Blissful - Chapter 1 Amy

Amy woke with a start breathing heavily. Her eyes were as wide as saucers and her heart was racing a mile a minute. For one brief moment, she wasn't sure where she was. But then the memories came flooding back to her mind. The wedding. She was married. She looked down at her left hand just to confirm the validity of her memory. Yes. It was true. She was married.

The mousy girl who ate school lunches with only the custodian. The girl whose only dance at her prom was with a mop on the clean-up crew. The girl who spent her college days not being picked for scavenger hunt teams and bribing a first kiss from an asthmatic co-ed. Married. Not only was she was married, she was married to Dr. Sheldon Lee Cooper. Oh my. After everything they had been through during their 8 years together, they were finally committed forever.

What was it that he said when he spontaneously flew across the country to propose? "I realized Amy was the only women I wanted to kiss for the rest of my life". He wants to kiss her. For the rest of his life. What was it that he said in front of their friends and family in his wedding vows? "I will spend my life showing you how much I love you". He loves her. He wants to show her how much. Oh my. He said that out loud. Everyone heard it. Their friends couldn't possibly tease them now. Yes, after years and years of taunts and jokes, no one can doubt their love for each other. Maybe they never did. They were good friends even if they took the good nature ribbing too far sometimes.

Not having friends for many years, Amy wondered if they really were her friends or if they just tolerated her for Sheldon's sake. It wasn't until she broke up with Sheldon that she knew. Her friends stood by her then even though she had hurt their friend. They didn't hold it against her. Rajesh, Bernadette and Howard, Penny and even Leonard, Sheldon's best friend. As long as she lived, Amy could never express to them the amount of gratitude she had for them keeping her in their lives during that difficult time.

Wanting to change her train of thought from that sad time in her life when she and Sheldon were apart, Amy began to yawn and stretch and put on her glasses. She slowly looked around the room. It was a beautiful room. Bright and cheery. Elegant and soft. She hadn't really paid much attention to the décor last night when they arrived. She was far too busy with more important matters. The most important being making love to her amazing husband. Their first official act of intimacy as husband and wife.

Amy was a little surprised that she and Sheldon were not too tired to consummate their marriage. Yesterday was wonderful but they were exhausted after a long day of preparing for the wedding, the wedding itself and then the reception where they mingled and greeted their guests. Before she and Sheldon left the reception, Penny and Bernadette helped Amy out of her wedding dress into a simple flowered dress (sans cardigan) and Sheldon changed into a dress shirt and pants.

The "high" from the day was starting to wear off for them but then they arrived at their hotel room, this room, and they both felt energized, excited. They had been waiting a long time for this moment. Truth be told, both Sheldon and Amy grew up with very conservative mothers when it came to the topic of sex. Although, they were both fully grown highly accomplished adults, they each still felt the underlying need to please their parents.

It wasn't long after their first time on Amy's birthday years ago when they realized their mother's views had made such an impression on them. Although, they were both a little surprised at how much they enjoyed their first time together they were more surprised to discover how guilty they both felt about "doing it". Once Amy found out that Sheldon had Mee-Maw's ring and marriage was a possibility, they talked about it and realized that although they enjoyed being intimate, they would try to wait if possible and save sex for marriage. While they were not perfect in that matter, they tried. There were many other ways to be intimate with each other.

Amy smiled when she recalled how last night's lovemaking was so very different from their other times together. Their first time was wonderful but also a lot of pressure. Would it be good? Would they know what to do? Would Sheldon run screaming from the room? Kidding. On their 2nd time, both of them had been tired from the day's activities of Halley's birth and subsequent visit to Wizarding World so their lovemaking had been sweet but shorter than the first time. On their 3rd time, they simply just enjoyed each other deciding to treasure their time together before Amy left for Princeton. The last time they made love before their wedding night was on Amy's birthday before Christmas. Sheldon had put so much time and energy into her gift of a homemade old-fashioned dinner that year that it seemed selfish of Amy to want more. But want she did and Sheldon was more than willing to give her want she wanted.

