Author's Note:

I have to apologize again for the long delay in posting this chapter! The last one was posted in May, and now it's December!
I have most of the story already written in comic form, I just haven't had the time to write it all up, but I promise to try and write more consistently from now on, and I'm sorry to everyone who has been following this story!

I thank each and every one of you who has left kind comments and kudos! It really makes me so happy people are enjoying the story, and that this ship is becoming quite popular! I'll do my best to keep this story going!

As for whether Season 2 (or 3) will impact the fic, we'll have to wait and see!
Thanks for sticking around, and stick around for the next chapter, there's going to be a lot of sweet romance, but also a lot of heavy themes coming soon 3

Tea For Two

The world was theirs, and the moment was timeless.

Komiya and Tsunoda held onto each other with trembling excitement, lips locked, eagerly exploring and gently feeling the curve of each other's bodies, but with careful, cautious restraint.

Apart from the soft sound of kissing and little gasps of breath, the evening was peaceful and still.

And then, abruptly, the sound of a muffled pop music ringtone hummed out from somewhere in Tsunoda's purse.

Komiya's ears twitched anxiously, kissing her once more before his lips broke away from Tsunoda's gently, a bit embarrassed.

"M-maybe you should get that..." he laughed nervously.

But he was practically glowing.

"It's nothing," Tsunoda replied with a giggle, reaching into her purse and silencing the phone without even a look. She leaned her forehead on his, taking notice of his self-consciousness toward the situation.

Komiya cleared his throat, standing upright and collecting himself. "Can I...take you to dinner? Or drinks?" he asked hopefully, hoping that whatever overzealousness he had shown moments before would be forgotten if he put his gentlemanly foot forward.

"I have a better idea," Tsunoda purred, reaching out to touch his arm. "Why not come over to my place for a drink?"

Komiya's eyes went wide, taken aback.


She was inviting him to her home?

Play it cool! Komiya thought to himself with a gulp. This was a huge...huge, sudden step.

"It's been a long day, and I kind of want to go home and get comfortable," Tsunoda continued, putting her little hooves together and doing that oh-so-perfect wiggle of hers. "Oh, please say yes, Mr. Komiya!"

"I, uh, sure!" Komiya responded, a goofy smile spreading across his face and his cheeks heating right back up. "Of course!"

For a brief moment the two barely moved, just staring at each other, but finally Komiya caught his senses.

"Well then, uh, let me just show you to my car!"

Tsunoda wobbled a little in her heels, the grass nicking at her ankles, and Komiya quickly grabbed her by the arm to steady her again, taking the lead and slowly walking her back to the main entrance where his car was parked.

She giggled and he laughed, letting her lean her body weight onto his arm. Neither could keep the smile off their face, and kept sneaking glances at the other, wanting to speak.

"Here we are..." Komiya finally spoke, coming up to his car and unlocking it, opening the door for her with a chuckle. "I'm sorry for the mess. Golf stuff, y'know..."

"Oh, no, it's fine." Tsunoda said lightly, stepping down from the curbside and into the vehicle with one last subtle twitch of their clasped fingers before they parted.

"Kyoto Estates," Komiya recalled, starting the car. "I ought to remember how to get there." He looked over at Tsunoda. "Fancy place like that...hard to miss."

Tsunoda gave him a funny look and Komiya realized quickly that she wouldn't have remembered him driving her home if she had been flat out drunk that night...oh, shit.

"You told me about your place that one time," Komiya floundered, trying to cover up his blunder. He could feel nervous sweat on his brow.

"And you were saying just how ridiculous the rent was..."

This seemed good enough for Tsunoda, and she smiled and giggled. "Yeah, that's my place all right." She turned away, her cheeks getting pinker, and looked out the window for a moment, before speaking again.

"Hey. Are you hungry?"

Komiya almost felt his hands on the wheel slip.

"D-did you change your mind and want to stop anywhere?!" he asked.

Tsunoda was the kind to spontaneously change her mind about things on the spot, but if she wanted a wine and steak dinner, she was going to get it!

"Oh, no need!" Tsunoda tittered, opening up her purse. "I just can't wait anymore, let's share these!" There was some soft rustling, and from her purse she pulled out the parcel of coffee-flavored truffles.

Komiya made a soft grunt of surprise.

He had almost forgotten...

"Please!" Tsunoda turned to him, her eyes shining. "Just a couple, it's just such a sweet present!"

The meerkat's heart thumped fast in his chest, flattered by her words and overwhelmed by her sweet, pleading face.

