Description for Chapter 1: Lincoln has been acting differently since Summer Vacation started. He's been listening to different music and has asked for some odd advice. And after hearing something he said on the baby monitor, they suspect that there's maybe a new someone in his life. LincolnxTabby

Authors Note: I really wanted to write a Loud House fanfiction because I've been really getting into the show. I chose to write one on Tabby, because out of all the girls introduced in "Dance, Dance, Resolution", I feel she has the most potential for future character development. I am also writing one on Lincoln and Ronnie Anne, but that will take some time because it will be a multi-chapter one.

Just want to say two things. First is that all the Loud House kids are a year older then they are in the show, so Lincoln is 12 in this fanfiction for example. Also, there is an original song that I wrote in this fanfiction. Hopefully you'll enjoy it but if you feel the need to critique it, I understand.

One month left of summer vacation. On most days kids would be playing outside, going to a movie, something to make their summer the best possible experience before being put back behind those wooden desks. But the last 3 days have been so damn hot, people were either at the beach or staying cool in their house. The living room of the loud house for example had 11 kids either watching TV, doing something on their phone or in the baby's Lily's case, building blocks. Even the most active of the kids, Lynn Loud Jr. wasn't going out in this heat. There were three fans in the room, so all the kids could feel cool.

The only boy in the room, the twelve-year-old Lincoln Loud, was currently sitting in the middle of the couch between his sporty sister Lynn and his rocker sister Luna. He bobbed his head to the music coming from his MP3 player.

Lynn glanced at his little brother. For the last couple of weeks, he had been putting his headphones in and listening to music. That was more of a Luna thing. Lynn wanted to know what was bringing on this new-found enthusiasm for music. He pulled the headphone closes to her out of Lincoln's ear.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Lincoln complained.

Lynn ignored him and the headphone in her left ear. There was a lot of electric guitars and drums like most of the rock bands she knew her brother listened to, but she didn't recognise the singer voice.

"Who're these guys Linc?"

Lincoln pulled the headphone from his sister's ear and rubbed it on his shirt. "It's the All-American Rejects."

Luna glanced at her brother when she heard that. "Really dude! Let's hear what song you're jamming to." She took Lincoln's other headphone out of his ear.

"Do you guys mind?!"

Luna placed it in her ear and her smile grew. "'Dirty little secret' Nice choice bro. Becoming a bit of a punk fan. It was created in the UK you know. Is it just pop punk or punk rock in general? If you like, I can lend you some of my CD's."

Lincoln smiled. "That would be nice, thank you."

"Who knows, maybe you'll enjoy them so much you will reject all the American punk rock bands. Hahaha, get it?"

Everyone in the room groaned and Luan's pun. "Can't you think of something better?"

"Hey, it's 2:00pm on a hot Wednesday. No need to lay on the heat. Hahaha."

Lincoln's eye's widened. "Is it really 2:00pm?"

"5 minutes past to be precise," the 5-year-old genius Lisa confirmed.

Lincoln hopped off the couch. "I only have 15 minutes." He made a dash towards the door.

"Hold on," the oldest girl Lori said, stopping Lincoln in his tracks. "15 minutes until what?"

After an awkward moment when Lincoln was frozen in place with his back to his sisters, he turned around and said, "I'm going to Clyde's house. We're going to check out a new series on Netflix's. Anyway, I need to go, love you all." And like that, he ran out the door.

"Did he seem a little off to you guys?" Lana asked.

Lori shrugged. "I'm sure it's just the heat getting to him."

"I've always thought he was a bit of a hot head." Luan laughed while the other sisters groaned.


The 18-year-old looked away from the TV at his teenage younger brother. "What is it Lincoln?"

"I was wondering if you could drop me by the arcade tomorrow at midday. I need to meet my friends there."

She shrugged. "I don't see why not."

"Thanks sis," he said before going up stairs.

There was a knock on the two older sisters door. Lincoln opened the door and saw just the sister he wanted to see. "Leni, can I ask you a favour?"