As Amy looks back, it was always Sheldon that initiated their intimate moments together. He always suggested it even though they were trying to wait which made Amy feel wanted. Desired. Loved. She felt that way last night but she also felt something else - cherished. When they entered the hotel room last night, Sheldon looked at Amy with such love and desire that the pure joy of it could not be contained in her heart. It was almost painful. She had to look away and swiftly swipe away a small tear from her eye. Sheldon came up behind her and circled her with his strong arms.

"Amy, are you alright?" he asked softly.

Amy turned toward him. "Yes", she said "I'm alright. Better than alright".

Amy raised her head to kiss him gently but Sheldon had other ideas. His lips slammed down on hers with such passion that Amy had to hold on to Sheldon's shirt to keep from losing her balance. She reciprocated the kiss with all of the emotion she had been feeling from this glorious day. As the kiss grew even stronger and deeper, Amy wondered how there could have ever been a time when she doubted that Sheldon was attracted to her physically.

Amy had always thought of herself as a romantic person but not necessarily a sexual being. She longed to dance, to kiss and to be loved but sex to her had always been a biological instinct that she didn't seem to have. That is until 8 years ago when she met the amazing Dr. Cooper. Something happened to her that she could not explain. Shortly after meeting Sheldon she experienced sexual arousal for the first time, I'll be it for another man, but Amy believes the dormant biological instinct was unleashed because of her meeting Sheldon.

She now considered herself a late bloomer when it came to sexuality. For a long time, Amy held on to the belief Sheldon would also be a late bloomer like her. She knew that their friends never understood how she could be so patient with him when it came to their physical relationship but she knew that it was possible to go many years never even thinking about sex and the "Hoo" all of a sudden the urge was there.

Eventually however, Amy decided that Sheldon wasn't going to be a late bloomer or bloom at all. He simply wasn't interested in being physical with her, or maybe with anyone. Was Sheldon asexual? If so, could she still be with him? As much as she loved him, the answer was 'no'. Amy ended their relationship in part because of his lack of sexual interest in her. Although, she didn't like it, she could live with his lack of romantic gestures but not his lack of desire for her at all. It was too much to bear.

Imagine her surprise, when after months apart, her answer changed and she decided that 'yes' she could still be with him even if he never wanted to have sex with her. She missed him. She missed his presence in her life. He had proven he was loyal and faithful to her. He had shown his love to her in every way but one. Her love for him was too great and she was willing to make the sacrifice if it meant being with him. She told him she was ready to be his girlfriend again and was heartbroken when he said he just wanted to be her friend. She was so heartbroken that she was willing to throw it all away and give herself to another man. Dave was very nice but he just wasn't Sheldon. She wanted Sheldon to be her first and her last lover. Thank goodness Sheldon arrived just in time to stop her from making a scarring mistake.

That was the night that Amy discovered Sheldon was attracted to her after all. While kissing passionately after reuniting she could feel his desire for her through his pants. He certainly found second base that night and then on her birthday he rounded all the bases for a home run.

Looking back, Amy could now see that Sheldon had been attracted to her throughout their relationship but kept that part of himself hidden from her. She remembered when she first kissed him after dancing and how he didn't pull away and stayed to take care of her that night despite the germs. She remembered their very hot D&D role playing that he insisted they see through to the end. She remembered when Sheldon was visibly shaken gulping in air as she showed up to his apartment one night in her school girl uniform. Boy, he really hid his desire for years but underneath they were there all along.

Part of reason she didn't see it was due to her innocence on the matter and the fact no other man had shown any interest in her physically. Part of the reason he hid it, she believes, was due to how he was raised – his religious upbringing and his southern gentleman upbringing. Mostly she believes the reason behind Sheldon's ability to hide his desires for sexual contact involved his mind. Sheldon's brain really was "better than everybody else's" that when he wanted to he really could control his basic urges.

