And here it is my friends, the FINAL chapter of Sweet Arrangements. It's been a one year journey writing this crazy fanfiction, throwing you all into confusion and laughing along with your amazing comments. I can't believe it's ending now it all went so fast! I learned a lot from you guys, and I learned a lot from myself as well. I never thought I would like writing as much as I did with this fanfiction, and you guys were honestly the main reason this fanfic actually turned out like this! Your comments are so encouraging I can't thank ya'll enough for this experience! We did this together! I especially want to thank Miya and Lovebug84 for their efforts into doing beta for me!

Now take a comfy seat, and enjoy!

"You made an appointment with Mr. Agreste?"

Alya stood at the reception desk in the lobby of Gabriel's main office, standing face to face with the lady behind the counter.

"Yes. Adrien Agreste," she added while watching the lady look and tap on her tablet, looking through (of what she assumed) the schedules.

"May I see your ID please?" She asked when she found the right agenda in front of her. Alya pulled out her ID, handing it over to the lady behind the counter. Very nervous of the fact that she handed over a fake ID. One she got through certain connections.

"Miss Rena Rouge," She read aloud and made some gestures with her hands on the screen, not that Alya could see since she was only hoping her fake ID would work out. And luckily it did. She watched the lady put the tablet down and grab a keycard, handing it over to her. Alya exhaled slowly as she took the card, smiling at the lady.

"You can get through those gates with the keycard and use the lift to head to the top floor. You will need to use the card to get to the top floor though, that section isn't open for all people," she instructed as Alya nodded. She casually made her way towards the gates, pressed the card to get through and paced her way towards the lift where she waited quietly.

Marinette had already moved back to her parents' place and it was much harder to keep tabs on her friend when she barely had the energy to answer her phone. She was still heartbroken, and always broke down in tears on almost every visit. She was sick and tired of seeing her so depressed and it was time to confront Adrien. He wasn't willing to answer her so she had to do it the sneaky way. She felt blessed that she was becoming a journalist at times like these, being able to pull certain strings to make this possible.

She swallowed slowly, when pressing the elevator button. She felt kinda warm and nervous, reciting what she was going to say to Adrien. Because she too was angry. But doing it right here was risky too. The lengths she went through to use her fake ID, get an appointment and play it cool while being pissed off was making her feel like this was impossible.

"Miss Rena?"

A sudden coldness of dread hit her core as she felt a presence tingling right next to her, quickly turning her head around to meet the gaze of the woman from behind the counter that now stood right beside her. She stiffened in place, somehow unable to move any further. She approached her without her noticing? Her grip around her bag tightened as she remained quiet, trying to keep her cool while she felt a wave of panic hit her.

"You forgot your ID?"

And silence. Alya looked down as she saw her ID in the woman's hand, reaching it out to her. A shaky smile hit her face slowly. She gave quick bark of laughter, quickly taking her ID back as she kept smiling.

"Oh, silly me!"

She said as her nerves considerably calmed down, taking it and putting it back into her pocket. She watched the lift doors open, stepping inside as she waved the woman goodbye, feeling a sense of calmness passing through her now that obstacle was out of the way.

But there was another one to go. And she was determined to finish her task. She grabbed the keycard again like the woman instructed and pressed the button for Adrien's floor, and used the keycard to get access.

She was going to get through to him, and she honestly didn't care if they would call security to kick her out, because at least she would've tried something.

But there was one thing worrying her. If Chloe was present here, it would make her task much more difficult. Adrien already knew who she is and Chloe probably did too, and to get to talk to him alone will be very difficult, especially when she didn't know what lies Chloe must've told him.

She could only pray and see.

Once the elevator doors opened up, she was welcomed by a luxurious view of a grand hall and a reception desk with a woman, most likely Adrien's assistant, sitting there. She entered the hallway and approached the woman behind the desk who saw her approaching the table and stood up.

"Ah, Miss Rouge, please take a seat. Mr. Agreste should be done any moment, he's in a meeting with Miss Bourgeois," she informed as Alya tensed up.

