Isn't it lovely, all alone

Heart made of glass, my mind of stone

Tear me to pieces, skin and bone

Hello, welcome home


Billie Eilish

A troubled heart, a troubled mind that never meant to be unkind. No way to undo what's been done in the past, nowhere to hide nowhere to run. Only time can heal the pain said people, but til such time hurts remain untouched. No use in even saying sorry over and over again.

No way to escape the worry.


Did he betray him as he walked away from her, does he hate him when he himself was destroying himself. The people who consider you weak have not yet noticed the wolf hiding behind your eyes nor the flames inside your soul.

He hid his pain behind his mask, he was worthless even if people thought of him as a good friend…a good person, but he isn't he is scum.

In front of him was the memorial stone, it's blue color was eliminated by the moons light making it shine but for him it was a reminder of everything that happened in the past. He betrayed his friends promising, killing the one person he wanted him to protect and for what.

He placed his hand on the monument and spoke in the lowest voice even if there wasn't anyone nearby to hear him say his words.

''I'm sorry Obito I broke your promise, you Rin and Sensei are all dead because I wasn't strong enough, I'm sorry''

Kakashi Hatake, the genius, the prodigy, the copy ninja, the cold blooded Kakashi and the friend killer Kakashi. He despised himself, he was trash and nothing more.

''It should have been me all those times''

With the last words spoken he turned around and walked away from the monument with his head low, it was a cold night in Konoha the snow began to fall again, drifting against the windows of the village coating the ground with a thick layer of white. He was walking aimlessly through the village no other person in sight.

But the lonesome whine of something caught the silver haired mans ears, thinking it could have been an animal until he heard the sound again but words that was begging for something, he decided to see what it was and tracked the sound down to an alleyway.

It was long, and dark but Kakashi could faintly make out the form of two persons, they stood with their backs to Kakashi none of them had noticed the copy ninja, they spoke in low voices as if they didn't want anyone to hear. Kakashi jumped up on the roof and looked down and the horror he saw before him.

A child was lying on the ground whimpering and begging but got cut of by one of the men that kicked him, making him he wall behind him, the child's crying reached his ears, he jumped down and stopped the other man from hitting the child more.

''Are you out of your mind I suggest you run before I kill you both myself'' the men scrambled away from Kakashi and run away, Kakashi turned around and dropped to his knees, the child was wearing nothing but a T-shirt and a pair of pants who could do something like that to a child it was too cold for a small child to be out in the snow dressed like that. Not only that the child's hands where bound, Kakashi quickly cut of the rope and turned the child towards him.

It was like the world stopped before him, in front of him was the child of his Sensei, the legacy of Minato Namikaze, the hero of Konoha all beaten and cold.

''Naruto'' Kakashi whispered, Naruto opened his eyes and saw the man before him, he panicked, he tried to crawl away from the man but it hurt. He started crying in pain, the snow was making him cold and his wounds was pulsing with pain, the man reached out and took hold of Naruto and lifted him up making Naruto cry even more.

Kakashi couldn't believe this, Naruto was beaten and hurt and he was still trying to get away, he should be able to crawl not with the damage that has been done to him, as he reached out and lifted Naruto from the snow coated ground Kakashi noticed a lot of things. Naruto was too thin, he could feel the broken bones of his ribs and how cold Naruto was.

''No maw'' Naruto begged and Kakashi's heart broke, this was a three year old child who was begging to not be beaten anymore, it was wrong. He embraced Naruto to his chest hoping to share as much body heat he could.

''Shh Naruto it's okay I'm not gonna hurt you'' he felt a lone tear escape his eye it slowly made it's way down his cheek and down to his jaw until it dropped and landed hopelessly on Naruto's face, Naruto promptly stopped and stared up at the man that was holding him, he was crying.

Naruto had never seen someone cry in front of him, he didn't understand why the man hadn't hurt him, but he stopped and just let himself relax a little, he reached out with his little hand and put it on the silver haired mans face making Kakashi stare down at him.

Naruto held such innocence in his blue eyes making kakashi's heart ache for him, he hugged Naruto closer and walked home with him.