"If...if you're sure that's what you want..." he murmured weakly, turning back to the wheel and trying to hide his burning, crimson face.

"It is." Tsunoda said smugly, taking out a truffle and placing it in her mouth. Komiya blushed even deeper.

There was a few seconds of silence, Tsunoda rolling the chocolate in her mouth and over her tongue, her eyes growing wide.

"Amazing!" she exclaimed.

She reached into the bag, grabbed another, unwrapping it with gusto.

"Oh, Komiya, you have to try one!"

Before he could protest, her delicate hands were holding the truffle to his lips, the taste of chocolate on his tongue, and she pushed the candy into his mouth.

He swallowed.

"It's...not bad," he said, with actual surprise. He wasn't a sweets person, but it was good. Then again, maybe it was because of who he was sharing it with...

"Let's have another!" Tsunoda grinned.

When they arrived near Tsunoda's residence, the bag was almost empty.

Komiya drove slowly, examining the gate community uncertainly, seeing a crowded lot a short distance off on the property.

He looked at her nervously.

"Guest parking?"

She nodded, and he turned in to find the very last spot. There was a bump, and Komiya felt his heart shoot up to his throat.

Even from here, the silhouette of the grand building was intimidating.

"I'm sure you're tired-" he started nervously. The long drive had done nothing to soothe his nerves. He had no idea what was in store. This was entirely unprecedented. What if-

"Komiya, I'm inviting you in," Tsunoda insisted, clearly excited. She grabbed her things and pulled him by the collar. "We just go in with my gate code, easy enough."

Together, they walked up to the gate and Tsunoda punched in her code, mumbling "guest" to the guard at security and batting her eyes.

Simple as that.

The place was even nicer on the inside than the outside.

White, shining floors, and golden trimmed décor. Tropical plants and mood lights lit up the corners, and from the intercom, soft instrumental music was playing.

"It's so nice," Komiya observed. It really made his place look like a dump.

Now he was really starting to worry.

"Don't just stand there, come in!" Tsunoda squealed, grabbing his arm and squeezing in close. The aroma of her soft flowery perfume flooded his senses, her soft warm body against his, and his attention was then diverted to nothing else but her and the feel of her hand on his.

Tsunoda's apartment was charming; everything so small, neat, and cute, like a doll's house. Everything was the finest of quality, of matching design and color, and Komiya could take a guess that Tsunoda had taken at least some interest in interior design at some point.

"I'll make something nice to warm us up!" she said, leading him into the large foyer and dropping off her purse on the table. Komiya was bewildered. It was no penthouse, but the window view overlooking the city was remarkable. It almost took his breath away.

In his apartment, all he had was a small hung window in his bathroom to see out over the side wall.

His view at work wasn't much better.

"So, since I've been learning to make tea..." Tsunoda said with a smile, sitting him on the softest couch he''d ever sat on, "I ended up buying a couple bags for practice."

"You did?" Komiya asked, sincerely surprised. "Thought you hated the stuff."

"I mostly do..." Tsunoda said with a twinkle in her eye. "But...well, you know." She twirled her finger around her lace collar, a playful look on her face. "So...ever had spiked tea?"

"You alcohol? I've had shochu once or twice, why do you..." Komiya then smirked in understanding. "Hold on...are these the drinks you promised?"

"Hey, I'm using this as a learning experience!" Tsunoda said, her eyes bright with playfulness, giving him a humph as she sat up from the sofa. "Now make yourself cozy while I go and get that started."

She stood up, her hand gently brushing over Komiya's.

"Don't you go anywhere..." She spoke in a singsong voice, leaving for the kitchen.

"C-can I help?" Komiya asked, standing up quickly.

He didn't want her out of his sight, not for a minute.

Tsunoda giggled. "It'll be five, six minutes tops. Just hold on."

The gazelle stepped into the kitchen, her heart pattering.

The way he'd refused to let go of her hand...the fleeting look of fear on his face.

Tsunoda started to brew the tea, thinking in silence.

Tsunoda never brought guys back home. This was a first.

Quite honestly, she wasn't really sure why she'd done it. The invitation had just sort of popped out on its own.

Shoot. She hoped this wasn't sending any negative implications about what kind of girl she was.

While she played coy, Tsunoda knew well of how men fell over themselves for her.

Countless men, most of them arrogant, proud, distinguished people who just wanted another shiny accessory to add to their belt, a woman that they could parade around like jewelry until they found someone younger.

Most of the time, Tsunoda would use this to her advantage.