"Would you like anything to drink?" She offered as Alya just nervously looked at the door of Adrien's office, suddenly hearing Chloe's voice reaching her ears.

"Ehm…I uhhh….need to go to the bathroom first!" She announced as she looked around quickly, noticing the bathrooms and immediately paced her way towards the ladies room, before Chloe could see her.

The assistant just stared at her oddly but made no remark, as she decided to go back to her desk.

Close call.

She took a deep breath. Chloe was big trouble for sure. But honestly, going against a spoiled brat like her was nearly impossible.

'Adrikins! I'll be heading off now, I'll see you at La Grande Paris tonight! Daddy made sure to get your favorite meal on the menu! See ya~'

She wasn't surprised that was Chloe. The only thing she was surprised about that Chloe actually had a 'kind side'. All she knew her for was being a brat but supposedly, all brats have a soft side too. She carefully listened until she heard the clicking of heels that hit the ground of the grand hall fading.

'I had another interview today right?'

Adrien's voice echoed through the hall which soon determined that Chloe was gone.

'Yes Sir, Miss Rouge already arrived, however she's currently in the bathroom,'

Was this her queue to get out now?

'Oh I see, well, I'll be waiting in my office. You can send her over as soon as she's done. Will you also bring in some tea for the both of us?' Adrien finished saying, his feet tapping on the floor also echoing through the grand hall, followed by a door closing. She head some tapping again on the floor which was most likely the assistant who was getting their drinks.

Alya sighed in relief. This was her moment. She didn't want anyone else present in her confrontation with Adrien. She stepped out of the bathroom, noticing the assistant lift her head up to meet her gaze.

"Ah, you're back. I was asked to prepare some tea for you, is that okay?" She asked as she was standing next to the luxurious coffee machine to get hot water.

"I prefer coffee, but I won't take too long, so don't bother making anything for me," Alya answered with a smile.

"Alright, Mr. Agreste is waiting for you in his office," she replied back with a polite smile. Alya simply nodded and swept towards Adrien's office. She already prepared what she was about to tell him. And she was ready for it. Standing in front of his door, she knocked two times and opened the door once she heard 'Come in'. She took a deep breath and stepped inside, noticing Adrien was rather busy with something on his desk, with his back turned towards her.

"Hey, sorry for making you wait, if that was the case, I have quite a lot to arrange due to-"

He paused midway once he turned around and saw who came into his office.

"Alya?! How did you get in here?" He blurted in a surprised manner. Alya was frowning deeply as she inched her way into his office after closing the door and stopped right in front of him.

"I also go by the name Rena, I had to do this in order to get close to you because apparently, you're not willing to listen at all," Alya started off, by answering his question.

"But you can't be here, I'm sorry but I have to ask you to leave," He answered in a hurried tone, already suggesting her to get out of the office.

"Marinette has been calling and texting you non-stop and you ignored her and broke up with her when she needed you the most. What the hell is wrong with you?!" She denounced, crossing her arms.

"She wasn't serious to begin with! I loved her a lot, you know? I know she cheated on me, so I...simply had to listen to what was best for me. Don't you think I'm not hurting on this?!" He exclaimed, frowning back at Alya.

"And you really believe that?" Alya raised a brow.

"What do you mean? It's all over the media!" Adrien scoffed.

Alya sighed deeply as she grabbed her phone, quickly looking up for something as she started talking.

"That man you saw with Marinette, on that security tape, is a lawyer with his own company. His name is 'David Bonhomme' and used to be her sugar daddy," Alya explained, showing the footage again, but he looked surprised as she kept a close eye on the screen. He didn't see that the first time stamp there when Chloe showed him?

"That recording was from before she met you face to face. If you actually paid attention to the dates on the security footage, you would've known that," Alya stated in a matter of fact way and pulled the phone back as she swiped through her screen, soon showing him the picture of David.

"I never saw those..." He rebuked, as he honestly never noticed the time stamps on Chloe's phone. After Chloe told him the news, he was too hurt to actually see anything related to Marinette for a while that he completely ignored the news. He kept frowning at the screen as he watched Marinette's ex-sugar daddy on Alya's screen.