He wasn't stupid to take him back to the orphanage, they were probably the reason why he was out in the cold winter night in the first place, it didn't take long for him to get home, he thanked Kami or remembering to put on the heaters in his home welcoming the warmth that embraced him and Naruto.

Without trying to startle Naruto too much he walked in to the bathroom and took a couple of things then he returned to the living room. ''Naruto I gotta look you over can you sit on the table'' asked the jonin nicely not that Naruto really understood what he meant but he nodded anyway since the masked man had asked nicely.

Naruto sat down calmly, he was tired his eyes was weakly open, he let out a yawn and scratched his tired eyes gently, Kakashi couldn't help but think of the sight before him was adorable the small three year old had that kind of face that just made him look adorable. ''Guess you're pretty tired huh, but you have too stay awake a little longer Naruto''

Naruto only nodded gently towards the man.

''Okay, can you lift your arms'' asked Kakashi, Naruto did as he was asked and lifted his arms letting the silver haired man take off his wet cold shirt from his little body, even though it was already cold Naruto shivered at the sudden coldness that enveloped him.

''Cold'' he stuttered out. ''I know Naruto just a little while longer I promise''

Kakashi cheeked Naruto over and was relived but horrified at the same time, he was relived because the men that had beaten Naruto hadn't gotten the time to do too much damage, only small bruises on Naruto's shoulder and chest where visible and the broken rib but he could see the wounds slowly disappearing ''at least the Kyūbi is good for something'' thought Kakashi as he put bandages around Naruto's fragile body.

But the amount of scars that was scattered over Naruto's body was horrifying, he counted at least eleven scars, two were big the rest were small ones that you could see here and there. A three year old child shouldn't have eleven scars not at that age not even Kakashi had that many before he was fifteen at least.

''How much torture has this child gone through'' thought Kakashi when he put the last bandage around Naruto's shoulder, when he looked back at the boy he could see him looking at him tiredly but with curiosity, he gave him an eye smile and lifted him up into his arms, Naruto had promptly snaked his arms around kakashi's neck holding on to him like his life depended on it. The little boy was making small sniffles and whines making Kakashi embraces him tighter ''Shhh it's okay little pup, shh I'm here'' the silver haired man whispered as he rocked Naruto a little.

He looked over at the clock and saw it was almost gonna be dawn in three hours ''Time for bed pup'' he walked in to his bedroom and lifted the comforter and settled down on his back with Naruto on his chest, the little child snuggled closer to Kakashi and fell asleep in minutes. Kakashi laid awake staring at the ceiling of his simple bedroom, his hand was combing through Naruto's bright hair, Naruto hummed at the sensation and eventually relaxed more in Kakashi's arms.

He occasionally stole glanced down at Naruto and his head started wondering away with the wind the snow danced through.

''How can a child have survived like this for three years''

''Does this happen everyday or just occasionally''

''He's a hero why get abused to such degree''

''Sensei what am I suppose to do''

He wasn't dumb, he knew what the right choice was and he couldn't help but actually want it, it was selfish but maybe it was good to be selfish this time, even if this was the second time he'd ever meet Naruto, the child deserved better. Naruto needs help and Kakashi is willing to do it and maybe Naruto can help him fill that part of him again.

The silver haired man decided that tomorrow he's gonna take Naruto to the Hokage and make the right choice, for his Sensei , for Naruto and for himself.

They both need saving.

Naruto stirred a little and shook lightly he clutched Kakashi's shirt in his hands and spoke lowly ''Stawp stawp…plea''

Even if Naruto spoke like a baby Kakashi understood, he was having a nightmare and begged for it to stop, he embraced Naruto and rolled over to his side and took the comforter up to Naruto's cheeks, he started rubbing small circles on the small boys back his skin was slowly warming up again ''Shh pup I'm here no one is ever going to hurt you again Naruto I promise''

He whispered small promises to the child until he stopped shaking, he relaxed once again in Kakashi's embrace and Kakashi let out a sigh ''everything will change…for both of us'' was his last thought before himself feel asleep cuddled up with Naruto.