking.

"Nya…" Yoruichi muttered in sadness as she started to cry.

She curled up in between the two teens, grabbing their hands and put them on her ears. She let them go, only to feel them fall off.

Yoruichi repeated this action two more times, nothing changing.


Koneko carefully walked to the crying Queen, all the while Issei roared and his broken Drive shattered completely, allowing him to return to normal.

Koneko knelt next to her wailing friend, slowly reaching up and gripping Yoruichi's ears, massaging them.

Yoruichi, her body having ignored its pain, tensed and felt incredible pain full her body and drowsiness kick in.

Her body glowed faintly.

The parts of her body that had been transformed faded away as Kirin separated from the calmed Yoruichi, leaving her naked as she slept/cuddled with Naruto and Xenovia, her tails wrapping around them.

'What could go wrong from here.' Koneko thought tiredly, the adrenaline leaving her body from all the excitement.

Ravel caught Koneko as she started to collapse.

'It's been a long day.' Ravel thought as she picked up Koneko, piggy backing the smaller nekoshou.

Issei woke up.

"What happened?" He asked as he sat up, his eyes widening. "SHIT ASIA!"


Issei collapsed and looked up, seeing Asia in front of him, tears swelling in his eyes.

Asia was wrapped in a hug, a very tight hug as Issei hugged her, crying like a baby.

"I…I…I thought…I… lost you…." He said through his hiccups.

"It's alright, Issei." Asia said as she rubbed his back. "Vali saved me."

Vali crossed his arms and looked away, up into the sky.

Issei walked up to his destined rival.

"Vali, thank you." Issei thanked.

"Not a problem, but you can repay me by getting stronger for our fated rematch." Vali said with a smirk. "Hm, he is coming."

Everyone there was confused, but gasped when they saw it.

A massive red dragon.

"Great Red, the Dragon of Dragons." Ophis said as she sat on a rock nearby. "It's been a while, you no good lizard. Good thing for you, I'm not in the mood to fight today, or else I would have settled our score and reclaimed my silence. Sadly, my snake within the ghoul which Shizuku placed in him was destroyed."

Naruto's Mindscape…

Naruto opened his heavy eyelids.

"Thank God you are alright." Akasha stated worriedly as she hugged Naruto.

"What happened?" Naruto drowsily asked.

Above the two of them, Alucard hung in silence, no movement or sign of life.

"You and Xenovia…" Akasha started before she fell silent, cradling Naruto, causing him to start to panic.

"Akasha?" Naruto asked before he felt tingly.


Naruto's eyes opened, blinded by the bright light.

'How long was I out?' Naruto thought as he found a clock on the bedside, seeing the date on the side.

It had been ten days since the rating game tournament.

He slept for ten days.

"Naruto-chan, nya? You're awake." Kuroka said, signaling she was nearby.

Naruto saw her sitting in a chair with a book, having been reading.

Naruto went to speak, but his throat felt extremely dry.

"Here, drink this, nya." Kuroka said as she appeared beside him, a cup of water in her hands with a straw.

He sipped the water, his throat feeling revitalized.

"Kuroka, what happened?" Naruto asked, wanting to know about the events that led to him being in the hospital.

"Oh…" Kuroka muttered, her ears laying flat on her head and her tails lowering.


"Naruto-chan, promise me you won't do anything while I am telling you this, nya." Kuroka said, looking at the ground.


"Promise me, nya!" Kuroka demanded, gripping her kimono.

"Okay, I promise." Naruto mumbled, not liking this situation.

Nor did he like what she recapped for him.

"So, Fuhai freed me and Xenovia-chan…" Naruto said as he tried to sit up, feeling and hearing something on his body under his hospital gown.

He removed it and revealed five Holy Locks on his body.

"Those are Holy Locks, nya." Kuroka informed him, before he could ask. "Mikogami-sama put them on you, saying they will help with your control."

Naruto was confused, but did like the good news.

'I don't have to worry about losing control… as easily at least.' Naruto thought, shaking these thoughts from his head. "What happened to Xenovia-chan?"