"Marinette hates lying and would never EVER cheat! I can promise you that it's all a lie," she started off "and even IF she had cheated.. I would've still wanted to know why she did what she did. Ignoring someone and blocking them out of your life, just like that, is never a solution, Adrien!" She pulled the phone away, putting it back in her pocket.

He was silent.

Chloe lied to him? If that footage was true, she never really cheated on him...which means he was a complete jerk to her for no reason.

"W-What have I done...I..." he expressed in a panicky way, looking anywhere but Alya's direction, feeling confused all of the sudden. Alya smiled in relief. Much easier than she expected and she slowly sat down.

"But first...I need to know, how did Chloe share this news with you? What did she tell you?" Alya asked him, leaning slightly forward in curiosity.

Adrien sat down as well as he brushed his hand through his hair, but seemed rather confused when Alya mentioned Chloe. "How did you know Chloe shared the news?" He questioned, holding his gaze on her.

"She was the one who started this whole mess, you know? Together with one of Marinette's other sugar daddies, who wasn't so keen on losing his sugar baby to a model," She explained while gazing up at Adrien, who only grew more and more guilty now as he came face to face with the truth that Alya threw at him.

"She found our address, sending that crazy lunatic after her, who by the way, almost attempted a sexual assault on my best friend. It's a good thing she was with someone who protected her just in time, who also happens to be her ex-boyfriend. Now that I'm thinking about it, it should've been you to protect her, but you were god-knows-where with your bodyguards, probably sobbing that your girlfriend was cheating on you and never even ATTEMPTED to ask her if this was true at all!"

Alya's words cut through Adrien's chest like a knife. She really knew how to make someone feel really remorseful like he did now. He felt ashamed. Guilty. Just bad overall.

Fucking hell.

"Chloe really goes to great lengths to ruin someone's life. She certainly succeeded, because I have never seen Marinette in such a bad state before" she added, crossing her arms.

"I get it, okay?! I get it! It's all my fault!" Adrien replied while gritting his teeth. Alya paid very close attention to his state and easily could tell he felt guilty. It was written all over him.

"I am only telling the truth when I say that you have not behaved as a gentleman in this matter," she added when getting up, striding her way towards the door of his office.

"Wait! You're leaving?" Adrien got up as well, looking like a helpless lamb while watching Alya stand near the door of his office.

"Why yes, Marinette should be home in the afternoon and I have to help my boyfriend tonight move into my apartment since Marinette moved back to her parents' place. I'm quite busy and I just had to take things off my chest first. Do what you want with this info, I'm leaving."

She purposely informed him and reached for the doorknob but was quickly stopped by Adrien's hand. Her eyes reached up to meet Adrien's green ones, giving him a skeptical

look. He was hesitant as she watched his mouth open, close and open up again to blurt out the next sentence.

"A-are you helping me?" he sounded shaky but Alya soon pulled away from his grip, holding her gaze onto him but she didn't answer.

"Why are you helping me?" He repeated in a more secure tone, frowning a little as he wanted an answer out of her.

"I'm not doing this to help you, I'm just here to reveal the truth, like a good journalist should do," Alya answered, watching him calmly. She was in control of this situation and secretly, it felt good to be right.

"I can't believe Chloe would do feels so complicated. I don't know what to do now," Adrien replied, looking down while his hands turned into fists.

"It's not really that complicated, she's just a bad person," Alya replied in a monotone voice. She was pretty direct with her words and she honestly didn't care it would sting Adrien. She was pissed.

"Just face it Adrien; that girl thinks she's so capable and good looking, when deep down she's the type of ugly that expensive cosmetics and photoshop can't fix."

And with that said, Alya reached for the doorknob, once again stopped by Adrien.

"Wait for me. I'm coming with you."

"Luka...Do you remember the day we became official together?" She murmured softly, hoping to spark some type of positive reaction and a response out of him.

She noticed a playful grin appearing on his face "Where did that come from?" he responded whilst slowly moving away from her to sit right next to her on their bed, wrapping his arms around her waist nuzzling in close again.