Now when Amy thinks of her wedding night she remembers Sheldon kissing her everywhere on her body with no hiding of his desires. She remembers feeling his hardness and thinking I do that to him. I do. Me. He does desire me still. After Sheldon began kissing her last night they began undressing and moving to the bed. Sheldon's eyes grew wide and he licked his lips when he saw the matching bra and pantie set Amy had chosen for their wedding night. Red. He quickly removed them. Normally, a very slow lover Sheldon began rapidly kissing her face, her breasts, her stomach and finally her most intimate area. It was if he couldn't get enough of her. As if he wanted to claim her as his own somehow.

After Amy climaxed from the sensations he gave her with his tongue, she thought she could stand no more but Sheldon lifted himself up and teased his tip against her wetness. Amy gasped at the feel of him against her very sensitive nerves. When they finally joined together fully for the first time as husband and wife they moved with a rhythm that was so perfect Amy was convinced they were actually one person. It didn't take long for Amy to climax again and scream out Sheldon's name with her husband then screaming her name. As they both silently moved to face one another, Sheldon whispered, "I love you, my wife". Another small tear slipped down her face like earlier in the night and Sheldon silently kissed it away.

Amy stopped looking around the room and looked to her left at her still sleeping husband and sighed contently. She stretched again and climbed out of bed towards the bathroom. After freshening up, she put on the smaller hotel robe saving the larger one for Sheldon hoping he might look past the fact that multiple hotel guests have worn it in the past. Oh well, one can only hope.

She looked in the mirror. She looked the same as always but she felt different as a married women. Amy once asked Leonard if it felt any different being married to Penny than when they were just dating. He said, "Not really" and she expressed relief at that answer. Things between Amy and Sheldon had been going very well as a couple. They had overcome the obstacles of learning to live together, family squabbles and even her time apart at Princeton. Sheldon was learning to be more considerate towards Amy and Amy was learning to be more understanding of Sheldon's hobbies, like trying to learn more about comic books. They both still had a ways to go.

Amy was fearful that marriage would change the good thing they had going and that's why she was glad to hear Leonard's answer. But now, she would have to disagree. She does think it feels different being married. Better. For Amy and Sheldon being married means so much more perhaps than it does to other couples. Neither one of them ever expected to find someone to share their life with. She had given up on that dream just as she had said in her wedding vows yesterday. And yet? Here they were. Married. Yes, it was true.


Amy stops her moment of reflection and opens the bathroom door upon hearing Sheldon call her name. She sees that he is awake.

"Sheldon", she says, I am so sorry. Did I wake you?"

"Yes", he says. "But not with the bathroom, just by being away. I missed you", he grins.

Amy smiles and comes back over to the bed. She sits down.

"Sorry", she grins back.

Sheldon pulls her close hugging her to his chest.

"Good morning wife", he says.

"Good morning husband", she says.

Sheldon gives her one more squeeze and then leaves the bed for the bathroom. Amy enjoys the view as he, like her, was still naked from their activities last night. Sheldon emerges from the bathroom a few moments later in the larger hotel bathroom robe. It took everything Amy had to stop herself from telling Sheldon how proud she was for him wearing the robe but she didn't want to jinx it.

"Amy", he said.


"I was wondering if you, well, if you feel any different."

"Different? Different how Sheldon?"

"Well, just different now that we're, well now that we are married?"

"Oh. Well since you mentioned it, I do feel different now that we are married. I actually was just thinking about that."



"Well, how do you feel differently now than from before"?

Amy was thoughtful for a moment.

"I feel…safe. Secure. Content. Happy. Blissful." She smiled.

Sheldon smiled back but was also thoughtful for a moment.

"Were you not all of those things before? What did you mean by safe and secure for example? Did you not feel safe with me? Were you are afraid of me?" Sheldon asked hesitantly.

Amy took Sheldon's hand and looked into his eyes.

"Sheldon, of course I felt safe with you. It's just…" she paused.

"What", he said.