Kuroka's reaction was visible as she bit her lip and avoided eye contact.

"Xenovia…" Kuroka said before telling Naruto what happened.

His eyes widened and his pupils dilated.

"Naruto-chan, STOP, NYA!" Kuroka shouted as he sat up abruptly and ripped out the catheter and other various needles that connected him to the machines, ignoring his pain as his eyes became emerald green and pupils slitted.

Kuroka grabbed Naruto's shoulder, only to be pushed off of him before he kicked the door down and ran through the hall, pushing nurses and doctors who tried to stop him.

'It can't be true.' Naruto chanted in his mind as he ran, following his sense of smell to find Xenovia. 'He can't have died.'

"The doctor's said that while you two survived, the baby was not able to withstand the magic drain and the stab wound, nya." Kuroka told him, very hesitant to tell him this. "Furthermore, Xenovia's womb was mangled, and will probably never be able to bear children again, nya."

Naruto made it to the stairs and climbed them, his body screaming for him to stop but he continued to ignore this as he bled across the steps.

He entered the fourth floor and was grabbed by a doctor.

"Hold it, son." He said wisely. "The one you are looking for is down the hall, twelfth door to the right."

"Thanks." Naruto said rudely, tried to move but was kept from moving.

"One more thing."


"The girl… you need to be careful of what you tell her." The doctor said before letting Naruto go, walking down the hall.

'What am I supposed to say when I have to tell her what happened?' Naruto mentally shouted as he made his way to Xenovia's room, seeing that there was a small lamp on from the light shining through the door.

Naruto looked through the window and saw Xenovia sitting up, knitting a blue wool sweater.

She looked content as she used the needles to make the clothing.

Her once rounded belly was now flat, showing Naruto the horrible truth.

His and Xenovia's baby was gone.

Naruto bit through his lip, blood dripping down his chin.


Naruto took a breath, his lip healing itself as he did, wiping the blood off.


Naruto turned and saw a shocked Serafall holding a baby.

"Serafall, who is that?" Naruto asked as he looked closer at the sleeping child. They had blonde hair and looked to be about eighteen months old.

"Oh, this is Luca Zagan." Serafall stated as she caressed the child's cheek. "After what happened… she was orphaned. So, I offered to look after her until we find a suitable…"

"I'll take her in." Naruto interrupted.

"Na-koi…" Serafall said sort of shocked. "Think about this…"

"I don't need to." Naruto said as he looked at the baby. "I took her parent's away from her, so it should be me who looks after her as penitence for what my peerage did."

Serafall sighed and looked in his eyes.

"You know she won't take it well." Serafall stated as she walked up to him. "So please, be safe, and try to keep it quiet. There are others here trying to sleep."

Serafall kissed his cheek in hopes it could give him courage to tell Xenovia what happened.

"I'll get the paper work sorted out." Serafall finished as she walked away, careful to not wake Luca.

Naruto silently thanked Serafall before he turned back to the door.

He opened the door slowly, its gentle rattling signaling that someone was entering and Xenovia looked up, a smile gracing her beautiful face.

"Naruto-kun." She said as she put her knitting needles down.

"How are you feeling?" Naruto asked as he pulled a chair up and sat down, his legs thanking him when the pain stopped and they started healing.

"You seem to be taking all of this well." Naruto muttered as he leaned into his hand, propping himself up.

Xenovia tilted her head.

"Taking what well?" She asked as she started to knit again. "Oh, do you think our son will like this color? I just guessed so hopefully he does."

Naruto blinked.

"Xenovia-chan, do you remember what happened a week and a half ago?" Naruto asked her.

Naruto saw Xenovia's eyes glaze a bit.

"Yeah, we fought in the rating game tournament." She answered.

"Xenovia-chan…" Naruto said as he took her hand, guilt and hesitation weighing in his heart as he mentally prepared for what was to come. "Our son… he died."

Xenovia… laughed.



"You are funny." She said as she wiped her watery eyes. "But it isn't very funny that you would say our son is dead."

