A/N: This is it, loves! The final chapter of the story. More notes at the bottom.



Hermione tore through her room, trying to ensure that the last of her stuff was packed away for the next few months while she and Draco were at Hogwarts. For the life of her, she could not find her briefcase, the most important belonging she needed for teaching. It had all her lesson plans, her back-up lesson plans, and the back-up lesson plans for her back-up plans. She wanted to be prepared.

"Draco, have you seen my briefcase? I'm supposed to be on the Hogwarts Express in twenty minutes, and I can't find it anywhere."

"The last time I saw it, we moved it off the counter so that we could shag on it," came his voice from her living room. She pulled on her other kitten heel and rushed out the bedroom door. True to his word, the briefcase rested against the side of the countertop. Draco stood by the door with both of their suitcases ready to go. He was, as usual, dressed impeccably. Hermione both loved and hated that he was so effortlessly beautiful.

She careened to a stop in front of him, and he kissed her cheek. "Good morning, love." He handed her a travel mug of her favourite coffee, made with cream and sugar just the way she liked it, and a bagel.

She took both from him after she shrank down their luggage to fit inside the beaded bag she still carried everywhere. "Have I told you today that I love you?"

Draco smiled at her as he followed her out the door of her flat and waved his wand to lock and ward the door. "You have, but it's always nice to hear it," he quipped, bending down to pick up the Daily Prophet on the doorstep. The heading read "Malfoy Renovations Set to Break Ground on New Hogwarts Memorial." He smirked at it. "Do you want to add this clipping to the box, too?"

She shoved him playfully and rolled her eyes. "You'll never let me forget that will you?"

He smiled at her as he took her hand. "Not a chance, love. Just like you'll never let me forget that you wouldn't take my last name," he teased. "Are you ready?"

Hermione exhaled a shaky laugh at his quick change of subject. "I'm going to vomit, but I'm as ready as I'll ever be."

"You're going to be brilliant, Professor Granger. You always are." With a squeeze of her hand, he disapparated.

A moment later, they were hurrying through King's Cross Station to Platform 9 ¾. They looked both ways to ensure no Muggles were watching them, then walked through the barrier together.

The platform was bustling with students and parents waving goodbye to each other before the train left. Hermione smiled as she took in the scene before her. A wave of nostalgia passed over her when she spied a first-year giving her mother a tearful hug goodbye. Another student chattered happily to his friends about his new owl, while still others strolled hand in hand to board the train. Yes, some things had changed drastically in the last few years, but the excitement of a new year on Platform 9 ¾ never did.

Draco squeezed her hand again to get her attention. "Are you ready to go? The train will be leaving in a couple moments, and I need to be back to Hogwarts on time to meet with the investors for the next renovation project."

Hermione smiled at him. "Yeah, I'm ready to go."

Together, they approached the carriage for professors. As usual, she was the only professor on the train, but Hermione didn't mind. Both she and Draco enjoyed their rides on the train, and the secluded professor's carriage had given them the opportunity to act out some fantasies that both had long harboured.

As the train pulled out of the station, Hermione nestled into Draco's side and sighed contentedly. She was back for another year at Hogwarts, this time as a professor, and married to the wonderful man who set her soul on fire. All was well.


I know I say this every chapter, but I'm truly so grateful for everyone who has read this and reviewed or simply read this fic. I'm so glad that you've all enjoyed this silly bit of fluff as much as I enjoyed reading it. Your kind words, encouragement, and excitement with each chapter has truly made me so happy to share this. I've genuinely looked forward to updating every single week, and I'm kind of sad to see the end of the story. Here's looking forward to the next!