She looked up from her magazine. "Sure Linky, what is it?"

"I'd like you to do my hair in a particular style."

Leni raised an eyebrow. "I've never heard of the 'particular' style before but I will do my best."

Lincoln pinched his nose and took a breath. "I mean I want you to style my hair this way." He pulled a picture from his pocket. Leni got up and took the picture from her little brother. It had hair pointing in all directions.

"This 'particular' style is more like a rocker look."

Lincoln took the picture off his sister. "It is. I'm going to a concert tonight and I want to fit in."

Leni wasn't a big fan of the style, but she knew she could pull it off. "Ok Linky, sit down and let's get started."

Lincoln smiled. "Thanks Leni."

When Lincoln was outside Luna and Luan's room, the music told he might as well not bother knocking. He opened the door and saw Luna going wild on her guitar.

"Luna!" she couldn't hear him. "LUNA!" when that got no response he walked over and unplugged the guitar from the amplifier. Luna glanced over at the amplifier. When she saw her little brother, she shot him a glare.

"What's the big idea mate?" her British accent coming out.

He stepped forward. "I was hoping you could tell me where a particular music store is."

"You couldn't wait until after I was finished," Luna muttered. "What's it called?"

"It's called the 'Jive Good Vibes music store'."

Luna stopped being annoyed and she brightened. That was the most happening music store in the state. Only people who were in the know went there. "How'd you hear about that place dude?"

Lincoln rubbed the back of his head. "A friend of mine said I might be able to find what I'm after there."

It seemed her little brother might be getting a bit of the music bug in him. That brought a smile to her face. "Better then tell you where it is, I'll take you there right now."

"No, that's ok," Lincoln said a little quickly. "I don't have the money to buy what I want right now. I was hoping to go there in two weeks."

Luna waved her arm. "Don't worry about it, let's go check it out right now. Besides, this way you can know if the definitely have what you're after."

Luna saw hesitation pass over Lincoln's face. "There isn't a problem with me taking you, is there?" she asked.

Lincoln shook his head and a smile appeared on his face. "Lead the way sis."

Lincoln walked into the living room and saw Luan laughing hysterically at a sitcom. "Luan, I'd like to ask you some advice."

Luan looked at Lincoln. "Well I advise you to sit on the couch and ask away."

Lincoln rolled his eyes but did as she said. After looking at his hands for a while, he finally just asked his question. "How do you get over stage fright?"

Luan was caught off guard but the question. She turned off the TV and shifted to give her brother her full attention. "Are you planning on doing a type of performance?"

"Maybe," he said, rubbing the back of his head.

Luan was still a little big confused. "You have done preforming before, why are you nervous about this? What will you be doing?"

"I don't want to jinx it." Lincoln muttered. "So, you got any advice?"

Luan could see this was eating away at him. She wrapped an arm around her brother. "The best thing I can tell you is don't be afraid if you look stupid. Who cares if you mess up? As long as you're having fun then what does it matter what strangers think?"

Lincoln thought about it for a moment. He gave his sister a nod. "Thank you, that is what I needed to hear." He got off the couch and left his sister alone.

Lincoln was about to knock on Lynn and Lucy's door, when it opened. Lynn saw her brother on the other side and smiled. "Hey bro, I was just about to ask if you want to practice some soccer."

"Sure Lynn, but first I want to ask you something."

"Ask while we walk to the garden bro."

Lincoln stepped aside so his sister could get passed him. "When you buy a shirt of a sports team you like, do you buy a size that fits you or do you buy a size bigger?"

"What?" Lynn had no idea why Lincoln was asking that. "I generally buy a size bigger, but that's just me."

"Do you think it's the same for band shirts?"

Lynn twisted her head back to look at Lincoln. "I don't know. Luna sometimes where bigger shirts but those are ones she wears to bed. Your best bet is to ask her. Why'd you ask?"

"No reason. Race you to the garden." He sprinted pass his sister.

"Get back here!"