What was the harm in the asset of a man spoiling her? She always dumped them long before they could lose interest in her.

Not to say Tsunoda didn't still believe in true love.

On the contrary, the young gazelle was a hopeless romantic. Even as a child, she'd had dreams of her fairytale romance. Horoscopes, destiny, love at first sight, the whole deal.

But eventually, she became more invested in her relationships because of the opportunities they offered her- gifts, nights on the town, and in some cases, a little bit of press coverage. Maybe because she could't stand to be alone.

But she was simply biding her time.

She'd find the perfect man someday.

You had to kiss a hundred frogs to find the prince.

And in the meantime, using her technique, she could get just about anything she wanted.

She liked it that way.

Tsunoda's thoughts returned to Komiya.

Sure, she'd jumped into this expecting to like him.


She could see through most of his boasts, and it was no question everyone at the office could see through them too. But while everyone else seemed to find them pathetic, to her, it was somehow just cute...

Her cheeks heated again.

Back in the foyer, Komiya was walking around and taking in the room.

There was a large screen television on the wall, a glass table in the center of the room standing on a plush white carpet, and a pink chandelier hanging from the ceiling. But the most noticeable thing about the room was the number of photographs decorating the walls and surfaces.

Komiya leaned in to look, seeing fantastic selfies of Tsunoda in all sorts of places and situations- selfies, he was sure, she'd also posted on Instagram. But there were plenty of photos that also weren't selfies, or desserts, or anything of the sort- instead, they were group pictures, like friends and family, or photos of the past.

One photo in particular showed a male and female gazelle dressed in their finest, with a young girl that must have been Tsunoda with flowers on her horns, on the deck of a regal looking ship. Next, a photo of young teen Tsunoda at her private school, looking lovely in her uniform and surrounded by friends.

Komiya stepped back, realizing perhaps he was being intrusive and turned back towards the sofa.

She really was incredible...beautiful...and kind.

And he...

What was he?

Compared to her, he was just a loser.

Sure, he talked a big game.

But if she only knew how much of that was actually true...

Unlike her, he hadn't had a loving family life. No nice trips or vacations. He had no friends in school.

The meerkat's ears laid back just thinking about it. Whatever- past was past.

Not that now was much better. Only difference was he was older.

He acted all pompous in the office, but the reality was, as Tsunoda had called out, he was just secretly insecure. The littlest thing stressed him out; a jam in the copier, a stain on his tie, Ton screaming his name from down the hall...

Komiya looked over his shoulder. In fact, this had all started because Tsunoda had been the one person to see his weakness. What's help him through it.

And for that, he could never thank her enough.

"It's all done!" Tsunoda's cheery voice interrupted his thoughts, and his tail started to tremble all on its own as she entered the room, the smile returning to his face.

Tsunoda placed the tray on the table, two steaming mugs of something splashing inside, and plopped onto the sofa with a grin on her face. Komiya joined her, peering down and taking a whiff of the mystery drink.

The rims were adorned with what seemed to be dark chocolate syrup and some kind of white powder.

Tsunoda looked at him expectantly.

Komiya looked back at her with an uncertain smile. "Looks great."

Tsunoda took the two mugs, handing him one, and held hers up. "Cheers!" she exclaimed, nudging his mug and the both of them blowing on the hot contents before taking a sip.

"Oh, God!" Tsunoda spat, the drink dribbling out of her mouth and slamming it back on the table.

Komiya swallowed his down with his eyes squeezed shut and a quick shake of his head, placing it back as well.

"Oh God, it's awful!" Tsunoda groaned, grabbing a pillow and smothering her face into it.

"I-it's not that bad...Could be an acquired taste." Komiya tried to reassure her.

"I swear, I'm better at lattes," Tsunoda said, peeking out from over the pillow at Komiya, her eyes shining and her cheeks pink. "I just wanted you to..." She trailed off, looking the other way, and Komiya was almost sure she was pouting. She was killing him with cute.

"Ok, then next time, let's go with coffee." Komiya said, a humorous smirk curling on his face. "Least we know you won't mess that up."


Tsunoda's snapped back to him. "Hey!" she said, hurling her pillow at him. "At least it presents well, right?"

" could stick a pic on your Instagram and nobody would be the wiser." Komiya chuckled, his eyes never leaving her face. "They'd love it."


Tsunoda laughed.

"I don't really like alcohol anyway," Tsunoda admitted, "It's so bitter. You know I'm a sweets gal. So unless you want some sake straight from the bottle..."

