hey so this is a fic I was saving for my oc storm (which is really me and I got transported into their reality ect.) with Keith but those two are going to have plenty of moments like this,

also this is a story challenge I don't remember by who but I will try to get the name any way I challenge you all to make an (appropriate) Keith and acxa story,

"Ugh come on come on" acxa said as her spaceship was hurdling towards the planet she crash landed on a planet that Keith had crashed on too


"Paladins lotors troops are attacking" Coran yelled through the speakers of the castle, the lions all quickly left the castle and started fighting lotor instead of using the smaller red fighters had a ship for each of his generals to fly and fight Lance was fighting Ezor in red, hunk was fighting zethrid in yellow Allura and pidge were fighting Narti in green and blue (mind you this is before Narti dies rip) and Keith was fighting acxa in black, she had the most powerful weapon on her ship but her ship was also the weakest.

She had shot him but before the lion shut down he shot her ship down both falling to the planet but he hit the surface first.


She it the planet hard everything was destroyed exept the cockpit last thing she remembered was Keith staring down on her tilting his head before she blacked out.

(Yes that was supposed to remind you of how Krolia and whats his name met, suck it up *puts on deal with it glasses*) no nope not doing that, dang it stop changing the subject back to the story

He had carried her to the lion surprisingly she was pretty light despite her alien size. When he got to the lion he placed her lion *stick figure troll face* down on the cot that the lion had in it and tried to it working again which sorta worked he got it walking again but flight was not looking up for them it started raining hard he did an analysis only to find more bad news the rain was acid and it was also coming down in liquid form but in solid form too and in big chucks too the point of denting the lion in some places.

So he found a cave big enough for his lion and parked it in there facing out side then he decided to tend to his passengers wounds,

he inspected her finding injuries everywhere but he was only going to bandage her arms legs shoulders and places like that in which he would not have to see anywhere a girl wouldn't want some one to see, he knew too respect a girls privacy especially after multiple incidents where he would have not paying attention and ending up in the ladies bathroom, the screams would leave his ears ringing for days.

He used the same x-Ray scanners on his arm gauntlet that pidge used to scan te-osh to scan her and make sure nothing internal was broken, which his hopes were wrong three ribs were broken right wrist twisted left knee dislocated and bruises everywhere her breaths were shaky and he didn't know what to do to calm her he bandaged her knee and her wrists and lastly her ribs (mind you he does not need to see her her privet part of her chest to bandage her ribs)

And put some altean cream on her bruises to make sure they didn't hurt anymore each time he pressed the cold cream against her blue skin she winced.

He sat down when he was down closed the altean medical kit he waited for her to wake up also checking if communications were up and running.

She woke up and he was by her side "hey are you ok" he asked helping her get into a sitting position, "what happened where am I?" She asked trying to to support her weight but he wouldn't let her

"you crashed here after shooting me down your ship was destroyed right now your in the black lion but you have multiple injuries I bandaged them and put an altean cream on your bruises,"

She sat there not saying a word "why would the enemy save me" she thought to herself.

"Um... Thanks I guess" she said still not understanding why he helped her he simply nodded,

"You should get some rest" he said looking straight into her eyes "why are you being so nice to me I'm your enemy?" She asked trying to get up but failed due to pain,

"The Paladins code says that we help those in need" she thought over it and lied down and closed her eyes and rested

When she woke up he was on his chair looking at a screen, she groaned at the headache she had he turned around and to her "do you need anything" he asked her holding her hand "just some water" he went into the kitchen part of the lion and got her the water in which she drank quietly.

She studied him as he walked back and forth in the lion, he didn't look like he was going to hurt her, he didn't seem like he was plotting a conspiracy, in fact he looked pretty calm his blade was tucked away in its sheath heck his bayard was nowhere to be found let alone activated.

She didn't let her guard down though she made sure to watch him wherever he went unless of course he was out of sight.

Keith came inside "so your one of lotors top generals huh" he asked breaking the silence "yes I was orphaned at a young age and lotor asked me to join his ranks he taught how to fight and I became his right hand woman,"

"Huh that's interesting" Keith said "so what will happen if we ever get out of here going back to him?" He asked "maybe, sometimes I just wish this twisted war was over" he looked at her confused he didn't like war but he liked fighting and she was one of the best fighters he has ever seen why would she want to stop fighting,

In which it seemed that she had tears in her eyes, "'are you ok?" He asked in a more gentle tone, " I'm fine, just thinking" there was a silence between the two for a few moments before she decided to speak " why are you being so nice to me you don't even know who I am I'm the enemy I tried to kill you no one has ever shown me that kind of mercy and kindness." She said with her voice breaking he scooted over to her placing a hand on her shoulder.

"If it makes you feel any better I never wanted to hurt you the day I rescued you from the welblum and if you want you can join our ranks and fight against lotor"

She could only look at him did he just say that to her she thought about knowing she had options she could work with them and help take down lotor just cuz he helped her doesn't mean he's not evil,

She leaned into his chest and while he wasn't big on physical affection she rubbed her back comforting her resting his chin on her head, he was surprised by how soft her hair was thanks to olay regeneration.

(yes that was supposed to sound like a shampoo commercial hey! What did I say about changing the subject)

She fell asleep in his arms

He woke up a few hours later thankful for the sleep acxa was still in his arms he lied her down using some emergency blankets as a pillow, and went to the control panel to check on blacks vitals which were still down and it was still raining.

She woke up on the blankets and Keith was right there next to her she watched him sleep for a few minutes and chuckled at the fact that he was drooling in his sleep

She pushed back one of his bangs behind his ear before She attempted to get up but pain over stimulated her body and she fell back down which caused more pain.

She just relaxed there and held Keith's hand as he did when he asked her if she needed anything,

The rain falling on the cave and lion was super rallying or at least she thought most people hate the rain she wondered if he was the same way none the less she continued holding his hand studying him.

This boy was confusing her to no end he looked human but fought like a galran, none the less she decided to sleep while she could next to him.

yeah ok I know this is cliffhanging will they survive or even get out alive who knows maybe they'll grow old there together you'll just have to wait for the next chapter which I am working on its gonna be 3-5 chapters long. Unlike my main story intergalactic storm.

Any way that's it for now (don't worry I'll make more chapters) but as always vrepid sa form Voltron Ka-chow mega dream to the extreme and may God bless you all that's for tonight thanks for reading America and we'll see you next time