"I don't know...when you were talking about the old me... I was reminded of that.. Maybe I did change?" She responded right back when taking another bite of her breakfast, turning her head over to him.

" was during the period where you just broke it off with that model, I don't even want to say his name. I have never seen you so heartbroken before. You tried to push me away during that time, because you felt really bad for keeping me around when you said that you didn't feel in love with me."

Model? Adrien?!

"But anyway, I wasn't agreeing with what Alya was trying to do. She even went up to the guys office, completely undercover and went to face him to tell the truth of the entire situation. I remembered him going to the bakery with roses, even getting on his knees to apologize to you but...You were caught up in so much anger, you sent him away for not believing you in the first place and that's when you completely broke ties with him and eventually gave it a go with us again."

She...sent Adrien away when he came back to apologize to her?

"I remember you and Alya getting into a fight as well, and eventually parted with her I think back about it, there was a whole lot of drama happening. But I'm glad I was there for you," he muttered when he leaned his head against hers gently.

There was only silence.

Marinette gazed down at Adrien's hand holding onto hers. She had to wait because her emotions were all over the place. She had to wait to give him any form of response because at this point it could be anything. Slap him in the face, throw the bouquet on the ground and stomp on it until all of the roses are dead? Go on a rage right afterwards and punch him until his bodyguards have to pull her off of him? Or just cry and hug him because she missed him so bad? Cling onto him and hold him so tight and never letting go of him because she missed his touch, his smell, his voice, his everything.

She suddenly felt a tighter grip on her hand and it immediately shook her out of her thoughts. She slowly looked back at Adrien in wonder.

"Marinette...?" He said hesitantly, his face looking so guilty.

Before she realized it, tears gathered in her eyes. The thing she really didn't want to do in front of everyone, she ended up doing. Tears rolled down her cheeks as soon as she blinked and slowly look into his emerald green eyes which reflected back to her and showed nothing but remorse.

"I…" she took a shaky deep breath. "I was minding my own business," she pulled her hand away from his touch which took him by surprise. "You know, being a sugar baby and all, managing just fine, and then you came along, changing my life completely," she continued as she quickly wiped her tears away with her hands. "And at first I thought I found the one, you made me feel so many things, I didn't know if this was right for me first," she said with her shaky breath. "But I went and jumped blindly into your arms, like the naive girl that I apparently am," she said with a laugh. "You dumped me without saying a thing and embarrassed me in front of everyone," she continued as tears gathered around her eyes and made a small hiccup. "And here you are, delivered to me on a silver platter as if nothing happened," she finished . The tears kept rolling down her cheeks, which made her look away from him quickly.

She noticed from the corner of her eye that Adrien got up from the ground. She could feel his gaze on her but she made no response at all- at least not until his hand reached over to gently grab a hold of her upper arm. She immediately pulled away in frustration and looked at him with a deep frown. "Don't touch me!" she yelled as she watched him flinch in response.

"Adrien-" she quickly paused of what she was about to say because those words would really end this conversation. This would be the end of their relationship altogether. The words echoed through her mind.

Adrien, you need to leave.

She took a shaky breath as she slowly looked back at Adrien who had his full attention on her. He didn't say a thing but it almost looked like he was prepared for the worst.

Her heart really wanted him to stay with her forever. But she was filled with pride. She couldn't possibly forgive him this easily.

"Why did you come here to see me?" she asked suddenly as Adrien swallowed a little."I wanted to ask for your forgiveness. And honestly, at this point, I don't care how long it'll take for you to forgive me, I'm determined to do anything for it," he said as he looked down at her hands, as if he was longing for her touch. "Marinette..." she looked at his face and noticed him looking back at her. "Can we talk in private?"

And for that moment her heart melted. The way he looked at her, she forgot her hatred for a moment. Just for a moment, it felt amazing. And without thinking any further she simply nodded and let him take her hand, walking them both towards the backdoor of the bakery which had a stairway up to her parent's home. He closed the door behind them and put his bouquet of roses on the stairs. She was really wondering what he wanted to say in private.

They were completely alone now.

