„Niklaus", Elijah called and entered the living room.

Klaus sat there together with Marcel and Kol and waved his glass of bourbon with a smile.

Rebekah and Hayley stood with Freya and Hope at the open patio door and turned to the calling original.

Finally, there was peace between them.

Klaus lifted his head and saw the dead serious expression on his brother´s face.

„What is it, Elijah?", he asked suspiciously. The older original lifted the letter in his hand.

„A letter from the Forbes family", Elijah explained.

„Well, what does your hottie want from you?", grinned Kol.

Klaus had jumped immediately and seized the letter. He looked around.

Rebecca and Hayley looked suspiciously. Kol grinned inside himself and Marcel and Freya stared at him curiously.

Again he concentrated on the envelope in front of him and tore it open. He went over the first line and dropped the letter.

„No", he moaned and covered his face with his hands.

Elijah stepped closer to his brother and picked up the letter.

He froze and then read aloud.

„In silent sorrow. We´re saying goodbye to Liz Forbes. The memorial service will take place on February 12th at 10:00 am."

„What?", it sounded choking from Rebekah. „No, it can´t be."

„Bekah?" Elijah asked and looking at her with concern. Klaus hasn´t move at all and stared at the ground. „Liz was….she was always good to me", it came quietly from the original blonde.

Elijah looked down again. Affected silence spread.

Then he discovered another paper in the envelope. Slowly he unfold it. This was handwritten.

Again he began to read aloud.

I honestly don´t know why I´m writing this letter. You left mystic falls and I don´t think this small town is a reason to visit. My mother did everything to protect this city and treated everyone with respect and kindness. But perhaps the thought that you will always be a part of this city calms me down. The way she was. Perhaps the thought that a part of this city will live forever calms me down. I don´t expect you to guys to come. I don´t mind if you do. I just want you to know there´s not going to be any sneaky plan. Anyone who should try will personally receive a dagger from me.

It´s my mother´s day. The day to say goodbye. We all have our faults, our feuds. But especially in such times this should be of secondary importance. And above all, I want to confess one big mistake I made myself. I took it all for granted. And it makes me think. Most of all, I regret taking down a promise out of fear. And I hope to be able to undo it. I know I'm not entitled to it, but Klaus? I could need a friend.


Slowly the oldest Mikaelson looked up. Hayley and Freya stared shocked to the ground. Rebekah held on sobbingly to Marcel, who had his arms tightly wrapped around her. Kol saw concerned in the room around and Klaus? Klaus looked completely confused.

"What promise?" Elijah asked his brother. The hybrid raised its head and replied: "Nothing more. I'll go. What about you guys?"

They decided to drive. Hayley would stay in New Orleans with Hope. The rest of you would travel to say goodbye to Liz Forbes. Marcel didn't leave Rebekah's side. She was really badly affected by the Sheriff's death.

Now they stood here. In the back row all Mikaelson´s paid their respects to Liz Forbes.

They heard Damon's speech and Klaus could only agree with him. Caroline was extraordinary and full of light and so it was her mother.

Rebekah cried softly on Marcel's shoulder and mourned for the only woman who had well received her and never condemned her for what she was and what she had done.

After Liz was laid to rest, the ancient vampires approached Caroline.

She was still standing at her mother's grave with her friends and stared away.

Elijah cleared his throat first and slowly approached the group. Everyone looked up except the blond baby vampire. Her friends stared hatefully at their enemies but no one moved. Caroline's words were in the air. Gradually, each of the Mikaelson´s went forward and expressed their condolences. Caroline continued to stare to the ground and thanked each one quietly.

Finally Klaus stepped forward and cleared his throat quietly. As if she had waited for a sign from him, Care looked up. Their eyes met for a short moment before she fell into Klaus' arms and cried bitterly.

Everyone looked at this picture with different feelings. Caroline's friends were surprised because their friend hadn't allowed any emotion for days and especially with the hybrid she allowed it.

He lifted his light in his arms and carried her away from the scene. He whispered softly to her: "Shall I take you away from here?", but she shook her head on his shoulder and stammered between the sobs: "No, no, it's okay. Give me one second. The day is not over yet I have to go to the grill".

He pressed her tighter and kissed her forehead.