"No, no! It's fine," Komiya said, waving his hand. "Um, not much of a drinker myself. It's fine...if we just sit here...and talk."

He realized his words and immediately turned a deeper shade of pink.

Lady killer? More like conversation killer.

He was going to fuck this up and he had nowhere to run.

"I'd like that," Tsunoda said, smiling. She adjusted herself, picking her feet off the floor and snuggling them into her body, turning to look at Komiya. "You know, we really don't know that much about each other." She batted her eyes, inching closer.

She could sense him getting a little nervous, she was starting to pick up on his tells- the jittery laugh, the twitch of his tail, how his eyes would become dilated or dart to the corners.

She placed her hand on his in a soothing gesture.

"How about you tell me how you got into accounting."

"Oh!" Komiya chuckled, looking bashful. "It's not really much of a story...just out of all my studies, math was my best, so..."

Tsunoda giggled. "Ooh, a math nerd."

"N-no!" Komiya objected, blushing harder. "It's just...I had this game plan..." His voice rose, hands moving with enthusiasm. "...Had my whole life worked out in freshman year, and then..." He turned back to her, saw the look of total fascination on her face, and his words faltered. "...they just didn't work out."

And now here he was, going on thirty in a shithole job and a shithole apartment.

"Hey." Tsunoda said gently, her hand brushing down his arm. "I left college without any idea where I was going. Like...I don't even think I went to class." She laughed softly. "I mean, I took a couple advertising and blogging courses along the way, but all I really remember were the parties. My daddy wasted soooo much money."

"You knew how to have fun," Komiya said with a smirk.

Tsunoda smiled back at him, amused. "Yeah, but I just never cared too much. I guess that's why I'm not really at anything." She gave a shrug.

"Now that's not true!" Komiya exclaimed.

Tsunoda blinked, giving him a curious look.

"Y-you have a natural talent for seeing the...the beauty in things." Komiya flailed stupidly, the heat rising in his cheeks. She was looking right at him.

"...I don't know what you mean." She said softly. Her eyes, the richest deep blue, were like the night sky, sparkling with stars.

"Art!" Komiya practically shouted. His mouth had gone dry, and was his fur standing on end?

"'re good at art. Artistic." He desperately pointed over at the cups left on the table. "It's one of the reasons so many people follow you!" He laughed awkwardly. But he knew how important social media was to her.

Tsunoda was silent for a second, and then she fell into a fit of tinkling laughter. "Oh Komiya! You're funny!"

The meerkat shut his mouth, feeling all the more stupid.

"Funny, but sweet!" She continued to laugh, and Komiya's heart jumped in his chest.

She'd never thought of it that way...latte art was latte art and dessert pic were dessert pics right?

True, when taking a selfie or photo of her thighs-or any other body parts, for that matter, there was the extra work of beauty and fashion expertise.

Choosing the right makeup, accessories, or clothing for the shot- making sure to match your outfits with the right palette, getting the right tone for the time of the day.

A fashion faux-pas could make or break a girl.

But Tsunoda had never considered this as something of a talent. Obviously, Komiya was just trying to make her feel better...

Tsunoda finished her giggles, giving a little gasp of air. "But I guess it doesn't matter, as long as I get the likes."

Komiya just nodded, knowing he'd missed his moment: to tell her how he appreciated her seeing the beauty in him.

Whatever that may be.

"It's pretty hard not to like you." He said, looking low at the carpet. "Even when I was trying my hardest not to."

"Oooh!" Tsunoda teased, "Am I growing on Mr. Komiya?!"

"Well, maybe if you weren't so in my face all the time!" Komiya backpedaled, face burning up as she leaned in.

"Your dumb face!" She retorted, now practically bouncing with excitement. "Look! There's that cute smile again!" She hopped forward, her hands reaching playfully to graze his cheek.

Komiya's breathing had stopped.

He had to kiss her.


He made a movement to lean in but then quickly jerked back, cheeks red and heart pumping.

They had kissed before, but what if that had just been a heat of the moment thing?

If she wanted to again, she would have shown a sign, right?

Tsunoda kept smiling, her eyes on his, blue on green. "If you take to long to kiss me," she finally said, "I'm just going to have to kiss you."

She pounced. There was a squeak, a muffled shout, and pillows thrown into the air. Arms and legs tangled as the two wrestled on the couch, a flurry of touching and squeezing and kissing and .

The air got hot with the exchanged exhales of warm breaths, hungry lips on lips, the stifled giggles and moans that managed to escape.