"Marinette" She felt him squeeze into her hand and soon grab hold onto her other hand. She looked down at their joined hands and slowly back up at his face again. Her thoughts and feelings were on pause as she kept gazing into his eyes.

"I don't know how I can make it up to you but I just need to get this off my chest first. After that I'll give you all the time and space you need to think about it," he started off as he made sure he kept his eyes fixed on hers. "I need you to believe that my feelings for you were and still are very genuine, all of it. I love you and I will always love you," he stated very seriously and she simply couldn't believe he was lying to her. "I know I made a terrible mistake by trusting Chloe mind just started to doubt you since...I didn't know you as well as I knew Chloe, she took advantage of that and the rest is...history" he explained slowly, averting his gaze in shame. "I made a serious mistake and you didn't deserve to be treated that way at all."

There was silence for a long moment.

"You made a serious mistake," Marinette stated after that silence. "You hurt me so bad! I never cried this much over anything in my life. Letting go of all these negative feelings isn't going to be easy."

Adrien gave her an understanding look, smiling sadly. "I don't expect you to forgive me so easily... but I was hoping you could maybe give me another chance..." he answered her while looking down at their joined hands "And if you give me that chance... I will make sure to show you that there can be positive feelings too."

"It isn't like there aren't any positive feelings," she muttered slightly avoiding his gaze. At that exact moment she felt his grip slightly tightening on her hands, which caught her off guard and immediately look up to Adrien who was smiling at her.

"Are you…" he started off shyly, carefully lifting her hands up against his chest. "Giving me a chance...?" he asked in an unsure manner. A lot of thoughts went through her head and especially one in particular she remembered.

"If you would've just believed me in the first place, things would've never ended up the way they did!" Marinette started off as she looked down at the napkin.

"Really...? We're going back to that now? Again?" Adrien answered swiftly, not letting Marinette's mood get in the way of his talking.

Her eyes looked up to meet his gaze, as he was giving her a bored look. She blamed him about this before?

"We're too far into this to just break things off again. Hearing you say that it's all my fault again doesn't really help and it's also pretty inaccurate. I tried to make it up to you but you weren't even listening. You know I was ready to do anything to make it up to you. You know that for a fact" He argued, making her frown back it him in return.

"I…" she started off nervously biting her lower lip.

"Kagami, please stop! I know you're angry and I deserve to be hated, but please don't hurt her, please, if you've ever loved me, please don't hurt the woman I love!" He begged her, and watched Kagami's hurt expression over his words soon melt into anger again.

"You're not in love, you're confused!" She concluded and turned around to see Marinette trying to get up and make a run for it. Marinette ran. She ran like hell. She didn't know this mansion that well but she had to find a place to hide. Anywhere was possible. However her leg was a hindrance, leaving not only a trail of blood but she had a hard time walking with such an injury.

"YOU CAN RUN BUT YOU CAN'T HIDE YOU HOMEWRECKER!" She heard Kagami's voice echoing harshly throughout the mansion. She decided to hide in a washroom, locking the door immediately as she wanted to find a way to stop the bleeding over her leg first. She looked through some drawers in a panic, she needed something to close the wound, anything! Her heart kept pounding in her chest as adrenaline flushed through her system.

Was this okay though? Just giving him a chance because of this dream?

But it proved multiple times now could be real.

And...even though it hurt her pride a lot. She loved him. She still loved him a lot. She let go of her lower lip and looked him in the eye.

"I'm willing to...give you the benefit of the doubt," Marinette said which was more than enough for Adrien to wrap his arms around her tightly. Marinette didn't hold onto him as tight but she did held onto him as she looked sideways while resting her head against his chest.

"I love you...I love you Marinette," he muttered happily as he nuzzled into the crown of her head.

"You too," she murmured back as she didn't feel ready to say that to him, but he only responded with a chuckle. He pulled away slowly as he rested his hands on both of her shoulders, looking happily into her eyes. She looked confused for a moment until he suddenly pushed the bouquet of roses into her arms "W-wow..I-" she muttered until Adrien cut her off suddenly. "How about I take you out to dinner tonight? Maybe I can show everyone that we're still together and that it was one big mistake? Are you in the mood for some wine? Maybe even go to that spa again?" Marinette was speechless at his rambling for some seconds until she looked down at the roses with a slight smile.