Lincoln knocked on the door three times. "Lucy." When he got no answer, he opened the door and saw a coffin in the middle of the room. He walked over and knocked on casket three times. "Lucy, I need some help."

The door to the coffin open and with a puff of smoke, Lucy rose into a sitting position. "Sigh, I was feeling one with my ghost friends. What do you need Lincoln?"

Lincoln sat down. Lucy noticed a pen and a pad in his hands. "I was hoping you can help me think of rhymes for certain words."

For a moment, Lucy allowed an expression of surprise to cross her face. "I see you are finally taking your gift for poetry seriously."

Lincoln let out a bit of a nervous laugh. "Something like that. Now I already have day and away, but I need something to rhyme with chaos."

"Moss." Lincoln shook his head. "How about loss?"

Lincoln had a think about it. "That works." He wrote it down. "Next I need something that rhymes with blow."


"That works. I knew I came to the right sister. Now I need something to rhyme with pain."

A smile appeared on Lucy's lips. "Tell me to stop when you hear the word you're looking for. Bane, brain, chain, cane, gain, reign, slain, strain, again, detain, insane, constrain, contain-"

"I think I have the words I need." Lincoln extended his hand to his sister. "Thank you Lucy."

She took her older brothers hand. "No problem. What words did you chose?"

"Strain and insane," he replied.

"Two good words." Lucy laid back down. "Now I will be joining my friends once again if you don't need anything else."

"Nothing at all." Lincoln stood up and closed Lucy's coffin.

"Get your mud away from my tea party!"

"Well get all the pink stuff away-"

Three knocks brought the twins attention to there brother who was standing by the door. "Lola, Lana, I was hoping to ask you both for a favour."

"Sure Lincoln," the twins said in unison, forgetting about there earlier argument.

Lincoln stepped inside and sat on one of the small chairs but Lola tea party table. "I was hoping we could play at being at a restaurant. Lana would be my date and Lola would make sure I follow proper edict."

Lola jumped up and down with excitement, Lana however wasn't enthused by the idea. "I don't want to dress up in pink and be all girly for a pretend date."

Lincoln gave his little sister a smile. "I don't want you to act different. Be yourself for this tea party. If you do this then I will play in the mud with you this weekend."

Lana brightened. "For real?!" Lincoln nodded. Lana went to sit opposite Lincoln while Lana was already correcting Lincoln on his posture.

A small explosion in Lisa and Lily's room made Lincoln hesitant to go in. He waited a moment before turning the door knob. He saw the genius of the Loud family mixing chemicals. He couched to get her attention. Lisa turned around and saw her older brother. She carefully put down the tubes.

"Greetings Elder sibling, would you like to explain your reason for coming to see me during my experiment? I made it quite clear that I would be working at this hour."

"Um, right…" Lincoln stepped inside. "You remember when Lucy wanted to date Rocky and you had that special spray that was meant to attract young boys?" Lisa nodded. "I was wondering if you had one that would attract a teenage girl."

She raised an eyebrow. "It's for Clyde!" Lincoln said quickly. "He was hoping for something to finally win Lori."

Lisa shook her head. "There is nothing I could create that could bring the likely hood of that happening any more percentages."

"I thought so," he chuckled. "But would you have something like that which could help one of my friends in their love lives. Hypothetically of course."

"Not at this stage. I have never thought of making something like that." She rubbed her chin. "Something to help Clyde win Lori. Is such a thing possible?" she muttered under her breath. "I could have a protype done within a week."

Lincoln ruffled his little sister's hair. "That would be great. Let me know when it is done." Lincoln left Lisa alone.

"Ok Lily, what do you think, white or black shirt?" Lily looked at both and blew a raspberry at the white shirt. Lincoln smiled. "You're right, white shirt is to formal for her."

Lincoln put the white shirt down and slipped the black shirt on. "Well Lily, wish me luck." He gave the baby a kiss before tucking her into bed.