"But it's… it's true."

Xenovia's eyes glazed again.

"Naruto-kun…" Xenovia said softly. "It's not funny."

"I'm not joking."

Xenovia's eye twitched.

"Stop it…"


"Stop LYING!" Xenovia shouted as she threw her knitting needles aside. "THERE IS NO WAY OUY SON IS DEAD SO JUST SHUT UP!"

Naruto stood up and slapped Xenovia, hard.

Her left cheek stung as the red mark glowed brightly.

"Don't be stupid Xenovia." Naruto stated, dropping the 'Chan' from her name. "Our son is dead, accept that fact."

Xenovia turned and jumped Naruto, the tubes and needles in her body violently being ripped out of her limbs as she pushed Naruto to the ground with her Mutated Knight's enhanced strength.

"SHUT UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUP!" Xenovia shouted as she punched her King in the face, barely fazing him as he caught her wrist.

"YOU KNOW IT'S TRUE XENOVIA!" Naruto shouted as he rolled her over, her gown riding up, exposing a pair of white cotton panties and her stomach.

Where a permanent scar near her belly button and back showing where she was stabbed.


Xenovia's eyes widened as she heard this, both ignoring the sounds of foot steps and the door opening as she flipped Naruto and herself over, her on top of him, and reeled back as far as she could and punched Naruto in his face as Grayfia entered to see this.

Grayfia grabbed and dragged Xenovia off of Naruto.

Upon release from her Mother-In-Law, Xenovia curled into the fetal position, crying loudly as she started processing the truth of the events.

"What is going on here?" Grayfia demanded as she forced Naruto to sit down.

"She is in denial about what happened and attacked me." Naruto stated as he pointed accusingly at Xenovia. "I did react in a bad way, but… it was because I caused her a mental distress, so it is my fault all of this happened."

Grayfia could see his internal self-hatred.

"Na-koi." Serafall stated as she entered, carrying Luca, who was now awake and sucking on a pacifier, and holding the adoption papers. "I got the adoption papers for you."

"WHAT!" Xenovia shouted as she shakily propped herself up. "What is she talking about? You are adopting a child to replace our son!"

Luca started crying from Xenovia's shouting.

Xenovia turned to see Luca.

"If you go through this then she is no child of mine!" Xenovia stated as she panted heavily. Her body, despite having been physically healed, still ached from the wound given to her by Pamela due to the uniqueness of the magic that the thorns used, she would never lose the scarring on her back and stomach.

"FINE!" Naruto shouted as he stood up, not caring if his body hurt and he took Luca and the paperwork from Serafall.

He turned to say something to the upset woman on the floor, but couldn't form the words to say before he angrily teleported home.

Xenovia looked at where he once was with Serafall and Grayfia in shock.

Her body started to tremble and shake before she collapsed again, crying loudly as she gripped her hair, causing Serafall and Grayfia to grab her and call for a doctor when Kuroka appeared.

Uzumaki Mansion…

Naruto angrily entered his home, grumbling hate filled words as he rocked Luca gently to lull her to sleep, but her cries weren't quelled.

"Naruto-chan, nya?" Kuroka said as she appeared, coming from the hospital under Grayfia's order to follow Naruto.

"What?" Naruto snapped as he sat down, pulling out a pen and signing the adoption papers. "You going to lecture me on my decision?"

"No, I…"

"Let me guess, you are also against me adopting Luca?"

Kuroka bit her lip and slapped Naruto, but unlike Naruto when he slapped Xenovia, Kuroka used Chomei to enhance her slap with her AOS.

Midori no Kazenokami.

Her Armor Over Soul took the form of arm bracers that were green with the kanji for 'Wind' on the back of the forearm plats. Her weapons were battle fans with blades jutting out from the fans, used for cutting through the air, creating the wind. (2)

It was closed, and Kuroka hit Naruto with the flat end of the closed fan in her right hand.

"Do you think you are the only one hurting, nya?" Kuroka asked as she started to tear up. "You and Xenovia almost died. Your child passed away, and despite that you are acting selfish, nya."