"It's just I didn't always feel safe and secure in our relationship. I mean you do have a history of making spur of the moment decisions about our relationship. Some were wonderful but some were not." Amy sighed.

"What do you mean?" asked Sheldon. "When do I ever make spur of the moment decisions? Amy, I'm a scientist. My decisions are always well-thought out and calculated."

"Sheldon, while that may be, when it comes to your emotional decisions, well, they are typically not thought out and calculated." Amy said.

"Like when? Sheldon repeated.

"Well" Amy started still holding Sheldon's hand. "For example, when you decided to break up with me over a table".

Sheldon cringed but Amy continued.

"Or when you left on your train trip without even saying good-bye".

Sheldon opened his mouth to interrupt her but Amy blurted out, "of course most of the time they were good decisions."

Sheldon closed his mouth.

"For example, when you barged into my date with Stuart and asked me to be your girlfriend. That was a wonderful surprise, very spur of the moment. Or when you kissed me for the first time on the train when we went Napa Valley for Valentine's Day. That was a very wonderful surprise. Or when you flew across the country spur of the moment and proposed to me at Princeton." Amy smiled again.

Sheldon looked at her with a look she couldn't quite place. "Well, perhaps it seemed spur of the moment to you but I had been thinking about and planning those things for years before I did them. Very calculate," he said.

Amy gulped. "Years," she said.

"Yes. I knew from the moment I met you that I wanted to be your boyfriend someday. I just did not know how to make that happen. I thought about kissing you like I did on the train for years. Ever since you first kissed me the night we went dancing. And proposing, well you have known I wanted to do that, well, since you first found out about Mee-Maw's ring. I just didn't get a chance to before…"

Sheldon stopped talking and looked down, rubbing his fingers over Amy's wedding ring set slowly.

For the second time that morning, Amy is reminded of that difficult time when she broke up with Sheldon. She looked at Sheldon and simply couldn't stand seeing him sadly reminded of that time when they were apart. She took off her glasses, lifted his head up and kissed him. In that kiss, Amy conveyed as much emotion as possible. Her sorrow for their hurt, her joy for their reconciliation and her love for their new commitment as a married couple.

Sheldon felt all of those emotions and leaned in deepening the kiss moving over Amy as she lay back on the bed. He took advantage of the fact the tie on her robe had loosened and moved his hand inside to stroke her breast. Amy moaned as his long glorious fingers caressed her causing her nipple to harden. Amy gasped for air.

"Sheldon," she breathed.

His tongue began rolling her nipple over and over and Amy's hips began to buck underneath him. He held her in place and moved his hand lower to touch her. Amy moaned again as Sheldon began to move his finger and slowly place one and then two fingers inside of her. Soon though Amy grabbed his arm stopping his ministrations and Sheldon looked at her. Her eyes were dark and her lips wet.

She grabbed his neck pulling him to her and kissed him again. She pushed herself up and pushed him down on the bed. She untied his robe opening it to expose his hardened length and climbed on top of him gently lowering herself down over him. As she adjusted to the fullness of him she took off her robe. Sheldon stares with wide eyes at her not making a sound but as she lowers herself all the way down on him he lets out a small gasp.

"Amy", he breathes.

Amy begins to move up and down in a slow but steady rhythm. Sheldon reaches out for her waist but as he sees her breasts begin to bounce up and down his hands gravitate unconsciously towards them. As Sheldon begins caressing her Amy's rhythm increases hitting just the right spot. She knows she is close. This time Sheldon does grab her waist moving Amy even faster in her rhythm. Both of them come together and Amy's orgasm is long and powerful as she screams out in ecstasy. Slowly, she comes back down to earth and lays her head on Sheldon's chest still on top of him. He reaches out and cups her bottom.

"I love you", she says.

"And I you," he says.