Their lips glided like soft velvet over each other, the taste of chocolate truffle still on their tongues, twining with their breath. Pulses raced, bodies quivered.

Then breathing heavily, they slowly parted.

Tsunoda laid on top of Komiya, her heart beating in time with his. Both their faces were flushed, eyes hazy and dark, just inches apart.

They both were smiling.


Tsunoda arched an eyebrow. "Wow?" She repeated, sliding back to give Komiya some space to sit up. She had to stifle a laugh- to go with his flushed appearance, she'd gone and given him a mess of bright pink kiss marks all over his mouth and face, and he looked to be reeling in a daze from the whole thing. It was adorable.

Komiya unsteadily sat up, his eyes momentarily flying in opposite directions. "I!" He shouted ubruptly, his voice raising and mouth flapping wide. He couldn't take his eyes off Tsunoda. "THAT WAS...THAT WAS...YOU..."

"Mr. Komiya, inside voices!" Tsunoda hushed him, hardly containing her laughter and putting a hand over his mouth.

But she knew exactly what he was saying.

That had been...something else.

Something amazing.

"Most of my neighbors are probably asleep by now," Tsunoda noted, lowering her voice.

"O-oh." Komiya said, nodding emphatically. His whole body was in overload now- like he'd stepped on a live wire. But he thought he understood what these words implied. "In that case..."

"Oh, you don't have to go-" Tsunoda began, realizing he'd taken her words the wrong way.

"No no, it's alright!" Komiya laughed. "We've still got work"

He started to stand up, then halted, looking back at Tsunoda, his hands tucked in front of his body, face bright red.

"Tsunoda...I had a very good time with you this evening."

The gazelle's face lit up. "Oh Mr. Komiya, I had a great time too!" She put her hand on his again, her own tail starting to shake a little.

"And I know how busy you are," Komiya went on.

Of course...with her busy social life- the parties, the media, the men- how he had snagged a single night with her, he had no idea.

"But I'd love to spend more time with you."

Time...something they had so little of.

Tsunoda was beaming.

"I mean...outside of work. I know we see each other at work almost every day. But that doesn't really count. Unless...that's enough for you. I wanted to...take you out..."

He was burning bright red now.

"Mr. Komiya." Tsunoda's big eyes sparkled. "If you're asking me out on another date, then of course, yes."

A date? Was this a date?

Wait, has she said yes?!

He breathed out sharply, joy flooding him.

"You mean it?"

"What kind of girl do you take me for?" Tsunoda asked cheekily, her finger tracing her lower lip in a flirty motion. " owe me a dinner." She winked.

"Ye-yeah!" Komiya affirmed loudly, then lowering his voice. "I mean, yeah!"

"How is Saturday? I'll text you."

Saturday...that was the day after tomorrow.


More than perfect.

Komiya stood up, tingling slightly, and Tsunoda followed him to the door. She smiled.

"You have a good night, Mr. Komiya."

"Komiya...just Komiya." He repeated, for what was maybe the hundredth time.

She just laughed, and she stood on tiptoe to lay a kiss gently on his nose. He shivered, crinkling up his nose and blushing brightly.

"Komiya, then." She agreed.

She'd never seen him look so happy when she said these words.

"Good night...Tsunoda." His hand cupped her chin, gently just caressing her cheek. He chuckled. "I'll see you soon."

He couldn't stop smiling.


But he hadn't felt like this in...ever.

There was a spring in his step, a warmth in his heart.

Komiya felt light, like his problems had faded away.

He'd had plenty of first dates, but never one like this!

Not to say he hadn't gone much further with other girls before- but those acts now seemed empty, vapid, nothing more than business transactions.

The way Tsunoda made him feel...

He felt something there. Something he wanted, needed to see if there was more.

Starting up his car, Komiya drove home humming to himself, all his worries behind him.

Tsunoda poured her failed concoction down the drain and washed up, taking another glance towards the door.


She hadn't had a night like this in who knows how long.

She giggled, thinking back to how he'd crinkled up his nose when she kissed it.

Then her laughter faded.

What was this weird feeling?

She'd jumped into this expecting to like Komiya, but...

"He's just another guy, right?" She murmured to herself, but her tone was uncertain.

But was he?

She recalled the hazy night he'd driven her home drunk from the party, taken care of her. The night she claimed not to remember.

No ordinary guy would do that. Right?

Tsunoda was so used to the same old date 'em and drop 'em gig, but now for the first time she was starting to have...feelings? Actual feelings?

And it scared her a little.