Naruto was stumped as he looked at Kuroka in shock of what she did.

Luca continued to whimper as Naruto rocked her, before her stomach rumbled slightly.

"I think she is hungry." Naruto said as he and Kuroka looked at the baby.

"I'll breastfeed her while you can prepare some soft mushy food, nya." Kuroka said as she reached down to accept Luca.

Naruto carefully gave the infant to Kuroka, who securely held her with one arm as she pulled her kimono down to expose her breast.

Once near her face, Luca latched on and started to feed.

Naruto went to the kitchen while Kuroka sat down at the table, hearing him shift around the kitchen, making home made baby food he googled.

'So, it is a good thing I still lactate, nya.' Kuroka thought as she felt Luca bit her. 'OW. That still hurts. Now that I think about it, Shirone was a biter as well.'


Xenovia lay on her bed, curled up with her eyes closed tightly.

Durandal's Inner world…

Once again in the canyon where Roland stopped the Saracen army, Xenovia sat on the edge of a cliff.

"So, you are just going to give up?"

Xenovia ignored Durandal.

"You do know Naruto is also in pain."

No response.

Durandal sighed and moved to sit next to Xenovia.

"I know you were looking forward to being a mom," he said as he looked into the dry, humid lands that made up the canyon. "But you still have your husband."

"I know." Xenovia muttered as she looked down, tears hitting her legs. "But… I… I didn't want to accept that truth."

Durandal nodded.

"I know, that is the stubbornness I know you have." Durandal stated as he stood up. "Now, are you going to keep wallowing, or are you going to stand up, and the two of us can get stronger, together."

Xenovia looked up, seeing Durandal's face.

While it was mutated from Tainted Destruction's merging, Half of his face was back to what it originally was.

Blond hair, blue eyes, fair skin, and over all handsome.

The same way Roland was described to Xenovia when Griselda gave her Durandal.

Xenovia looked back at the canyon land scape.

Next day, breakfast…

After everyone's initial shock learning about Luca, Ryu held her over his head, making Luca laugh at the funny faces he made and at how high she was.

"So, you alone didn't adopt her?" Ouga asked Naruto as she was handed the baby.

She, Ryu, and everyone else were dressed in bathrobes, kimonos, or their pajamas as it was the weekend.

"No, the peerage adopted her." Naruto stated as he sat down with a bowl of baby food he finished making, letting it cool slightly. "So, all of us are her family. Meaning we all need to take care of her."

His entire Peerage was home, Rias and her Peerage staying in the Underworld for a while longer.

Correction, Rias's Peerage minus Akeno stayed in the Underworld.

Ravel walked up and looked at Luca who looked at her with her emerald eyes.

"She looks like she could be your daughter, Naruto-sama." Ravel stated as she gushed at the baby.

"I know, and that's a little scary." Naruto stated as Koneko took the baby and sat next to Naruto. "You hungry, Luca?"

Luca babbled as she reached for the bowl in Naruto's hands.

Yoruichi, walked up behind Naruto and carefully hugged him from behind.

"You make a good daddy, Naru-chan." Yoruichi said as she kissed his cheek.

"I agree." Rossweisse said as she corrected homework while eating a salad. "And I am happy we all get a new member of our family."

"Ditto." Toga said as she watched Naruto spoon feed Luca, cleaning her messy face, flailing her arms in discomfort.

Meanwhile, Oboro and Akeno were helping Kuroka pump breastmilk. Due to the fact Kuroka worked, she would not always be around to breast feed Luca, so they decided to pump some milk.

Of course, Oboro couldn't help herself when she decided to snag a little taste for herself.

Kuroka didn't mind.

No teeth biting her so she allowed it.

There was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it." Ouga said as she stood up.

Naruto took a bite of his own breakfast after he handed Luca to Ravel to feed her, which became difficult when the baby refused to eat the food, except when Ravel make her laugh.

Naruto sighed as he chewed his sandwich.

Ouga returned a minute later, holding the door open.

