A/N: Hey guys! I am starting a new story, as I'm sure you can tell. This is going to be a superhero AU, and the team will not know each other until they get their powers. There are NO pairings! Some of them may seem OOC, but this is AU and it is probably intentional. I will update this story as often as possible, but I am once again participating in theater which will take up some more of my limited free time. All mistakes are my own, and I thank you for reading.

Disclaimer: I do not own Criminal Minds.

Aaron Hotchner sat in his office, rubbing his face with both hands. He was married to his job, he knew, but he never thought it would cost him the love of his life. It was ironic, he thought, that being a prosecutor would lead to him being 'served'. He leaned back and contemplated how he had gotten into this situation. He knew he was always focused on work, but was he really that bad… ? He sighed again, and got back to work. Another day, another criminal to nail to the wall in court.


David Rossi sat at his computer, contemplating his newest book. He had no inspiration, and his publisher was pushing him to get something done. As a writer, he had become very popular, very fast. Simply because he was good. But even the best succumb to writer's block every now and then. He sipped his scotch, and tried to work past it, poisoning his hands at the keys once again.

Emily Prentiss listened to her mother complain about politics (and her, of course) during their impromptu lunch date.

"I mean is it really that difficult to find a man willing to date you?" Her mother was saying, though she had tuned out a while ago. No, it really wasn't hard to find a man who wanted to date her. She was the one avoiding them. After all, while she wasn't really lesbian, she did swing both ways and more often than not choose a woman to be with. Which, her mother didn't know, of course. None of it mattered, though, because her job at INTERPOL kept her plenty busy. "Emily, are you listening to me?" Her mother asked, and she resisted the urge to groan.

Derek Morgan stood back and brushed the sweat off his face with the back of his hand. As a detective for the Chicago PD, he had to find a way to relieve stress. He had found that renovating houses, smashing in walls, breaking windows, etc. was very therapeutic. It was not his full time job, but he took comfort in the fact that it could be if he so wished. He took the sledge hammer, and swung it one last time, effectively bringing the wall down. He loved the fact that he did that. He broke the wall, and now he could do whatever he wanted with the room. He smiled, and his phone rang. He looked and groaned. His work cut into his free time more often than not, but he helped people. And that made it all worth it.

Spencer Reid sat back, letting the makeup artist do her job.

"... and a photo shoot at ten, and don't forget that lunch with…" He zoned out again. He knew he was a big name in Hollywood, but he would really rather be in a classroom right now. His manager cleared his throat. Spencer looked up at him. "You aren't listening, are you?" He asked, exasperated.

"Sorry." He muttered. He sure didn't sound sorry. His manager continued, and as he started to zone again, Lila walked into the room. He smiled widely, standing and walking to her. They hugged, and she kissed both his cheeks.

"It has been too long." She said, and he laughed.

"I saw you this morning!" He said between chuckles.

"Your point?" She asked. They both laughed again. "Lets go do something fun." She said. His manager interrupted.

"Actually, we have a very busy schedule today, so…" He let the sentence trail off. Lila bat her lashes.

"Oh, but you would do me a favor, wouldn't you? Things are not nearly as fun without my best friend." The man sighed begrudgingly, not wanting to make an enemy of Lila Archer. "Great!" She said, already knowing the answer. She dragged Spencer out of the studio, walking with him to the car. "I got the geek clothes you kept asking for." She said as they got into the car.

"Fantastic." He said. "You are the best!" He said. She snorted.

"Of course I'm the best. Only I would pull you out of a day of photo shoots to guest lecture at CalTech." He smiled widely.

Jennifer 'JJ' Jareau stood in her apartment, contemplating her outfit. She knew once she made it to the news station, the makeup girl would change it, so she didn't bother with makeup. She held up the grey pant suit, then the blue skirt and matching blazer and blouse. She choose the blue, throwing it on carefully so as not to mess up her hair, and ran out the door. Her heels clicked down the hall, and there was the shrill sound of a catcall she was now used to. Her new pervy neighbor saw her walking down the hall almost every day, and catcalled her.

"C'mon baby, don't be like that!" He yelled after her. She ignored him and kept walking. He grumbled something and shut the door.

Penelope Garcia sat in her 'lair', writing code. Dressed in all black, she thought about her boyfriend, Shane. She knew she was going to leave him soon, she hadn't found the right… opportunity. She sighed, shaking her head slightly. Her phone rang, her contact for the number 'Shane'. She ignored it for the time being, knowing he would call until she answered. Also, not caring. Her dark painted lips turned down at the corners. She had to admit, the idea of being alone again frightened her. But the idea of staying with him scared her even more.

A/N: So, I hope you like so far. Some of them have the jobs they had before the BAU, others were jobs I could see them doing. The only one who had ever worked in the BAU was Rossi, but he is still in retirement. The idea of Prentiss being bi was not really planned, and the idea came when I found out that the writers originally wrote her out to be a lesbian. Anyways, just some rambling on my part. Please R&R!