Amy wasn't sure how much time had passed that morning as it looks like both she and Sheldon had fallen back asleep. She was now spooned against him and could feel his erection at her back. Hmmm… she wondered. Amy scooted closer to him wiggling her bottom as she did. Sheldon moaned. Amy felt confident as she reached behind her and touched him gently stroking him. He felt smooth as steel. He began to thrust slightly forward in her hand. Amy turned over and looked at him while still continuing to stroke his length. His eyes were closed and his mouth a jar.

Amy moved and positioned herself lower in the bed between his legs. She looked at him again. He looked the same. Is he even awake, she wondered? I guess we'll find out. Moving her mouth to him she took his hardness in her hand and began licking the full length of him. Amy took him into her mouth and began moving in a rhythm while her hand was moving as well. Sheldon made the sexiest noise she thought she had ever heard and she looked up. His eyes were open and he was looking at her. Amy looked at him silently asking permission. Sheldon nodded and raised his hand towards her and his eyes closed again as his head fell back on the pillow. He made another sexy noise. "Hoo", thought Amy.

Amy continued her mission and soon felt Sheldon's hips thrusting towards her. His hands wound through her long hair lifting it off her face. Amy heard another noise and saw he was watching her again. A few more thrusts and Sheldon came into her mouth literally growling when he did. Amy moved away from him and laid down on the bed.

For the second time that morning Amy said "Sorry, did I wake you?" to Sheldon but this time it was with a large dose of sarcasm and a huge grin.

"Yes," he said. "You did. Please feel free to do so anytime in the future". His grin was pretty huge as well. Sheldon turned over and held her close. Amy snuggled into him.

After some time had passed, Sheldon finally asked, "Why did you do that?"

"What", said Amy innocently?

"You know what" he said smugly.

"Why. Did you not enjoy it?" she asked.

Sheldon caressed her arm. "I did very much but Amy I was asleep. You have never done anything before even as innocent as pulling on my arm to wake me up. I guess what I am asking is for all of your sexy talk over the years, I have always been the one to initiate sex. Is this part of the different you since we are married? More safe and secure in our relationship?" He looked at her with a soft expression.

"Sheldon," Amy began thoughtfully. "I'm so sorry if I caused you any concern earlier about our relationship. I didn't meant to. I just wanted you to know that being married to you has only made our relationship even better. And, yes I may have gained a little more confidence now that we are free to have sex as we wish. As I wish, without being afraid. Frankly, I'm tired of trying to hide how much I want you all the time," Amy sighed.

Sheldon didn't speak as he stared at her. His eyes were dark and he licked his lips just before he forcefully took Amy's face in his hands and kissed her plunging his tongue inside her mouth. This surprised Amy greatly as she hadn't even rinsed her mouth out and she was sure he could taste himself on her tongue. If so, he didn't seem to mind in the least. He may have even liked it as he began to moan and move himself on top of her. She was even more surprised that he was already hard again as she felt him against her leg when he hitched it up over his hip.

"Sheldon" she moaned as he brought his hand to her sex and began moving his long finger over her slick folds. Amy began to feel herself getting closer and closer to climax when Sheldon whispered to her "Amy, please. I need you. I need to be inside of you now."

"Yes Sheldon, oh yes please" Amy said.

Sheldon wasted no time as he entered her building up to a fast erratic pace. Sweat began to form on his forehead and strong arms as he continued his pace. Amy was enthralled with the sensations she was experiencing. This wasn't the slow and sweet Sheldon she knew from their other times together or even the excited and enthusiastic Sheldon from last night. This Sheldon was raw. Almost animalistic. And Amy was loving it. Amy felt her clinch around him with her orgasm.

"Ah Amy", Sheldon screamed and came instantly.

As they laid there trying to catch their breath, Amy was just so amazed at what had transpired between them. They had made love more in the last 24 hours than in almost the 2 and a half years since they had first been intimate. She knew based on their agreement to try and wait to have sex until marriage that coital expectations would change but wow! She had no way of knowing just how much of a change it would be for them. It was true. Sheldon really did excel at many things, Amy thought and smiled.