Lincoln left the house with no one noticing. That was because his sisters were all in the living room, in a state of shock because they had heard everything Lincoln said through the baby monitor. One word came out of the mouth of all 9 girls.


Everyone was in Lori and Leni's room as Lori stood at the centre and called the sisters only meeting to order.

"Alright everyone, I think we all know why where here." Lori said.

Everyone nodded. "Yeah, Lincoln got a new squeeze." Lynn said.

"Um, I don't think we're talking about juice Lynn," Leni said, scratching her head. "I think this is about Lincoln having a new girlfriend."

Lynn rubbed her forehead. "Of course, what was I thinking," she said sarcastically.

"So the question is, how do we punish that little twerp for going behinds Ronnie Anne's back?" Lori gripped onto the shoe in her hand. "That little twerp needs to be punished for what he's doing to me-I mean Ronnie Anne."

"Hold on dude," Luna finally spoke up. "We can't just assume that he's cheating on Ronnie. Remember when we all thought Bobby was cheating on you Lori and we were way off? For all we know he has made a new friend that just happens to be a girl."

"I believe Luna is on the right track," Lisa said, adjusting her glasses. "The likely hood that Lincoln would have the intestinal fortitude to not only risk Ronnie Anne's wrath, but Bobby's and yours Lori is highly unlikely."

"There is no guilt I can sense in Lincoln's heart." Everyone looked at Lucy who was in a meditating position.

"I disagree. He asked Lana and I to help him practice a tea party. How do we know it wasn't dating practice?" Lola questioned.

"I also recall him asking me about a scent that could attract girls." Lisa rubbed her chin. "Perhaps he was asking for himself after all."

Lana stood up. "I say we investigate."

"Alright, Alright," Lori said, trying to get some order back. "We will follow Lincoln the next time we suspect he is going out to meet this girl. Does anyone have any idea when that might be?"

"I think I have an idea," Luna stepped up next to Lori. "He mentioned going to the 'Jives Good Vibes music store,' in a couple days. Maybe, if what you guys suspect is true, he will be meeting her there."

Lori nodded. "Ok, we will follow him and make sure he isn't trying to ruin my-I mean his relationship."

"Yeah, and if he is up to something at the good vibes, we will be on him like a hive."

Luan was the only one laughing at her own pun.

Lincoln was creeping towards the front door, occasionally looking around to make sure he wasn't being watched. He reached out, twisted the door knob and-

"Where are you going?"

Dang it. Lincoln turned and saw all 10 of his sisters looking at him from the living room. He only had 10 minutes till the bus came. He needed to hurry. "I told Luna already I'm going to that music store. I finally have the money I need."

"Well if that's the case little bro, let me come with you," Luna said as she was instructed. They needed to see what his response was.

"No! I want to go without being told what to get. You know you can be a little crazy about these things Luna."

Luna was about to say something when Lori held up her hand. "Have a good time Lincoln."

He nodded. "Thanks, see ya."

When he ran out the door, Lynn ran to the window to watch him. "He seems to be out of sight. Do we go now?"

Lori nodded. "Let's roll girls." The girls all got inside Vanzilla and went to the store per Luna's directions. After 5 minutes looking for parking, Lola and Leni pulled out a suitcase.

"Everyone, get changed." When everyone got in their respective disguises they walked to the store.

Lynn looked in the window. "He isn't here yet."

"Good, everyone get inside and split up."

They all paired up. Lori and Luna, Lucy and Leni, Luan and Lily, Lynn and Lisa and of course, Lola and Lana. Everyone of them were looking at the door. After 20 minutes, they were starting to grow board.

"Do you think he was here before us?" Lynn asked.

"Impossible," Lisa said. "It's impossible for the bus, especially this cities bus system to beat us here."

"I guess but-"

Just then the door opened. Lincoln walked in. The sisters began to act casually with at least one from each pair keeping an eye on him. He approached a certain stand and started skimming through the CD's. Luna leaned around to have a look at what section it was.

She leaned back up to Lori and said. "It's the punk section. Maybe he really has just gotten into a new style of music."