She only took out one rose and put the bouquet down somewhere, making Adrien stop with his rambling only to look puzzled at her.

"Baby steps, Adrien," she said softly, while looking at the rose. "How about you stay here for the evening?" she suggested looking over at him. He smiled again slowly and ended up agreeing with her suggestion.

"Babe! We're gonna be late!"

Marinette quickly put on her diamond earrings, making sure they were securely in place and grabbed her purse, putting in all the stuff she needed and carefully got out of her chair as she walked out of the bedroom and headed towards the front door of Adrien's- now their apartment, where Adrien was waiting for her in a very classic slim fit suit that suited him all too well.

"You got everything right?" He asked to be sure as he saw her closing her small pouch. She looked up at him as she pecked his lips. "Everything has been taken care of, no worries," she assured him to which he grinned in return. "Let's go, Miss Fashion Designer," he took her hand and grabbed his keys as he headed out of the apartment with her through the lift.

It's been at least 6 months since the entire drama went down and ever since they made up they have been rebuilding their relationship. Just a month ago Marinette moved into Adrien's apartment. She was able to work at Gabriel's company as one of his fashion designers and today was finally the day where she could show off her work in a fashion show. She held onto Adrien's hand and he held onto hers, intertwining their fingers together. Her thoughts only wondering at how fast their time went together.

Luka didn't agree with her going back to Adrien again, but they stayed friends nonetheless. Their contact however stayed very limited. Nino moved in with Alya into Marinette's old bedroom. Her relationship with Adrien's father definitely started off rough but they ended up getting along positively... and well...everything kinda fell into place.

Maybe one day, she would tell Adrien about that crazy dream she had that night.

"I would've loved to wear your designs today though," Adrien commented suddenly, pulling her out of her thoughts when they reached their destined floor and walked out as they were greeted by their bodyguards. "I'd rather have you by my side," Marinette replied when she squeezed into his hand. "Besides, there are enough models who can do that," she said with a smile. They stepped into the car that was waiting for them and quickly drove off to the big event.

Being dressed in a pretty gown with Adrien by her side like this felt surreal. She was still deeply in love with him and he was deeply in love with her and their relationship has been going better than ever. And honestly she wouldn't have it any other way. She couldn't imagine herself being as happy with someone else. Even going through hard times, even though forgiveness seems like an impossible thing to do.

She rested her head against Adrien's shoulder while they still kept on holding each others hand, smelling his familiar cologne which she never could get enough of.

We think that forgiveness is weakness, but it's absolutely not; it takes a very strong person to forgive.

She felt Adrien lean in to kiss the crown of her head, feeling his warm breath on her skin. She felt so strong with him by her side, so alive and so loved that she couldn't live without it any more.

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.

"I love you Adrien," She murmured with a smile.

"I love you more Marinette," he answered back with a smile.

Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.

A/N: I won't lie, writing this chapter felt very difficult to me. I myself am very unforgiving to people who let's turn their back on me in a way. And whenever those people wonder why I have a change of character towards them, I kind of ignore the whole problem altogether. So in many ways I felt like Adrien and Marinette's action were like some sort of confrontation moment for me to try and make a change of my own behavior of how to deal with my problems. lol. And maybe to some of you as well? It's always better to communicate and tell someone how their behavior makes you feel instead of pushing them away. Nobody's perfect, we all make the dumbest mistakes and we all need to learn from each other.

So on that note, I did tell you guys there could be more bonus chapters/side stories incoming for this fanfiction. Those will most likely be one-shot fics that I will be adding separately on my account, so if you really like this story and couldn't get enough of it, please keep an eye out for any updates on my tumblr or this account! I already started writing one! In the meantime you can also read my other ongoing story!

And finally, if you have the time, I would love to ready your thoughts about this story, what did you like about this story? How did it make you feel? Pour your hearts out in the comment section!