Xenovia nervously stepped in, getting everyone's attention, while Naruto sat there eating his sandwich.

"Hey… everyone." Xenovia said weakly. "I'm home."

They all greeted her, minus Naruto as he took another bite.

"Naruto-kun…" Xenovia said as she finished hugging Yoruichi. "May… may I hold… our daughter?"

Naruto swallowed his food.

He stood up and turned to look at Xenovia.

Xenovia's hair was nearing her shoulder blades in length, and she was back in fighting form.

"Xenovia-chan." Naruto said softly as he walked up to her. "I would be happy if you held Luca."

Koneko smiled as she walked up to Naruto and handed Luca to him, and he kissed her before looking at Xenovia, extending his arms out.

Xenovia carefully took the infant and looked at her, with Lucca looking back, her emerald eyes curiously looking over her.

Luca giggled and reached out for Xenovia's face, causing her to weakly smile and tear up.

"She is beautiful." Xenovia stated as she wiped her tears away. "Thank you, Naruto."

Naruto hugged Xenovia, being careful of Luca.

"No worries, Xenovia-chan." Naruto said as he hugged them.

An idea popped into Ravel's head, so she whipped out her phone and called her parent's.

Thirty Minutes Later…

"Okay, move a little closer, Ryu." The photographer called out as he moved his hand in a waving motion.

Everyone fidgeted, and in the center was Naruto with Shizuku, Millicas, Luca in Millicas's and Shizuku's arms (Both were holding Luca), Xenovia, Koneko, Ravel. The seven of them were flanked by Sirzechs, Grayfia, Jonathan, and Layla.

Besides Sirzechs and Grayfia were Venelana and Zeoticus.

The rest of Naruto's peerage, Serafall, and Rias's peerage was around them.

"Okay… Okay…" the photographer said as he prepared to take the shot. "And… Cheese."

Everyone smiled.


Luca started to cry from the camera's flash.

Millicas and Shizuku calmed her down before it got to bad.

The photographer vanished to his workshop in the Underworld, and returned ten minutes later with a massive family portrait.

"Here you go, and that will be…" He was interrupted when Sirzechs paid him with physical cash. "Pleasure doing business with you."

He returned home as Naruto took the picture and entered his mansion, walking to the stairwell and placed the portrait on the wall.

Now, when anyone entered the mansion, they would see his family.

Naruto smiled proudly as wrapped an arm around Koneko's waist.

"Thank you." He said to Koneko.

"For what?" She asked.

"A lot, but not everything." Naruto replied. "I'm happy that I am alive to witness this."

Koneko and Naruto smiled as they held hands, peace seemingly taking hold in their lives.

Unseen and unfelt, a bat took off from the window sill.

It fluttered throughout the day, and well into the night before landing in the Vampire territory.

"My Lord, I have found the traitor's spawn." The bat, now a vampire male, stated as they bowed.

His master lay across his bed, reading.

"I see, thank you for your services." The man said as he stood up and walked past the vampire, his head rolling off his shoulders. 'Now, Charlotte, I shall show you what it means to anger the powerful vampire Lord Dio.'

Chapter 45, DONE!

1 Mikogami from Rosario to Vampire is a Kishin, google him and scroll down to find the picture of his true form. Pretty bad ass in my opinion. Same thing with Fuhai, google him for his true form.

2 Katana's war fans from Mortal Kombat

Well, this might actually be the final chapter for… a while. I may have rushed it, but I feel like, after a year + of working on Ghoul, I need to take a break from it, mull things over and get all the details for the next Original Arc figured out and all that.

I might not even continue Ghoul. I don't know yet, I feel like this story isn't really going anywhere. If I continue, I have an end goal in mind, so this story's ending is already planned if I get that far.

If this is the end, then I'm an asshole ending it with a cliffhanger.

Meanwhile, I will be focusing on Werefox of Bael and Protector of Humans and Yokai. So, be prepared for some hopefully better chapters for them.

Well, I can look back on this story with fond memories. All the ideas and attempts at them, the successes and failures.

Anyway, review if you enjoyed it or hated it.