"Let's just wait a second."

One of the workers approached Lincoln and said something. He responded, and the woman walked off. Lori and Luna couldn't hear but the look on Leni's face told them her and Lucy did. Lori waved Leni to come over. Leni just waved back with a smile. Lori sighed and walked over with Luna to Leni.

"What did they talk about." Lori said under her breath.

"Well I was talking to Lucy about-"

"She asked if he needed any help and Lincoln said, 'No thanks. I'm waiting for someone.'" Lucy explained.

Lori cracked her knuckles. "I knew it."

"Hang on. We can't just-"

"Hey mate, you made it!"

Everyone turned to the door. Standing there was a girl wearing a purple checked skirt, a white T-shirt and a black leather jacket. Her hair was done up and she had a purple streak down the front of her hair. She walked over to Lincoln who greeted her with a hug.

"Haven't I seen her somewhere before?" Lucy asked.

"Tabby!" Luna immediately covered her mouth. Tabby turned around at the sound, but Luna was covered by the other 3 girls. Tabby shrugged, thinking it was just her imagination, and faced Lincoln.

"Who's Tabby?" Lori asked.

"She's a friend of mine," Luna explained. "Remember that time we thought Ronnie Anne didn't ask Lincoln to the dance? I tried to set them up to go together."

Lori's face darkened. "It seems your plan worked in the long run."

"Hold on dude. I know Tabby and she would never go after a guy that is taken."

"Maybe Lincoln hasn't told-"

"Hey guys." The four of them looked and saw the other sisters gathered around them. "Lincoln and that girl have already left." Lynn explained.

Lori looked where her brother and Tabby were, and they had indeed disappeared. The 10 of them walked out of the store and saw Lincoln and Tabby of in the distance.

"After them!" Lori yelled.

Keeping a distance that wouldn't make them specious, the followed them to a café. Lincoln and Tabby sat down at a table and began talking. Lori grinded her teeth and she saw the two sharing a laugh. Luna placed a hand on her big sister's shoulder. "Look, I know what you're thinking but we still need more evidence."

There was a gasp from all the girls. Lori and Luna looked at what all their other sisters were seeing. Tabby was leaning across the table and kissing Lincoln, on the cheek.

"Do you need any more proof?!" Lori yelled. Luna didn't respond. Her face was red with anger. She'd never been more disappointed in her brother and the fact that he was cheating on his girlfriend with one of her friends that Luna expected more from. It made her want to put her fist through a wall.

"Let's get that pumpkin eater!" Lola yelled. All of them ran into the restaurant.

"You!" Lori pointed at Lincoln.

Lincoln looked up. As soon as he saw through the disguises, his eye's widened in terror. "Gu-Guys I can-"

The twins and Lynn jumped on Lincoln and tied up his hands and feet together. They then placed a stick in-between his limbs and Leni and Luan picked up either end.

"Hold on! You got it wrong-" Lucy tied a cloth around Lincoln's mouth.

Lori leaned down to Lincoln's level, a sinister smile on her face. "You are literally in so much trouble." Lincoln paled. "Come on girls, let's go."

"You guys go, I'll catch the bus." Luna said.

The girls nodded, and they marched off.

"Is that you Luna?" Tabby asked confused.

Luna looked down at Tabby, fire burning in her eyes. "How can you be doing this?! You know he's dating Ronnie Anne! I never told you anything different so why are you doing this?!"

Tabby let out a sigh. "I knew this would happen."

Lincoln was currently dangling from a rope hanging from the ceiling of Lori and Leni's room. His sisters, with the exception of Luna, were gathered around him. Lincoln was struggling to get free or to at least loosen the cloth around his mouth to say something, but it was no use.

"Quit struggling cheater!" Lana said. Lincoln continued to struggle.

"She said stop!" Lola hit him in the side with a long stick.

"Come on Lincoln, you shouldn't be so hung up about this. You're the bad guy." Luan couldn't resist getting one in.

Lori stood up and walked up to Lincoln. He felt a chill running down his spine when she reached around his face and pulled the cloth away from his mouth. "Well, we're waiting." Was all she said.

Lincoln swallowed a lump in his throat. "I haven't done anything bad because-"

"Haven't done anything bad?!" Lori yelled, the sheer force of her words made Lincoln swing in the air. "How can you do that to Ronnie Anne?! She cared about you! And you betrayed Bobby and me by doing this! Lincoln I've never been more disappointed-"

"I didn't do anything wrong because Ronnie Anne and I broke up!" Lincoln blurted out. Lori froze and all the other girls expressions changed, even Lucy.

"What do you mean you broke up?" Lori said quietly.

Lincoln sighed. "Remember a couple of weeks before summer vacation when I was bummed out? I told you it was because of exams but the truth is Ronnie Anne called me and suggested we just be friends and that we couldn't really do long distance."

"But Bobby didn't tell me anything about this." Lori said.

"We decided not to tell you guys yet."

"Why Lincoln?" Leni asked.


"Oh god!" Lori yelled. "Me and Bobby aren't going to work out! We've been apart for so long he probably found another girl that can be there for him! I knew taking a semester off before studying in the city was a bad idea! My love life is literally over!"

Lincoln groaned. "Because we thought it might start this kind of reaction. Leni could you get me down." Leni nodded and unhooked Lincoln from the roof and placed him on the ground. He looked at Leni, who just stood there. "Could you also untie me?"

"Oh right." Leni untied Lincoln. He stretched and went over to his older sister who was sitting on her bed, looking like she was about to get emotional.

Lincoln placed a hand on Lori's knee. "Look Lori, you and Bobby have been together for a long time and Ronnie Anne told me that he is still thinking about you." Lori looked up at Lincoln. "Me and Ronnie Anne are just kids, we're not ready for long distance. But I know you and Bobby love each other dearly, you two will be fine. And Ronnie Anne and I are still friends, so you don't need to worry about that."

Lori smiled. "Thanks Lincoln." She gave her brother a hug.

"So Lincoln, when did you start going out with this new girl?" Lola asked, nudging her big brother.

"That's right Linky, you totes have to give us all the details."

The sisters gathered around Lincoln. Lincoln rubbed the back of his head. "It happened the first week of summer vacation. When we were all at the mall I ran into her. We talked and decided to hang out more. She introduced me to music, I showed her some interesting comics and eventually we just started going out."

The door burst open, making everyone jump. "Dudes! He's innocent!"

It was Luna, next to her was Tabby. Lincoln gave them a wave. "I've explained it to them. Hey Tabby, sorry about this."

She walked over to Lincoln. When she was within distance, she gave him a clip round the ear. "I told you it was bloody stupid to keep this from your sisters."

"Sorry." Lincoln mumbled. Tabby smiled and wrapped an arm around Lincoln.

"Don't make such a sad face. At least now they know."

"Update, male relative appears to have a type of female specimen that he prefers romantic relations with," Lisa said into her tape recorder.

"And I've got some good news Lincoln." He raised his head to look at Tabby. "It looks like we're going to do our performance for your siblings."

Lincoln's eyes grew. "Wh-what?"

"Performance?" Luan questioned. Was this what he went to ask advice for?

"Check it dudes, Lincoln and Tabby were going to do a performance for the open mic singing contest at the café we saw them at. The topic was it had to be a couple singing about how much they love each other. Since that can't happen anymore, I told them they could do it here." Luna could barely contain the excitement in her words.

"AAAAWWWW." Lincoln blushed at his sisters reactions.

"Couldn't we just wait to do it another time at the café?" Lincoln really didn't want to do this in front of his sisters. The lyrics were way to embarrassing.

"No way little brother." Lori said with a smirk.

"Yeah, this is your punishment for not telling us the truth earlier." Lincoln could just tell Lola wanted him to be embarrassed.

Tabby put a hand on Lincoln's shoulder and gave him a reassuring smile. "Come on, we put a lot of work into this. I'm sure your sisters will be nice about it."

"You've never had siblings, have you?" Lincoln mumbled. "Alright, let's get this over with."

The sound equipment was set up by Luna and Chuck in the living room. The girls gather around the couch as Luna handed Tabby and Lincoln microphones.

"Good evening sisters of the Loud House!" Tabby yelled. "Are you ready?!" The sisters cheered. "Lincoln, are you ready?!" Lincoln took a breath and nodded. "Luna, give us a beat!"

Luna plugged her guitar into the amp and began making some music. Tabby tapped her foot to the beat, getting herself in tune with the music.

I was never like the other girls
Never dressed up in mums diamonds and pearls
I like to rough house and climb trees
And I wail to rock like a banshee

It never mattered if they didn't understand
But with you it's like wonderland
I've never met someone who didn't bat an eye
About the way I act or the clothes I buy

And I've realised

Tabby looked at Lincoln and gave him a wink.

I want to be right here by you

Because I know my feelings are true
Our relationship has just begun
But I've never had so much fun

Than when I'm hanging out with you

Tabby stepped back from centre stage. Lincoln took a breath and stepped forward. He looked right into his sisters faces and placed the microphone to his lips.

I sometimes feel at a loss
My life can feel like never ending chaos
But I'd never wish it away
Because my life is different every single day

The Loud sisters looked on in amazement. Lincoln could sing. Luna would have paused for a moment to admire her brother if she wasn't focused on making this moment perfect.

But one day I was at my lowest low
My heart had taken a devastating blow

I couldn't talk about my pain
So I kept inside the strain
About the broken heart
driving me insane

But then I met you
And baby you're the glue
That repaired my heart
That was split in two.

And I've realised

The Loud sisters started cheering for Lincoln.

I want to be right here by you
Because I know my feelings are true
Our relationship has just begun
But I've never had so much fun

Than when I'm hanging out with you

Tabby stepped forward and the two of them looked into each other's eyes.

(Tabby & Lincoln:)
I don't know why it took so long
To find someone like you, so kind and strong
But it doesn't matter when and how
Just as long as we're together now

Because I've realised

I want to be right here by you
Because I know my feelings are true
Our relationship has just begun
But I've never had so much fun

Than when I'm hanging out with you

I want to be right here by you
Because I know my feelings are true
Our relationship has just begun
But I've never had so much fun

Than when I'm hanging out with you
Than when I'm hanging out with you
Than when I'm hanging out with you

Luna played one final note and then went over to hug Lincoln and Tabby. "That was amazing little dudes. Couldn't have done a better job myself."

The other sisters clapped.

"Great job Linky."

"You rock big brother."

"You rocked my heart out."

"But what was with 'baby you're the glue' line?" Lori grinned.

Tabby and Lincoln blushed. "We were entering a singing competition." Lincoln explained. "I wanted to say something to give our song a bit of edge."

Tabby took Lincoln's hand. "Come on, let's go upstairs and read some comics."

Lincoln nodded. "Thanks for being a good audience," he said before leading Tabby to his room.

Just as Lincoln was about to open the door to his room, there was a loud cry of, "They're the cutest!"

Lincoln's face went completely red. Tabby was slightly red herself, a smile on her face. Lincoln opened the door and they went inside. The two sat on the bed.

"Sorry about that."

Tabby chuckled. "Don't be sorry. I had a great time. They were a wonderful audience."


Tabby moved closer to Lincoln. "Really, now let's read some comics."

Lincoln smiled and went to go get them from his draw.

When they were sure the two were out of ear shot, Luna went up to Lori. "Did you get it?" Lori smirked and showed Luna the video she just captured on her phone. "Righteous dude." Luna took the phone from Lori and sent it to herself. "We need to make sure this is protected."

Lori took her phone back from Luna. "Who wants to watch this again?"

"Me!" all the sisters said. The 10 sisters watched the video over and over again, finding it more adorable each time.

Authors Note: I hope you enjoyed it.